HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-22-11 - Supplemental - 0760 Shelburne Road (11)APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 760 Shelburne Road, 764 Shelburne Road & 31 Swift Street We have supplemented the original text, see below for additional text in bold revised on July 18, 2022. Project’s Conformity to Development Context: (a) Hazards, and Level I and Level II Resources regulated under Article 12 There are no mapped hazards on, or adjacent to, the project parcel. Level I and Level II resources are limited to mapped steep and very steep slopes. However, these slopes are limited to localized areas with a grade transition of 2-4 feet. The limited height and length of these slopes on a developed parcel minimize potential adverse impacts. (b) Prevalent pattern of land subdivision and development in the Planning Area, as defined by block lengths; lot size and front lot line lengths; front, side, and rear setbacks; building height and coverage; and existing parking arrangements. Existing development along Shelburne Road is typical suburban strip type development focused on this major arterial highway. Single use commercial buildings line the Shelburne Road, with parking generally located in the front and to the sides.The proposed project positions the majority of parking behind the buildings fronting Shelburne Road. East of Shelburne Road, development generally consists of residential lots behind the commercial lots along the highway. Buildings have varied front setbacks, with older buildings closer to the highway, having been converted from residential to commercial uses. Commercial buildings are generally set back from the highway to accommodate parking in the front yard. The lot sizes and setbacks along Shelburne Road vary though lot sizes on the eastern side of the road are generally smaller than lot sizes on the western side. The parcel size of the proposed project conforms to the general size of other commercial parcels lining Shelburne Road. Most buildings along the section of Shelburne Road where the project is proposed are one or two stories tall. The project proposes two buildings fronting Shelburne Road that have the appearance of two stories, as required by the Land Development Regulations. The front setbacks proposed for the Project are consistent with newer development along Shelburne Road, like the multiuse building at the corner of Shelburne and Fayette Dr. (c) Streetscape elements, including the placement, orientation, and spacing of buildings along the street, existing and planned sidewalks, and existing or planned landscaping, street furniture, and lighting. Existing sidewalks are located along the project frontage on Shelburne Road and Swift Street. The existing sidewalk network provide connections to a variety of commercial services, residential neighborhoods and schools in the vicinity. Street lighting is typical suburban highway style fixtures and heights, focused on intersection and smaller side streets. Proposed buildings fronting on Shelburne Road in are oriented parallel to the street, consistent with surrounding development and buildings nearby. Currently, there is one tree along Shelburne Road on the project parcel, while the project will propose additional street trees and spacing per the Land Development Regulations, that will be similar to other street tree plantings and landscaping on commercial parcels to the south along Shelburne Road. The project will connect to the existing sidewalks on Shelburne Road and Swift Street, and site amenities in the form of parklets or snippet parks will be provided, consistent with open space requirements for both non-residential and residential development. (d) Building types and styles, including any prevalent or character-defining architectural features. Buildings are generally single story with single users. Building architectural features and colors are generally associated with the use. Multiple gas stations and convenience stores are located in the project vicinity, many with a fueling pump canopy between the building and highway. Some more recent redevelopment (NEFCU, Merchant’s Bank, Peoples United Bank, Olive Garden) has involved moving the building closer to the highway and placing the parking to the side or rear of the building. Building types along the portion of Shelburne Road near the project vary according to use and have a range of architectural styles and features. Some nearby commercial buildings have more typical box-store commercial style with flat roofs that may relate to a national brand or chain, while other commercial development has buildings that are similar to a more New England style architecture with gable roofs and other architectural elements. There are several other financial institutions within the project vicinity and the proposed bank and retail/office building will be compatible with the architectural features of nearby developments.