HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/23/2004CITY COUNCIL 23 FEBRUARY 2004 The South Burlington City Council held a budget work session on Monday, 23 February 2004, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: J. Condos, Chair; C. Smith, T. Sheahan, S. Magowan, D. O'Rourke Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; Chief D. Brent, Fire Department; T. Hubbard, Director of Recreation Department; G. Dow, WPC Department Superintendent; D. Kinville, City Clerk; J.B. Hoover, Director of Planning & Zoning; J. Nadeau, CWD City Clerk: Ms. Kinville said the City Clerk's Office brought in over $400,000 last year. The budget for elections is up in the coming budget as there will be 3 elections during the budget year. Ms. Kinville indicated they would like to put election expenses into a separate category as this would make it easier to budget. Printing and postage appropriations are down. $2,500 is being requested for a second register for cash receipts. Mr. O'Rourke commented that this City Clerk's Office is better run than any other he deals with. Fire Department: The proposed budget is up approximately $123,000 of which $117,000 represents contractual costs. Chief Brent recapped the response history of the department and noted that responses are going up every year. Budget increases to support the additional responses include personnel, diesel fuel, liability insurance, vehicle maintenance and repair, etc. The Chief praised the efforts of the department personnel in maintaining the fleet. He added that as the fleet ages, the equipment needs more repair. Chief Brent then reviewed a number of grants received by the department totaling $248,065 in the past year. Grant monies have been used to fund training programs on vehicle extrications and rescue, wellness and fitness programs and equipment, new defibrillators for engines 1 & 2, gas metering equipment for both engines and car 3, wireless laptops for both engines and car 3, explosion-proof handlights, 2 one-hour SCBA units, rescue ropes, stokes basket, harnesses, 100kw emergency generator (which covers the whole building), updating the security preparedness plan, and software for 911 and the Planning Department. Three people are enrolled in the EMT Intermediate Class and are doing very well. The Chief then reviewed work on the information management system. He noted improved command capabilities for a potential domestic incident. The Chief stressed that the state administration takes emergency services very seriously. Planning & Zoning: Ms. Hoover said the budget is markedly unchanged. The only major jump is in mapping as they are chipping in for new ortho photos. The Department needs a computer upgrade, but this will come from a demonstration grant on the water quality project. Ms. Hoover then explained the two uses for the "legal" budget: first for run-of-the-mill circumstances ($22,000/year) and the second to deal with specific cases. Ms. Hoover said they never know what they will need in the latter instances. Members thought the proposed budget may not cover legal costs. Mr. Hafter suggested putting the $5,000 not being used for the Senior Center into this line item. Members agreed. Recreation: Mr. Hubbard thanked the Council for the opportunity to transition into the Director's role. He said he is very pleased with the department staff and noted that they have set goals and objectives and hope to have the opportunity to come to the Council to show what they have done. In the area of "exciting news," Sports Illustrated has selected South Burlington as the Vermont "sports town" for its major anniversary issue. Mr. Hubbard noted that they now have the ok to access SRS child abuse registry information as part of their background check system. No major changes are proposed for the operating budget. There is $5,000 being requested in the capital improvement fund. Mr. Hubbard noted they are working very closely with the Public Works Department to bring all facilities up to standard. Mr. O'Rourke asked about playground equipment. Mr. Hubbard said Szymanski Park will get new playground equipment this year. The others are within standards and are newer. Sprinkler systems will be funded from impact fees. Water Department: Mr. Nadeau said they are proposing a 6% rate increase which is primarily due to debt service for the Shelburne Rd. project, the water tanks project and the new meter reading system. Mr. Nadeau noted that the cold weather took a toll on water lines with a number of breakages, especially on White Street and Airport Parkway. He cited aging infrastructure as a contributing factor. The equipment was not designed for the kind of traffic it is getting and it is very expensive to access the pipes. Mr. Nadeau said new technology could allow them to increase the diameter of the pipes. The cost would be about $55 per foot for a distance of about 38,000 feet. This cost includes reconnecting all services and mains. Mr. Nadeau said it is a good thing there is an inspection system as the fill line of a Dynapower plating tank was below the flood line which could have resulted in a very serious incident. The Department is applying for a grant to assess waterline protection. There has been a dramatic increase in hydrant repair this year which is reflected in the budget. Two hydrants taken out by vehicles have to be replaced. Water Pollution Control Department: Mr. Dow said they are asking for a 6% increase in sewer rates. He reviewed last year's projects and showed photos of the work. Budget increases are mainly personnel related. The sludge removal/treatment plan is doing very well. Other entities: Mr. Hafter noted that the assessment for CCTA is down a little. He also noted that the County Courthouse will be going for a bond issue for building repairs. Revenues: Mr. Hafter said he hoped that a bill in the Legislature to lower penalties for late payment of property tax installments does not pass. Mr. Hafter also noted that although recording fees were above this year's estimate, he budgeted conservatively for next year. He added that an increase in planning fees may be brought to the Council in the future. Mr. Magowan moved to authorize the printing and distribution of the proposed budget as amended to move $5,000 from the Senior Citizens Center to Planning/Zoning legal fees. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.