HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Climate Action Plan Task Force - 08/29/2022 Climate Action Plan Task Force
180 Market Street
South Burlington, VT 05403
(802) 846-4106
Meeting Monday, August 29, 2022
City Hall, 180 Market Street, Auditorium and Online
7:00 pm
This meeting will be held both in person and digitally via Zoom. Participation Options:
In person: South Burlington City Hall Auditorium, 180 Market Street
Interactive Online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89245920771
Telephone: (929) 205 6099; Meeting ID: 892 4592 0771
1. Instructions on existing building in case of emergency and review of technology options (7:00 pm)
2. Agenda: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items (7:02 pm)
3. Open to the public for items not related to the agenda (7:05 pm)
4. Review Updated Draft Climate Action Plan (7:10 pm)
a. Overview of changes incorporating community feedback, Melanie Needle, CCRPC
b. Task Force member review of feedback, additional changes
5. Discussion of recommending possible charter change to authorize regulation of hearing systems in
existing buildings (8:15 pm)
6. Minutes (8:40 pm)
7. Other Business (8:45 pm)
a. Upcoming meeting schedule
8. Adjourn (8:50 pm)
*Item has attachments
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Conner, AICP,
Paul Conner, AICP
Director of Planning & Zoning
Chief Sustainability Officer
Prepared By: Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission* for
South Burlington’s Climate Action Plan Taskforce
DRAFT August 25, 2022
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Equity in Addressing Climate Change ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Equity Recommendations .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
What is a Climate Action Plan? .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Climate Action by Sector .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Buildings and Thermal Sector .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Transportation Sector .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Renewable Energy Generation ................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Natural Areas, Adaptation, and Resilience .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
Government Operations .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Other Sectors ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
ClearPath Modeling ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
2019 Greenhouse Gas Inventory ............................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Business As Usual Scenario ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Science Based Target Scenario................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Community Profile ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Impacted Communities ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Housing Composition ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Commuting Patterns ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 31
Fuel Source for Heating............................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Implementation of Actions and Next Steps ................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Appendix A ClearPath Modeling Data ..................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Appendix B Actions .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Appendix C Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 37
South Burlington’s Climate Has Changed.*
*Source: Vermont Health Department website, www.healthvermont.gov/health-environment/climate-health/climate-change
92 bird species of Vermont, including the common loon and hermit thrush, are expected to disappear from the landscape within the
next 25 years.
Hotter temperatures increase the need for air conditioning to protect vulnerable populations.
Climate change exacerbate the threats that invasive plants, insects, and diseases already pose to the health of Vermont’s forests.
Climate change will have a negative impact on fruit-bearing species like apple trees that require a sufficient over-wintering period
for success in the next growing season. The maple syrup industry is also at risk due to variations in winter temperatures.
In 2017, Vermont had the highest rate of reported confirmed and probable Lyme disease cases in the U.S. In the early 1990's, the
Health Department received a dozen or fewer confirmed reports of the illness each year.
Flooding is the most likely natural disaster to occur in Vermont; however, extremes will become more common, such as drought.
Additionally, more precipitation damages roads and property and increases runoff creating favorable conditions for cyanobacteria
blooms which are harmful to human health.
Increases in natural disasters in Vermont will likely increase the risk of injury, illness, and death.
Impacts could affect the quality and safety of food and water, which could lead to increases in food and water-borne illnesses.
Impacts could contribute to mental health challenges.
Children, people over 65 years of age, of low socioeconomic status, Indigenous, or have previous health issues are more vulnerable
to the health effects of climate change.
Source: Vermont Climate Assessment, 2021 (https://site.uvm.edu/vtclimateassessment/) and Vermont Department of Health, Climate Change in Vermont
We Must Act or Climate Change Will Continue
Source: IPCC, 2018: Global Warming of 1.5°C.An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas
emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty [Masson-
Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, H.-O. Pörtner, D. Roberts, J. Skea, P.R. Shukla, A. Pirani, W. Moufouma-Okia, C. Péan, R. Pidcock, S. Connors, J.B.R. Matthews, Y. Chen, X. Zhou, M.I. Gomis,
E. Lonnoy, T. Maycock, M. Tignor, and T. Waterfield (eds.)]. In Press. Page 96
The U.S. Has Contributed to Climate Change More Than Others
Source: https://ourworldindata.org/contributed-most-global-co2
Now Is the Time
South Burlington’s climate has changed due to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
Dependence on fossil fuels is responsible for almost all South Burlington’s emissions
Electricity in Vermont is now markedly cleaner than in the past due to the state’s
creation of a Renewable Energy Standard (RES) in 2017. Green Mountain Power is
now 100% carbon free.
Our Leadership Matters
South Burlington has an opportunity to reduce its climate pollution from building
heating and transportation by transitioning to carbon-free energy sources, like
electricity, and by making it easier to walk or take transit through changes in
development and transportation infrastructure. Additionally, nature-based solutions
such as protecting and adding trees, maintaining, and enhancing natural areas, and
installing green infrastructure will increase carbon sequestration and reduce risks from
extreme heat and precipitation.
In 2021, South Burlington’s Climate Action Task Force (CAPTF) was directed by the City
Council to produce a Climate Action Plan for the City of South Burlington. The CAPTF
identified high impact actions to significantly reduce South Burlington’s share of
Vermont’s GHG emissions (in line with the Paris International Treaty on Climate Change
and Vermont’s Global Warming Solutions Act). Chittenden County Regional Planning
Commission was hired as the consultant to provide a GHG inventory and support the
drafting of the plan.
2030 Targets and Actions
This Climate Action Plan lays out a strategy to meet these climate goals. The strategy is
presented in terms of targets, high impact actions, and supporting actions divided among
various sectors: buildings/thermal, transportation, natural areas, and small
engines/waste/agriculture. The high impact actions chosen for meeting the climate goals
is informed by modeling with ICLEI’s ClearPath tool. The inclusion of ClearPath modeling
creates a data-driven decision-making approach in planning and implementing climate
Figure 1 2019 GHG Emissions by Sector
Figure 2 Current and Future Emissions
change actions for the City. ClearPath was used to model a baseline inventory of GHG emissions, a business as usual (BAU) forecast, and science-
based target (SBT) scenario.
The baseline inventory represents residential, commercial/industrial, and transportation energy consumption along with the associated GHG
emissions for the Year 2019 data to avoid capturing pandemic related data fluctuations. The heating of buildings accounts for about 34% of
South Burlington’s greenhouse gas emissions, transportation accounts for 65 %, and 1% of emissions are caused by waste and agriculture. The
BAU scenario represents no climate action taken and creates a projection of emission trends based on anticipated demographic and economic
changes in South Burlington. The SBT scenario combines the business-as-usual forecast with the emission reduction goal of a 60% reduction in
emissions from 2019 and various actions for meeting the reduction goal. The SBT scenario enabled the CAPTF to understand the degree of
implementation of actions needed to electrify buildings and vehicles, weatherize buildings, and reduce vehicle miles traveled to reduce
emissions. Table 1 lists the targets that need to be achieved to reduce emissions. The necessary actions for achieving these targets are listed in
subsequent sections on each sector.
It is evident that the actions and targets needed to achieve a reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 are ambitious. Therefore, it will take the
commitment of city government, residents, and businesses to see themselves as part of the solution to make the necessary changes in travel
behavior, heating, energy generation, and land use to reduce fossil fuel energy use and become more resilient to a changing climate. New,
efficient heat pump technology, advancements in electric vehicles and small engines, and financial incentives\support make this transition more
economical than ever. However, creativity and flexibility will be needed to ensure that those burdened by the cost of the energy transformation
is not further exacerbated and that impacted communities are considered in the implementation phases of climate action planning that will
come subsequent to this plan being finalized.
Table 1 2030 Targets
2030 Buildings and Thermal Targets 2030 Transportation/Land Use Targets
Weatherize (see Appendix C for definition)
• 600 existing homes annually to reduce emissions 5%
• 8% of existing commercial/industrial square footage annually
to reduce emissions by 17%
• 360 existing housing units annually to reduce emissions by 9%
• New homes and businesses to be carbon free to reduce
emissions by 4%
• Replace 75% of gas vehicles with all electric vehicles (EVs) and
plug-in hybrid vehicles to reduce emissions by 42%
• Reduce vehicle miles traveled by 2.5% annually to reduce
emissions by 19%
• Plan for compact high density (greater than 12.5 dwelling units
per acre) new housing development to reduce emissions by 4%
Equity in Addressing Climate Change
Certain populations are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and could be more burdened from the policies that are developed to
mitigate a changing climate. As South Burlington climate action plan policies are considered and implemented; it is important to ask the
questions below to empower more inclusive decision-making:
According to the State of Vermont Climate Council’s Guiding Principles for a Just Transition, “Studies continue to show that low-income
communities, indigenous peoples, and black and other communities of color are among those who are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of
climate change.” Impacted populations also include older, and chronically ill Vermonters. People with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to
the impacts of climate change. For more information on building equity into climate change actions and a list of populations vulnerable to the
impacts of climate change, see the State of Vermont Climate Council’s Guiding Principles for a Just Transition.
Equity Recommendations
To ensure that equity is considered as climate action policies and investments are being developed by the City Council, the Climate Action Plan
Task Force recommends that the City should continue to enhance how it addresses equity in decision making and in subsequent implementation
phases. Throughout this climate action plan and described below equity recommendations have been considered for each sector. Impacted
populations as a group were not consulted in the drafting of this plan. So, it is essential that, as policies are implemented at the City Council
level, these populations are included in the process so that policies do not end up causing harm to people who can least afford or adapt to them
and to make sure people are not left out of the benefits of these policies. The Vermont League of Cities and Towns now has an Equity Toolkit to
assist municipalities in this work.
What is a Climate Action Plan?
A climate action plan is a framework for measuring and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and related climatic impacts. Climate action
plans include an inventory of existing emissions, reduction goals or targets, and prioritized reduction actions. Several governments in Vermont
have climate action plans. Click on the links below to view them (need to create live links).
Climate Action by Sector
Actions in a climate action plan are broken out by sector. Transportation and buildings are always the highest emitting sectors and therefore
will need aggressive changes for reducing emissions. In the following pages, each sector includes analysis of South Burlington’s greenhouse
gas emissions in that sector, a 2030 science-based target (SBT) to lower those emissions, and either high impact or supporting actions to
achieve this change.
High impact actions are the most effective at reducing emissions at the scale and pace necessary to meet the City’s fair share of emissions
reductions in accordance with the Paris International Treaty on Climate Change and Vermont’s Global Warming Solutions Act. High impact
actions are either policy or investment oriented and produce a measurable reduction in GHG emissions. Supporting actions are educational,
promotional, and are not always quantifiable. Supporting actions tend to also be critically important for minimizing risks from increased
precipitation, heat waves, and other climate change consequences. Figure 3 below is a high-level overview of the high impact and supporting
actions included in this plan. For more detailed information about the actions, see the sections on specific sectors.
Figure 3 High Impact and Supporting Actions
The thermal heating of buildings accounts for
about 34% of South Burlington’s greenhouse gas
emissions. Vision: South Burlington will weatherize
and electrify existing buildings and to have new
construction be net zero and fossil fuel free by
2030 Targets
Weatherize (see Appendix C for definition)
• 600 existing homes annually to reduce emissions by
• 8% of existing commercial/industrial square footage
annually to reduce emissions by 17%
• 360 existing housing units annually to reduce emis-
sions by 9%
• New homes and businesses to be fossil fuel-free to
reduce emissions by 4%
Since 2019
200 heat pumps per year have been installed in South
Burlington buildings.
XX homes annually received weatherization upgrades.
Go to www.vtenergydashboard.org/statistics for current totals
and more historical information.
High Impact Actions
• Become a 2030 District, a public-private partnership, to encourage commercial build-
ings to benchmark energy use and set reduction targets. www.2030districts.org
• Develop an energy efficiency ordinance for high energy use buildings similar to Bur-
lington's Minimum Housing Code Weatherization Ordinance.
• Develop a preferential tax rate for highly efficient buildings that are not using fossil
• Advocate for a state-wide Clean Heat Standard for delivered fuels
• Prohibit fossil fueled thermal in new buildings
• Propose charter change to regulate fossil fueled thermal in existing buildings
• Adopt net zero energy building code for new construction
• Adopt building code to and hire code inspector to ensure energy code compliance
Buildings and Thermal 34% of Emissions*
Emissions Reduction Targets
*As of base year 2019
Actions modeled to start in 2023
Buildings and Thermal
Policies should also focus on efficiency
measures (weatherization), such as insu-
lation, windows, and air sealing to reduce
energy use and make electrification more
affordable. Some level of weatherization
will occur in the City via the FAA sound
insulation program.
However, prioritizing electrification, reg-
ulating fossil-fuel-based energy use, and
decreasing embodied carbon in new con-
struction and existing buildings will have
the highest impact on building emissions.
There is a natural sequencing of actions
presented in this Plan. Incentives, such as
the 2030 District program and a prefer-
ential tax rate, precede requirements,
but the ordering is subject to change (for
example, funding availability, staff capac-
In 2019, 34% of the South Burlington’s
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were
generated from buildings, the majority
from natural gas. Building emissions are
primarily generated for space heating,
water heating, and cooking.
Electricity from Green Mountain Power is
now 100% carbon free. This means that
lighting and electric appliances are not
contributing to South Burlington’s GHG
emissions and reductions can be met via
the electrification of thermal processes.
To reach South Burlington’s emissions
reductions goals in buildings by 2030, all
newly constructed buildings will need
heating from fossil fuel-free energy
sources such as heat pumps.
ity, and political will). The City will need
to establish programs, policies, and
building codes to achieve different out-
comes that successfully reach its emis-
sions reduction targets for buildings.
Requirements are needed because some
activities—such as continued use of nat-
ural gas—will likely prevent the City
from reaching its GHG reduction goals.
The modeling shows several paths to
reaching goals, and not reaching targets
in one sector necessitate higher targets
in other sectors.
The City may also need to help building
owners overcome barriers associated
with certain requirements, such as the
retrofitting of existing buildings for elec-
trification efforts. Increased demand for
more efficient new buildings and build-
ing retrofit projects will require special-
ized job training to support the transi-
tion to resource-efficient, low-carbon,
resilient buildings.
High impact building actions are out-
lined below. The full set of buildings
and thermal recommendations is in-
cluded in Appendix B.
As policies are being developed, con-
sider how people with low incomes,
disabilities, and older Vermonters may
struggle to afford weatherization and
electrification and ensure that policies
do not increase challenges. Programs
such as CVOEO’s well-funded low in-
come weatherization service now in-
clude heat pumps. Efficiency Vermont
also has money for income-eligible
heat pump assistance. Buildings and Thermal High Impact Actions
Action GHG Reduction Cost Equity Type
Become a 2030 District , a public-private partnership, to encourage commercial
buildings to benchmark energy use and set reduction targets www.2030districts.org
High NA Neutral Policy
Develop an energy efficiency ordinance for high energy use buildings similar to Bur-
lington's Minimum Housing Code Weatherization Ordinance.
High $$ Consider accommodations
in implementation
Develop preferential tax rate for highly efficient buildings not using fossil fuels. High $ High Policy
Advocate for a state-wide Clean Heat Standard for delivered fuels High NA Neutral Policy
Prohibit fossil fueled thermal in new buildings Very High $$ Consider accommodations
and cultural exemptions
Propose charter change to regulate fossil fueled thermal in existing buildings Very High $$ Consider accommodations
and cultural exemptions
Adopt net zero energy building code for new construction Very High $$ Consider accommodations
in implementation
Adopt building code to and hire code inspector to ensure energy code compliance High $$ Consider accommodations
in implementation
Transportation and Land Use
Transportation accounts for about 66% of South Burling-
ton’s greenhouse gas emissions. Vision: South Burling-
ton will make policies to increase electric vehicle (EV)
adoption and reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT). South
Burlington will promote and encourage biking, walking,
transit use, and until EVs are broadly adopted, transpor-
tation fuel efficiency.
2030 Targets
• Replace 75% of gas vehicles with all electric vehicles (EVs) and
plug-in hybrid vehicles to reduce emissions by 42%
• Reduce vehicle miles traveled by 2.5% annually to reduce
emissions by 19%
• Plan for compact high density (greater than 12.5 dwelling
units per acre) new housing development to reduce emissions
by 4%
As of 2021
174 all electric vehicles and 166 plug in hybrid vehicles are
registered South Burlington. This is 2% of all registered vehi-
High Impact Actions
Electric Vehicle Adoption
• Adopt a policy to require all new buildings have the appropriate amount
of electric vehicle charging equipment and 200-amp electric service
• Partner with GMP to speed up EV adoption in South Burlington including
siting, make-ready infrastructure, fast charging stations, and incentives.
Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled
• Partner with CATMA to increase membership among employers and in-
crease carpooling, teleworking, and walking/biking.
• Prioritize higher density, mixed use development and affordable housing
in areas with existing or planned reliable transit options, services, and
infrastructure (including bike/ped) within the transit overlay district.
• Invest in Green Mountain Transit to increase transit ridership on existing
route, identify new routes, and increase frequency.
• Establish park & ride/carpool lots to connect with public transportation
• Create a walk/bike master plan, recommend investments in retrofits of
infrastructure, and to make bike/pedestrian infrastructure safer.
*As of base year 2019
Transportation/Land Use 65% of Emissions*
Emissions Reduction Targets
Actions modeled to start in 2023
Transportation and Land Use
Additionally, new buildings should have
the appropriate number of electric vehi-
cle charging stations installed at the time
of construction.
The City can make an additional impact
by developing incentives for commercial
buildings to install EV charging. Research
shows that most EV charging happens at
home or at work.
To achieve the City’s GHG reduction
goals, a reduction of vehicle miles trav-
eled (VMT) of 2.5% annually is also nec-
essary. This can only be achieved through
strong policy and investment programs
developed by the City. This includes
some method of increasing teleworking
by at least 50%, building homes only in
In 2019, 66% of the South Burlington’s
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were
generated from transportation.
To meet the City’s GHG reduction goal,
75% of private and public vehicles regis-
tered in the City will need to be all elec-
tric (EVs) or plug-in hybrids by 2030.
Modeling indicates that at least half of
vehicles should be all electric and the
remainder should be plug-in hybrid EVs.
Additionally, transportation emissions
will be reduced somewhat due to im-
provements in Corporate Average Fuel
Economy (CAFÉ) standards.
To achieve this goal, the first priority is to
ensure that buildings have 200-amp ser-
vice to support EV charging at home.
areas planned for growth, increasing
biking and walking for local trips, and
investing in public transportation to im-
prove routes and frequencies.
However, changes to land use policies,
transit services, and bike/pedestrian
infrastructure and programs all have a
long lead time. Meanwhile, a strong
push for vehicle electrification will have
the greatest impact.
The City will need to provide programs
and resources, such as educational cam-
paigns and financial incentives to busi-
nesses to support EV adoption. Accessi-
ble EV charging infrastructure is needed
to enable widespread EV adoption and
should be a priority.
High impact transportation actions are
outlined below. The full set of trans-
portation recommendations is included
in Appendix B.
As policies are being developed, con-
sider how people with low incomes,
disabilities, and older Vermonters may
struggle with necessary transportation
and ensure that policies do not in-
crease challenges. Impacted popula-
tions need access to programs and
support for reducing transportation
emissions. An example is Vermont’s
Multiunit Dwelling EV Charging Grant,
which funded electric vehicle charging
solutions for residents.
Transportation High Impact Actions
Action GHG Reduction Cost Equity Type
Adopt a policy to require all new buildings have the appropriate amount of electric
vehicle charging equipment and 200-amp electric service
High NA High but need to ensure this doesn’t raise the
cost of housing
Partner with GMP to speed up EV adoption in South Burlington including siting, make -
ready infrastructure, fast charging stations, and incentives.
High $ High Policy
Partner with CATMA to increase membership among employers and increase carpool-
ing, teleworking, and walking/biking.
High NA High Promotion
Prioritize higher density, mixed use development and affordable housing in areas with
existing or planned reliable transit options, services, and infrastructure (including
bike/ped) within the transit overlay district.
High NA High Policy
Invest in Green Mountain Transit to increase transit ridership on existing route, identi-
fy new routes, and increase frequency.
High $$ High Investment
Establish park & ride/carpool lots to connect with public transportation High $$ High Policy
Create a walk/bike master plan, recommend investments in retrofits of infrastructure,
and to make bike/pedestrian infrastructure safer.
High $ Prioritize Areas with Vulnerable Populations Policy
Vision: South Burlington will increase
renewable energy generation in the
City to advance the State’s goal of
sourcing 90% of energy needs from
renewable sources. However, there
are currently constraints on new large
scale net metering projects in South
Burlington. Net metering is currently
available for small scale projects, such
as rooftop, parking canopies, and
backyard solar.
By 2030:
Increase new renewable energy gen-
eration to between 30,794 to 55,549
Megawatt Hours (MWh).
By 2050:
Increase new renewable energy gen-
eration to between 63,297 to
121,060 Megawatt Hours (MWh)
As of 2022...
Renewable energy generation in the
City is 22,544 MWh
Go to www.vtenergydashboard.org/
statistics for current totals and more his-
torical information.
Renewable Energy Generation Targets*
To reach the targets, the City needs to generate a total of 85,841 (Megawatt hours) of energy to meet
the low State target or 143,604 MWh to meet the high State target. Currently, 22,544 MWh of renew-
able energy is generated within the City. The City should plan to increase renewable energy generation
to between 63,297 to 121,060 MWh of additional renewable energy by 2050 to advance the State's
90X2050 goal.
According to Google’s Project Sunroof, South Burlington roofs can generate 137,000 MWh of electrici-
ty so rooftop solar is an opportunity.
• Adopt a policy to require qualifying new buildings to be built with solar or other renewable net
metered systems/paired with energy storage to increase resiliency/reliability of electrical sys-
tem during outages and decrease fossil fuel usage during peak periods.
• Identify existing commercial roofs, parking areas and other areas that do not currently provide
carbon sequestration or storage, wildlife habitat, water filtration, etc. where solar arrays would
be compatible and should be prioritized.
• Create a program to incentivize residents and businesses to install solar arrays on their roofs,
over parking lots, or as appropriate as free-standing structures and or participate in community
• Update the Comprehensive Plan according to the Dept. of Public Service Energy Planning Stand-
ards for renewable energy standards (Act 174).
• Develop materials to educate HOAs on right to install rooftop solar on condos as per state stat-
ute: https://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/section/24/061/02291a
• City to adopt “solar access law” similar to Boulder, Co. to require new PUDs and subdivisions to
orient residential units to maximize solar access and be structurally capable of supporting solar
collectors. See 9-9-17 (g) at: https://library.municode.com/co/boulder/codes/municipal_code?
*Data for renewable energy generation potential on rooftops may be subject to change if the VT Dept of Public Service develops
a methodology which aligns with this project schedule. Also these renewable energy generation targets are based on the 2018
ECOS Plan and are subject to change given updates to energy planning standards. The targets are likely to stay the same or
decrease because of grid constraints.
Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy
rapidly growing component of cost effec-
tive renewable energy integration. Nu-
merous energy storage products and
services exist and customers should be
able to easily access information about
Green Mountain Power currently offers
a program for the purchase or lease of
Tesla Powerwall Batteries or a rebate for
other customer-chosen storage options
when customers agree to share power
with GMP at peak periods.
All renewable energy actions are outlined
Impacted populations may not be able to
participate in the benefits of renewable
energy due to cost or because they live in
multi-family housing. Policies should be
developed to ensure impacted popula-
tions have access to the benefits of re-
Although it will not lower greenhouse gas
emissions, the City has renewable energy
targets set by the State to help Vermont
increase its renewable energy. To meet
its targets, renewable energy generation
needs to increase by 3 to 5 times the
amount of current generation sited in the
However, as of the drafting of this cli-
mate action plan, Green Mountain Power
is currently limiting new large scale net
metering projects in South Burlington
due to electricity grid capacity con-
straints. See adjacent map for the area
that is constrained and subject to a tariff
fee to fund upgrades. Until capacity is-
sues are resolved, net metering is availa-
ble for small scale projects, such as
rooftop and backyard solar.
Pairing renewable energy with energy
storage (batteries) is a necessary and
newable energy through com-
munity net-metering or other
Action GHG Reduction Cost Equity Type
Adopt a policy to require qualifying new buildings to be built with solar or other renewable net me-
tered systems/paired with energy storage to increase resiliency/reliability of electrical system during
outages and decrease fossil fuel usage during peak periods.
High $$ Consider accommodations
for affordable housing
Identify existing commercial roofs, parking areas and other areas that do not currently provide carbon
sequestration or storage, wildlife habitat, water filtration, etc. where solar arrays would be compatible
and should be prioritized.
High $$ NA Policy
Create a program to incentivize residents and businesses to install solar arrays on their roofs, over parking lots,
or as appropriate as free-standing structures and or participate in community solar.
High $$ Prioritize Areas with Vulner-
able Populations
Update the Comprehensive Plan according to the Dept. of Public Service Energy Planning Standards (Act 174). Neutral $ NA Policy
Develop materials to educate HOAs on right to install rooftop solar on condos as per state statute: https://
City to adopt “solar access law” similar to Boulder, Co. to require new PUDs and subdivisions to orient residen-
tial units to maximize solar access and be structurally capable of supporting solar collectors. See 9 -9-17 (g) at:
High NA Policy needs to consider
adjustments for higher den-
sity development
GMP Solar Map 2.0
Natural Areas, Adaptation, and Resilience
Vision: South Burlington will ensure
land is managed for carbon sequestra-
tion and to be adaptive and resilient to
climate change impacts
2030 Targets
• Reserve remaining natural re-
source areas
• Increase green infrastructure and
soil health for carbon sequestra-
tion, wildlife and insect habitat,
flood resiliency and water filtration
Reduce risks from:
• Extreme Heat
• Extreme Precipitation
• High Winds
• Drought
Natural Areas Carbon Emissions and Removals
Forests remove approximately 8,800 tCO2e/year
Conversion of forests to settlement produces approximately 1,000 tCO2e/year
Supporting Actions
• Revise South Burlington’s land development regulations to protect our remain-
ing meadows, forests, grasslands and farmlands from further encroachment, as
permitted by law.
• Replace 30% of lawns with native plant species by 2030.
• Retain and Increase Tree Canopy: Develop a program to increase the planting
of native trees on private property, and support ongoing implementation.
• Increase protection of rivers and streams and wetlands
• Consider joining Cities with Nature to collaborate with other urban areas on
reconnecting communities with nature citieswithnature.org
• Implement green infrastructure principles into the built environment
• Ensure resilient stormwater infrastructure
Natural Areas, Adaptation, and Resilience
South Burlington Land Cover 2019
Natural Areas, Adaptation, and Resilience
and those that emit carbon.)
It is important for the City to prioritize
retention of forests because any loss of
these major carbon sinks will add quanti-
fiable carbon to the atmosphere. Seques-
tration can be further enhanced by re-
ducing lawn turf and increasing native
trees and complementary native
plantings. Native plants encourage native
animal and insect species to continue to
thrive, which increases the health of
trees and all living systems.
It will be essential to conduct detailed
assessments of existing systems in order
to set meaningful and measurable goals
for maintaining and increasing carbon
The City’s climate change goals cannot be
accomplished through greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions reduction alone. The
State of Vermont’s Climate Action Plan
contemplates a carbon “budget” and so
should South Burlington’s plan.
Carbon sequestration captures and
stores carbon dioxide from the atmos-
phere. Carbon sequestration levels must
be maintained through the retention and
expansion of nature-based systems, es-
pecially forests and wetlands due to their
carbon sequestration. As of 2019, 17.6%
of South Burlington’s land cover was for-
est land and 1.6% was wetland. (See the
State of Vermont Climate Action Plan,
2021 Carbon Budget, to see which land
sectors provide sequestration of carbon
Carbon sequestration is only one im-
portant benefit of conserving natural
ecosystems. Natural ecosystems im-
prove air and water quality, reduce im-
pacts from the urban heat-island effect,
improve stormwater management, en-
hance flood hazard management, and
provide critical areas for bio-diversity in
the face of a changing climate.
Resilience to the impacts of climate
change including extreme heat and in-
creased precipitation and flooding also
requires implementation of green and
green-blue infrastructure and sophisti-
cated stormwater practices.
Compared to other strategies, protec-
tive environmental practices have rela-
tively low capital cost to implement
and also increase the health, well-
being, and prosperity of all living be-
ings in communities.
High impact natural areas, adaptation,
and resilience actions are outlined be-
low. The full set of recommendations,
including supportive actions, is includ-
ed in Appendix B.
Considerations of the historical context
and current conditions associated with
systemic racism and environmental
injustices, and how these relate to the
natural environment, should be made
as policies are developed. This includes
ensuring fair access to natural areas for
all to enjoy.
Action Carbon Exchange
Cost Equity Type
Revise South Burlington’s land development regulations to protect
our remaining meadows, forests, grasslands and farmlands from fur-
ther encroachment, as permitted by law.
+++ (forests only) $ Needs equity
Replace 30% of lawns with native plant species by 2030. + Prioritize vulner-
able populations
Retain and Increase Tree Canopy: Develop a program to increase the
planting of native trees on private property, and support ongoing im-
++ Prioritize vulner-
able populations
Increase protection of rivers and streams and wetlands + Prioritize vulner-
able populations
Consider joining Cities with Nature to collaborate with other urban
areas on reconnecting communities with nature: citieswithnature.org
NA High Education
Implement green infrastructure principles into the built environment NA $ Prioritize vulner-
able populations
Ensure resilient stormwater infrastructure NA $$ Prioritize vulner-
able populations
Vision: South Burlington will develop
green practices in City operations, elec-
trify City equipment and facilities, and
reduce City employee VMT.
2030 Targets
• City operations following green
• City equipment and facilities elec-
trified or substantially more effi-
• Track and reduce City employee
Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
Supporting Actions
• Adopt green operations, purchasing, and investment policies
• Determine strategy and budget for municipal vehicles and equipment to elec-
trify or become zero emission.
• Budget for annual electric vehicle charging equipment installments at City de-
partments. During renovation or construction, make sites EV-ready.
• Replace gas-powered small engine equipment with electric models.
• Develop a plan to electrify and increase the energy efficiency of all municipal
• Develop a program to support employee transit, walking and bike, ride sharing, and
work-from home and encourage online attendance at all meetings.
• Work with the school district to develop a policy for discouraging driving to
school (disincentives) and encouraging students to ride the bus, bike, or walk to
reduce single occupancy driving to school.
City Government Operations
City government operations
contribute 1,431 mt Co2e
City Government Operations
cies and procedures that can be imple-
mented to reach the City’s greenhouse
gas reductions goals through green prac-
tices, renewable energy, and electrifica-
tion solutions.
The City has already made much progress
in this direction. In 2019, the City hired a
part time Energy Manager who oversees
energy projects and created an Energy
Project Reserve Fund to pay for internal
projects. The fund’s income comes from
the solar array on the former landfill in
South Burlington and projects pay the
fund back via energy savings.
Energy usage has been monitored for
many years, and since 2019, all energy
usage has been recorded on a monthly
basis in terms of usage and cost.
The City as an entity should lead by ex-
ample in their efforts to decarbonize
their operations.
As seen in the pie charts on the previous
page, the public works department con-
tributes most of the emissions in the gov-
ernment operations sector. Second to
the public works department is the fire
department. Both of these departments
include vehicles that use gasoline and
diesel. These fuel types contribute to a
majority of the emissions. Therefore it is
important for the City to plan for and
budget for replacement of these vehi-
cles with zero emission options as the
technology becomes available.
The proposed actions below suggest
benchmarking current energy uses and
energy sources and then developing poli-
In an effort to decarbonize it’s opera-
tions, the City began converting all City
owned lights to LED, a project that is
virtually complete in 2022. This included
street and traffic lights as well as lighting
for buildings.
Many energy audits of the various build-
ings have been conducted leading to a
variety of energy reduction projects and
this process continues.
The electrification of the City vehicle
fleet started years ago with a single hy-
brid car. Four hybrid police vehicles are
planned for 2022 and the South Burling-
ton School District will have four electric
school buses delivered this year.
The City also purchased small battery
powered landscaping equipment such as
weed whackers and chain saws.
In 2021 a new City Hall and Library was
completed to LEED standard. This new
building utilizes a geothermal heat
pump and solar panels on the roof.
In addition, the upgrading of the Bart-
lett Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant,
now being designed, will have energy
conservation as a major design criteria.
City government operations actions are
outlined below. The full set of recom-
mendations, including supportive ac-
tions, is included in Appendix B.
Considerations of the historical context
and current conditions associated with
systemic racism and how these relate
to government operations should be
made as policies are developed.
Action GHG Reduction Cost Equity Type
City to adopt green operations, purchasing, and investment policies High $ Provide Education
to City Employees
City to determine strategy and budget for municipal vehicles and equip-
ment to electrify or become zero emission.
High NA Provide Education
to City Employees
City to budget for annual electric vehicle charging equipment installments
at City departments. During renovation or construction, make sites EV -
Very High $ Provide Education
to City Employees
City to replace gas-powered small engine equipment with electric models. High $ Provide Education
to City Employees
City to develop a plan to electrify and increase the energy efficiency of all
municipal buildings.
Very High NA Provide Education
to City Employees
City to develop a program to support employee transit, walking and bike, ride
sharing, and work-from home and encourage online attendance at all meetings.
High NA Provide Education
to City Employees
City to work with the school district to develop a policy for discouraging
driving to school (disincentives) and encouraging students to ride the bus,
bike, or walk to reduce single occupancy driving to school.
High NA Consider Challeng-
es for Vulnerable
Vision: South Burlington will electrify
small engine equipment, reduce solid
waste, and ensure sustainability of local
food and farm systems while decreas-
ing emissions.
2030 Targets
• Reduce municipal and construction
waste and trash pick-up
• All small engines electrified
• Increased access to locally grown
Supporting Actions
Small Engines
• Curtail or ban small gas powered equipment and ban leaf blowers
• As a member of CSWD, reduce municipal and construction waste. Limit trash
pickup to only every other week.
Agriculture/Food Systems
• Launch a Nature Based Solutions Program that includes food systems, farms,
and expanded community gardens. Utilize recommendations from the South
Burlington Sustainable Agriculture/Food Security Action Plan.
• Work with UVM Extension and non profit programs to promote food education
in schools and sustainable agricultural practices that support local farms and
reduce reliance on large, out of state food producers and their associated VMT.
• Encourage food retailers to carry local products.
• Promote "Vitality gardens" as a way to bring healthy seniors and younger peo-
ple together around the community to grow local produce for home consump-
Small Engines, Waste, and Agriculture/Food Systems
Waste, Small Engines, and Agriculture/Food Systems
bon emissions from lawn and garden
activity and reduce noise levels while
enhancing the well-being of South Bur-
lington’s neighborhoods.
The City can also ensure community resil-
ience by launching a Nature Based Solu-
tions Program that includes food sys-
tems, farms, and expanded community
gardens and urban farming. This program
can be equitable by prioritizing neighbor-
hoods with disproportionately low ac-
cess. In addition, the City can require
regenerative, no-dig practices in City-
managed community gardens and serve
as an example regarding low emission
soil management practices. This would
also encourage regenerative, no-dig prac-
The City of South Burlington can lower
greenhouse gas emissions by developing
policies that reduce municipal and con-
struction waste and policies that limit the
number of trash pick-ups in neighbor-
hoods. Both of these restrictions serve to
encourage recycling and waste reduction
as well as lower carbon emissions and
noise pollution.
The City can support further decarboniza-
tion through curtailing or banning the use
of fossil fueled small engines for lawns
and gardens. Gasoline powered leaf
blowers and small equipment produce
CO2 emissions just like automobiles. Re-
quiring these small engines to run on
electricity would greatly reduce the car-
tices in residential gardens. The City
Parks and Recreation Department could
support this effort by offering gardening
classes as a summer course option for
adults and separately for children. It
could provide resources such as lower
cost access to materials to construct
raised beds, soil/compost, gardening
implements, and seeds. This can be
done in neighborhoods where raised
beds can be added on commonly owned
land or in landscaped areas of multifam-
ily buildings.
Nature-based solutions are important
because when natural areas are healthy
and well-managed, they provide essen-
tial benefits and services to people, in-
cluding increased food security.
Burlington’s Nature Based Solutions
program can serve as an example of
what the City of South Burlington can
do: https://burlingtonwildways.org/get
All small engines, waste, and agricul-
ture/food systems actions are outlined
The cost of some local, organic food is
out of reach for many people and peo-
ple with low incomes may not have
time to garden. Policies should priori-
tize impacted populations and increase
access and affordability to all.
Action GHG Reduction Cost Equity Type
Small Engines: Curtail or ban small gas powered equipment and ban leaf blowers Medium $ Costs for new equip. should
be considered
Waste: As a member of CSWD, reduce municipal and construction waste. Limit
trash pickup to only every other week.
Medium $ High Policy
Agriculture/Food Systems: Launch a Nature Based Solutions Program that in-
cludes food systems, farms, and expanded community gardens. Utilize recom-
mendations from the South Burlington Sustainable Agriculture/Food Security
Action Plan.
NA $ Impacted populations
should be prioritized
Agriculture/Food Systems: Work with UVM Extension and organizations like Com-
mon Roots-Farm to Fork programs to promote food education in schools and sus-
tainable agricultural practices that support local farms and reduce reliance on
large, out of state food producers and their associated VMT.
NA $ High Promotion
Agriculture/Food Systems: Encourage food retailers to carry local products. NA NA Affordability of local prod-
ucts should be considered
Agriculture/Food Systems: Promote "Vitality gardens" as a way to bring healthy
seniors and younger people together around the community to grow local pro-
duce for home consumption.
NA NA High Promotion
ClearPath Modeling
South Burlington established Science Based Targets (SBTs) to represent its fair share of emissions reductions necessary to meet Vermont’s
Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) and the Paris Agreement commitment to keep global warming below 1.5 °C.
Equitably reducing global emissions by 50% requires that high-emitting, wealthy nations reduce their emissions by more than 50%1.
Therefore, South Burlington’s emission reduction goal is to reduce total emissions 60% by 2030. The 60% reduction from 2019 emissions by
2030 will also advance the GWSA requirement to reduce emissions 40% below 1990 levels by 2030 and will put South Burlington o n track to
reduce emissions by 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. The chart below shows the emissions levels needed to meet those requirements.
Although not shown in Figure 2 explicitly, the city and its residents and businesses do have a long history of taking steps to weatherize
buildings, drive cleaner vehicles, drive less, use transit, use energy efficient appliances, and install renewable energy generation. In order to
achieve this level of emission reduction, the City, residents, and businesses must accelerate the pace of action and take bold steps to reduce
energy consumption and electrify the heating and transportation sectors. The SBTs in this plan are presented as 2030, or interim, targets.
See Appendix A for more information.
Figure 2.
1 ICELI’s Science Based Targets for U.S. Communities
137,291 , GSWA requirement:
26% reduction below 2005 levels
by 2025 76,953, GWSA requiremnet: 40%
reduction below 1990 levels by
2030, 2030 SBT
26,650 , GWSA requirment: 80%
reduction below 1990 levels by
1990 2005 2019 2025 2030 2050metric tons C02 equivalent Year
South Burlington's historical GHG emissions and future requirments
Science Based Target Scenario Business As Usual Scenario
Using ICLEI’s ClearPath tool, a baseline inventory of GHG emissions, a business as usual forecast, and science-based target (SBT) scenario was
developed for South Burlington.
• The baseline inventory represents residential, commercial/industrial, and transportation energy consumption along with the
associated GHG emissions for the Year 2019 data to avoid capturing pandemic related data fluctuations.
• The business as usual scenario represents no climate action taken and creates a projection of emission trends based on anticipated
demographic and economic changes in South Burlington.
• SBT scenario combines the business as usual forecast with the emission reduction goal of 60% reduction in emissions from 2019 and
various reductions actions for meeting the reduction goal.
The data and analysis in this section are intended to provide the city with a sense of
the pace of change needed to meet the SBT target. The targets can be translated into
concrete actions found in the sector specific sections. The sector specific targets form
the entire reduction potential towards reducing 60% of emissions by 2030. Meaning if
less of one target is achieved, other targets would need to make up the difference in
emissions to meet the SBT target.
2019 Greenhouse Gas Inventory
The 2019 GHG emissions inventory provides an accounting of the primary contributors
of GHG emissions with the City. The inventory is an estimate of emissions from energy
consumption from thermal heating and electricity use in residential and
commercial/industrial buildings, as well as from on-road vehicle miles traveled (VMT).
Most of the emissions from buildings comes from natural gas for heating. Emissions
from electricity is less due to Green Mountain Power having only a small portion of
their generation portfolio from fossil fuels in 2019.
On-road transportation emissions are derived from VMT for gas and diesel vehicles.
Vehicle class types include motorcycles, passenger vehicles, light and heavy-duty
trucks. On-road VMT emissions are attributed to the miles driven within South Burlington irrespective to where vehicles are coming from
and where they are going. Meaning emissions from through traffic is part of South Burlington’s inventory. Although South Burlington policies
may not be able to reduce through traffic, policies to increase EV charging stations in the City may convert some of those miles to zero
emissions, especially for people shopping and working in the City.
South Burlington 2019 GHG
Commercial/Industrial Buildings
Residential Buildings
VMT data, which accounts for origin and destination, is not available regularly whereas data on miles driven within the City irrespective to
origin and destination is available. Therefore, relying on data that includes pass through traffic may not reflect the audience for this plan, but
it does make tracking progress on reducing VMT feasible.
Business As Usual Scenario
The business-as-usual scenario begins with the 2019 GHG inventory and creates a projection of emission trends based on population and
employment growth for the year 2030. Population is assumed to increase 1.3% annually and employment 1% annually. These increases are
based on past trends since 2010. The business-as-usual scenario is helpful for understanding change in emissions if climate action is not
taken by the city. The business-as-usual scenario incorporates external policies, which are already in effect or will take effect between the
Year 2019 and Year 2030. Green Mountain Power’s achievement of 100% carbon free electricity and decreases in carbon emissions from on-
road travel because of improvements in Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards have been included. VGS’s plan to add 20%
renewable natural gas to their portfolio by 2030 is an existing policy that was not modeled in the business-as-usual scenario but could play a
role in reducing GHG emissions from natural gas fuel usage. Given demographic changes and external policies, the City’s emissions will
slightly increase and continue to do so if no action is taken to reduce GHG emissions. Therefore, electrifying the buildings/thermal and
transportation sectors is critical to meeting South Burlington’s emission reduction target. See the climate action by sector section of this plan
to understand how the City plans to reduce GHG emissions.
Business-as-Usual Scenario (2019-2030)
Science Based Target Scenario
The SBT scenario combines the business-as-usual forecast with the emission reduction goal of 60% reduction in emissions by 2030 from a
2019 start year for commercial energy, residential energy, and transportation energy. The SBT scenario applies a suite of actions to the
business as usual scenario, which demonstrate the degree of implementation needed for these actions to achieve a 60% reduction in total
emissions. The suite of actions is detailed in the Climate Action by Sector sections.
The SBT scenario demonstrates the magnitude of change needed to reduce energy and emissions for residential energy, commercial, energy,
and transportation energy. The 2030 targets will result in
• Residential energy emissions decrease of 51%
• Commercial energy emissions of 68%.
• Transportation emissions decrease of 61%
The actions contained in the SBT scenario are all actions that mitigate or directly reduce the City’s contribution of emissions in the land
use/transportation and buildings/thermal sectors. Other sectors like natural areas, are important to climate action planning and have been
Science Based Target Scenario (2019-2030)
included in the process, though do not produce a quantifiable or equivalent impact to reduce GHG emissions and therefore were not
included in the SBT scenario. As such, natural areas, should be considered a supporting sector for reducing GHG emissions. Actions for the
natural areas sector are also considered important for climate adaptation and resilience to help the City withstand impacts of climate
Although the natural area sector is not modeled in the SBT scenario, data is available to understand the role forest and trees play in carbon
removal on an annual basis. Additionally, data on forest conversion and forest loss is provided to understand emission impacts from
development. GHG quantification of non-forested land cover (wetland, grassland, cropland) is not quantifiable due to complexities of soil
carbon dynamics and methodology limitations. See the Natural Areas section for information on carbon removal and storage from forests.
Community Profile
When implementing actions to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and become
more resilient to climate change
impacts, it is important to understand
the City of South Burlington in terms of
demographics, commuting patterns, and
housing composition. Identifying
characteristics of South Burlington
will help the City focus on the actions
that are tailored to South Burlington.
Additionally, information on who lives in
South Burlington, where they work, and
how they heat/cool their homes adds
context to ensure that climate actions
are designed with residents and business
in mind for long-term impact and
Figure X provides an overview of the
demographics of the City and also
highlights the communities that could be
burdened by climate change and may not be able to access or afford carbon reducing technologies such as electric vehicles and heat pumps.
Impacted Communities
Studies show that low-income communities, households on fixed incomes,
black and communities of color/indigenous people, and elderly people are
those who are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
Moreover, these communities may not have the income to invest
thousands of dollars for electrification and weatherization. So, it is critical
to keep these communities at the forefront in climate action planning and
to understand the impacted communities in South Burlington.
According the 2020 American Community Survey, 3,683 or 19% of people
are over 65, 6% of households or 544 households are below the poverty
level, 752 households do not have a car, and approximately half of the
households earn less than the median household income, which is
$87,377. Additionally, 12% of the population identifies as a race that is
black/African American, American Indian, Asian, or another race.
Various programs are offered by the State of Vermont, Green Mountain
Power, VGS, Efficiency Vermont, and the Champlain Valley Office of
Economic Opportunity to assist income eligible households with the cost of
weatherization, heat pump installation, or electric vehicle/charging
equipment purchasing. It is difficult to estimate the number of households
that could be eligible for these programs because each program is designed
with different income eligibility and household size criteria. The programs
also change annually. As shown in the data, there is a significant population
in South Burlington that could be eligible for these programs and the City
should work with utilities and other energy partners to promote income
sensitive programs to impacted communities.
The data seen here will help to inform subsequent implementation phases
to climate action planning to identify the best approach to making climate action more equitable.
Source: 2020 ACS, 5-year Estimate
Housing Composition
The composition of housing in South Burlington is important because
actions to weatherize, electrify, and install electric vehicle charging will
be different for each type of housing tenure and for single family homes
vs. multifamily homes.
Understanding that South Burlington is a City of both renters and
homeowners and single family homes and multi-family homes is critical
for the successful implementation of the high impact actions in the
buildings/thermal and transportation sectors.
• 60% of households are owner occupied
• 40% are renter occupied
• 42% of homes are multi-unit homes (includes condos, attached
dwelling units)
• 58% are single unit homes
For example, renters may not have the ability to make weatherization
improvements to their homes because they are not the owner, and the
cost/benefit may not be great enough to encourage the property owner
to make changes. Additionally, energy improvements to multi-family
properties are more challenging and could potentially involve homeowner
associations and other third parties. As such any action implemented
should seek to form a collaborative partnership between the City, utilities,
property owners, and others.
Although homeowners could renovate their homes to use a cleaner fuel
source or install EV charging more so than renters, they may not have the
capital to do so. Therefore, it is key for buildings/thermal and
transportation actions to include financial incentives for homeowners, as
well as property owners of rental units.
Source: CCRPC Housing Database
Source: ACS 2015-2019
Housing Stock as of Year 2020
Commuting Patterns
As indicated in previous section, transportation makes up 66% of greenhouse gas emissions in South Burlington. These emissions come from
residents traveling in gasoline or diesel-powered vehicles to get to work, school, and services. These emissions also come from commuters
coming into South Burlington to get to their jobs.
In total about 20,000 people work in South Burlington. About 87% or
17,639 of these employees live outside of South Burlington but travel to
South Burlington from elsewhere. The remaining 13% or 2,613
employees live and work in South Burlington.
The commuting patterns of South Burlington employees presents an
opportunity to work with businesses to reduce emissions from
transportation. Employers and their employees can reduce emissions by
either driving an electric vehicle, working remotely, taking transit,
carpooling, or walking/biking. Employers can incentivize their employees
to make their commutes more energy efficient by installing electric
vehicle charging equipment and partnering with CATMA to educate
employees about ways to reduce their daily commuting miles.
Additionally, prioritizing higher density in areas served by transit could
entice workers to give up their long commutes and make South
Burlington the place where they live and work.
Enhancements to transit services offered by Green Mountain Transit
coupled with key locations of park and rides is also another approach to
getting people to change their daily commutes and reduce greenhouse
gas emissions.
Source: LEHD, on the map
Fuel Source for Heating
The City of South Burlington is served by VGS. VGS provides a majority of
owner occupied and renter occupied homes with natural gas. A small
portion of owner-occupied homes are using wood for a heating source
compared to no renter occupied homes using wood at all. Both owner
occupied and renter occupied homes are using electricity for a heat
source. However, information on the type of technology used with
electricity for heating is not available. Homes could be using legacy
electric resistance heat or homes could be using cold climate heat
pumps powered by electricity. South Burlington saw an uptick in cold
climate heat pumps installed in the last three years, which indicates that
a portion of the homes heating with electricity are using cold climate
heat pumps. A small portion of both renter-occupied homes and owner-
occupied homes are relying on delivered fuels or fuel oil to heat their
homes. Either these homes have not yet switched over to natural gas or
natural gas is not available in their neighborhood.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Utility gas
Bottled, tank, or LP gas
Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
Coal or coke
Solar energy
Other fuel
No fuel used
Number of homes
Owner Occupied Home Heating Fuel
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Utility gas
Bottled, tank, or LP gas
Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
Coal or coke
Solar energy
Other fuel
No fuel used
Number of homes
Renter Occupied Home Heating Fuel
Source: American Community Survey 5-year estimate (2016-2020), margin of error is associated with these data
Source: American Community Survey 5-year estimate (2016-2020), margin of error is associated with these data
2019 2020 2021Numbe of Heat Pumps Year
Heat Pump Water Heater
Source: Efficiency Vermont RPC Report 2021
Implementation of Actions and Next Steps
Once the Climate Action Plan is complete, the transportation sector and city government operations sector will be studied, and a more detailed
implementation plan will be developed for each. The City plans to work with a transportation consultant and the Chittenden County Regional
Planning Commission on the transportation sector implementation plan. The City was also awarded a State of Vermont municipal planning grant
to develop an implementation plan for the City government operations sector. It is anticipated that the equity recommendations and
considerations identified in this plan will be a center point of the sector-based implementation plans. Plans for the remaining sectors will be
developed as funds become available. Additionally in August 2022, the CAPTF proposed to the City Council adoption of a carbon free heating
and hot water ordinance to reduce GHG emissions in new buildings.
Appendix A ClearPath Modeling Data
SBTs and Emission Goals
2030 Emission
Reduction Goal
Base Year 2019 (MT
2030 Business as Usual (MT
2030 SBTs and
GWSA (MT Co2e)
60.20% 195,712 196,253 77,894
Growth Rates Employment Population Grid Emissions VMT
1% annually 1.3% annually 0 1.3% annually
Base Year Business As Usual SBT 2030 Modeled Emissions
Fuel/Sector Year 2019 (MT Co2e) 2030 (MT Co2e) Science Based Target (MT
C02e) Sector
Commercial/Industrial Natural Gas
32,319 32,676
Energy Commercial/Industrial Electric 3,378 0
Residential Electric
1,048 0 15,573 Residential
Energy Residential Natural Gas 30,630 35,306
On-Road Transportation
128,271 49,832 Transportation
196,253 76,953
Forest Tree Disturbances/Forest to Settlement
1,000 Land Use
CO2 e/yr Removal from Undisturbed Forest/Trees
in Settled Areas -8,769 -8,769 -8,769 Natural Areas
Net Total
Degree of Implementation (Start Year 2023,End Year 2030)
Measures SBT Scenario Emission
Reductions Percent Reduction
Residential Electrification/Number of Housing Units
Retrofitted (annual) 360 housing units 10,140 9%
Home Weatherization (annual) 600 homes 5,565 5%
2030 District (Commercial
Benchmarking,Electrification (annual))
8% commercial sq. ft
20,108 17%
Electric Vehicle Adoption, by 2030 37.5% EV, 37.5% HEV 50,377 42%
VMT Reduction Annually 2.5% 22,491 19%
Compact Development
New Units (2,7770
units in high density(
> 12.5 du per acre)
5,341 4%
Carbon Free Heating Ordinance for new buildings
143 new homes per
year, 53,000 square
5,048 4%
Appendix B Actions
Appendix C Definitions
Glossary of Climate Change Terms
Unless otherwise noted, Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
2030 District
2030 Districts are organizations led by the private sector, with local building industry leaders uniting around a shared vision for sustainability
and economic growth – while aligning with local community groups and government to achieve significant energy, water, and emissions
reductions within our commercial cores. Property owner/manager/developers join a local 2030 District to help them make significant
changes to their properties to create reductions necessary to transition to a low carbon economy. Source: www.2030districts.org
Adjustment or preparation of natural or human systems to a new or changing environment which moderates harm or exploits beneficial
Gas or liquid fuel made from plant material. Includes wood, wood waste, wood liquors, peat, railroad ties, wood sludge, spent sulfite liquors,
agricultural waste, straw, tires, fish oils, tall oil, sludge waste, waste alcohol, municipal solid waste, landfill gases, other waste, and ethanol
blended into motor gasoline.
Carbon Dioxide
A naturally occurring gas, and also a by-product of burning fossil fuels and biomass, as well as land-use changes and other industrial
processes. It is the principal human caused greenhouse gas that affects the Earth's radiative balance. It is the reference gas against which
other greenhouse gases are measured and therefore has a Global Warming Potential of 1.
Carbon Sequestration
Terrestrial, or biologic, carbon sequestration is the process by which trees and plants absorb carbon dioxide, release the oxygen, and store
the carbon. Geologic sequestration is one step in the process of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), and involves injecting carbon
dioxide deep underground where it stays permanently.
Carbon Capture and Sequestration
Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) is a set of technologies that can greatly reduce carbon dioxide emissions from new and existing coal-
and gas-fired power plants, industrial processes, and other stationary sources of carbon dioxide. It is a three-step process that includes
capture of carbon dioxide from power plants or industrial sources; transport of the captured and compressed carbon dioxide (usually in
pipelines); and underground injection and geologic sequestration, or permanent storage, of that carbon dioxide in rock formations that
contain tiny openings or pores that trap and hold the carbon dioxide.
Climate in a narrow sense is usually defined as the "average weather," or more rigorously, as the statistical description in terms of the mean and
variability of relevant quantities over a period of time ranging from months to thousands of years. The classical period is 3 decades, as defined
by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). These quantities are most often surface variables such as temperature, precipitation, and
wind. Climate in a wider sense is the state, including a statistical description, of the climate system.
Climate Change
Climate change refers to any significant change in the measures of climate lasting for an extended period of time. In other words, climate change
includes major changes in temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns, among others, that occur over several decades or longer.
Cold Climate Heat Pump or mini split
A heat pump draws heat from the environment and moves it indoors to heat your home or move it outdoors to cool your home. Air-source heat
pumps gather heat from the ambient air, while ground-source or geothermal heat pumps extract it from the ground. Heat pumps rely on
electricity to work. Heat pumps are more efficient because they are moving heat rather than generating it. Heat pumps are also used for air
conditioning to cool a building. (Source: Efficiency VT)
Those practices or processes that result in the conversion of forested lands for non-forest uses. Deforestation contributes to increasing
carbon dioxide concentrations for two reasons: 1) the burning or decomposition of the wood releases carbon dioxide; and 2) trees that once
removed carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in the process of photosynthesis are no longer present.
Any natural unit or entity including living and non-living parts that interact to produce a stable system through cyclic exchange of materials.
The release of a substance (usually a gas when referring to the subject of climate change) into the atmosphere.
Emissions Factor
A unique value for scaling emissions to activity data in terms of a standard rate of emissions per unit of activity (e.g., grams of carbon dioxide
emitted per barrel of fossil fuel consumed, or per pound of product produced).
Energy Efficiency
Using less energy to provide the same service.
A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency voluntary program that helps businesses and individuals save money and protect our climate
through superior energy efficiency. Learn more about ENERGY STAR.
Fossil Fuel
A general term for organic materials formed from decayed plants and animals that have been converted to crude oil, coal, natural gas, or
heavy oils by exposure to heat and pressure in the earth's crust over hundreds of millions of years.
Fuel Switching
In general, this is substituting one type of fuel for another. In the climate-change discussion it is implicit that the substituted fuel produces
lower carbon emissions per unit energy produced than the original fuel, e.g., natural gas for coal.
Global Average Temperature
An estimate of Earths mean surface air temperature averaged over the entire planet.
Global Warming
The recent and ongoing global average increase in temperature near the Earth’s surface.
Global Warming Potential
A measure of the total energy that a gas absorbs over a particular period of time (usually 100 years), compared to carbon dioxide.
Greenhouse Effect
Trapping and build-up of heat in the atmosphere (troposphere) near the Earth’s surface. Some of the heat flowing back toward space from
the Earth's surface is absorbed by water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone, and several other gases in the atmosphere and then reradiated back
toward the Earth’s surface. If the atmospheric concentrations of these greenhouse gases rise, the average temperature of the lower
atmosphere will gradually increase.
Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
Any gas that absorbs infrared radiation in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases include, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous
oxide, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride.
Habitat Fragmentation
A process during which larger areas of habitat are broken into a number of smaller patches of smaller total area, isolated from each other by
a matrix of habitats unlike the original habitat.
Heat Island
An urban area characterized by temperatures higher than those of the surrounding non-urban area. As urban areas develop, buildings,
roads, and other infrastructure replace open land and vegetation. These surfaces absorb more solar energy, which can create higher
temperatures in urban areas.
Heat Waves
A prolonged period of excessive heat, often combined with excessive humidity.
Intergovernmental Panel on climate Change (IPCC)
The IPCC was established jointly by the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Meteorological Organization in 1988. The
purpose of the IPCC is to assess information in the scientific and technical literature related to all significant components of the issue of
climate change. The IPCC draws upon hundreds of the world's expert scientists as authors and thousands as expert reviewers. Leading
experts on climate change and environmental, social, and economic sciences from some 60 nations have helped the IPCC to prepare periodic
assessments of the scientific underpinnings for understanding global climate change and its consequences. With its capacity for reporting on
climate change, its consequences, and the viability of adaptation and mitigation measures, the IPCC is also looked to as the official advisory
body to the world's governments on the state of the science of the climate change issue. For example, the IPCC organized the development
of internationally accepted methods for conducting national greenhouse gas emission inventories.
Land waste disposal site in which waste is generally spread in thin layers, compacted, and covered with a fresh layer of soil each day.
Natural Gas
Underground deposits of gases consisting of 50 to 90 percent methane (CH4) and small amounts of heavier gaseous hydrocarbon
compounds such as propane (C3H8) and butane (C4H10).
Collecting and reprocessing a resource so it can be used again. An example is collecting aluminum cans, melting them down, and using the
aluminum to make new cans or other aluminum products.
Planting of forests on lands that have previously contained forests but that have been converted to some other use.
Renewable Energy
Energy resources that are naturally replenishing such as biomass, hydro, geothermal, solar, wind, ocean thermal, wave action, and tidal
A capability to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from significant multi-hazard threats with minimum damage to social well-
being, the economy, and the environment.
Science Based Targets
Science-based targets (SBTs) are climate goals in line with the latest climate science. They represent a community’s fair share of the
ambition necessary to meet the Paris Agreement commitment to keep warming below 1.5 °C. To achieve this goal, the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that we must reduce global emissions by 50% by 2030 and achieve climate neutrality by 2050. This is
why SBTs are often presented as 2030, or interim, targets. Equitably reducing global emissions by 50% requires that high-emitting, wealthy
nations reduce their emissions by more than 50%. Science-based targets build internal and external support needed to achieve ambitious
greenhouse gas reductions and boost public confidence in local climate action. They show local governments what reduction is needed by
2030 and 2050, spurring innovation and collaboration. Source: ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability
Any process, activity or mechanism which removes a greenhouse gas, an aerosol or a precursor of a greenhouse gas or aerosol from the
Soil Carbon
A major component of the terrestrial biosphere pool in the carbon cycle. The amount of carbon in the soil is a function of the historical
vegetative cover and productivity, which in turn is dependent in part upon climatic variables.
The degree to which a system is susceptible to, or unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change, including climate variability and
extremes. Vulnerability is a function of the character, magnitude, and rate of climate variation to which a system is exposed; its sensitivity;
and its adaptive capacity.
Water that has been used and contains dissolved or suspended waste materials.
Atmospheric condition at any given time or place. It is measured in terms of such things as wind, temperature, humidity, atmospheric
pressure, cloudiness, and precipitation. In most places, weather can change from hour-to-hour, day-to-day, and season-to-season. Climate in
a narrow sense is usually defined as the "average weather", or more rigorously, as the statistical description in terms of the mean and
variability of relevant quantities over a period of time ranging from months to thousands or millions of years. The classical period is 30 years,
as defined by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). These quantities are most often surface variables such as temperature,
precipitation, and wind. Climate in a wider sense is the state, including a statistical description, of the climate system. A simple way of
remembering the difference is that climate is what you expect (e.g. cold winters) and 'weather' is what you get (e.g. a blizzard).
Weatherizing a building is done to save energy, and it can also improve the comfort of a home or building. Professionals who perform
weatherization services are part of the "Home Performance" industry. They are trained to understand how a house works as a system and
to offer solutions that can solve common and difficult problems using building science. A home energy audit can start building the strategy
that may include air sealing, insulation, moisture control, and ventilation. Source: U.S. Department of Energy
Feedback on Draft Climate Action Plan
Through August 25, 2022
Date Commentor Comment Description of change made
6/29/2022 Paul Conner
Would it be at all reasonable to put in an “other” category, to at least recognize that there are other factors?
At the statewide level, those are below. We have very little agricultiure, of course. Could we say something like
say 3% in “other” and reduce the transportation, residential, and industrial each by 1% to make the pie chart
Yes revised the 2019 inventory pie chart to include an other
6/23/2022 Tiana Smith
This is what we were thinking: Partner with GMP to speed up EV adoption in South Burlington including siting,
make-ready infrastructure, fast charging stations, and incentives.
We want to be sure that the wording is inclusive of all our customers, customer-centric, and also
comprehensive of all the ways in which we need to support EV adoption.
Edited this action in Transportation/Land Use
7/5/2022 Paul Conner/Melanie Include discussiono airport home insulation program in Buildings/Thermal see email Added to buildings and thermal
7/6/2022 Paul Explain actions that are not self evident in the narrative portion of the sector pages Added more detail about the 2030 District program.
7/6/2022 Paul Add a community profile page Included community profile secion in introduction
Paul 2030 Targets should pop out in someway Changed these headings
7/13/2022 Srini
1) Page 8: The equity issue is broader than race in this community. Apart from the context on below poverty
level population There’s a significant population with low, fixed income here that will struggle with $10-$20k
investment to address electrification and weatherization projects proactively. I think a view of how many of
the low income groups have a challenge and need significant assistance or support would be helpful. At a
higher level, the challenge is not just resources, also making a good economic case for adopting new solutions
in lieu of traditional replacement approach. In my neighborhood, I’m largely surprised at how many residents
are not inclined to do electrification or weatherization , it seems that a deck or a kitchen replacement project
takes a priority for these residents that don’t have a resource limitation.
See disiscussion of impacted communities in the community
profile section
2) Page 15. In an earlier document I saw that it was 500 units/yr to be electrified, here it shows 360 for a 9%
reduction? I think Andrew’s slides has 500 units/yr as well
New of units were reduced down for exting homes to make it
clear the number of units that were new vs. old
3) Page 16, Apart from referencing a specific year with # of heat pumps, would a historical chart or
reference/link to EAN help?
Added a link to EAN
Srini 4) Page 17, same comment as above for # of units weatherized Added a link to EAN
5) Page 19, On the 2030 target of 55549 Mwh from 30794 Mwh for solar how much is residential and
commercial. The residential installations have dropped off significantly in the last 2 years. Consider referencing
EAN chart for solar
Added a link to EAN
6) Page 23., what are the actual GHG emissions for Govt. operation, it shows only %. I guess this doesn’t
include SB schools!
Include a total for government operations. correct it does not
include schools
7) Page 25, I think the GHG emissions impact for small engines in < 5 kMT ( my estimate). Do we need a high
level GHG emissions estimate for this sector?
Changed it to Medium for now.
Srini 8) Page 27, include growth rate assumption for housing units ( new construction)
added a sentence on page 25, I think page numbers shifted a
Srini 9) Page 28, Can we include a total for GHG emissions reduction for all sector at the bottom of the table?see appendix
10) Add section in Appendix for Glossary for technical terms. You probably have a lot more references for this
document, may be another section for this in Appendix
Added a Glossary of Climate Change Terms to Appendix
7/15/2022 Srini
1) Paul had mentioned at the previous meeting that two of you were working on something specifically on
equity considerations with ranking of actions, we didn’t discuss this yesterday. Not sure if the equity section in
CAP was meant to address this. Couple of things to consider:
We are no longer working on that. Our recommendation is to
form an equity committee.
a) On page 8, in vulnerable communities , maybe add a table that lists the the different types ( renters, fixed
income, people without cars, seniors above 70
Done except I don't think there is data for people on a fixed
Page 1 of 11
Feedback on Draft Climate Action Plan
Through August 25, 2022
Date Commentor Comment Description of change made
b) Does it help to show a comparison to rest of VT or US to highlight the same/unique challenges we are
2) Page 9. To help may be characterize the weatherization challenge, can we put a chart or table that shows
age (built years) of housing units. This may help illustrate the most units at risk before 2030 for weatherization
3) Page 11, # of heat pumps. These numbers are very low to begin with? May be include a longer history with
heat pumps adjusted for housing units i.e., ( I took EAN data adjusted by a factor of 2 to get % housing units in
my earlier note)
We do not have a longer history of data on heat pumps. We
have included a reference to the EAN dashboard.
4) Page 12. Can we add a page that highlights a handful of high impact actions that will be most challenging
from a equity perspective and acknowledge that this is a work in progress. Cite a few examples such as ,
addressing weatherization and electrification) for low income/fixed income population living in multi unit
5 ) Page 12, instead of the equity committee, should we consider existing SB committees to review the high
impact actions and give input on specific challenges and considerations. This could lead to collecting objective
feedback representing different interests and background in the community.
This was not the recommendation we received from the
equity consultant. It is not CCRPC's recommendation.
6) Page 12. Should we a have a list of programs that already in place to address the vulnerable groups.
Example, CVOEO weatherization, Efficiency VT incentives for rentals etc.,
Added this to the equity paragraph on the Buildings and
Thermal page: Programs such as CVOEO’s well-funded low
income weatherization service now includes heat pumps.
Efficiency Vermont also has money for income-eligible heat
pump assistance.
7) Page 19, Renewable energy. I think it is important to state clearly that additional renewables does not help
reduce GHG emissions for SB directly but helps overall energy sourcing for VT . The other point that is
important to emphasize is, as existing units start electrification, an additional project to add solar panels will
help improve the overall economics and make homes locally sourced with progress towards Netzero. The
economics are good for large existing homes where you get the advantage of investment scale to replace
significant grid based power.
In the Renewable Energy Sector page, edited the first
sentence of the narrative like so: Although it will not lower
greenhouse gas emissions, the City has renewable energy
targets to help Vermont increase its renewable energy.
8) Page 3, to be consistent and simple. Can we use this from VT health
page? https://www.healthvermont.gov/health-environment/climate-health/climate-change We did this. Added the sourcing information on page 3.
7/15 Meeting AndrewMichael add school district transportation action Done
7/15 Meeting Andrew Consider adding an impact for new buildings being built to maximize solar gain and passive heating done
Page 2 of 11
Feedback on Draft Climate Action Plan
Through August 25, 2022
Date Commentor Comment Description of change made
Page 1) •The latest IPCC report warns that without immediate concerted acMon, coral reefs will disappear,
cities will flood, breadbaskets that feed the world will shrivel under withering drought and ecosystems will fail.
•The IPCC Working Group II Co-Chair remarked: “Climate change is a threat to human well-being and planetary
health. Any further delay in concerted anticipatory global action on adaptation and mitigation will miss a brief
and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a livable and sustainable future for all.”
Locally in Vermont – aside from the effects of global changes –
•70 bird species of Vermont, including the common loon and hermit thrush, are expected to disappear from
the landscape within the next 25 years.
•Large runoff from heavier precipitaMon will create favorable condiMons for increased cyanobacteria blooms.
•Climate change is expected to conMnue exacerbaMng the threats that invasive plants, insects, and diseases
already pose to the health of Vermont’s forests.
•Climate change will have a negaMve impacts on fruit-bearing species like apple trees that require a sufficient
over-wintering period for success in the next growing season. The maple syrup industry is also at risk due to
variations in winter temperatures.
CAPTF 7/15 meeting Need a summary of Actions and recommendations for next steps to make the document more bold Done
CAPTF 7/15 meeting renewable energy section: need action for passive home orientation to maximize solar radiation Done. See line 73
CAPTF 7/15 meeting pg 2) better explain the source of transportation emissions describe pass through traffic done
CAPTF 7/15 meeting pg 2)explain why VT produces the most climate ate pollution done
CAPTF 7/15 meeting
Figure 2 explain the enourmous effort, explain the graph, consider adding BAU , explain that there have been
work done on energy efficiency over the years done. see SBT paragraph
CAPTF 7/15 meeting Consider showing emissions per capita to demonstrate progress explained progress in narrative
CAPTF 7/15 meeting add an other category to the 2019 inventory chart done
CAPTF 7/15 meeting wby is BAU flat? BAU chart doesn’t say much Added explaination
CAPTF 7/15 meeting pg 19) Change bullets to say Our targers will result in a decreas of XXX or XX%, round done
CAPTF 7/15 meeting include scenario disclaimer language done
CAPTF 7/15 meeting consider including carbon removal from forest language in the SBT scenario on page 19 will do in next round
CAPTF 7/15 meeting
add in action from action worksheet that discusses working with the schoold district to reduce trips and
ecourages bus ridershop
Added to City Gov. Ops.
CAPTF 7/15 meeting Adding in solar potential from parking lots when the data is avaiable
CAPTF 7/15 meeting consider a different name for government operations maybe call it City Operations Changed to "City Government Operations"
CAPTF 7/15 meeting include the consolidation of trash hauler routes action in the gov operations section This is in waste sector. It is not part of city government
Donna pg1) explain affect of climate change, need a call to action, discuss flooding Done
Donna pg2)public wants to know effect on cost for heating Done
Donna pg) 17 second to last sentence, change gas to gasoline Done. See line 73
Donna SBT Scenario why is commercial sector 68%large contribution to basebline emissions and big changes
need in this sector
Donna how many people are eligible CAP programs unknonw, explained income elgibility in community profie
Donna pg 22) explain that multi-family homes inclusdes condos, duplexes, and apartment builidings done
Donna Donna's hard copy edits. Ann has hard copy.Incorporated as many of Donna's comments as possible
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Feedback on Draft Climate Action Plan
Through August 25, 2022
Date Commentor Comment Description of change made
Thought from Melanie-Combine pages 16-20 into one or two pages to make for a succint bold introduction to
wow people to address the comment about the plan being underwhelming and set the stage for actions that
need to be implemented.
added content from the pamphlet
8/4/2022 Andrew Andrew Chalnick comments below
8/4/2022 Andrew
In Natural Areas changed first sentence in 5th paragraph to: Carbon sequestration is only one important
benefit of Some of the other benefits of conserving natural ecosystems. Natural ecosytems include improved
air and water quality, reduced impacts from the urban heat-island effect, improved stormwater management,
and enhanced flood hazard management and provide critical areas for bio-diversity in the face of a changing
Done. May want to join Cities With Nature to collaborate with
other urban areas about reconnecting communities with
nature https://citieswithnature.org. This is a program of
ICLEI's. I added an action for consideration. CAPTF to discuss
8/4/2022 Andrew
In Natural Areas changed last sentence from: This includes ensuring that housing in environmentally desirable
areas is equitable. To: This includes ensuring fair access to natural areas for all to enjoy.
8/5/2022 Srini
1) On the slide that shows historical GHG emissions trend for BAU, 2030 and 2050 targets, the units for GHG
emissions should be "metric tons CO2 equivalent:" not "Million Metric tons"
8/5/2022 Srini
2) On the slide titled, “ Govt Operations”, we had discussed at the last meeting to title as "City Operations".
The rest of the content and the discussion refers only to City operations.
Done Changed to "City Government Operations"
8/5/2022 Srini
Can we include a total baseline number estimate for GHG emissions for the Donut chart by Department, It will
help emphasize the point on city “leading by example" efforts to reduce GHG emissions even if it is a small
number. These charts do not include the SB school operations, right?
8/4/2022 Public Comment
Cooling of buildings is through electricity, so if elecricity is carbon free, should not be contributing to emissions Edited buildings and thermal
8/4/2022 Melanie
I had the following thoughts at the public meeting. Need to define investment, policy, program in the plan; This is already in the plan exactly as it was stated previously in
our memo.
need a statement about carbon storage from soil and grass areas not being considered and some facts about
the storage potential of the land cover types;Sent email to Jens re: grass areas
Melanie maybe ask Ethan to write a letter from the CAPTF chair.
8/4/2022 Keith
asked to identify who is responsible for implementation of the actions
In the vast majority of actions, it the City Council and
Manager, so very repetitive. CAPTF should discuss and give
direction on this.
8/4/2022 Roseanne reference the Sustainable Food Study done for South Burlington Added to Ag/Food Systems Action
8/4/2022 Ray
talked a lot about limitations afrom homeoweners associations for installing solar but actually the right to dry
legislation allows condo residents to install solar. Right to dry statute:
Added educational action to renewable energy sector for
CAPTF consideration.
8/1 via email Diane Bugbee
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the plan. People with disabilities are a particularly vulnerable
population when it comes to climate change. This is mentioned as a data point later in the report but I think it
should be specifically mentioned and also included in the earlier section of the report on equity.
Hope you are enjoying your summer!
Thank you and best,
I added another sentence about people with disabilities to the
Equity section.
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Feedback on Draft Climate Action Plan
Through August 25, 2022
Date Commentor Comment Description of change made
8/9 via email Gerry Silverstein
Took a quick look at the Draft Climate Action Plan and I wanted to offer a quick response.
When dealing with issues such as addressing climate change, people often engage in "selection bias"; picking
and choosing certain pieces of information while marginalizing or ignoring other equally important
That is a lead in to the following:
The draft report (p1) says higher temperatures increase the need for AC to protect vulnerable populations.
True? yes of course.
However on the same page the report details that winters are 4 degrees warmer (air temps), winter ends 2
weeks sooner (spring arrives 2 weeks earlier) and winter starts one week later.... all in comparison to the past
All of the above would have to be juxtaposed against the higher temps requiring more AC in order to assess
overall energy consumption change (per standardized unit of people.... that is be careful as more people move
in you need to adopt an average usage per person assessment parameter versus total increase that could be
due in part or in total to population increase).
This is not a minor point. The IPCC uses numerous models to project the impact of climate change and rarely
do the models arrive at the same conclusion. What do they do? They change the inputs on the models. Some
call this fudging the data (I do), but some argue it is just a way to achieve consistency.
In any case, consider this email a response to the request for feedback on the draft report.
Is there a suggestion in here? The source of the data in
question came from a UVM supported Study of Vermont, not
the IPCC. CAPTF to discuss.
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Feedback on Draft Climate Action Plan
Through August 25, 2022
Date Commentor Comment Description of change made
8/2 via email gerry silverstein
You should share the eye-popping contents of the following article with the Climate Action Committee:
One of the reasons I am "anti-development" is when the houses are built inevitably people fill them with
"stuff" and lots of it.
Remind the Climate Action Committee: it takes energy to harvest the raw materials to make the stuff; it takes
energy to produce the stuff; it takes energy to transport the stuff, and when the stuff has reached the end of
its useful life it (1) may get recycled, (2) may get thrown in trash, (3) may get stored in the house until the
homeowner leaves or dies (and then the stuff has to be dealt with), or (4) the stuff gets "deposited" in the
environment (side of the road, streams, oceans, etc).
The Committee may focus on transportation, heating, etc. but STUFF is a big deal in terms of energy. Reducing
America's love affair with stuff my hurt the economy, but it would inevitably be good for the environment.
The CAPTF to discuss. Is there anything the City can do about
this? Education?
Page 6 of 11
Feedback on Draft Climate Action Plan
Through August 25, 2022
Date Commentor Comment Description of change made
8/9/2022 EDC
1)This plan is comprehensive but lacks, equity consideraMon. For the housing sector electrificaMon upgrades
and new replacement units will be an economic burden for smaller footprint houses that have low-income
residents and other disadvantaged population. Equity consideration on all actions needs to be a serious
consideration before any decisions or actions
2)ConverMng to all EV’s with the anMcipated development populaMon growth will only make the traffic
management challenging. Need to consider promoting ebike options as an alternative to ICE replacement
3)Solar adopMon needs to include community solar projects (Solar farms) to take advantage of scale and
economics, what can SB city do differently recognizing the state level utility regulations
4)This plan does not consider/include financial impact or any cost benefit analysis for proposed acMons. What’s
the process for the city to address this before any decisions can be made
5)This plan needs to include consultaMon with vulnerable populaMon. How is this engagement being planned?
6)EliminaMon of natural gas for cooking has been idenMfied as “Culturally SensiMve” issue with negaMve impact
in other cities, need to consider this seriously
7)All Climate change measures on new housing construcMon increases the iniMal cost of housing (example,
charging capability for EV’s) Be sensitive to not making this as an initial big hurdle in an already unaffordable
housing market
8)The biggest challenge for SB is addressing public transportaMon adequately to support high density
development in all areas. The city hasn’t done enough to have public transportation accessible for all
communities. This is a big equity issue
9)The CAP is sMll being weWed for public input and the final recommendaMon to city council us due in
September. Why is the city council deliberating any action now such as the ordinance for limiting fossil fuels in
new construction?
10)Why not tax big houses with large footprint differently for their share of GHG emissions, this is one way of
addressing the equity issue. Smaller house footprint leads to lower GHG emissions.
11)While this plan addresses nicely how to reduce GHG emissions, it needs to be balanced with other
competing interests and priorities in the city. Who will help the city council address this?
12)Lot of good ideas here however, equity consideraMon is important
13)How does the city plan to assess the impact of the size and capacity of heat pumps on GHG emissions
targets. I have one heat pump for part of the space, thinking about installing a wood fireplace so that I have a
1) Each action has recommendations for equity
considerations. This can be done via exemptions or longer
deadlines. An equity committee can assist in analyzing and
modifying policies before adoption. The CAPTF to discuss. 2)
All modes of biking are encouraged in the plan. E-bikes not
viable for all-season commutes. CAPTF to discuss. 3) Added
language to an action in renewable energy for CAPTF
consideration. 4) This can be done in the implementation
phase. This is out of scope for CCRPC's time on this project. 5)
The recommendation is for the City to form an Equity
Committee to represent this vulnerable population as policies
are drafted and considered. An equity committee can assist in
analyzing and modifying policies before adoption. 6) This is
because cookware in some cultural cuisines, such as woks, do
not work well without direct flame. Added "cultural
exemption" to equity considerations in Buildings and Thermal
Sector. CAPTF to discuss. 7) Added concern regarding
affordablility to the equity column regarding EV charging in
transportation sector 8) This action, which is already in the
plan, addresses that concern: Invest in Green Mountain
Transit to increase transit ridership on existing route, identify
new routes, and increase frequency. 9) CAPTF to discuss.
the only other comment I have is to please add another action for the City to adopt a “solar access law” similar
to the law in effect in Boulder, Co. Boulder’s law requires, among other things, new PUDs and subdivisions to
orient residential units to maximize solar access and be structurally capable of supporting solar collectors. The
relevant provision is 9-9-17 (g) at this link:
Action added to Renewable Energy Sector for CAPTF
8/10/2022 New Ideas from survey Reduce pavement. No new pavement. No new impervious surface. No pavement at parks.CAPTF to discuss alternatives such as permeable pavement
8/10/2022 Encourage zoom attendance at all meetings Draft action added to City Government Operations
Possible next steps on
survey Should we iclude some type of word cloud to show the most common ideas that came out of the survey?CAPTF to discuss
8/11/2022 Pike Porter The climate action plan needs to include emissions at and from the airport. Transportation emissions need to
include air-transportation, not just ground transportation. The F-35 flying from the South Burlington airport
alone creates a minimum of 50 tons and as much as 100,000 metric tons or more of CO2 per year. If you fail to
include the airport emissions, you are greenwashing.
The draft is incomplete. Why include ground transportation but ignore air transportation?
Businesses--such as the airport-- that excessively contribute to South Burlington's emissions should be taxed,
ticketed, or fined.
VHB is gathering this data as part of their work with the BTV
airport. They will let us know when the data is available. Could
be included in transportation implementation plan - VHB is
consultant on that.
Page 7 of 11
Feedback on Draft Climate Action Plan
Through August 25, 2022
Date Commentor Comment Description of change made
8/11/2022 Srini When we do any revisions/update of actions after the public engagement, we can include the RNG as a “
bridge” action to help reduce GHG emissions for the housing sector. It’ll help with alternatives for people who
are not committed to electrification approach
Response from ICLEI regarding how to calculate GHG
emissions from RNG to incorporate into calculations:
Renewable natural gas would generally be carbon neutral,
however it would produce the same methane emissions from
local distribution system leakage as fossil gas. In some cases,
installing equipment to capture renewable gas, such as from
livestock manure can prevent methane emissions that would
have been released to the atmosphere, although there are
other changes such as keeping the animals pastured year
round that would also prevent the methane emissions. The
main drawback to renewable natural gas I've heard this there
is not enough potential supply to cover more than a fraction
of current fossil gas usage.
That may be more detail than you were looking for - in short I
would say fine to model as carbon neutral for now, but not
likely to be a pathway to get the whole system to zero
8/17/2022 Ashley Adams Hi Andrew,
I have been somewhat heartened to witness recent movement to act on the Climate Crisis on the Federal
level, and in some cases on State and local levels. This after many decades of ignoring the problem and the
pleas of Climate Scientists. I was glad to see the City of South Burlington likewise take the first step by
developing its own Climate Action Plan. However, the draft plan for South Burlington includes a glaring
omission: in its emissions inventory it completely ignores Aviation Emissions, including private and commercial
aviation as well as military aviation. I’m not sure that the words “Airport” or “Aviation” appear at all in the
Can you please help me understand why the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in South
Burlington has been left out of the Climate Action Plan? Are you aware that the F35 flights out of this airport
create at a minimum 50,000 tons of CO2 per year and more realistically, since they are not simply flying in a
straight line at .9 Mach, 100,000 tons or more of CO2 per year? These figures do not include private and
commercial flights, but rather the F35 alone.
Without a credible accounting of all emissions, the Climate Action Plan is the very definition of greenwashing.
As we race toward the tipping point of ecological collapse, we must get this right. If we ignore large swaths of
greenhouse gas emissions we miss our opportunity to act on them. Now is the time for bold and courageous
action. As is so often the case, bold and courageous action starts with acknowledging the problem so that we
can determine what, at this late juncture, truly extraordinary measures will be required to solve it. I urge you
to not move forward with a final plan until this critical flaw is addressed.
VHB is gathering this data as part of their work with the BTV
airport. They will let us know when the data is available. Could
be included in transportation implementation plan - VHB is
consultant on that. The City of S. Burlington has limited ability
to affect BTV emissions.
Ann Natural Areas Map needs new legend done
Page 8 of 11
Feedback on Draft Climate Action Plan
Through August 25, 2022
Date Commentor Comment Description of change made
Ann City Government Operations needs a number for this target: X% reduction in City employee Vehicle Miles
Traveled (VMT)Changed language to say track and reduce VMT
Ann Buildings Sector needs a number: XX homes annually received weatherization upgrades.Melanie looking into this
8/19/2022 Darrilyn and Srini Equity Discussion
8/19/2022 Keith Epstein 1) Thank you for all the work that went into this plan. It is excellent, and very exciting to see this plan for our
city after so many years of talking about it. I'm especially pleased that the plan was created by people who
represent a broad cross-section of the community, rather than people with one specific area of
2) The plan uses the term "weatherization" in the 2030 targets, but doesn't define that term. I think it would
be helpful to define it, for readers who are not already familiar with what it means. On that note, it would be
good to review the document for other such terms that are known to people in the industry, but may be
unknown or confusing to the average person.
3) I don't see anything in the plan about infill development or redevelopment of existing developed areas.
They are both excellent strategies for getting higher density development without using green fields. As an
example of redevelopment, a one-story commercial building can be knocked down and redeveloped into a 3-4
story building with commercial use on one or two floors, and residents above. Infill development would be
building a new building in between two existing buildings, in an area that used to be a parking lot or lawn.
Incentivizing infill/redevelopment could be called out as a specific strategy.
2) We have included definitions in the index. 3) CAPTF to
Page 9 of 11
Feedback on Draft Climate Action Plan
Through August 25, 2022
Date Commentor Comment Description of change made
4) EVs are mentioned several times, and so is walking/biking, but I think there should be more discussion of
electric bicycles. They are transformative. It used to be that the only people who rode bikes for transportation
(therefore not driving) were enthusiasts, people who didn't have a driver's license, or people who couldn't
afford to drive. Now that electric bicycles are becoming more popular, the number and types of people who
are riding bikes for transportation is growing. People are riding them to work, to the grocery store, and so on.
Every time they do this, they are reducing VMT and SB's climate emissions. Think about what SB can do to
encourage more people to ride their e-bike instead of drive. Perhaps better infrastructure to
store/lock/protect e-bikes at businesses, for workers and customers, such as requiring more bike racks,
covered bike racks, more secure storage, and so on in new development. And creating incentives for existing
commercial buildings to add these things.
5) The solar map on page 9 is confusing. Maybe some arrows with labels can point out various aspects of the
map, like showing an area where lots of solar can be added, and showing another area where more solar can't
be added until there are upgrades.
6) The pie charts on page 12 would be more readable if the labels also had percentages next to them. For
example, "Fleet: 24%" and "WWPT Natural Gas: 48%". Right now, it is very hard to match the label to the
percentage, since many of the colors are similar, especially in the upper pie chart with many shades of blue.
7) In the Ag/Food section, consider adding community gardens to every public park, or perhaps create a
goal/plan to build enough community gardens in the city to put a community garden within 1 mile of 80% of
city residents. Creating such a goal can help drive decisions about where to locate the gardens. Bringing
gardens closer to people will also help reduce VMT, besides the local food benefits.
4) Could focus on e-bikes in transportation implementation
plan. CAPTF to discuss. 5) Melanie to work on solar map. 6)
Melanie/Emma to work on City Government pie charts. 7)
CAPTF to discuss adding community gardens to every public
8) It has been said many times that this plan is only the beginning, and that much more work will be needed to
turn this plan into actions. I think it is worth including a few sentences about this within the plan. It would be
helpful to outline what the CAP task force thinks the next steps should be, to guide policy makers along the
right path and give the public some ideas of what to expect next. These suggestions might not be taken, but if
they are in the plan then they can be referred to in the future.
9) The more specific the actions can be, the more likely it is that they will be implemented. If there are ideas
about who (what organization/department/entity) could accomplish the actions, I suggest including them in
the plan, so that future readers can refer to those groups to help get things done.
10) I'm not sure where regional collaboration belongs in the plan, but I think it is important to include it
somewhere. SB can't solve many of these problems on our own, so the more we can collaborate with other
communities, the more successful we will be. Collaboration could take many forms, including co-funding
initiatives, adopting similar rules/ordinances for consistency and predictability, and learning from each other's
successes and failures.
8) CAPTF to discuss where to insert its thoughts about next
steps 9) In the vast majority of actions, it the City Council and
Manager, so very repetitive. CAPTF should discuss and give
direction on this. 10) CAPTF to discuss regional collaboration
Related to comment #3, I think Accessory Dwelling Units are something that would be valuable to include in
the plan. I know our LDRs have rules for ADUs, but perhaps the city could do more to encourage, promote, and
allow them across the entire city as a way to get more housing without adding roads and driveways and using
up natural areas. I think reduced permitting fees, educational sessions for people who may be interested, open
houses, and partnering with organizations like https://www.muchadu.com/ to help simplify the process could
contribute to increasing the number of ADUs.
Page 10 of 11
Feedback on Draft Climate Action Plan
Through August 25, 2022
Date Commentor Comment Description of change made
8/25/2022 Leslie Black-Plumeau, VHFAI am writing this on behalf of SB residents Sandy Dooley, Chris Trombly, Vince Bolduc and myself because we
share commitment to addressing both the climate and affordable housing crises, and have long-standing
professional and board experience working on social and economic equity issues.
We thank you for your initial work exploring climate action strategies for the City of South Burlington. As
Vermonters, we are fortunate to be able to learn from the experiences the Vermont Climate Council had as it
prepared the state’s initial climate action plan in 2020-2021. The Guiding Principles for a Just Transition
written during this work provide a clear framework for inclusively developing and prioritizing
recommendations based on how they will affect Vermont’s most impacted and frontline communities. As your
report wisely notes on Page 3, it is important that “vulnerable populations are included in the process so that
policies do not end up causing harm to people who can least afford or adapt to them or leaving some people
out of the benefits of these policies."
We strongly encourage you to embody these principles throughout the development of SB’s first climate
action plan, and we are concerned that your otherwise impressive report does not yet accomplish that goal.
We believe that this needs to be done before the report is finalized. “Moving at the speed of trust” (as
mentioned in the Guiding Principles) means taking the time to center equity during (not after) the
development of High Impact Actions. This means involving impacted and frontline communities throughout
the process of identifying High Impact Actions and estimating their equity impacts.
It is likely that the resulting list of High Impact Actions for climate action in SB would be different if equity was
inherent in their development. For example, your draft’s “Equity in Addressing Climate Change” section aptly
cites the Guiding Principle that “all recommendations directly identify and support relevant impacted and
frontline communities.” Applying this throughout the plan’s recommendations will ensure that the actions
South Burlington takes to fight climate change benefit and support all residents fairly and equitably.
Page 11 of 11
Climate Survey Summary [results through 8/15/2022, summarized]
How Concerned are City Residents about Climate Change
Over half of South Burlington’s Climate Survey respondents, indicated that they are very concerned
about climate change.
Climate Changes means the following to a majority of respondents
• Higher fees, higher costs, taxes, and energy costs
• Unlivable planet for future generations
• Extreme weather and natural disasters
• Less snow and reliable skiing
• Loss of species diversity
• Resource wars
• Reduction in quality of life and well being
• Poor health outcomes especially asthma and allergies
• Existential Threat
• Urgent situation, act now
• Nothing, it’s mother nature
• Policies will make South Burlington unaffordable to many
• Global security, global food suppliers, and global migration impacted
• Decarbonize now
Respondents indicated that transportation emissions should be reduced by
• Control growth
• Switch to and increase electric vehicles
• consolidation of trash & recycling services.
• higher density housing and mixed use that will support public transportation
• Expand transit services and increase consistency
• Replace gas stations for EV charging stations
• House a larger proportion of the expanding population in South Burlington where they would be
3 or 5 miles from employment and not in the exurbs
• Safer connected bike lanes and more sidewalks
• Replace traffic light intersection with roundabouts
• Scooter and bike friendly
• EV Incentives
• Increase ride sharing and carpooling
• Trip chaining
• Local projects emphasize walking, biking, and public transportation
• Remote work
• Drive less
• Do nothing, beyond the scope of the city
Respondents indicated that heating and cooling emissions should be reduced by
• Require solar panels in new construction
• Subsidize or incentives (tax credits) solar panels and heat pumps geothermal
• Fewer single-family homes
• Require new homes be net zero
• Increase carbon taxes to cover the cost of weatherization
• Insulation
• Provide incentives for homeowners/landlords to conserve energy and weatherize
• Education on heat pump technology
• Keep housing concentrated in downtown areas
• Property tax reduction for replacing fossil fuels with greener alternatives
• Plant more trees
• Pass a decarbonization ordinance
• Incentives multi-story buildings for efficient heating and cooling
• Regulate non fossil fuels be required in new construction, ban natural gas in new homes
• Innovative technologies like hydrogen and renewable natural gas
• Invest in our own city's energy independence. Build our own city solar power arrays, wind
What advice would you have for neighbors about what they could do to be a part of the solution?
• Eat less, walk-cycle more, drive less, keep houses not too hot and not too cold, buy LESS stuff
• Recycle
• Get involved
• Buy an electric vehicle
• Insulate your attic
• Ride your bike
• Think before you drive to run one errand
• Pollinator friendly lawn
• Don’t warm your car up in the winter
• Grow a garden
• Get an electric mower
• Compost
• Get a home energy audit
• Stuck because solar panels and electric cars are not made in the US and are made with coal
fueled power and with toxic materials.