HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/21/2005CITY COUNCIL 21 NOVEMBER 2005 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 21 November 2005, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: J. Condos, Chair; C. Smith, M. Boucher, D. O'Rourke Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; J. B. Hinds, Director of Planning & Zoning; Chief D. Brent, Fire Department; Chief L. Graham, Police Department; A. Parent, The Other Paper; A. Clift, M. McCann, A. Wright 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience not related to Agenda items: No issues were raised. 2. Announcements & City Manager's Report: Mr. O'Rourke: Attended an MPO meeting as alternate representative. Mr. Hafter: A Legislative Breakfast will be held on 2 January 2006, 7:30 a.m. The Chamber Legislative Breakfasts are the second Monday of the month. The City Council retreat will be held on 12 January, 5 p.m. at Double-Tree. There will be two meetings of the Steering Committee sub-committee on taxing in the city and reappraisal: 8 and 15 December, 7 p.m. Mr. Hafter will attend a meeting on Avian Flu (as city Health Officer). Mr. Condos: Noted a Free Press article on the Champlain Connector. The project has changed over the past 20 years, but what hasn't changed is the intersection with Shelburne Rd. A new traffic study is being done, and there may be an opportunity to fix the intersection of Queen City Park Rd/Shelburne Rd. He felt the city needs to pay attention to this. Mr. Hafter said he spoke with the AOT about becoming part of that study. Mr. Condos suggested sending a formal letter to the Burlington Mayor regarding the city's interest. Ms. Hinds noted there is a significant stormwater project that will treat runoff from Burlington properties in that area. She felt they also need to talk about aligning the K-Mart exit so there can be a recreation path crossing. 3. Public Hearing: Amendments to the Sign Ordinance; second reading of same: Ms. Hinds briefly reviewed the changes. She did not recommend allowing more temporary signs as this becomes a safety issue. Ms. Hinds also noted the new SEQ zoning will result in some additional changes to the Sign Ordinance. Mr. Boucher moved to close the public hearing. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Smith moved to waive the second reading and approve the amendments to the Sign Ordinance as presented. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Update of the Proposed Police Department Expansion and City Hall Relocation Information: Mr. McCann said they have completed a site selection and have a schematic for a 20,000 sq. ft. building with a free-standing storage building. Under this plan, City Hall would be relocated. The current building would be cut at the ridgeline and the existing Police building would be maintained during construction. There would be some temporary parking around back. Mr. McCann showed an existing easement for water/sewer. They will avoid that. The new building will be pedestrian friendly and will align with the Fire Dept. building. They will also maintain the loop road and connection to the building next door. Mr. McCann then showed a site plan. The first floor would be 11,000 sq. ft. and the second floor 9,000 sq. ft. This would allow for expansion at a later date. They will maintain the existing communications building. The plan would include providing a connection between the Fire and Police buildings. Mr. McCann also showed an inside plan and a section and view along Dorset St. Mr. Hafter said there will be an effort to make the Police and Fire buildings look more alike. Mr. McCann said he would come back later with more specific plans. Mr. Hafter said cost estimates will be needed by January so they can go to the voters in May. Regarding City Hall, Mr. Hafter said there would be a 2-3 year relocation before the City Center is ready for residency in the spring of 2010. A new City Hall will require 15,000 sq. ft. A committee is beginning to work on this. The biggest concern is the vault. Ms. Hinds said a civil engineer will be needed to work on stormwater issues. She felt this could be very challenging. Mr. McCann said they will begin work on that. 5. Farrell Street Senior Housing and Resource Center VCDP Grant Request: Ms. Wright, Executive Director of Cathedral Square, said the request relates to the affordable housing units behind Creative Habitat. There will be 63 affordable apartments. There will also be an adult day center and the newly relocated offices of the United Way and offices for Cathedral Square and a Chittenden Bank. At this point, Mr. Smith recused himself due to his affiliation with the United Way. Ms. Wright said they received all their permits and all funding except for one HUD grant. She asked the Council to accept the VDPC grant in an amount up to $500,000 and to authorize the City Manager to sign necessary documents when in order. Cathedral Square will administer the grant. Mr. Hafter said the City will need a letter approving the increase from $450,000 to $500,000. Mr. O'Rourke moved to approve the following documents: PM-1, PM-4, residential anti-displacement and relocation document, and final agreement document when approved by staff. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Mr. Smith rejoined the Council 6. Consideration of request from Fire Chief Brent for Allocation of $16,126 to complete purchase of turn-out gear: Chief Brent advised that FEMA has a cut-off at $1200 per person for turnout gear. This would require 2 years to cover the cost of needed gear. With the money allotted by FEMA, only 24 people could be outfitted, and there are 34 firefighters. The Chief said he would not want to choose who got adequate gear. Mr. Hafter noted the Council would be giving "conceptual approval" so the order can be placed. Mr. Condos said he agrees completely with the request since this is a safety-related issue for those who serve the city. Mr. Hafter said $5600 of the amount would come from the yearly allotment for fire clothing. The remainder would come available from the retirement of a computer-related note. Members were OK with this approach. 7. Consideration of Capital Equipment Note for Fire Department Ambulance Service: Mr. Hafter said this is the second year of a 5-year note. Funds are in the budget. The ambulance service is producing funds to pay for this. Mr. O'Rouke moved to approve and sign the note and accompanying document for the Fire Department Ambulance. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Approve Minutes of 7 November 2005: Mr. Smith moved to approve the Minutes of 7 November as written. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Boucher moved to adjourn as City Council and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented a First Class Liquor License for VT Wings dba Hooters, 1705 Williston Road. He said the application was all in order except for the final Fire Dept. inspection. Mr. O'Rourke moved to approve the First Class License for VT Wings dba Hooters contingent on final inspection by the South Burlington Fire Dept. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter then presented a First Class License application from the new owners of The Pour House. He said all was in order. Mr. Smith moved to approve the First Class License for The Pour House as presented. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Smith then moved to reconvene as City Council. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 11. Executive Session: Mr. Smith moved the Council meet in executive session to discuss litigation and to resume regular session only to approve a litigation settlement and/or adjourn. Mr. Boucher seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Open Meeting: On motion duly made and seconded, the City Council returned to open meeting. Upon review and consideration and motion by D. O'Rourke, seconded by C. Smith, the City Council voted to approve the settlement agreement dated November 16, 2005 with JAM Golf, LLC, Highland Development Company and Robert J. Perry, Esq. Trustee regarding penalties and remedies with regard to illegal berms along Swift Street and Dorset Street. Upon review and consideration and motion by D. O'Rourke, seconded by M. Boucher, the City Council voted to authorize Network Adjusters, Inc. to enter into settlement discussions with the plaintiff Leon Brown and his counsel, and to authorize the City Manager to settle on behalf of the City. Councilman O'Rourke noted that this action in no way reflects less than full support of the City Manager. At 9:10 p.m., upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned. Secretary Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.