HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-22-033 - Supplemental - 0112 Garden Street (2)1 Marla Keene From:Andy Rowe <arowe@snyderhomesvt.com> Sent:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:12 AM To:Marla Keene Cc:Ken Braverman Subject:RE: 'EXTERNAL'#SP-22-033 / 112 Garden Street Attachments:Parapet detail Rev2022-8-04.pdf; Solar-ready zone 08-04-22.pdf; Application for site plan review Rev08-04-22.pdf; Building ground floor plan sheet A0-202 Rev08-04-22.pdf; Inclusionary Housing Tracking update Rev08-04-22.pdf; Landscape Cost Estimate Rev08-05-22 .pdf; Trip generation summary 08-04-22.pdf Good morning Marla – Thank you for sending these comments along – see replies below: 1. Flat roof details – correct, the parapet detail will be applied at the top of the grey fiber cement siding. The parapet detail has been revised, adding a second page, to show where the parapet will be constructed. 2. Residential and Commercial Building Energy Standards – see attached Solar-Ready Zone exhibit. 3. Fire Access – awaiting FD feedback on the turning template. 4. Landscaping – the landscape cost estimate has been revised to (1) exclude the minimum number of trees required for parking lot landscaping, and (2) reduce the cost of the colored concrete and pavers to the value of the enhancement (above the cost of basic concrete surface). To offset this reduction, the value of the illuminated sculpture has been increased to $35,000. At $10,000, this sculpture was previously under-valued. 5. Traffic – To keep the record consistent, we have added the revised trip generation calculations to the Site Plan Review application form. The revised total PM peak hour trip generation is now 121 vehicle trip ends. 6. Inclusionary housing spreadsheet – the date has been revised, along with the current permit application number. This spreadsheet reflects the most recent approval for 303 Market Street. No changes were made to the number of dwelling units, the number of bedrooms, or that all units will be market rate. 7. The first floor plan was not clear regarding the entrances to the non-residential areas. Notes have been added to the first floor plan in this area. A missing door from the type E dwelling unit (near the NE corner of the building) was also added, leading directly onto Garden Street. The attached revised first floor plan now shows a total of 8 doors facing Garden Street. With this, the frequency and spacing requirements for entrances along Garden Street are satisfied. Please let us know if you have any questions. If you receive any comments from DPW, please let us know. Thank you, Andy Rowe | PROJECT ENGINEER SNYDER HOMES | SnyderHomesVT.com | 802.985.5722 From: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2022 3:21 PM To: Andy Rowe <arowe@snyderhomesvt.com> Subject: RE: 'EXTERNAL'#SP-22-033 / 112 Garden Street 2 Hi Andy, I have completed my initial review of this application against the current regulations. There are a few new things that need to be addressed, as well as one thing which may have been an error in the previous approval. 1. Flat roof details – you have provided a cornice detail. For the expired approval, you had indicated this cornice detail would be applied at the top of the grey fiber cement siding on the façade facing Garden Street. Please confirm this is still the case. 2. Residential and Commercial Building Energy Standards – Please demonstrate that the building will meet the Solar-ready zone requirements 3. Fire access – just putting this in here so everything is in one place, you have sent FD a turning movement plan and we are awaiting confirmation that FD doesn’t require mountable curb 4. Landscaping a. Please demonstrate that requested credit for the cost of concrete pavers and colored concrete paving is only the cost above the cost of standard concrete. b. Landscaping required in 13.4B(4) may not be used to meet the minimum required landscaping budget in the FBC. The value of landscaping used to meet 13.4B(4) is $13,500 (15 shade trees for 75 parking spaces @ $930 each). Assuming no change to the allowed expenditure for concrete pavers and colored concrete, your proposed landscaping expenditure is $211,431 and the required minimum expenditure is $224,606.30. You are well over the required minimum in trees and shrubs. 5. Traffic – since you have requested to be between 1,800 and 3,000 sf of commercial space, please provide an updated trip generation calculation for both ends of the potential range. 6. Inclusionary housing tracking – the submitted spreadsheet is dated Sept 17, 2018 but it appears to reflect the more recent approvals. Please clarify and update table as needed (including the current permit # for this project). 7. Entrances – there is a max frequency of 36’ and a max spacing of 46’ between entrances. Based on 6 entrances, the frequency is 43’ and the max distance is >100’. Also it appears there may have been an error because there is no street entrance to the commercial space That’s it! Look forward to hearing from you. Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Andy Rowe <arowe@snyderhomesvt.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2022 10:53 AM To: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Subject: RE: 'EXTERNAL'#SP-22-033 / 112 Garden Street Hi Marla – Your emailed comments dated 03-06-2020 included the following: Fire Department Review – please address the following comment: Southern most island at entrance to parking garage needs to be moved to the North or reconfigured to meet WB40 1990. In our follow-up dated 04-24-2020, a turning template was provided showing that a WB40 could navigate between the islands. The attached turning template was included with the 2022 site plan review application. I will send this template to Ed Spooner now to confirm that it is acceptable. Let me know if other questions come up. Andy Rowe | PROJECT ENGINEER 3 SNYDER HOMES | SnyderHomesVT.com | 802.985.5722 From: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2022 10:41 AM To: Andy Rowe <arowe@snyderhomesvt.com> Subject: RE: 'EXTERNAL'#SP-22-033 / 112 Garden Street Thanks Andy, I’m hard at work on this most of the day today and am hoping to provide you comments no later than tomorrow. I did note a condition of previous approval that required modification to curbs so that some of the curbs were mountable. Did you make those plan updates or did the fire department make comments on that at your meeting on Friday? Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington (802) 846-4106 From: Andy Rowe <arowe@snyderhomesvt.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2022 10:39 AM To: Marla Keene <mkeene@southburlingtonvt.gov> Cc: Ken Braverman <kb@bravermancompany.com> Subject: 'EXTERNAL'#SP-22-033 / 112 Garden Street This message has originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. Good morning Marla – The public information meeting for Site Plan Review application #SP-22-033 was held on July 25. Attached are the meeting minutes. On Friday, I met with Ed Spooner and Terry Francis to review the building elevations and civil plans for 112 Garden Street. They provided several comments related to building construction and operation, but none that required modifications to the application plans or exhibits. Please let us know if you receive comments from DPW or other City Departments – or if you have any questions on the application. We look forward to moving through the application review process and commencing construction. Andy Rowe | PROJECT ENGINEER SNYDER HOMES | SnyderHomesVT.com | 802.985.5722