HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/06/2001CITY COUNCIL 6 AUGUST 2001 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 6 August 2001, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members present: J. Condos, Chair; C. Smith, S. Magowan Also present: C. Hafter, City Manager; D. Gravelin, Finance Director; J. B. Hoover, Director of Planning & Zoning; B. Hoar, Director of Public Works; J. Goslin, Police Department; Rep. A. Audette; R. Farley, The Other Paper; J. Bangan, P. Cosa, A. Hershing 1. Comments & questions from the audience, not related to Agenda items: Mr. Cosa presented petitions for speed bumps from residents of Heath and Ruth Streets. He said that people use those streets for cut-throughs. Mr. Condos said the problem is the difficult left turn at Hinesburg Rd. Mr. Hoar added that he is looking to see if the Hinesburg Rd. signal can be adjusted. Mr. Condos also noted that eventually there would be an advance green for left turns onto Hinesburg Rd; unfortunately the city doesn't own any land to make a separate left turn lane. Mr. Hafter presented some data from traffic counts on Ruth and Heath Streets. He said that ¾ of the traffic was southbound, and 60% were going over the speed limit. Daily counts showed as many as 561 cars using those streets on a given day. Mr. Hafter said the city could try some traffic calming methods and see what works. Mr. Cosa also presented a petition for a crosswalk at Ruth to cross Hinesburg Rd. He indicated that lots of children use that crossing, and people do not stop. Mr. Hershing added that in winter it is very dangerous to go around that corner. 2. Announcements and City Manager's report: Mr. Smith: The Technical Advisory Committee for the proposed Tech Ed Center has issued a preliminary report that he will present at the next Council meeting. Mr. Magowan: Attended the "Quality of Life" meeting of VLCT. Mr. Condos: The South Burlington Little League team is in Connecticut for the regional finals of the Little League World Series. Mr. Hafter: The next Council meeting will be on 10 September instead of Labor Day. Chris Cole of CCTA will be introduced at that time. A notice was received from the Rec Dept. and RETN that the CSPAN bus is coming to Dorset Park on 9 August, 1-3 p.m. All are encouraged to visit. Tomorrow is National Night Out. Events will begin with a parade and end with fireworks at Dorset Park. There will be a public information meeting regarding Kennedy Drive improvements on 6 September, 7:30 p.m. Public comments will be taken on the preliminary design plan. An overlook has been built on the highest point in South Burlington. The view is spectacular. There will be a reception for retiring City Clerk Peg Picard on Wednesday, 4-6 p.m. at City Hall. 3. Public hearing on Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance: 1) allow multiple permitted uses in one structure without conditional use review; 2) change "Board of Adjustment" and "Planning Commission" to "Development Review Board," 3) re-zone part of one parcel from C1 to C2 adjacent to Chittenden Correctional Facility; 4) allow PUD's in IC mixed industrial, airport and airport industrial districts; 5) allow radio and television stations as permitted uses in the IC mixed industrial zone; 6) allow houses of worship as conditional use in IC-mixed industrial zone; 7) define "artist production studio" and allow as conditional use in IC district and permitted use in C-1 and C-2 districts; and 8) amend subdivision regulations to change "Planning Commission" to "Development Review Board"; second reading of same: Ms. Hoover reviewed the amendments. Mr. Condos said he was concerned that the zoning change from C1 to C2 would increase auto traffic. There were no issues raised by the public. Mr. Magowan moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Condos raised the question of communications towers and asked if there were a way to have everyone link up to one tower instead of having towers all over the place. Ms. Hoover said that could be done. She noted that one application used existing silos so that no towers had to be built. Mr. Condos said he would like to look at not having them in residential districts. Mr. Smith moved to waive the reading of the amendments and approve them as presented. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Report of Lake Champlain Byways; CCRBC: Mr. Bangen said this project might offer some finding for safety concerns such as those presented at this meeting. A "byway" is defined as a highway or public road that has a special scenic, historic, recreational, cultural, archeological and/or natural quality that has been formally designated by the state. By having such byways, there can be applications for federal highway funds, safety improvements, pedestrian improvements, overlooks, protection of significant resources, etc. A byway can also be used as a marketing tool for a region. Mr. Bangen said the Vermont Byways project could create a framework for the 400th anniversary of Samuel de Champlain's discovery of Lake Champlain. He noted that in 1909 over 40,000 people came to the celebration in Burlington honoring the building of Fort Ticonderoga. In 8 years, something similar will be done to honor the 400 the anniversary. Mr. Bangen then showed the corridor on the map. It is called the "Champlain Trail" and is mainly comprised of Routes 7 and 2. The Lake Champlain Bikeways are also part of the byways. There is a "cycle the City" 10-mile loop around the City of Burlington. The project will also include a walkway element to link Westport, N.Y. to Shelburne, Vt. Waterways and a paddlers' trail will be part of the project and will include links to campsites along the way. All of the elements of the byways project will be connected through a system of multimodal centers. Mr. Bangen said the train station at the Magic Hat location is an excellent site for one of these centers. Mr. Bangen then showed some interpretive signs done by Lake Champlain Transit for the ferry docks. More of these will be part of the project. Communities are being asked to think about their resources and needs (e.g., crossings at Route 7). Mr. Condos said the biggest improvement for Shelburne Rd. will be to get the widening project done. That project includes bike paths, sidewalks, trees, pedestrian signals, etc. Mr. Bangen said they are looking to get a "byways" designation in the fall. There will be public workshops, etc., and then a formal public hearing. He asked for written support from the communities. 5. Consideration of Approval of Entertainment Permit for South Burlington Recreation Department Family Music Festival, 19 August 2001, 1 p.m., at Dorset Park: Mr. Hafter said the permit is in order. Mr. Magowan moved to approve the entertainment permit for the Family Music Festival as presented. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consideration of approval of Capital Equipment Refunding Note and Resolution for Sidewalk Plow: Mr. Hafter said the interest rate is 3.1% Mr. Smith moved to approve the note and resolution as presented. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Review Development Review Board Agenda for Tuesday, 7 August: No issues were raised. 8. Review minutes of 6 July 2001: Mr. Magowan moved to approve the minutes of 6 July as written. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 10. Executive Session: Mr. Magowan moved the Council meet in executive session to discuss litigation and personnel. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Board resumed their regular session at 9:10 p.m. 11. Council Certification of Consolidated Motor Vehicle and Traffic Ordinance; consideration of resolution regarding weight limit on Lime Kiln Bridge: Mr. Hafter said the city has amended the Ordinance over the years, and this has made it hard for police officers to find applicable parts of the ordinance for enforcement. The Council is being asked to certify and consolidate the ordinance and to pass a resolution to enforce the weight limit on the Lime Kiln Bridge. Traffic Safety Officer Goslin said the hope to come back to the Council with revisions that will include newer streets (Nowland Farm Rd, Golf Course Rd., etc.). He said this would simplify the Police Department's job in the court system. After the speed ordinance is done, they can look at the weight limits. There are a lot of overweight vehicles doing damage to city streets. Mr. Audette said there is disagreement about police enforcement of weight limits. The state limits are 24,000 lb. on paved roads and 16,000 on dirt roads. He felt there was no reason not to enforce those limits. He said the Lime Kiln Bridge has been posted at 24,000 lb., but this limit has not been enforced. Officer Goslin said they need a resolution in order to enforce it. There is also a problem with weighing vehicles. Mr. Smith moved to have a consolidated version of the Motor Vehicle and Traffic Ordinance and that the City Clerk certify this document. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Magowan moved to approve a resolution for a weight limit of 24,000 pounds on the Lime Kiln Bridge. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.