HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/15/2004Town of Colchester, VT - City of South Burlington, VT Minutes of Joint Public Hearing - Lime Kiln Bridge Necessity Hearing January 15, 2004 Preamble: At 6:30pm the South Burlington City Council held an on-site visit to review the Lime Kiln Bridge project and the proposed property acquisition necessary for the project. In attendance were Jim Condos, Terry Sheahan, Dan O'Rourke, Chuck Hafter, Bruce Hoar, Steve Stitzel, Jill Spinelli, Sherward Farnsworth, and the undersigned. Colchester Selectmen Members Present: Bob Campbell, L. Richard Paquette, Marc Landry South Burlington City Council Members Present: Daniel O'Rourke, Terry Sheahan, James Condos, Chris Smith Others Present: Al Voegele, Colchester Town Manager Sherry LaBarge, resident Bryan Osborne, Colchester Director Public Works Alison Barges, resident Sherry LaBarge, HR Manager Josi'e Hazen, Lake Champlain Housing Steven Stitzel, Stitzel, Page & Fletcher Ken Pidgeon, Engineers Const./NECR Jill Spinelli, Stitzel, Page & Fletcher Sally Gunn, VHB Charles Hafter, S.B. City Manager John O'Neil, resident Denis Gravelin, S.B. Assistant City Manager Genie O'Neil resident Bruce Hoar, S.B. Public Works Director Scott Vento, resident Kyle Schneider, Cedar Bluff David Cutler, St. Michael's College Dave Cain, Cedar Bluff Association President Nader Peporge, resident Chris and Debbie Byrne, Cedar Bluff Sherward Farnsworth, VAOT Jennifer Ely, W.V.P.D.Roger Dumas, VAOT Richard E. Dube, resident Dale Robertson, VAOT Robert Fitzgerald, resident Ed Pierce, VAOT Denis Fitzgerald, resident Jim Grier resident Each Board, called this Necessity Hearing for the Lime Kiln Bridge replacement project to order at 7:05pm, with each board of governors introducing themselves. Attorney Stitzel outlined the purpose of this hearing, to determine the necessity for the reconstruction of the Lime Kiln Bridge and acquisition of certain lands to accommodate this reconstruction. He also outlined the procedure by which the presentations would be made with question and comment period to follow. He noted that any compensation for property acquired would be discussed at a later time and would be determined separately by each of the governing bodies. He also reported that following the close of this hearing each governing board will have 60 days to provide a written decision indicating their decision about the necessity of acquiring these additional lands and distributed to all of the property owners. Any property owner would have the right to appeal that decision to court, he said. Attendees representing the Colchester properties that expected to provide testimony or comment were sworn in. Sherward Farnsworth, Project Manager and Roger Dumas, AOT-ROW, representing the VT Agency of Transportation, introduced his colleagues in attendance, and began his presentation by reviewing some history surrounding this bridge. Mr. Farnsworth presented a general description of the project and identified the property owners affected. They both reviewed the following: · Project cost estimates $7.1 million for the Bridge, and does not include the cost of filling on the quarry ($1.3 M); Estimated cost to each municipality: $344,000 for Colchester, and $365,000 to South Burlington; · Presented various drawings, cross section drawings, and photos depicting the proposed bridge construction, road alignment, and turnaround; · Right of Way Agreements with each community; · Reviewed utility easements received and the need for addition easements by Warranty Deed, sloping rights easements, and maintenance, and other temporary easements; Minutes Lime Kiln Bridge Necessity Hearing 01/15/04 · Expects a 2-week closure on the road; · Acquisition of additional land: .75 acres from Colchester side and .28 acres from South Burlington side; Opening questions, first from the Colchester Board and its residents: Dave Cutler, representing Saint Michael's College said he had no particular questions. Robert Fitzgerald questioned whether the fill used in the quarry had settled sufficiently and is being monitored to accommodate the roadway. Mr. Farnsworth explained that level readings at 6 points in the filled quarry from May through October 2003 recorded a variance of ¼ inch or less. He noted that erosion may be of a concern, however. Bryan Osborne inquired as to the sufficiency rating on the existing bridge. Mr. Farnsworth reported that the existing bridge has a sufficiency rating of "36", with a standard with a low of "50", suggesting replacement. He gave examples of how bad the condition of the existing bridge is. Mr. Farnsworth also reviewed why the proposed bridge was relocated from the downstream side of the existing bridge to the eastern/upstream side. There being no further questions by Colchester board or its residents, on motion by M. Landry, seconded by B. Campbell, the Colchester Board of Selectmen closed its public hearing. Attendees representing the South Burlington properties that expected to provide testimony or comment were sworn in. Opening questions from South Burlington City Council and its residents: Chris Byrne requested that the plans be updated to reflect current owners (303 and 305) and whether Farwater is still on record as an owner. Mr. Dumas replied that AOT would update the plans accordingly. Scott Vento voiced the following concerns: Landscaping, road noise remediation, elimination of the birms with the elevation change, and construction hours. Mr. Farnsworth addressed some the construction requirements and City Manager Hafter explained that contractors are generally not allowed to begin before 7:00 am and night work is not allowed without permission of the City. He also mentioned when a driveway is closed for piping, the City will make sure public safety vehicles are located on the property. City Manager mentioned that the City Arborist would work closely with the property owners on landscape plantings. Attorney Stitzel offered that the City's experience relative to landscaping is handled as part of the monetary compensation of the project, where the property owners would contract for the landscaping. Jim Grier offered comments on traffic noise and inquired as to whether a noise buffer would be planned such as a wall of trees. Dave Cain asked about the placement of the crosswalk and whom do the residents talk to regarding noise. Some discussion followed on the crosswalk and sidewalk placement. Mr. Farnsworth explained that there would be a resident engineer on site that residents could go to, in addition to City officials. Alison Barges raised a concern regarding the turnaround and whether there will be restrictions placed on parking and times of operation. City Manager Hafter offered that the turnaround will be closed at dusk, parking is for nature trails and safety concerns have been addressed. There being no further questions by South Burlington City Council or its residents, on motion by T. Sheahan, seconded by C. Smith, the South Burlington City Council closed its public hearing. This Necessity Hearing was adjourned at approximately 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Denis P. Gravelin South Burlington Assistant City Manager Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.