HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-22-031 - Supplemental - 1068 Williston Road (11) Engineers Scientists Planners Designers 40 IDX Drive, Building 100, Suite 200, South Burlington, Vermont 05403 P 802.497.6100 F 802.495.5130 www.vhb.com To:Permit File Date:May 10, 2022 Project #: 57913.01 From:Karen Sentoff Evan Haugh Re:Holiday Inn Redevelopment, South Burlington, VT Trip Generation – hotel, residential units and retail VHB has evaluated the trip generation of the redevelopment of the Holiday Inn parcel located at 1068 Williston Road (US 2) in South Burlington, Vermont. The site was previously permitted to accommodate two hotels with a total of 201 rooms, a residential building with 74 units, and first floor commercial space with approximately 6,200 square feet of retail. The proposed development program has been modified to include an additional nine units of housing (83 total units) and 5,800 square feet of retail (a net reduction of 400 square feet). The current proposal maintains the same number of hotel rooms (201 rooms over two hotels). The development program history is shown in Table 1. Table 1. Development Program Changes Program Date Program Details Net Trip Generation October 2019 Two hotels: - 101 rooms - 115 rooms AM: 23 PM: 30 August 2021 Removed: - 15 hotel rooms Added: - 78 units residential - 6800 sf retail AM: 50 PM: 80 November 2021 Removed: - 4 units residential - 600 sf retail AM: 44 PM: 55 May 2022 (Current) Removed: - 400 sf retail Added: - 9 units residential AM: 48 PM: 59 Trip generation was computed based on the updated development program as outlined below in Table 2. The trip rates were developed based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual1 with average rates for the retail and residential uses and fitted curve for the hotel to remain consistent with the existing traffic agreement between Champlain School Apartments Partnership and the City of South Burlington. As shown in Table 2, the net new trip impact of the revised development program is 5 AM peak hour trips and 4 PM peak hour trips. Even if the average rate was used for the hotel use (as was used in historical permitting), the trip generation would only increase by 9 trips in the AM peak hour and 26 trips in the PM peak hour. 1 Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington D.C., 2017. Ref: 57913.03 May 10, 2022 Page 2 Engineers Scientists Planners Designers 40 IDX Drive, Building 100, Suite 200, South Burlington, Vermont 05403 P 802.497.6100 F 802.495.5130 www.vhb.com Table 2. 2022 Redevelopment Program Trip Generation Summary The updated trip generation still falls below the conditions evaluated in the attached August 2021 memorandum, which anticipated a net gain of 50 AM and 80 PM peak hour trips relative to the base conditions. The base condition includes 79 AM trips and 100 PM trips for the former Holiday Inn on this parcel. Since the new trip generation is below what was evaluated for the August 2021 memorandum, the conclusion that the development would not create unreasonable congestion on the adjacent roadway network remains valid. Residential Retail Hotel 1 Hotel 2 Total Permitted Residential Retail Hotel 1 Hotel 2 Updated Total Peak Period 74 units 6,200 sf 101 rooms 100 rooms 83 units 5,800 sf 101 rooms 100 rooms Weekday Morning Enter 7 4 27 26 64 8 4 27 27 65 +1 Exit 20 2 19 18 59 22 2 19 18 62 +3 Total 27 6 45 45 122 30 6 46 45 127 +5 Weekday Evening Enter 20 11 25 25 82 23 11 26 25 84 +2 Exit 13 12 24 24 73 14 12 25 24 75 +2 Total 33 24 50 49 155 37 23 50 49 159 +4 Updated Development ProgramPreviously Permitted Development Program Total Net New for Change of Development Program Attachments 1. August 2021 Traffic Impact Study 40 IDX Drive Building 100, Suite 200 South Burlington, VT 05403-7771 P 802.497.6100 To: Joe Larkin, Larkin Realty Date: August 2, 2021 Revised August 31, 2021 Project #: 57913 From: Jennifer Conley, PE, PTOE Karen Sentoff, EIT Re: Holiday Inn Redevelopment, South Burlington, VT Trip Generation – hotel, residential units and retail VHB has evaluated the trip generation of the redevelopment of the Holiday Inn parcel located at 1068 Williston Road (US 2) in South Burlington, Vermont. The site was previously permitted to accommodate two hotels with a total of 216 guest rooms. The current proposal includes development of the two hotels at 201 total rooms (net reduction of 15 rooms compared to the previously permitted development program) in addition to a residential building with 74 units and first floor commercial space with approximately 6,150 square feet of retail. It should be noted that the analysis below is based upon a slightly larger building program with 78 residential units and 6,800 square feet of retail, so results presented here are conservative. Trip generation estimates for the residential and retail components of the proposed development were calculated based primarily on rates published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual1 for the weekday morning and evening peak hours and are summarized in Table 1 below. ITE land use codes 310 – Hotel, 221 – Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise), and 820 – Shopping Center are the land use codes that best fit the land uses proposed for the site. Table 1 specifies the morning and evening peak hour trips being added to the program based on the additional residential units and retail space as well as the trips being removed from the program based on the 15 room reduction compared to the permitted program outlined in the October 1, 2019 Traffic Impact Study Memorandum. Table 1: 2021 Redevelopment Program Trip Generation Summary Residences Retail Total being added to the program Hotel Total Net New Trips for change of development program (added to the program) (added to the program) (removed from the program) (78 units) (6,800 sf) (15 rooms) Weekday Morning Peak Hour Enter 7 4 11 4 7 Exit 21 2 23 3 20 Total 28 6 34 7 27 Weekday Evening Peak Hour Enter 21 12 33 4 29 Exit 13 13 26 5 21 Total 34 25 59 9 50 1 Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington D.C., 2017. Ref: 57913.03 August 31, 2021 Page 2 \\vhb\gbl\proj\SBurlington\57913.01 Larkin Holiday Inn\docs\Permits\Local Materials\FBC Application\Rev Submittal 07- 2021\ReSubmission08-25-21\Submission\TIS memo - Larkin Holiday Inn - 2021-08-31.docx Based on the industry standard trip rates included in the VHB Traffic Impact Study Memorandum dated October 1, 2019, the 216 hotel rooms previously permitted were associated with a total of 102 morning peak hour trips and 130 evening peak hour trips. This represented an excess of 15 hotel rooms compared to the proposed redevelopment program, associated with 7 morning peak hour trips and 9 evening peak hour trips. To calculate net new trips added to the roadway network resulting from the proposed redevelopment program, the excess hotel trips were subtracted from the estimate of new trips generated by the newly proposed residential and retail space. The trip generation of the new redevelopment program with 15 fewer hotel rooms, but additional residential units and retail will result in slightly higher trip rates for the site than were previously permitted. The modification to the redevelopment program will result in a net increase of 27 site trips during the morning peak hour and a net increase of 50 site trips during the evening peak hour. The combination of hotel, retail and residential space is expected to generate 129 trips during the morning peak hour and 180 trips during the evening peak hour total. PROPOSED TRAFFIC MITIGATION As a part of the 2019 permitting effort, transportation improvements were proposed at the intersection of Williston Road with Dorset Street and Holiday Inn Drive. To improve LOS at this intersection, it is proposed that the existing westbound Williston Road approach be re-striped with a single left-turn lane and three through lanes, with corresponding modifications to the signal heads and signal controller to accommodate this change. Accompanying this lane shift would be the widening of Williston Road west of the intersection to accommodate a full third receiving lane, which would serve as the entry lane for the I-89 northbound on-ramp. In addition, pedestrian access would be improved through the installation of a crosswalk, pedestrian pedestals with push buttons, curb cuts, and detectable warning surfaces for a new crossing on the west leg of the intersection. The proposed intersection reconfiguration is shown in Figure 1. Ref: 57913.03 August 31, 2021 Page 3 \\vhb\gbl\proj\SBurlington\57913.01 Larkin Holiday Inn\docs\Permits\Local Materials\FBC Application\Rev Submittal 07- 2021\ReSubmission08-25-21\Submission\TIS memo - Larkin Holiday Inn - 2021-08-31.docx Figure 1: Proposed US 2 at Dorset St/Holiday Inn Reconfiguration As shown in Table 2, this lane reconfiguration was calculated to improve the overall intersection LOS for the 2024 Build scenario to LOS D. This lane reconfiguration is consistent with recommendations identified in the Williston Road Network Transportation Plan. Table 2: LOS Summary Before and After Williston Road Lane Reconfiguration Intersection Peak Hour v/c*Delay**LOS***v/c*Delay**LOS*** Weekday AM 1 47 D 0.78 27 C Weekday PM 1.11 68 E 0.97 42 D * v/c - Volume to capacity ratio, per Synchro ** Delay expressed in seconds per vehicle, per Synchro *** LOS - Level of service, per Synchro Williston Rd at Dorset St / Holiday Inn Existing Geometry Proposed Mitigation 2024 Build Ref: 57913.03 August 31, 2021 Page 4 \\vhb\gbl\proj\SBurlington\57913.01 Larkin Holiday Inn\docs\Permits\Local Materials\FBC Application\Rev Submittal 07- 2021\ReSubmission08-25-21\Submission\TIS memo - Larkin Holiday Inn - 2021-08-31.docx During permitting of the previously proposed development scenario, alternatives with additional room counts that would generate additional trips were considered and analyzed. The mitigation concept was tested with the additional hotel rooms in place to ensure that the mitigation would be adequate in the event that a 20 percent increase in room count was developed on the site. With the additional development now proposed with this program on the site, corresponding to approximately 50 peak hour trips, the intersection would continue to operate at LOS D or better during both peak hours with only a two second increase in overall intersection delay. As such, the 50 trip increase proposed in the modified redevelopment plan can be accommodated at the signalized intersection and continues to result in a LOS D condition in the evening peak hour. SOUTH BURLINGTON TRAFFIC OVERLAY DISTRICT As part of the current permitting efforts, an analysis was conducted to determine the trip budget for the site and the increased capacity available at the intersection with the proposed improvements. The trip budget calculated for the site was 60 trips. Because the intersection improvements increased the capacity of the intersection by 144 trips and the peak hour trip generation of this development program is 180 trips, the net trip generation of the site was calculated to be 36 trips. As such, an increase in 50 trips (to get to the total of 180 trips) associated with the currently proposed redevelopment program would be accommodated in the trip budget of 60 trips calculated for the site. Table 3. Traffic Overlay District Peak Hour Trip Generation Adjustments and Budget Maximum Number of Peak Hour Trip Ends 15 per 40,000 SF of Land Area Approximate Project Parcel Area (square feet)160,195 Maximum PM Peak Hour Trip Budget 60 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation 180 Trip Generation Adjustments*-144 Adjusted PM Peak Hour Trip Generation**36 * Calculated based on estimated intersection capacity increase at the Dorset Street/Williston Road intersection resulting from modifying the westbound Williston Road lane designation from two left turn lanes plus two through lanes to one left turn lane plus three through lanes. **Adjusted Trip Generation is lower than the calculated Trip Budget Ref: 57913.03 August 31, 2021 Page 5 \\vhb\gbl\proj\SBurlington\57913.01 Larkin Holiday Inn\docs\Permits\Local Materials\FBC Application\Rev Submittal 07- 2021\ReSubmission08-25-21\Submission\TIS memo - Larkin Holiday Inn - 2021-08-31.docx SOUTH BURLINGTON TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES The previously permitted program was anticipated to generate 26 net peak hour trips and had a resulting transportation impact fee of $25,996 based on the South Burlington Impact Fee Ordinance2. As shown above, the current redevelopment program is anticipated to increase the net peak hour trips by 50. Based on the traffic impact fee of $999.86 per trip, as shown in Table 4 the resulting impact fee for the additional trips would be $49,993. We suggest that the City continue to waive this traffic impact fee in lieu of the proposed improvements to the westbound lane configuration and pedestrian accommodations on Williston Road at Dorset Street that are identified in this report. Table 4: Anticipated City of South Burlington Transportation Impact Fees Previously Permitted Development Additional Trips for Currently Proposed Development Program PM Peak Hour Trips 26 50 Impact Fee Rate, per new PM peak hour trip $999.86 $999.86 Project Impact Fee $25,996 $49,993 * South Burlington Impact Fee Ordinance, amended May 19, 2014. CONCLUSIONS The proposed redevelopment program now includes two hotels with 201 rooms total as well as 78 residential units and 6,800 square feet of retail space. These modifications to the program will result in an increase in 27 trips during the morning peak hour and an increase of 50 vehicle trips during the evening peak hour. The permitting of the previous development program included the restriping of the westbound Williston Road approach, recommended to be a single left-turn lane and three through lanes. This lane reconfiguration was calculated to improve the overall intersection operations to LOS C for the 2024 Build scenario AM peak hour and LOS D for the 2024 Build PM peak hour scenario. Tests confirmed that the intersection could absorb the proposed additional trip generation increase of 50 evening peak hour trips and continue to operate at LOS D or better. 2 City of South Burlington Impact Fee Ordinance. City of South Burlington, Vermont. May 19, 2014 Ref: 57913.03 August 31, 2021 Page 6 \\vhb\gbl\proj\SBurlington\57913.01 Larkin Holiday Inn\docs\Permits\Local Materials\FBC Application\Rev Submittal 07- 2021\ReSubmission08-25-21\Submission\TIS memo - Larkin Holiday Inn - 2021-08-31.docx Based on current City of South Burlington regulations, the estimated increase in the municipal traffic impact fee would be $49,993. We suggest that the City waive this traffic impact fee in lieu of the proposed improvements to the westbound lane configuration and pedestrian accommodations on Williston Road at Dorset Street. In conclusion, based on the results of this analysis, the modification to the site development program is not anticipated to create unreasonable congestion on the adjacent roadway network.