HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/07/2004 (1)CITY COUNCIL 7 JUNE 2004 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 7 June 2004, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: J. Condos, Chair; T. Sheahan, C. Smith, D. O'Rourke Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; Chief L. Graham, Captain B. Hawke, Lt. Ernie Lemay, Lt. T. Shepard, Cpl. Dubie, Sgt. J. Fraga, Police Department; B. Truax, M. McCann; J. B. Hoover, Director of Planning & Zoning; L. Bresee, A. Johnson, Channel 17 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience not related to Agenda Items: Mr. Bresee noted that at the major entrances to the City grass doesn't get cut often and the areas look awful. Businesses around these areas look beautiful, but then there are these unsightly strips. He realized that this is State property, but felt something should be done. Mr. Hafter said this was discussed several years ago, and volunteers actually did some work there. He said he would call the State and see what can be done. 2. Announcements and City Manager's Report: Mr. Sheahan: Will attend Housing Coalition Task Force meeting, 16 June Mr. O'Rourke: Will attend Stormwater Advisory Committee, 23 June, 4 p.m. Mr. Condos: Will attend MPO meeting, 16 June. Also on Thursday evening, there is a joint MPO and City meeting regarding the Airport Drive extension, 7 p.m., Chamberlin School. The City's Edge groundbreaking will take place Wednesday, 1 p.m. Mr. Hafter: Reviewed the future Council meeting schedule. There will be one meeting in July (7/19) and one in August (8/2). The first September meeting will be on 7 September (instead of Labor Day). The second January meeting will be 18 January (instead of Martin Luther King Day). Sgt. Tom Fraga has begun Neighborhood Watch meetings and will come to the Council on 19 July to talk about this. There is a meeting with Adelphia Cable on 11 June, 2-4 p.m., to discuss cable TV in the area. VLCT is holding a legislative wrap-up session in Milton town offices, 11 June, 9-11 a.m. The City has received two Homeland Security grants. The Police Department received $23,000 for two thermal imaging cameras, and the Fire Department received $283,000 for a heavy rescue truck and decontamination truck. The main item on the 21 June agenda will be compensation on land condemnation in conjunction with the Lime Kiln Bridge project. 3. Public Hearing on Amendments to Land Development Regulations: 1) allow transportation services in C2-Commercial 2 and IC-Mixed Industrial Commercial Districts; 2) allow radio/television studios in CD4; 3) amend definition of "driveway and street"; 4) amend definition of "height" and calculations of rooftop apparatus and chimneys; 5) amend definition of "land development"; 6) amend official map regarding San Remo Drive southern frontage CD-2 to CD; 7) amend map to rezone The Landings; 8) amend 11.02(F) to allow additional lighting types in design review district; 9) amend 12.01(C)(1) to clarify surface water protection standards; 10) amend table 13-1, parking requirements for restaurants; 11) clarify calculation of density bonuses for affordable housing; 12) amend standards for review of public and private roadways; 13) amend graphics in Figure 15-1 "roadway standards" to reflect current standards; 14) amend 13.06 landscape standards and add graphics; second reading of same: Mr. Condos asked if there were any Council or audience comments. None were forthcoming. Mr. Sheahan moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Smith then moved to waive the second reading and approve the amendments as presented. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Hoover noted the development proposal for Quarry Hill has been appealed to the Environmental Court. Mr. Condos asked about the situation at the Airport where the garage was opened without a Certificate of Occupancy and all requirements for the project have not been completed. He felt the Airport is the largest zoning violator in the city. He also noted that the "temporary parking" at the end of Airport Drive has people parking all over the place. Ms. Hoover said there are many requirements of the approval that have yet to be met, including a sidewalk. She felt it is to the Airport's advantage to operate in violation. She also felt they are working toward compliance in landscaping, lighting and the sidewalk. Ms. Hoover noted that there can be only one temporary CO for landscaping, by law. Mr. Condos said he was especially bothered by the overload parking, especially as that area is adjacent to people's backyards. Ms. Hoover said enforcement is going to be more a matter of personal conversations. Mr. Sheahan suggested having J.J. Hamilton and Bob Ewing in to hear the City's concerns and to ask them for a timetable for compliance. 4. Report from Police Facility Committee on Site Selection Review Process: Mr. O'Rourke said the Committee has been focusing on locations and has come up with 3 central areas to present. All three would allow for timely responses to all parts of the city. Messrs. Truax and McCann, consultants, outlined the requirements for a site, including a total of 110 parking spaces (38 public spaces), good visibility, and space for a maintenance/storage building. They then presented the proposed locations. 1. Dorset Street (current City Hall location). This would require razing the current building. 2. San Remo Drive on the Dorset Street corner. 3. Corner of Dorset Street/Swift Street, north of Calkins house. The site would require working with rock and a damp area. Chief Graham then outlined the positives and negatives of each site. He noted that site #1 is a known location with less acquisition cost. However, there is limited expansion capability and would use all the land. It would require temporary relocation and the purchasing of land and building from 7 owners at 595 Dorset Street. Site #2 meets the City Center design criteria and has good visibility. It would not require temporary relocation and could be expanded. There is easier access to Dorset St. and schools. Land would have to be purchased from 3 owners, not 7. A negative is that there is no direct access to City Hall. Site #3 is already owned by the city and would thus save about $2,000,000 in acquisition costs. There is no conflict with current owners, and the savings could be used to renovate City Hall. There is a controlled intersection with good visibility. There is also good community access. No temporary relocation would be needed. The negatives are that it is further from City Center and has no direct access to City Hall. There would also be relocation costs. Chief Graham said the preferred site is #3. Mr. Condos said he has issues with that. Mr. O'Rourke said he was apprehensive about this site at first but there are major advantages, especially the fact that the city already owns the land. It is also a central location that gets a lot of use. Mr. Condos was concerned with a large out-of-scale building in that area. The land is also a nice gateway to the park, and he felt a 2-story building was out of character with the area. He was concerned with traffic going in and out of the area as well. Ms. Hoover said the Planning Commission would like to discuss this. They were initially opposed to this site but have warmed up to it, especially in light of future development in that area. Ms. Hoover added that she has misgivings about a non-retail use in the City Center as this would require a significant zoning change. Mr. Condos did not think an impound lot was appropriate next to a city park. The project would also involve cutting down a good stand of trees, and he did not want to compromise the Calkins House. He also did not like the idea of the city contributing to sprawl. Mr. Condos said his preference is for the current site. Mr. O'Rourke noted that in a few years you won't be able to turn left out of City Hall. He felt the Park location would discourage activities in the park that shouldn't be going on there. Mr. Smith said he didn't have enough facts to make a decision. He needed comparative costs, etc. Mr. Sheahan agreed and said with such a long-term commitment he wanted to see that it is done right. Mr. Hafter said if they compute costs, they will have to compute all costs, including a new City Hall, if the current site is used for the Police. Mr. O'Rourke said there are also unknowns including environmental cleanup, wetlands, etc. Mr. Smith said he needs to understand the magnitude of the differences. Mr. Sheahan questioned the need for 100+ parking spaces. Sgt. Fraga stressed their commitment to "community policing." He felt a park area was appropriate with a "soft" entrance. There isn't space for that on the City Hall site. The park would also allow for interaction with other programs at the Park. Ms. Hoover noted there is now no meeting space in the Southeast Quadrant, and there is a need for all the neighborhood organizations to have a nearby place to meet. Mr. Hafter said that when a site is identified, the architects will draw up a concept with a bond amount. Final plans will then be drawn. The Council requested that staff return at a future meeting with a rough cost estimate for each site and a prioritization of pros and cons. 5. Request for approval of tax rate to support FY2005 budget, special assessment districts and user fees for sanitary water and sewer; approval of tax due dates and fiscal year budgets: Mr. Hafter said the figures reflect approval of the ambulance service and the bond for the Lime Kiln Bridge. He reviewed the special assessment districts and sewer and water fees. He noted the new sewer and water rates will begin with the next billing. Mr. O'Rourke moved to approve a general levy tax rate of .618 and the two special assessment districts on Spear Street Northeast and Spear Street South. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the sewer and water fees effective immediately. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Smith moved to approve tax due dates as follows: August 15, 2004, November 15, 2004, and March 15, 2005. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the FY2005 budget as warned on 8 April 2004 and amended by the voters on 18 May 2004. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consideration of approval of Vermont Municipal Bond Bank 2004 series 1 documents; $1,900,000 water system infrastructure, $600,000 Dorset Street Fire Station; $450,000 Kennedy Drive; $450,000 Lime Kiln Bridge: Mr. Smith moved to approve the Vermont Municipal Bond Bank 2004 series 1 documents as presented. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Consideration of request from CCTA to donate one day's fare to Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf: Mr. Hafter noted the Food Shelf is running out of money. A day's revenue would be about $1200. Mr. Sheahan felt this was a bad idea with one non-profit group giving money to another non-profit group. Mr. Condos suggested having them put a container for donations on the buses. 8. Consideration of approval of 2004-5 CSWD budget: Mr. Condos cited the excellent job done by Tom Moreau in keeping the budget in control. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the CSWD budget as presented. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Minutes of 17 May 2004: The minutes could not be acted upon as there was not a majority present of members who had attended the meeting. 10. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. 11. General Discussion: Mr. Condos noted the small island where the ramp approaches I-189 is a real mess, and the State needs to be informed of this as well. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.