HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/07/2001CITY COUNCIL 7 MAY 2001 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 7 May 2001, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members present: J. Condos, Chair; C. Smith, T. Sheahan, S. Magowan, D. O'Rourke Also present: C. Hafter, City Manager; Rep. A. Audette; J. B. Hoover, Director of Planning & Zoning; R. Moreau, P. Stabler, J. Holiday, S. Deacon, I. Weibel, R. Farley 1. Comments & questions from the public not related to Agenda items: Mr. Weibel spoke about a tremendous increase in the flow of the brook that runs on the north side of Twin Brook Court. This is resulting in erosion in the area from the outflow of the pipe for about 300 ft. Mr. Weibel felt the stream banks should be protected with stone fill especially with the railroad station coming into the area. He felt that further development should be stopped until this situation is addressed. Mr. Weibel also suggested a bike path for this area. He noted that people now have to cross Rt. 7 to get to a path or ride along Rt. 7. He felt this should be studied now particularly with the coming of the railroad and Lowes. Mr. Condos noted the city is working with the Agency of Natural Resources on a storm water retention pond that would slow the water down before it gets to the brook. He also noted there will be no additional paving involved with the railroad station use. Mr. Hafter said the MPO is looking at a bike path from Burlington to Charlotte that would follow the railroad corridor. There will also be bike paths on the rebuilt Rt. 7. 2. Announcements/City Manager's report: Mr. Condos: Attended the MPO Executive Board meeting today. There will be a meeting on 5/16 at Contois Auditorium. The Regional Planning Growth Center Task Force will meet on 14 May at 6 p.m. at the Williston Town Hall. Mr. Condos reminded voters that Election Day is May 15. Mr. Hafter: The Exit 14 bridge project has begun. It will go into next year because most of the deck will have to be replaced. A public information meeting was held last week for residents of Dumont Avenue and Old Farm Rd. regarding traffic calming. Old Farm Rd. residents are very happy with the proposed plan. Dumont St. people are concerned with where things would be in relation to their driveways. Mr. Condos said they explained the "gateway" approach and the use of "speed tables." Mr. Hafter will attend the Vermont City Managers' Conference Thursday and Friday in Stowe. Phase III of the bike path should be paved within 3 weeks, and the city is looking toward a grand opening. The agenda for the 21 May meeting includes the reorganization meeting and a report from Dubois and King regarding siting of the commuter rail station. 3. Presentation of the CSWD 2001-2 budget: Mr. Moreau noted that employees will now contribute to medical insurance. Legal fees are going down. It is hoped that the Burlington drop-off center will open soon. They are waiting for permits to use the old Public Works depot. The capital budget is more substantial this year including $1,200,000 for a material recycling facility (expansion of some mechanization), $625,000 for purchase of the Hinesburg Sand and Gravel, and $640,000 for purchase of the Babcock site. Mr. Hafter suggested the District look at problems other districts have had with composting facilities. Mr. Smith moved to approve the 2001-2 CSWD budget as presented. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Presentation of proposal to reuse biosolids facility on Airport Parkway as Environmental Depot: Ms. Holiday said they have been in the temporary site for 10 years and have outgrown it. They are looking for a place to move. They will hire an engineering firm to design an Environmental Depot to serve the whole county. The facility would collect hazardous waste. Use of the biosolids facility would allow them to manage all waste inside the building which is not the case now. They have gone to bid for design and selected a firm. They will not sign a contract until South Burlington is comfortable with this. Mr. Hafter said they would have to renegotiate the lease, and the city could list all acceptable products. Mr. Moreau said they would have no problem with this. Explosives, medical waste, and radioactive materials would not be accepted. Members were OK with pursuing this option. 5. Staff Comments on draft Regional Plan: Ms. Hoover said that most of the "shalls" and "musts" have been removed, though there still are a few. She was concerned with a statement in the introduction that there are places where "compliance with the plan is mandatory." The "planning area" concept now includes 5 planning areas: metropolitan (most of South Burlington), Village, Transition (most of the Southeast Quadrant), Rural and Special Use. The plan encourages mixed use for transition zones. The metropolitan area "shall have" a set of 11 characteristics. There is a problem with the language that equates "affordable" housing with "subsidized" housing. Mr. Sheahan said the Board is aware of this. Mr. Condos noted the concept of "substantial regional impact" and felt it should make no difference if it is a small town or a large city producing the impact. He felt that 200 units of housing is a substantial regional impact wherever it is. He suggested assessing impact by planning areas. Ms. Hoover said she would support that. Ms. Hoover said the plan needs a thorough editing as a lot of concepts are not stated clearly. Members agreed to send these comments to the RPC Update Committee. Mr. Hafter noted that each draft has become better. Ms. Hoover felt the policy and goal statements were very well done. 6. Discussion of city application for storm water modeling and mitigation grant for City Center development (319 grant): Ms. Hoover said this is related to the Clean Water Act. She noted there is some support for having the city apply for money to do a Potash Brook Restoration Plan, and this is the receptor for City Center water and water from the Airport. The grant would allow the city to come up with a plan to improve the brook, work on existing conditions, develop a mitigation plan, and identify specific sites and projects to make the stream better. She suggested this could also be an opportunity to pursue the idea of a storm water utility. The grant money would be used to hire consultants. No match would be required from the city. Ms. Hoover felt the city had a good chance to be awarded a grant. She also said this could be done in conjunction with CWD which has similar interests. Members supported the idea. Rep. Audette noted that the biggest problem with the brook now is beavers. 7. Consideration of adoption of electronic communications/internet policy: Mr. Condos noted that the draft has been approved by the personnel rules and advisory committee. Mr. Hafter said that as cities get more involved in electronic communication, there is a need for regulations as to what it is appropriate to use the city's equipment for. Mr. Hafter then reviewed the provisions of the policy with regard to personal use, public access, appropriate materials, investment activity. He noted that the City Manager can view an employee's files at any time, and there are penalties for violations. It was suggested to modify the language as follows: "Unsolicited e-mail that does not reasonably appear to be of a public nature should be deleted unopened. Any question on this policy should be addressed to the City Manager." Mr. Magowan moved to amend the proposed policy as indicated above. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Magowan moved to approve and adopt the amended electronic communications/internet policy as part of the City Personnel Rules and Regulations. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Consideration of approval of entertainment licenses: National Night Out (8/7/01), Franny O's (local bands and karaoke), Windjammer Restaurant (jazz bands), Pour House (Karaoke and 3-pc bands), and Vermont National Country Club (bands and dj's): Mr. Magowan raised a question about the Scout overnight in conjunction with National Night Out and whether this would set a precedent for other groups to have overnights. Mr. Hafter will check with the City Attorney and put the request on a future agenda. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the entertainment licenses for Franny O's, Windjammer Restaurant, Pour House, and Vermont National Country Club as presented. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Discussion of appointment process for interim City Clerk: Mr. Hafter said there are 4 applicants to date. He would like the Council to begin the interviewing process. He suggested the Council do the first round and then have discussion interviews at a Council meeting. Members agreed to look for a mutually agreeable time. 10. Review agenda for Planning Commission meeting of 8 May 2001: No issues were raised. 11. Review and approval of minutes of City Council meeting of 16 April 2001: Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the minutes of 16 April as written. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. 13. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Smith moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented first and second class renewals from: Rotisserie, Beem, Inc., GU Markets of Vermont, Orchid Restaurant, Pizza Put, Inc., Vermont National Country Club, and Marco's Pizza. He said all applications are in order. Mr. Magowan moved to approve the first and second class renewals as presented. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 14. Executive session: Mr. Magowan moved the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss personnel and negotiations and to resume regular session only for the purpose of adjournment. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 15. Regular session: The City Council returned to regular session. Mr. Smith moved adjournment. Mr. Sheahan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.