HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/04/2005CITY COUNCIL 04 OCTOBER 2005 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Tuesday October 4, 2005, was called to order by Acting Chair, Councilman Smith at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: C. Smith, M. Boucher, D. O'Rourke, S. Magowan Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; A. Nolan, Dr. J. Benoit, C. Forde, G. Edwards, Mr. Datillio, L. Yankowski, 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience not related to Agenda Items: No issues were raised. 2. Announcements & City Manager's Report: Councilman Magowan: · Noted that Marcel Beaudin of the South Burlington Planning Commission, will be displaying his architectural works at the Fire House art gallery in Burlington thought the month of October. City Manager Hafter: · Reminded Council and the public of a scheduled Open House at the City's Emergency Operations Center on October 20, 2005 beginning at 7:00pm, followed by a public meeting on emergency preparedness. · He expects to attend Lake Champlain Housing Development Corp. Board meeting on October 5, 2005 at the Winooski City Offices, at 12:00 pm. · A meeting is scheduled with the MPO regarding the scoping of a stormwater culvert on Route 116, at 10:00am on October 5, 2005. · There is a Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility Liaison Committee meeting scheduled for October 19, 2005 at 4:00pm. 3. Public hearing on amendment to Ordinance to Regulate Peddling to permit annual license for traveling peddlers; second reading of same; establishment of new fee. The public hearing was opened by Acting Chair Smith, with no public comments received on this matter. The public hearing was closed, on motion by S. Magowan, and seconded by, D. O'Rourke. C. Hafter reviewed for the Council the language changes made since the last reading, in part to differentiate traveling peddlers from door-to-door peddlers. Amy Nolan of Eden On Wheels, asked whether this ordinance would allow her to park in a commercial parking area for sales to a particular business. In this case, C. Hafter said, an individual peddlers permit would be required for each establishment. Upon motion by M. Boucher, seconded by S. Magowan, and voted, the Council agreed to waive the second reading and approve the amendment to the Ordinance to Regulate Peddling, as presented. On further motion by M. Boucher, seconded by D. O'Rourke, the Council voted to amend the fee scheduled to include an annual peddler permit of $300 plus $5 per additional person. 4. Request to allocate a portion of City bonding authority for VEDA bonds for construction of a Peace Palace (Educational Center) in South Burlington at 1100 Hinesburg Road: Global Country of World Peace, Dr. Jacqueline Benoit, Director. City Manager Hafter clarified his September 30 memorandum to the Council that they are being asked to authorize the City Manager to sign a Bond Allocation Agreement with Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA) assigning $3.0 Million of its $10.0 Million "qualified tax-exempt" bonding authority pursuant to IRS regulations. VEDA has indicated that the purpose of using this allocation would be to secure funding for the benefit of Global Country of Word Peace, a bona fide non-profit entity organized as a 501(c)-(3). He recommended the Council authorize its 2005 allocation, and if necessary have them return to make a request for future periods. Dr. Jacqueline Benoit, Director of Global Country for Word Peace, introduced two additional coordinators and others in attendance, and gave a general description of the Peace Palace project, as well as the activities of the organization, referencing the detail in the materials provided. M. Boucher made a motion, seconded by D. O'Rourke, to authorize City Manager to sign a Bond Allocation Agreement with VEDA relinquishing $3.0 Million of its qualified tax-exempt obligations for the calendar year ending 2005. Discussion followed. Councilman Magowan raised some concern as to whether public economic benefit to the residents of South Burlington can be demonstrated, with the City relinquishing this "bonding authority." Discussion ensued with regard to lost taxable property offset by economic benefit to the City businesses and local community. Following this discussion, the Council voted, 3 ayes: 1 nay from S. Magowan, to relinquish $3.0 million of qualified tax-exempt bonding authority to VEDA, authorizing the City Manager to execute a Bond Allocation Agreement with VEDA in substantially the form as presented. 5. Review and consideration of proposed alternative fro Shelburne Road/Queen City Park Road Crossing Scoping Report; Greg Edwards, PE, Dufresne-Henry, Inc,: Christine Forde, Senior Transportation Planner of the MPO introduced Greg Edwards, PE from Dufresne-Henry who was charged with developing revisions to the preferred alternative that addresses existing safety concerns at the intersection of Queen City Park Road and Shelburne Road, with consideration to the two curb cuts, north and south, adjacent to the Datillio property and other lighting/signal controllers. Mr. Edwards described the preferred plan, explaining the basic traffic and pedestrian flows. Mr. Datillio and Ms. Yankowski commented that there was some confusion with limiting turns into the north driveway at Datillio's and would prefer to see the crossings remain as is. Mr. Datillio presented photographs of observed traffic as it currently exists. Ms. Forde pointed out that if any alternatives were made to this intersection they would need to be made to meet current safety standards. Council thanked the consultants for the report, and on motion by S. Magowan, seconded by D. O'Rourke, voted to accept the report as presented. The Council will determine what future action is needed. 6. Consideration of approval of bidding and construction administration contract for Farrell Street stormwater project; Hoyle, Tanner and Associates, Inc.: City Manager Hafter reviewed with the Council the proposed contract with Hoyle, Tanner to provide the engineering and construction management for the replacement of a culvert carrying Potash Brook under Farrell Street as well as multiple stormwater treatment mitigation. On motion S. Magowan, seconded by M. Boucher, the Council voted unanimously to approve the contract as presented and authorize the City Manager to execute the same. 7. Consideration of request from Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC) for support for coordinated region wide grant applications. The CCRPC requests support for plans to submit two grant applications: 1) for regional coordination in brownfields assessment, and 2) Homeland Security to prepare and coordinate regional training exercises. This Council had no objections and concurred with support these effots. 8. Consideration of capital equipment notes for Public Works Department: On motion by S. Magowan, seconded by D. O'Rourke, and voted, the Council approved issuance of refunding notes for a pickup and dump truck in the amounts of $4,199.80 and $22,191.60, respectively. These are both for the final installment of a 5-year scheduled paydown. 9. Consideration of capital equipment notes for Police Department: On motion by S. Magowan, seconded by D. O'Rourke, and voted, the Council approved issuance of a refunding note for computer and communication equipment in the amount of $38,000. This is for the 4th installment of a 5-year scheduled paydown. 10. Acceptance of 2005-2006 Penalty Waiver list for August 15, 2005 property tax installments: The City Council acknolwedged receipt of the penalty-waiver list for tax installments due August 15, 2005 and further clarified that no person listed was an employee of the City. 11. Review Design Review Board Agenda for Meeting of 04 October 2005: Council reviewed the DRB agenda without comment. 12. Review and Approve Minutes form the regular meeting held on September 19, 2005: D. O'Rourke moved, seconded by M. Boucher, to approve the Minutes of 19 September 2005 as written. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. City Manager Hafter noted that he would like to suggest review of a legal matter be added to Executive Session at the end of this meeting. Executive Session: Mr. Boucher moved, seconded by D. O'Rourke, the Board meet in executive session to discuss legal matter and real property acquisition, and to resume regular session only for the purpose of adjournment. Motion passed unanimously. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.