HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/28/2005CITY COUNCIL BUDGET PRESENTATION 28 FEBRUARY 2005 The South Burlington City Council held a budget presentation on Monday, 28 February 2005, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: J. Condos, Chair; S. Magowan, D. O'Rourke Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; J. B. Hoover, Director of Planning & Zoning; Chief L. Graham, T. Shepard, J. Synder; Police Department; L. Murphy, L. Isaacs, Community Library; J. Nadeau, CWD; G. Dow, Water Pollution Control Department Planning & Zoning: Ms. Hinds said the department is close to self-funding since the recent fee adjustment. Although this was the first time in many years that the city didn't get a Municipal Planning Grant, they did get an enhancement grant for San Remo Drive. In the proposed budget, salaries are up per the city contract and a grade increase for Betsy who has taken on other functions. Advertising will go up, as there is now a requirement to advertise site plans (approximately 65 per year). Community Library: Ms. Murphy said there is not much exciting in the proposed budget. The Community Aide line is up as this year they are supporting the new position which was originally funded by the Freeman Foundation grant. The city had agreed to pick this up as it is very much needed. The AV line is up to allow for the purchase of audio books. Advertising is up as some of the Library's programs are in the Recreation brochure. Capital requests include a computer for the Children's Room and a consultant for Phase II of the space study. Ms. Isaacs outlined the plans for the Phase II study ($15,000). The study will include a site plan, elevations, and a phasing schedule. It will also involve the development of a survey to see what the community is looking for. Recreation Department: Mr. Hubbard said there is not much change in the regular budget. The capital budget includes work on what has been the Dorset Park tennis courts. These have been unplayable for several years, and a decision was made to convert them to an in-line skating/hockey facility. Another capital request is for a lightning meter for Dorset Park. Mr. Hubbard noted there is pressure not to stop a game for weather considerations. The proposed meter would be installed somewhere visible but not intrusive. It can be plugged in and set for times when it would be useful. This is an expensive item, and Mr. Hubbard wasn't sure groups using the Park would be willing to chip in. Mr. Hafter said if the meter works, the city should consider putting them in other parks and playing fields. Mr. Hafter noted there would be no salary increases for part time people. Water Department: Mr. Nadeau noted that one of their contractors felt the affects of a lightning strike this year, and the event occurred even before it started to rain. The Water Department is asking for a 5% increase in water rates. This was a very wet year, and the anticipation is that sales will be down. Office expenses will be up because of the additional costs for the Stormwater Ordinance. Mr. Nadeau then briefly reviewed debt service. He also noted that labor is up about 6.5% due to contract and additional work needed for an old system. Mr. Hafter noted that the original request was for an 8% increase. Because of the new stormwater utility, the city wanted to keep the increase down, so they went to reserves for the other 3%. Water Pollution Control Department: Mr. Dow said rates will not go up for serive, and the overall budget is down this year. The Department has been more aggressive with sewer line maintenance. Much of the work is being done "in house" rather than hiring it out. There is $100,000 in capital expenses including work on bad manholes in the city, a new furnace and roof repairs for Bartlett Bay, and repair of a sewer at Oakwood. The Department is mapping all line breaks. Any area with a lot of breaks would be highlighted and will be addressed. Mr. Hafter explained a mistake that had been made regarding money for the reserve fund. This will be corrected. Police Department: Chief Graham said they will be adding 2 new officers at the half-year point. There is also a big increase in liability insurance. Capital expenses include 2 new cruisers and a new motorcycle. Two current vehicles will be retired. They will also pay off the copier lease. Five new tasers are being requested. Chief Graham said all personnel must be trained to use them. He cited a major reduction in officer injuries because of the tasers. Some computers will also be replaced. The new officers will be on patrol. Chief Graham cited a large increase in calls for everything. Mr. Condos suggested contacting Senator Leahy's office regarding possible grants. The Chief noted that the Department is currently down 5 officers (one is in Iraq). Replacements are in the last weeks of training. Ticket writing has been down from 2003 but will be emphasized in the spring when the new officers are ready. Bonded Debt: Mr. Hafter noted bonded debt is down slightly as bonds are being paid off. He noted that bonded debt is very low for a community of this size. Other Entities: This item is up slightly due to a CCTA increase for services to the elderly, etc. Revenues: Mr. Hafter noted that one goal that has not yet been achieved is to reduce the applied surplus. He felt this was within the city's capacity to do. Mr. Hafter also cited a mathematical error which will be checked when Mr. Gravelin returns from vacation. The Steering Committee meeting on the budget will be on 17 March at 7:30 p.m. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.