HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-22-031 - Supplemental - 1068 Williston Road (7) \\vhb\gbl\proj\SBurlington\57913.01 Larkin Holiday Inn\docs\Permits\Local Materials\FBC Application 40 IDX Drive Building 100 Suite 200 South Burlington, VT 05401-7771 P 802.497.6100 To: Marla Keene, PE Development Review Planner City of South Burlington 180 Market St. South Burlington, VT 05403 Date: May 20, 2022 Project #: 57913.01 From: Peter Smiar, PE Mike Willard, ASLA Stephanie Wyman, PE Re: 1068 Williston Road- Holiday Inn Redevelopment Project Amendment Application for Multi-Family Building Application Narrative On behalf of Champlain School Apartments Partnership (“Applicant”), this memorandum is being submitted to accompany the application to amend existing Site Plan approval SP-21-035 for changes the Multi-Use building. Basic Information Project Description Proposed changes to the previously permitted Multi Family Building at the Holiday Inn Redevelopment Project generally include increasing the number of residential units from 74 to 83, eliminating the second level parking inside the building, eliminating the north parking deck, adding underground parking, and splitting the currently approved Phase 2 of the project into two phases, with the Multi Family building being Phase 2A. Construction Schedule/ Project Phasing In response to recent changes in site and market conditions occurring since the most recent approval, the phasing of the currently approved Phase 2 of the project (Multi Family building and Holiday Inn renovation) will be split into two phases. The general construction sequence is expected to proceed as follows: The current construction of the proposed city street and associated utility infrastructure to serve the project will continue into summer of 2022. Excavation for proposed Multi Family building foundation and supporting utilities is expected to commence mid to late summer of 2022 with vertical construction following in fall 2022 and into 2023. Renovation of the existing Holiday Inn building will follow at a later date, currently unknown, likely in early 2023. Construction of the previously approved Hampton Inn building will follow at a later time, after the Holiday Inn building work. The Applicant estimates that completion of all Project phases will take roughly 4 to 5 years. The Multi Family Building and the Holiday Inn building currently have coverage under zoning permit ZP-22-043. Once the Site plan approval for the proposed changes to the Multi Family building is granted, the applicant wishes to obtain a standalone zoning permit for Phase 2A to allow occupancy of Multi Family building independent of the Holiday Inn building. This application is intended to be structured to support that effort. Open space and landscaping budget requirements are met per phase as depicted on sheet L4.03 and the accompanying phased landscape budget calculations. Site Information Ref: Holiday Inn Redevelopment August 2, 2021 Page 2 \\vhb\gbl\proj\SBurlington\57913.01 Larkin Holiday Inn\docs\Permits\Local Materials\FBC Application Location map showing relation of subject property to adjacent properties and surrounding area. The plan set cover sheet includes a location map showing the relation of the subject property to adjacent properties and surrounding area. Boundaries and area of existing subject property(ies), proposed property lines, continues properties, boundaries of all zoning districts, transects, and overlay districts, and all designations on the City’s Official Map, and lots within the proposed subdivision numbered. C2.01 Proposed Site Plan depict the boundaries and area of existing subject property lines, boundaries of all zoning districts, transects and overlay districts. Because these districts and transects generally overlay or pertain to the entire subject property, for clarity they are listed on the plan sheets rather than overlaying the entire plan sheet. Location of existing restrictions on land, such as easements and covenants. No proposed change to previously submitted materials. Location of planned restrictions on land, such as easements and covenants. No proposed change to previously submitted proposed land restrictions, easements, and covenants. These features are shown on Proposed Site Plan sheet C2.01. In the case of a subdivision or development served by a privately owned and/or maintained street: A completed contract between the landowner and the City regarding the number of lots or dwelling units to be served by the proposed right-of-way or private street and the responsibility for the roadway maintenance and a copy of all proposed deeds, agreements, or other documents which convey or relate to the use of a privately owned street or right-of-way and a certificate of the City Attorney that these documents are satisfactory. No subdivision or private street proposed. A complete survey of the subdivision, prepared by a licensed land surveyor, showing the location, bearing and length of every street line, lot line and boundary line, and existing and proposed restrictions on the land, including but not limited to access ways and utility easements. Where applicable, this information shall be tied to reference points previously established by the city. No proposed change. Lot area in square feet and acres, and lot coverage calculations including building, overall, and front yard coverage and the location and layout of any off-street parking or loading areas, traffic circulation areas, pedestrian walkways and fire lanes. Ref: Holiday Inn Redevelopment August 2, 2021 Page 3 \\vhb\gbl\proj\SBurlington\57913.01 Larkin Holiday Inn\docs\Permits\Local Materials\FBC Application No proposed change to lot area or traffic circulation. Lot coverage calculations are included on the summary table in the proposed Site Plan sheet C2.01. Point-by-point lighting plan and cut sheets for all proposed outdoor lighting within the site. Minor revisions to the proposed site lighting in the immediate area of the Multi Family building and north parking lot are depicted on sheet L6.00. Lighting fixture specifications are included on sheet L6.00 as well. Preliminary grading, drainage, landscaping and buffering plan in accordance with Article 13, Supplemental Regulations. Minimal changes to surface grading are required as part of the amendment, and are shown on Sheet C3.01 Grading and Drainage Plan. Drainage collection infrastructure is also shown on sheet C4.01 Utility Plan. The drainage system generally consists of a series of catch basins and storm lines and surface flow routed to two subsurface infiltration systems and an infiltrating dry swale. All drainage systems outlet to existing outfalls. Landscape plantings including shade trees have been added around the north parking lot and are shown on the Planting Plan L4.00. Landscaping and buffering plans have been provided to include shade trees in the interior of the pedestrian plaza and are shown on the Planting Plan L4.00. The extent and amount of cut and fill for all disturbed areas, including before-and-after profiles and cross-sections of typical development areas, parking lots and roads, and including an erosion and sedimentation control plan, and proposed location of sediment sink/setting pond and interceptor swales. A small amount of additional fill will be generated by construction of the underground parking under the Multi Family building. The limit of work and project demarcation fencing have been updated accordingly on sheet C6.01. The location of any outdoor storage for equipment and materials if any, and the location, type and design of all solid waste-related facilities, including dumpsters and recycling bins. An additional enclosed dumpster and recycling facility has been added to the north if the Multi Use building. This is shown on the accompanying civil and landscape plans. Estimate of all earthwork, including the quantity of any material to be imported to or removed from the site or a statement that no material is to be removed or imported. The amount of earthwork at the site will be limited to the extent practical. Changes in site grades will be relatively minor. Excavation will be routine in nature and will largely be associated with removal of soils for the building foundations, utility trenching, and site grading. Imported materials will largely consist of pavement subbase materials, bedding materials for utility trenches, and planting soils for landscape areas. Ref: Holiday Inn Redevelopment August 2, 2021 Page 4 \\vhb\gbl\proj\SBurlington\57913.01 Larkin Holiday Inn\docs\Permits\Local Materials\FBC Application Location of existing structures on the site and showing all site conditions to remain. The Proposed Site Plan C2.01, and the accompanying architectural elevations depict site conditions to remain upon completion of the project. Landscape Features Existing water courses & buffers, base flood elevations if located in an area of special flood hazard, wooded areas, ledge outcrops, and other natural features. There are no existing water courses & buffers on the Project parcel. The site is not located in an area of a special flood hazard, and there are no wooded areas or significant natural features on the Project parcel. There is a wooded area offsite to the north, northeast, and west of the Project parcel; in these areas, the topography falls away from the Project parcel. A small portion of Class 2 wetland buffer zone will be disturbed during construction. The wetland buffer is depicted on the Proposed Site Plan sheet C2.01. The Project has previously obtained a Vermont Wetland Permit (#2018-826.01) and City Development Review Board approval for the wetland buffer zone impacts (#MS-21-05). The Project requires a Vermont Wetland Permit (VWP) amendment due to expanded impacts to the buffer area. A VWP application was submitted to DEC on 5/12/2022. The applicant will submit documents for City Development Review Board approval of these changes as well. Existing and proposed open space. The Project parcel does not contain any existing open space. Proposed open space consists of a pedestrian plaza and greenspace area, an Outdoor Café, and a publicly accessible green roof on the second floor of the multi-use building accessible from the pedestrian plaza, as depicted on sheet L4.01. Open space calculations are included on sheet L4.03. The approach to open space for the Project was developed in recognition of the proposed high-density urban setting of the site. Although the open space depicted for compliance purposes on sheet L4.03 included areas on private property only, the proposed streetscape and “private” open space are cohesive in nature and have been designed to provide a unified feel as users access the public right of way and engage with the seating areas and pocket parks around the Hampton Inn building. Sheet L4.03 includes open space compliance calculations. By proper designation on such plat, all public space for which offers of cession are made by the applicant and those spaces title to which is reserved by him. None proposed, not applicable. The location of all open space to be dedicated to the City as well as all open space to be retained by the applicant or to be held in common private ownership. All open space will be retained in private ownership. Proposed open space on the site is shown on sheets L2.00 and L4.03. Ref: Holiday Inn Redevelopment August 2, 2021 Page 5 \\vhb\gbl\proj\SBurlington\57913.01 Larkin Holiday Inn\docs\Permits\Local Materials\FBC Application Existing and proposed contours at a maximum vertical interval of two (2) feet. The Proposed Grading and Drainage (C3.01) plan shows contours at one-foot intervals. Detailed specifications and locations of planting, landscaping, screening, and/or buffering materials. Changes to the landscape plans include: See the landscape plan series for detailed specifications and locations of planting, landscaping, screening, and buffering materials. Sheets L4.01 and L4.02 depict the phased approach to landscaping. The landscaping budget for phase 2 is located in the accompanying materials. A list of existing vegetation, with the location, type size of existing trees of six inches or greater caliper. No proposed change. A written plan to preserve and protect significant existing vegetation during and after construction. Such plan will be of a sufficient detail that the City of South Burlington will be able to inspect the site during construction to ensure that existing vegetation is protected as per the plan. Tree protection for the project is established on sheet L0.00 and is as follows: 1. Existing trees to remain shall be protected with temporary construction fence. Erect fence at edge of the tree dripline prior to start of construction. 2. Contractors shall not operate vehicles, store materials, or dispose of any waste materials, within the tree protection area. 3. Damage to existing trees caused by the contractor shall be repaired by a certified arborist at the contractor’s expense. Detailed landscaping plan, specification of materials, costs, and phasing plan, including vegetation to remain, types of new plant materials, identified by common name and botanical name, sizes of all new plant materials by height and/or diameter at time of planting and at maturity, quantities of each of the planting materials, and treatment of the ground surface (paving, seeding, or groundcover) for all plantings, screening, buffering and stormwater infiltration. A detailed landscape plan with plant specifications and sizes (L4.00), related landscape details (L5.00), plans specifying materials and ground treatment (C2.01 and L3.00), related material details are provided in the plan set submittal. Estimated landscaping costs are included with this application package. Detailed erosion control plan demonstrating compliance with these regulations. Ref: Holiday Inn Redevelopment August 2, 2021 Page 6 \\vhb\gbl\proj\SBurlington\57913.01 Larkin Holiday Inn\docs\Permits\Local Materials\FBC Application A detailed erosion control plan (C6.01), erosion control narrative and notes (C8.00), and associated erosion control details (C8.01) have been provided in the drawing set. Buildings Please refer to the accompanying Architectural plans and BES self-evaluation checklists for demonstration of compliance with building related criteria of the T-4 District for the Multi Family building. There are no proposed changes to the previously approved Holiday Inn or Hampton Inn buildings, and those plans have not been included in this submission. Streets and Utilities Location, type and width of existing and proposed streets and block layout (including roadways, sidewalk recreation path). No proposed change. Plans and profiles showing location of existing and proposed street pavements, Proposed elevations along center lines of all streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, manholes, catch basins and culverts. No proposed change. Plans showing the location, size and invert elevations of existing and planned sanitary sewers, storm water drains, and fire hydrants and location and size of water, gas, electricity and any other utilities or structures. The accompanying utility plan sheet C4.01 has been updated to include minor adjustments to utility services as needed for the Multi Family Building. Location of existing septic systems and wells. The Project does not have any septic systems or wells on the property. Existing and proposed water and wastewater usage. Please refer to the accompanying design flow summary calculations submitted with this application in the form of allocation request letters. Changes to the proposed occupancy of the Multi Family building results in 12,620 gallons per day in wastewater flow, and 13,390 gallons per day of water demand for the building. Ref: Holiday Inn Redevelopment August 2, 2021 Page 7 \\vhb\gbl\proj\SBurlington\57913.01 Larkin Holiday Inn\docs\Permits\Local Materials\FBC Application Location and design of all utility distribution facilities. No utility distribution facilities are proposed. The location and details of all the improvements and utilities, including the location of all utility poles, utility cabinets, sewage disposal systems, water supply systems, and all details and locations of the stormwater management system. These features are depicted on sheets C3.01 and C4.01. Due to the limited nature of the building and lot coverage changes, no modifications to the currently approved stormwater system are required. The length of all straight lines, the deflection angles, radii, length of curves and central angles of all curves tangent distance and tangent bearing for each street. No proposed change All means of vehicular access and egress to and from the site onto public streets and all provisions for pedestrian access and circulation. No proposed change Analysis of traffic impacts, if required by the traffic overlay district and/or the DRB. The net impact of the revised development program is 5 AM peak hour trips and 4 PM peak hour trips as documented in the accompanying Trip Generation memo by VHB, dated May 10, 2022. Proposed stormwater management system, including (as applicable) location, supporting design data and copies of computation used as a basis for the design capacities and performance of stormwater management facilities. The proposed changes to the Multi Family building do not result in required changes to the stormwater treatment system as currently permitted, due to the fact that the resulting impervious surface and associated runoff volumes draining to subsurface Infiltration System 2 are unchanged. Stormwater will be treated in an identical manner as currently approved Detailed plans, designs and finished grades of retaining walls, steps, ramps, paving, site improvements, fences, bridges, culverts, and drainage structures. This information is included on the accompanying plan set as applicable. There are no significant retaining walls or steps proposed for the Project.