HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/06/2004CITY COUNCIL 6 DECEMBER 2004 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 6 December 2004, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: J. Condos, Chair; C. Smith, T. Sheahan, S. Magowan, D. O'Rourke Also Present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; Chief D. Brent, Fire Department; Chief L. Graham, Police Department; Firefighters C. Tackson, J. Goodrich, and other department members; Sgt. T. Fraga; D. Farrell, T. Manazir, B. Cimonetti; A. Johnston, The Other Paper, Free Press, Channel 17 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience not Related to Agenda Items: Mr. Cimonetti thanked the Council for acting to relocate the Rec Path at Swift and Spear. He then addressed members about concerns he has regarding the process at the DRB related to the South Village development. Mr. Cimonetti said he was surprised at the last meeting when the Chair polled members regarding their near term willingness to forego the connection to Midland Avenue. He noted that the Official City Map is a by-law, which in this case calls for vehicle traffic to be able to move between Dorset St. and Allen Rd. Mr. Cimonetti said he does not oppose the South Village project and feels it has some unique things to offer and it is also getting a lot of review and research; but he would hate to see decisions made early. Mr. Cimonetti asked the Council to give public consideration to the process and asked members to involve themselves and citizens in that process. Mr. Condos noted this is an issue that is important to the city as a whole. Mr. Hafter added that if there were delay in building that road, there would be opponents in South Village as well. 2. Announcements and City Manager's Report: Mr. Sheahan: Called attention to a memo from the Regional Planning Commission Chair regarding the 2005 work plan. He noted that Ms. Hinds has forwarded comments regarding priorities and asked the Council to let him know if they have any issues. Mr. Condos: Will be on the GBIC Steering Committee (with Mr. Hafter) relative to a grant given to the County to look at a strategy for what is good for the whole County. Reminded members of the Special Meeting on 13 December regarding the Stormwater Utility. Mr. Condos will also attend the MPO meeting next Wednesday. Mr. Hafter: The Planning Department received an award for work on stormwater management. Will attend Board meeting of CCTA and CUSI. 3. Presentation of "Stork Pins" for EMS to Firefighters: Chief Brent noted that baby Anna was born a month ago tonight in the back of the South Burlington ambulance. To commemorate the event, pink stork pins were presented to Firefighters Tackson and Goodrich (the third member of the team, Firefighter Poor, was unable to be present), and a South Burlington Fire Department teddy bear was presented to baby Anna. 4. Presentation of National Night Out Award to Ted Manazir: Sgt. Fraga introduced Dave Farrell for this presentation. Mr. Farrell said they are looking for those in the community whose efforts promote civic safety. He then presented the National Night Out Award to Ted Manazir for his work to eliminate drunk drivers from the roads. Mr. Manazir accepted the award with appreciation and noted there are many others who serve the community well. 5. Consideration of Capital Equipment Note for Fire Department Ambulance Service: Mr. Hafter noted the total amount of the note is $292,000. Of which $40,000 is in this year's budget as a down payment. The note is for 5 years at a fixed rate of 3.4%. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the note and accompanying resolution. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Chief Brent reported that the Homeland Security Operations vehicle has arrived and is being striped and provided with identification and equipment. Department members will be trained for its use, and it will then go into service. Chief Brent also said he would like to reconvene the Ambulance Committee for an update on where things are going. He noted that expenditures are will within the budget. 6. Consideration of Approval of Agreement for Consulting Engineering Services with VHB, Inc., for Market Street: Mr. Hafter reminded members of the $1,000,000 grant received for this project. The project will be locally controlled. Lamoureux and Dickinson developed an RFP, for consulting engineering services which then went to bid. The recommendation is to award the contract to VHB in an approximate amount of $362,000. The contract will result in a full environmental impact statement indicating that the project won't adversely affect the area and surrounding businesses. There will then be engineering plans with a full set of design drawings ready to go to bid. All permits will have been secured. Mr. Smith moved to authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with VHB for consulting engineering services for Market Street. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Consideration of Approval of Errors & Omissions for 2004 Grand List per Act 68: Mr. Hafter said the list includes a small piece of property that was mistakenly listed twice. All other properties relate to the lack of or mis-reporting of homesteads. Mr. Hafter noted that some residents will get a 1% penalty for not filing on time. Although the city gets this money, it will have to bear the cost of sending out new tax bills. This will happen every year. Mr. Sheahan moved to accept the Errors & Omissions report of 6 December 2004. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Review Development Review Board Agenda for 7 December 2004: No issues were raised. 9. Review Planning Commission Agenda for 7 December 2004: No issues were raised. 10. Review and Approve Minutes of City Council Meeting of 15 November 2004: Mr. O'Rourke moved to approve the Minutes of 15 November 2004 as written. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed 4-0 with Mr. Magowan abstaining. 11. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned. at 8:15 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.