HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/21/2004CITY COUNCIL 21 JUNE 2004 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 21 June 2004, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: J. Condos, Chair; C. Smith, D. O'Rourke, S. Magowan Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; S. Stitzel, J. Spinelli, City Attorneys; Chief D. Brent, Fire Department; B. Hoar, Public Works Department; Rep. A. Audette; S. Lightholder, R. Crawford, A. Rowe, F. Kosnitzky, J. J. Hamilton, M. Flaherty; A. Johnston, The Other Paper; Channel 17 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience not related to Agenda items: Mr. Kosnitzky raised the issue of noise from the Lowe's project. He noted that there are times when crews are at work before 7 a.m. and noise is carrying through the neighborhood. Mr. Hafter will look into this and remind them of the Noise Ordinance requirements. 2. Announcements & City Manager's Report: Mr. Smith: will attend Superintendent of Schools Search Committee meeting on Saturday. Mr. Condos: will attend meeting of Coalition for Tobacco Free Vermont with Mr. Hafter. South Burlington is receiving an award for creating smoke-free bars Noted that on 29 June, 3-6 p.m., a 90th birthday party will be held for Sylvia Smith at City Hall Conference Room. Mr. Hafter: also attending the Superintendent of School Search Committee on Saturday A breakfast will be held to welcome Independence Air to South Burlington. Independence will fly to Washington, D.C. A special meeting, tomorrow, to discuss the Kennedy Dr. necessity process Stormwater Advisory Committee meeting, 23 June CCTA Board meeting, 23 June, 5 p.m. A meeting with Exit 14 concerns group at Patrick Gym, 24 June, 7 p.m. 3. Compensation hearing for Compensation Due Landowners for Acquisition of Land and Rights to Land in Connection with the Lime Kiln Bridge Project: Mr. Condos opened the hearing and read the hearing notice. He also read the list of owners of properties involved. It was noted that the only property in question for this hearing is Parcel #2 Lime Kiln Allocated Housing Ltd. Partnership. Mr. Lightholder of Vermont Review Appraisers was sworn in by the City Attorney. He then explained how the compensation values are derived. Offers are based on appraisals that were done. He noted that the offer for the property in question at this hearing refers to the purchase of 2,271 sq. ft. along the front of the property. $11,900 is being offered for this piece of property. Testimony was then solicited from any concerned parties. No testimony was offered. Mr. O'Rourke moved to close the hearing. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Magowan moved to agree with the appraisal and offer of $11,900 for Parcel #2 Lime Kiln Allocated Housing Ltd Partnership. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Consideration of award of bid on new ambulance to Professional Vehicle Corporation of Mexico, Maine for $114,934; authorization for City Manager to execute contract for used ambulance: Chief Brent reported that bids were opened last Tuesday for the purchase of an ambulance. 4 bids were received and all were evaluated. The low bidder is Professional Vehicle Corporation of Mexico, Maine ($114,934), and Chief Brent said they are confident with this bid. The intention is to buy one new and one used ambulance. It is also the responsibility of the winning bidder to provide a good used ambulance until they can ship the new one fully equipped. Chief Brent said that they anticipate having both ambulances by 1 August. Mr. Hafter noted that offers have been made to 7 new firefighters/EMT's. Mr. O'Rourke asked about the life anticipation of an ambulance. Chief Brent said they have built in a 5-year cycle for a new ambulance after which it will become the "used" ambulance and the existing "used" ambulance will be disposed of. Mr. Smith then moved to authorize the City Manager to sign the contract for the new ambulance and for the used ambulance when it is identified. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Consideration of approval of purchase of rescue truck with Homeland Security Grant; Marion Body Works, $218,769: Chief Brent noted that a model of the vehicle has been on the lot today. The vehicle is being funded by a federal grant. It will cost the city only $15.00 to register it. Mr. Magowan moved to authorize the purchase of the rescue truck as presented. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Chief Brent also reported that the communications project is moving along very well. He reviewed the details of new equipment. He also noted that an antenna is being installed on top of UMall. 6. Discussion of Burlington International Airport issues: Mr. Hamilton reviewed the status of current projects. He noted that the bridge walkway didn't go as well as hoped, mainly because of the cold weather this winter. The project is now about 90% complete. Landscaping is being completed now, and the new entry to the garage will open on 1 July. They won't open the bridge until other steelwork is done. Required sidewalks still have to be put in. One will be done in a few weeks after a house is removed. The one on Airport Road should be started in a week or so. Design work is being completed. Mr. Hamilton then showed an area planned for "premium parking." Mr. Hafter asked if it will be okay to do away with the 15-minute parking zone when the project work is done. Mr. Hamilton said that will be fine. Mr. Hamilton showed the location for Independence Air, a new carrier to the area. Mr. Hamilton then showed a plan for "south end development." They are waiting for approval to fill 8+ acres for this project. They will then be back with plans for this development. Mr. Condos noted that the "temporary employee parking" area is a mess with cars parked all over the place. Mr. Hamilton said this area is now for overflow parking for the "park & shuttle" operation. Mr. Condos also noted he had gotten a call from a homeowner complaining about an old trailer. Mr. Hamilton said he will look into getting it moved. Mr. Hafter noted this is an assessment year for the Airport, and the city would like to begin working on this. Mr. Flaherty stressed that the Airport is a vital part of the State and is not a "money machine." 7. Update on Kennedy Drive Project: Mr. Rowe reported they are now in the right-of-way phase of the project. There are 20 property owners involved. They need okays from 5 more. Mr. Hafter said it looks like there will have to be a special meeting on this. Mr. Hafter also noted the bond bank was scheduled to sell today. 8. Consideration of bid award for New Allen Road Twin Tank Foundation: Mr. Hafter said the low bid was from All Seasons Excavating at $77,100. He recommended accepting this bid. Mr. O'Rourke moved to award the bid for the twin tank foundation to All Seasons Excavating for $77,100 as presented and to authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter anticipated that all the work will be done this year. 9. Consideration of approval of Capital Equipment Refunding Note and Resolution for Remote Radio-Metering System: Mr. Hafter said this is the third year of a 4-year purchase. This note is for $115,000 at 2.1% interest. Funds are in the Water Department user fees. Mr. Smith moved to approve the note and resolution as presented. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Consideration of approval of Maintenance Agreement for Statewide STP CRAK(21); crack-sealing Williston Road: Mr. Hafter said this is fully funded by the State. Mr. Magowan moved to approve and sign the contract as presented. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Review Agenda for Planning Commission Meeting of 22 June 2004: No issues were raised. 12. Review Minutes of 17 May and 7 June 2004: Mr. Magowan moved to approve the Minutes of 17 May as presented. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed 3-0 with Mr. Condos abstaining. Mr. O'Rourke moved to approve the Minutes of the regular meeting of 7 June as presented. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed 3-0 with Mr. Magowan abstaining. Mr. O'Rourke moved to approve the Minutes of the organizational meeting of 7 June as presented. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed 3-0 with Mr. Magowan abstaining. 13. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. 14. Liquor Control Board: Mr. O'Rourke moved that the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented a First Class Liquor License application from Higher Ground, 1214 Williston Road. He noted that the Fire Department has not yet approved the application because construction work is not done. He suggested approving the application conditional upon Fire Department approval. Mr. Smith moved to approve a First Class Liquor License of Higher Ground conditional upon approval by the Fire Department when construction is completed. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.