HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/01/2004CITY COUNCIL 1 NOVEMBER 2004 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 1 November 2004, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: C. Smith, T. Sheahan, S. Magowan, D. O'Rourke Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; J. B. Hinds, Director of Planning & Zoning; T. Hubbard, Director of Parks and Recreation; A. Johnston, The Other Paper; Channel 17; D. Wetzel, J. Jewett; A. Blair. Lenore Budd, and members of the Recreation Path Committee. 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience not related to Agenda Items: None 2. Announcements and City Manager's Report: Councilman Sheahan, acting chair: Will attend Regional Planning Commission Housing Committee meeting on November 8, 5:30 p.m. The Housing Task Force will be presenting its report to area selectboards/councils. Manager Hafter reported the following meetings he will be attending: · Lake Champlain Housing Development Corp, Wednesday 12:00 pm, · Stormwater Utility meeting with Hoyle Tanner to discuss marketing strategy, Wednesday, 1.30pm · Vermont League of Cities and Towns -- Unemployment Trust Board, November 9, 10:30am in Montpelier. · VTCMA -- November 10, 12:00pm He also mentioned that Doctor Estes, President and CEO of Fletcher Allen will meet with the Council at the next meeting, November 15. 3. Presentation of Theresa S. Brungardt Award by the Vermont Recreation and Parks Association to Lenore Budd. T. Hubbard reported to the Council that at the Vermont Governor's Conference on Recreation held recently in Montpelier, Lenore Budd was the recipient of the Theresa S. Brungardt Award in the "Friend of Recreation" category. He read many accolades recognizing her contributions and tireless work promoting recreation in South Burlington and throughout the state. Councilman Sheahan presented Lenore with the award. 4. Consideration of request from GBIC of approval of application to Vermont Economic Progress Council (VEPC) for reallocation of State Education Fund Revenue associated with the proposed Pratt and Whitney Advanced Turbine Aircraft Engine Support Facility at the Burlington International Airport. Frank Cioffi, President of Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation (GBIC) outlined for the Council the purpose for preparing an application to the VEPC for the reallocation of state property tax to provide financial incentives with providing new economic development activities. In particular, he addressed this application for the proposed expansion and construction of a new Pratt and Whitney Advanced Turbine Aircraft Engine Support Facility. As proposed, the facility will consist of a new 80,000 square foot, $6.2 million facility located at the Burlington International Airport (BIA), supported by lease payments to the BIA and will provide an estimated 20-40 high paying jobs over the next 6 years, he said. He also noted that the procedure for the tax collection and reimbursement should be revenue-neutral whereby the municipality, South Burlington in this case, would collect taxes for the assessed value of the new facility and send the education portion (ie: $1.59) to the state. In turn that portion is returned to the municipality under the VEPC program in the form of tax refund to the taxpayer. Neither the City nor the School District loses out as the refund comes from the State Education Fund, he said. On motion by C. Smith, seconded by S. Magowan, the Council voted to approve the application to the VEPC for reallocation of State Education Fund Revenues in connection with the proposed Pratt and Whitney Advanced Turbine Aircraft Engine Support Facility, and authorize the City Manager to execute the same. 5. Public Hearing on Budget Amendment to allocate $770,000, Special Open Space Appropriation to implement an agreement with Scott Revocable Trust to purchase development rights, easement, and conservation restrictions, on a 43 acre parcel; Consideration of approval of budget amendment. Councilman Sheahan, acting chair, opened the public hearing with regard to a FY 04-05 Budget amendment to allocate $770,000, Special Open Space Appropriation to purchase the above described development rights and easements. J. Hinds described the location and general attributes of the property as it relates to the City's open space planning objectives. C. Hafter reviewed briefly the agreement and what in particular the City is purchasing: · Protective conservation easement on the 43 acre Scott property preventing further development on 37 acres of the parcel. · Removal of all development rights from the 37 acres. · Acquire a 200 ft. wide easement for recreation trails along the eastern boundary of the property. · Acquire a binding option to purchase the conserved 37 acres, at such time that the entire parcel is subdivided or the existing house is sold, which ever comes first. · Acquire a right of first refusal on the future 3-acre lot, which can be offered for sale to a member of the Scott family or abutting neighbor before being offered to the City. D. Wetzel inquired whether the City can resell the development rights and whether an east/west road was planned. He was informed that the rights could be transferred but no east/west road was currently planned. J. Jewett asked for clarification of the existing easements and whether there were plans for the new recreation easement. Mr. Jewett was told that the easement would be pedestrian use only, including winter activities. A. Blair suggested the City consider a future park for this area. There being no further discussion, on motion by S. Magowan, seconded by C. Smith, and voted, the Council closed the public hearing. On motion by S. Magowan, seconded by C. Smith, and voted unanimously, the Council approved the amendment to the FY 04-05 Budget, by allocating $770,000 Special Open Space Appropriation for the purpose outlined above. On further motion by S. Magowan, seconded by D. O'Rourke, and voted unanimously, to authorize the City Manager to proceed with the purchase of such easements and conservation rights from the Scott's in substantially the form as presented entitled "GRANT OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS AND CONSERVATION RESTRICTIONS, RECREATION PATH EASEMENTS, OPTION, AND RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL." 6. Update on statewide stormwater permitting. J. Hinds reported to the Council on what effect the recent Water Resources Board decision regarding stormwater permitting, whereby any development along all impaired waterways will be required to have a federal NPDES permit. She noted that in particular any further development of the Redstone Campus housing and Snyder Project Development Offsets become paralyzed by the order. The Council inquired as to what the City should do next with the emphasis working toward clean up of the waterways. J. Hinds will study this matter further; develop a strategy to bring before the Council. 7. Review and Approve minutes from regular City Council meeting held on October 18, 2004. C. Smith moved to approve the Minutes of October 18, 2004 as written. D. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed. 8. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.