HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-22-031 - Supplemental - 1068 Williston Road (21)Affordable Housing Standards Compliance for the project name North Dorset Multifamily 6/20/22 (a) A site or subdivision plan that identifies the number, locations, types, and sizes of inclusionary units in relation to market rate units; Units will be integrated into the building. We have provided Unit Schedule A to show and describe the units. (b) Documentation supporting the allocation of inclusionary and market rate units, including inclusionary unit set aside calculations; Exhibit A (c) A description of each unit’s type, floor area, number of bedrooms, estimated housing costs, and other data necessary to determine unit affordability; Exhibit A (d) A list of proposed options, if any, to be incorporated in the plan, as provided for under Subsection (E) (Developer Options) of this Article; Not Applicable (e) Documentation regarding household income eligibility; Not Available at this time (f) Information regarding the long-term management of inclusionary units, including the responsible party or parties, as required to ensure continued affordability; Narrative Provided Below (g) Draft legal documents required under this section to ensure continued affordability; Not Applicable (h) Construction timeline for both inclusionary and market rate units; IZ and Market Rate will be constructed with integrated timeline. (i) Other information as requested by the Administrative Officer to determine project compliance with inclusionary zoning requirements. Upon Request. Narrative of Methodology to Comply with Affordable Housing Standards: Per Article 18.01D 15% (12 units) of the 83 residential units held for rent are required to be Inclusionary Rental Units. All 83 rental units will be built as part of the same phase and in the same building with comparable finish, amenity, and efficiency. The building is comprised of 4 Studio units, 71 one-bedroom units and 8 two-bedroom units on 5 floors. Comprehensively, the building is comprised of 1 Type Studio, 10 types of 1BDRM, and 3 types of 2BDRM. Notably, Type 1B is 620 sqft of habitable space which is less than the required 650 sqft per the Housing Standard. The selected Inclusionary units were selected to be a fair and prorated mix of the unit types throughout the building so that the IRU’s were integrated into the building and a fair sample of the building unit mix. The exception to this methodology was made for the unique top floor units, none of which will be offered as IRU’s. See Exhibit A. IRU’s will be offered to rent at a maximum rent, including utility allowances in accordance with the VHFA Matrix below (updated annually). At the time the tenant applies to rent the unit our rental manager will run an income screen for the units dedicated to meet the affordable criteria referencing the Vermont State Housing Authority Income Limits. Annually, the manager/owner of this project will prepare and submit a report to the City Manager that lists the gross rents charged for inclusionary units and household incomes at move-in based on documentation provided by tenant for owner’s completion of form provided by the City, to certify that Inclusionary Rental Unit rent maximums and household income maximums have been maintained as required. Unit Schedule A: All Units All Types Inclusionary Rental Units Exhibit A: