HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/06/2003CITY COUNCIL 6 MARCH 2003 The South Burlington City Council held a budget presentation meeting on Thursday, 6 March 2003, at 7:00 p.m., in the conference room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members present: J. Condos, Chair; C. Smith, S. Magowan Also present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; D. Kinville, City Clerk; J. B. Hoover (and family), Director of Planning & Zoning; Chief Lee Graham, Police Department; B. Hoar, Public Works Department 1. Planning & Zoning Department: Ms. Hoover noted that salaries are up a bit as Ray Belair has moved up one pay grade. He is now doing all permitting, and this is becoming more complex by the year. Furniture and equipment are down due in part to a donated computer. There will be a new desk set-up for Tina. There are no major changes under the Natural Resources Committee budget. Mr. Magowan asked about legal fees. Ms. Hoover noted that the Environmental Court is very expensive, especially with regard to traffic issues. 2. City Clerk: Ms. Kinville said the budget doesn't have much change. There is a jump in personnel due to the hiring of a full time person. This person will work part of the time with Accounts Payable. The hope is to computerize all vital records. The new person can also serve as a backup for Payroll. Mr. Condos questioned the amount for Election Salaries and noted there will be a primary in March and the regular election in May. Ms. Kinville said there is a possibility the office will begin to do passports. They are also looking to get a tighter system for handling all cash in city hall. 3. Police Department: Chief Graham said the department is requesting no new personnel. They will replace 2 cars and get a new SUV. The department received a grant for scales and these have generated about $2000 in fines in the past few weeks. Two copiers will be replaced. The company is no longer providing maintenance on the old one. This will be a lease-purchase arrangement. Mr. Condos asked about the possibility of paying for the new traffic person via traffic fines. Chief Graham noted that the new person has been on the job only since 13 January. Mr. Condos said the biggest problem he is hearing is traffic, with cars estimated to be going at 60 mph and more on Williston Rd. Chief Graham noted that the department has seen a 14.7% increase in calls. One capital item in the budget is to buy out the leases on the computers ($25,000). 4. Public Works: Mr. Hoar said the major changes are in salary/medical insurance. The salt budget will be the same. Mr. Hoar noted they are still within this year's budget despite the bad weather. They are, however, doing a lot more sanding and salting of the sidewalks and rec paths. Mr. Condos said he had received a lot of favorable comment about that. Vehicle repair is down because of newer equipment. 51 trees will be coming this spring for Dorset St. Mr. Hafter noted that "No Right Turn on Red" signs will be installed on Kennedy Drive/Dorset Street for the benefit of pedestrians, especially school children. There will also be a countdown timer near Barnes and Noble. Mr. Condos noted that Dorset St. will be the first of the "corridors" to be retimed, a project of the MPO. Mr. Hoar said the timings went into the mail today. There will be a different timing for AM and PM peaks. He felt there was no good answer for holiday timing. Mr. Hoar said paving costs may go up if the country goes to war. He was still hoping to be able to do everything in the paving plan. Cheese Factory Rd. will be done early in the spring. They will not do the hill and curve as they would have to blast to straighten that out. More signage will be put up. 5. Parks: Mr. Hoar said they are very pro-active regarding trees now. Mr. Condos asked if anything can be done to "beautify" some of the islands. Mr. Hoar said there is someone he is going to talk with on that. Some of the neighborhoods are going to do it themselves. The budget includes new carpeting for the O'Brien Center and refurbishing of tennis courts. 6. General Ledger/Payroll: Mr. Gravelin said the budget includes one bookkeeper and ½ time payroll. The budget includes new furniture and equipment for Gloria's office. 7. Assessing and Tax Departments: Mr. Hafter reported that Spencer Potter has been told the City won't be renewing his contract but will be hiring a city employee. A search committee will be formed to find someone. 8. Other entities: Mr. Hafter noted the large increase for the county courthouse. They are trying to bond for this. Mr. Condos said the Senate has passed the language to allow this. No opposition is expected, but there may be a timing issue. The CCTA increase was approved by the City Council. 9. Revenues: Mr. Hafter noted that revenues include $45,000 for the last year of the special highway assessment, $140,000 for the open space assessment, and $195,000 for recording fees (though these are anticipated to be higher). Interest income is down to $70,000. Mr. Hafter said the City won't make this year's projection. 10. Summary: A total tax increase of 1.2 cents is anticipated in the tax rate. One cent of this is for the city and .2 cents for "other entities." Both water and sewer rates will go up 10%. Mr. Magowan suggested possibly not spending all the social services money early in the year in order to hold some for special needs. Mr. Hafter briefly reviewed the process for allocating social services money. He felt a decision on this can be made in June when more is known about what is happening in the world. Mr. Smith moved to print the budget as presented and discussed. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.