HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/16/2003CITY COUNCIL 16 JUNE 2003 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 16 June 2003, at 7:30 p.m., in the conference room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members present: J. Condos, Chair; C. Smith, T. Sheahan, D. O'Rourke, S. Magowan Also present: C. Hafter, City Manager; J. B. Hoover, Director of Planning & Zoning; B. O'Neill, T. Hubbard, Recreation Department; B. Hoar, Public Works Director; A. Johnston, The Other Paper; T. Barritt, J. Highcamp, C. Wordley, T. Cairns, B. Torpey 1. Comments & questions from the audience not related to Agenda items: Mr. Barritt noted that on Saturday morning someone in the Meadow Rd. neighborhood was taken from the area because of controlled substance use. Neighbors have a concern with safety and with the condition of the property (doors falling off, ripped screens, etc.). This is a rental property, and attempts to talk with the owner have been unsatisfying. Neighbors are very concerned with illegal activities going on in that house. Mr. Hafter confirmed that he has looked at the property. The house is not "unsafe," so he can't act on it as Health Officer. He will, however, keep an eye on it, and if there are violations of the housing code, he will take action. Mr. Hafter also noted that police were turned down for a warrant, though he could not explain why. Ms. Hoover said if property taxes are being paid, and if there is no health hazard, there is not much the city can do. Mr. Magowan suggested looking at land records to see if there are any covenants as to how the property is to be maintained. 2. Announcements and City Manager's report: Mr. Smith: Meeting for the Regional Technical Academy, 25 June. They are asking for a member from each school board to join the Academy committee. Mr. Sheahan: Meeting of Regional Planning Commission Housing Task Force Coalition, 18 June, 4 p.m. Regular Regional Planning Commission meeting, 23 June. Mr. Magowan attended the first meeting on group looking into the feasibility of a South Burlington Ambulance Service. They will meet again on 26 June. Mr. Condos: GBIC annual luncheon tomorrow at noon. MPO reorganization meeting, 18 June, 5:45 p.m. at Union Station. Mr. Hafter: CSPAN bus will be at the South Burlington Library, tomorrow, 11 a.m-5 p.m. Correction Center Liaison Committee meeting, 25 June, 4 p.m. Quality of Life Committee meeting, 25 June, Noon. Bruce Hoar has been elected President of the Vermont Municipal Highway group. Traffic calming efforts are showing positive results. 3. Continued discussion of proposed Community Center/Aquatic Center; next steps: Mr. Sheahan said he wants to see something get done, even if it's just with a few steps. Mr. O'Neill stressed the need to keep the identified needs in mind and work toward meeting them. Mr. Magowan felt that if there is to be something that works year round, there has to be an indoor pool, both for leisure and therapeutic needs. He also suggested the possibility of having a building with space that can be leased to community groups. Mr. Sheahan suggested that the Recreation Department can also offer programs that can bring in resources. Members reviewed several options and tended toward option 2B. Mr. Condos stressed that there will be a fee to use the pool. Members agreed to ask the consultant how to phase option 2B and whether it will be possible to add onto that option. 4. Consideration of realignment of intersection at Farrell Street and Eastwoods intersection to a 3-way stop configuration: Mr. O'Rourke suggested waiting before doing anything. Mr. Condos felt things have gotten better but the city has to be sure that striping remains visible. He suggested possibly closing up the intersection by using paint. Mr. Hoar cited three concerns: 1. the pedestrian crossings are bad 2. the bike path in the area is bad 3. people don't pay attention to traffic control elements. He felt the corner works but people go too fast. Mr. Hafter suggested possibly widening the intersection to make room for a "pocket." Mr. Hoar didn't think that would work. He suggested changes for the bike path, possibly two 5-foot paths on either side of the road. Mr. Hafter suggested that in July they can get someone to take a look at that intersection. Mr. Hafter took the opportunity to remind community members of the bike ride on Saturday morning to dedicate the bridge to George Sporzynski. The ceremony will take place at 10 a.m. 5. Consideration of request from Champlain Oil Co., Inc., to allow drive-thru service when co-branding a facility in the C-1 District: Messrs. Magowan and O'Rourke stepped down during this discussion due to a conflict of interest. Mr. Cairns said he had met with Mr. Hafter and Ms. Hoover on this issue. The issue concerns 2 properties on Williston Rd., one owned by McDonalds and the other by Champlain Oil. Their site is contaminated. A plan is being proposed which would combine the 2 lots with a service station and a McDonalds similar to one in Rutland (he showed pictures of this to the Council). Mr. Cairns noted McDonalds is ready to rebuild, and the plan would eliminate curb cuts on Williston Rd. The problem is that 65% of McDonalds business is drive-thru. Mr. Condos said the issue is how to devise criteria so everyone on Williston Rd. doesn't want a drive-thru. Ms. Hoover said the Planning Commission has been on site visits on Williston Rd. They are trying to be sure not to miss any opportunities for redevelopment in the city. Ms. Hoover said drive-thrus are a fact of modern life. The Planning Commission is inclined to keep this to a sub-zone on Shelburne and Williston Roads. The zone on Williston Rd. would be between Mary St. and White St. where there is a redevelopment potential. The Commission is also working on an update of the Traffic Overlay District. This has been very effective. The feeling is that standards can be written so the only way to get something like a drive-thru is to make significant improvement (close curb cuts, consolidate parcels, etc.). Ms. Hoover felt a lot of properties won't be able to do this. An application would also have to go through design review. Mr. Condos noted the McDonalds on Shelburne Rd. doesn't work well at all. The stacking line is backed up at lunch time. He said he would want there to be consideration for not having off-set driveways. Mr. Hafter said they would have to be careful in writing the regulations so you don't end up with only one drive-thru and give that business an unfair advantage. Members felt there is some merit to the idea but stressed the need to be very careful what the city ends up with. They cited many accidents at the current McDonalds facility due to turning cars. Mr. O'Rourke rejoined the Council. Mr. Magowan also had a conflict on the following item and did not rejoin the Council. 6. Consideration of request from Burlington Community Land Trust for city application for VCDP development grant for affordable condominium ownership project: Ms. Torpy asked the Council to consider applying for a $600,000 grant for affordable condos. The project has been created by the O'Brien Farms development. She showed the location. One lot is under construction with town houses; the other lot would have the affordable condos. Half of the condos would remain permanently affordable. Ms. Torpy noted that the Land Trust has helped over 450 people become homeowners and not one has defaulted. The next round of community development grants is in July. The decision would be made on 1 October. Mr. Sheahan asked if this would affect the city's tax rolls. Ms. Torpy explained that property is assessed at market value. The land trust just subsidizes the purchase price. Ms. Hoover noted that the City has worked with O'Briens to get land for a park in this area and suggested re-opening that conversation because of what is being proposed here. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve signing the resolution for a VCDP grant application as presented. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed 4-0. Mr. Magowan rejoined the Council. 7. Consideration of appointment to be made from City Council and staff: The following appointments were considered: MPO Representative:Mr. Condos Mr. O'Rourke (alternate) CCRPC Representative:Mr. Sheahan Mr. Smith (alternate) CCTA Representative:Mr. Hafter and Bill Wessel Channel 17 Board Representative:Mr. Gravelin Mr. Smith moved to approve the appointments as presented. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Accept resignation of Denise Vignoe from Recreation Path Committee: Mr. Sheahan moved to accept the resignation of Denise Vignoe from the Rec Path Committee and to authorize the City Manager to send a letter of thanks for her service. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Review Development Review Board agenda for 17 June meeting: No issues were raised. 10. Review minutes of 2 June 2003 Organizational Meeting: Mr. Smith moved to approve the minutes of the organizational meeting as written. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Liquor Control Board: Mr. O'Rourke moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented a First Class Liquor License application from LaCameta Mexican Restaurant. He noted they haven't completed construction and passed fire inspection. He asked the Board to approve the application conditional upon the Fire Chief's okay. Mr. Magowan moved to approve the First Class Liquor License application of LaCameta subject to the Fire Chief's okay. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session: Mr. Sheahan moved the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in executive session to discuss litigation and to resume regular session on to act on a possible settlement and/or adjourn. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The Council returned to regular session. Mr. Magowan authorized the City Manager to settle a lawsuit as presented regarding Ms. Balcer. Mr. Sheahan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Sheahan moved adjournment. Mr. Magowan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.