HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/22/2001CITY COUNCIL 22 FEBRUARY 2001 The South Burlington City Council held a budget presentation meeting on Thursday, 22 February 2001, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members present: J. Condos, Chair; T. Sheahan, C. Smith, D. O'Rourke, S. Magowan Also present: C. Hafter, City Manager; P. Bestenbostel, Asst. City Manager; J. B. Hoover, Director of Planning & Zoning; L. Graham, Police Chief; M. O'Neil, Fire Chief; B. Hoar, Public Works Director Presentation of the proposed FY2001-2 City budget continued as follows: Planning & Zoning Department: Ms. Hoover noted that department secretary will be leaving in May and has a payout coming to her. They will try to deal with this over a period of time. There is a question as to when she will be replaced. Ms. Hoover felt the position that most bears looking at is Sarah MacCallum's as it is important to keep a very qualified person. There is a significant decrease in mapping as they will be sharing this with the tax office. There is also a realistic legal budget. Advertising is a continuous battle as Free Press rates keep going up. Capital items include a new computer for the secretary, a new laser printer and file cabinet space. Fire Department: Chief O'Neil said they are working to keep overtime expenses down. The Chief felt they will have to go to the outside to look for personnel to hire. He noted they are the second busiest Fire Department in state, after Burlington. Capital expenses include the first payment into the vehicle replacement fund ($60,000), and the last payment for the Scott Air Paks. There is money for a joint study with the Police Department on radios as there are areas where officers cannot communicate with each other. Police Department: Chief Graham noted that overtime is going up. At present, there are 2 sergeants and a corporal out, and they have to be replaced. There are also two men who fell on the ice behind the station and were injured. Mr. Hafter noted that they did not fill the civilian clerk position last year. Mr. Hafter also expressed concern that every three years may be too often for the Department to go through the accreditation process. He has asked to see the financial reports of the accreditation agency. Mr. Hafter noted that the city gets a lot out of being accredited, but then in negotiations the city is told that the men need more money because they're an accredited department. Mr. Condos asked if the city is still in the DARE program. Chief Graham said they are and are now doing long-term studies. He felt it has become a better program. Mr. Hafter recommended keeping it as South Burlington's program is very school and community based and there is nothing better to replace it. Capital expenses include replacement of 3 cruisers (2 will be leased, 1 purchased) and computers. Chief Graham noted that their computers and software are outdated and there are some compatibility issues. He would like to replace all the desktop models on a 3-year lease program and is looking for grant money to do this. Mr. Hafter noted that the Chief is asking for $20,000. and that he told him to find it somewhere else or use the Police Block Grant money, if the city gets it. Mr. Sheahan expressed concern that they are in the middle of negotiations that could have an impact on this budget. He said he would like to hold off a decision on the computers until negotiations are completed. Mr. Condos said the Department needs to do something to slow traffic down in the city. Mr. Smith agreed there needs to be more of a police presence. Public Works: Mr. Hoar said the new facility is great. It is now fully functional. He invited the Council to visit for a tour. Mr. Hoar reviewed the 5-year plan. He noted that they will need to replace the culvert at the entrance to the Interstate. They have a 90-10 grant for this work. Work on Dorset Heights was taken out of the plan to accommodate the culvert work. Capital items include purchase of a tandem. Parks Department: There is a $15,000 appropriation to improve the pavilion at Dorset Park. A playground will be constructed at Farrell Park in response to neighbors' concerns. Mr. Sheahan praised the Department's efforts in keeping up the rec path during the winter months. Mr. Hoar noted he still has money in his salt budget and the shed is almost full. Mr. Hafter said he has been assured that the city will get $35,000 for trees on Dorset St. Bonded Debt: Mr. Hafter advised that both Dorset Street and the Rec Path will be paid off in this budget. There is a slight increase in the County Courthouse. Winooski Park is up $1000. CCTA is up $16,000 to cover the city's share of new buses. The tax rate for other entities is the same due to the increase in the Grand List. Mr. Hafter then briefly reviewed the income side of the budget. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.