HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/21/2003CITY COUNCIL 21 JULY 2003 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 21 July 2003, at 7:30 p.m., in the conference room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members present: J. Condos, Chair; T. Sheahan, C. Smith, D. O'Rourke Also present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Assistant City Manager; Rep. A. Audette, B. Cimonetti, J. J. Hamilton, R. McEwing, D. Boyle, M. Companion, J. Zwick, J. Nadeau, L. Valburn, B. Torpey, B. Knight, A. Rowe 1. Comments & questions from the audience, not related to agenda items: No issues were raised. 2. Announcements & City Manager's report: Mr. Smith: Regional Technical Academy Committee meeting tomorrow. The committee has been expanded to include one representative from each school board. Mr. Sheahan: Last Wednesday, attended meeting of Regional Housing Task Force which is trying to define its goals and objectives. Next Monday, Regional Planning Commission regular meeting. Mr. Condos: Next Tuesday, MPO/Regional Planning Commission transition meeting. Mr. Hafter: Last Friday, a retirement dinner was held for Recreation Director Bruce O'Neill at the Clarion. The dinner was very well attended. Mr. Hafter showed a painting by Holly Plunkett which was given to Mr. O'Neill. Mr. Hafter introduced Andy Netzler who will be covering South Burlington for the Free Press. An event is being planned for several individuals who have served the city in past years including Bill Burgess, Bill Cimonetti, Mary-Barbara Maher and Fred Blais. This will probably occur in September when people have returned from vacationing. Members agreed to meet on 8 September (instead of Labor Day which would be the regular date). The CCTA retreat will be held on 28 July. The Social Responsibility Committee meets on 6 August. A report will be presented on 18 August. The Airport Planning Group will meet at 1:30 p.m. on 11 August. The city has sold a $1.3 million bond for communications equipment. Rates range from 1.9 to 3.7% for an average on 2.8% which is a great rate. 3. Interviews with applicants for city committees: The Council interviewed David Boyle, Mark Companion and John Swick for the Planning Commission. Mr. Boyle works full time for the Vermont National Guard and is working on a master's degree a St. Michaels. His thesis was on town center development. He wants to apply what he has studied and expand his knowledge. Mr. Companion is an Essex Junction native. He is involved with land use, transportation, etc. He wants to learn more by being involved with the "nuts and bolts" of planning. Mr. Zwick just moved to Dorset Street. He has been a designer for many years and now works with the Vermont Arts Council on the Danville Project to reconstruct a route through Danville. He enjoys community participation. Mr. Condos asked the applicants if anything has caught their attention that they like or don't like about city planning. Mr. Zwick felt the city needs to get the word out that there is a plan. Mr. Companion is impressed with planning, particularly the Rec Path. Mr. Boyle felt South Burlington has the most comprehensive town center plan. He wants to continue the "smart growth" approach. Mr. O'Rourke asked what applicants see as the Planning Commission's role for the remaining open space in the southeast quadrant. Mr. Boyle felt it was important to grow from the center out and to try to cut down on the one house per 2 acres lots. Mr. Companion felt it is important to connect green space and to encourage people to use it (like the Burlington waterfront). Mr. Zwick felt it is important to maintain and enhance green space and to encourage young people to learn about protecting open space. The Council then interviewed Bill Cimonetti and Lori Valburn for the Recreation Path Committee. Ms. Valburn has lived in the city for 9 months. She feels the city is creating a model of rec paths. Ms. Valburn is employed by the Agency of Transportation and has partnered with South Burlington for the Youth Corps Summer Program. Mr. Cimonetti has lived in the city for 40 years and was involved in early planning for the Rec Path. He uses the path frequently and belongs to 3 bike clubs. Mr. Condos explained the selection process to applicants. 3. Public hearing on Ordinance for Control of Cross Connections with the City of South Burlington; second reading of same: Mr. Nadeau explained that the state has very vague workings on this subject, so the Water Department has written something better with more emphasis on testing with relation to back-flow. This is a very in-depth ordinance, and the hope is that the state will utilize it as well. The Department will begin surveys of commercial and industrial property to see the potential of hazards from cross connections happening. They will also install backflow devices in new residential settings and will encourage people in existing homes to install them as well. Mr. Sheahan asked if there will be an enforcement component. Mr. Nadeau said there will. People will have 60 days to install a device is there is a threat of cross-connection. If they still refuse, the Department can shut off their water. Mr. Cimonetti asked why backflows are not put on the city side. Mr. Nadeau said the Department's responsibility ends at the curbside. The only thing the Department owns inside is the water meter. There is a question also of liability -- if it fails, the city is liable. Mr. Hafter noted that most people would rather do it themselves and not have the city come in. Mr. Sheahan moved to close the public hearing, waive the second reading, and approve the ordinance as presented. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Update on proposed VCDP grant application for 60 affordable condominium owner-occupied units: Ms. Torpey said they will not be doing the 60 units on the O'Brien site but will do them on the O'Dell site. This is more affordable for them. She showed the location of the units on the plan and also a drawing of the proposed building. This was originally proposed as a hotel site. There will be 52 2-bedroom condos. The balance will be one-bedroom units. They will start marketing in November and hope to be on line in the spring. The project will serve the same income groups. Mr. O'Rourke said he was uncomfortable with the change being made before coming to the Council. Ms. Torpey said she contacted staff, but there wasn't another Council meeting before tonight. Mr. Sheahan was concerned that if the Council gave an approval, the DRB might think there is an implicit approval. He was concerned with changes in trip ends, parking, etc. Mr. Condos suggested telling the DRB that all the Council approved was a resolution for a grant plan, if the project is moved forward. 5. Consideration of request from Burlington International Airport for installation of 4-way stop at White Street and Airport Drive: Mr. Hamilton said the issue of safety was brought him by employees who walk from the temporary parking lot to their job sites. This is very dangerous as traffic moves very fast in the area. Mr. McEwing then updated the Council on the progress of the project. Footings are in for the parking structure, and tomorrow traffic begins coming out the new exit to Maryland Road. Mr. McEwing showed the problem intersection. He was concerned with the possibility of someone getting hurt there. He felt a temporary stop sign would help. Mr. Hafter explained the process which requires a study followed by a public hearing. He felt the study could be done by mid-August and a public hearing held in mid-September. The comment was made that if you put up a stop sign it will be difficult to take it down. Rep. Audette suggested employees walk on the airport side of the road. Mr. McEwing said it is under construction. Rep. Audette also noted that people don't stop when they come out of the Airport parking areas and don't yield to oncoming traffic. Mr. Condos said the location would have to meet state warrants for a stop sign to be put up. In the past this hasn't happened. Mr. Hafter said the city was told this would be "overflow" parking; now it is employee parking. He asked what it would be in the future. Mr. McEwing said it would be overflow parking. Members agreed to have a study done to see if the intersection meets the warrants for a stop sign. 6. Update on Kennedy Drive improvement project: Mr. Rowe said the Act 250 application was submitted a few weeks ago. A hearing is tentatively scheduled for 12 August. All other permits are in hand. The right-of-way acquisition is on hold till permitting is done. Mr. Condos said he would like to see some plans to see where everything is. Mr. Rowe agreed to provide that. Mr. Condos felt the right-of-way acquisition should start immediately and stressed that the city wants the project to start next year. 7. Review of MPO Long-Range Transportation Plan update: Mr. Knight noted that they are required to do a transportation study every 5 years, and there must be a long-range plan. This study has been underway for 3 years. Last winter a draft plan was presented to the MPO which raised a number of concerns. It is now being proposed to have just over $1,000,000,000 between 2001 and 2005. After subtracting out system maintenance and the list of committed projects, there is $348,000,000 left for other projects and strategies. Strategies include: Managing transportation demand Bike/pedestrian systems (built at the same time as streets) Transit system for the county The circ highway They have begun to look at arterial roadways and interstate enhancements. The Hinesburg Rd. future interchange is being looked at as well as having 6 lanes on the interstate in the Burlington/South Burlington area. Major problems are being projected for Williston Road, and they are looking to see what improvements can be made. They are also looking at Spear Street as the forecast is for much more traffic there. East-west roads are also being studied. There will be one more public meeting in late September/early October and then a public hearing at the MPO Board. The planning document should be available in 30-60 days. 8. Consideration of approval of letter of support for completion of circ highway: Mr. Condos suggested changes to the second sentence of the letter. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the letter of support. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Consideration of appointment of voting delegate for VLCT annual business meeting: Mr. Sheahan moved that Mr. Condos be appointed voting delegate for the VLCT annual business meeting. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Consideration of approval of special event permit for National Night Out, Dorset Park, August 5-6, 2003; proclamation of National Night Out by Council: Mr. Smith moved to approve the special event permit for National Night Out as presented. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Smith moved to approve the proclamation of National Night Out. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Consideration of approval of capital equipment refunding note and borrowing resolution for water meter radio-read system: Mr. Hafter advised that the rate is 2.1%. Installation is going well. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the capital equipment refunding note and resolution as presented. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Review minutes of 2 June and 16 June 2003: It was noted that in the minutes of 2 June, in the middle of p.1, "A&R" should read "ANR." Mr. O'Rourke moved to approve the minutes of 2 June as amended. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed 3-0 with Mr. Smith abstaining. Mr. O'Rourke moved to approve the minutes of 16 June as written. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Sign disbursement orders: Disbursement orders were signed. Executive Session: Mr. Sheahan moved that the Council adjourn and reconvene in executive session to discuss appointments, contracts, and personnel matters and to resume regular session only for the purpose of making appointments and/or adjourning. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: City council returned to regular session. Mr. Sheahan moved the following appointments to city boards. Mr. Smith seconded: Planning Commission - David Boyle (2007); John Zwick (2006) Recreation Path Committee - Bill Cimonetti (2006); Ed Darling (2006); Lori Volburn(2006) Library board - Diane Carris (2006) Recreation Committee - Betsy Jackson (2006) Leisure Arts - Ethel Schuele (2006) The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Smith moved adjournment. Mr. Sheahan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.