HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/05/2000CITY COUNCIL 5 JUNE 2000 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 5 June 2000, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members present: James Condos, Chair; Terrance Sheahan, Chris Smith, Dan O'Rourke, Steve Magowan Also present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peter Bestenbostel, Assistant City Manager; Anna Johnston, The Other Paper; Sonny Audette, Tom Moreau 1. Comments & questions from the public not related to agenda items: No issues were raised. 2. Announcements and City Manager's report: Mr. Hafter reported the following: The Economic Development Committee will meet on 14 June, 7:30 a.m., to work on a review of the city's Comprehensive Plan. A study group to look into a City Center Government House will meet on 15 June at 7:30 a.m. GBIC will hold its annual luncheon at noon on 21 June at the Radisson. On 12 June, 4:30 p.m., a meeting conducted by the Regional Planning Commission will go over methodology for studies to be done in conjunction with the update of the Regional Plan. Joe Weith and Mr. Hafter will attend. Mr. Condos noted that the next draft of the Regional Plan is due out in the fall. Mr. Hafter distributed a list of task forces that have been formed in conjunction with the update of the Regional Plan. Various members of the Council and staff will serve on these task forces. Mr. Hafter invited new Council members to participate. Groundbreaking for the Anderson Parkway affordable housing project will take place on 26 June at 9:30 a.m. Developers will be asking for tax exemption for the congregate housing building. Mr. Audette reported on work being done in the city: The bike path work is moving along. Work will head north from the Maple Lab. The path is staked from Gutterson to the bridge. Shelburne Road widening necessity hearings begin on 12 June at 8:30 a.m. Mr. Hafter said he did not know of anyone who will challenge necessity in South Burlington. A meeting was held today on the Williston Rd. bridge project. Work begins next Monday and is scheduled to finish on 16 November. This year's work should not affect traffic. There will be an ad in the paper for bids on relocation of the water main in conjunction with the Shelburne Rd. project. Mr. Sheahan asked about the paving of the bike path near the church on the north side of town. Mr. Hafter said this will be done the next time paving is done in the city. 3. Update from Tom Moreau, General Manager Chittenden Solid Waste District, re: drop-off center availability in the City of Burlington: Mr. Condos reviewed the history of this item. He noted there is a provision that if Burlington does not have a drop-off center for 60 days, South Burlington can limit the use of its facility (due to traffic concerns). Mr. Moreau said the problem is that the new South Burlington public works facility project will create additional traffic and on-site concerns. Burlington is meeting on 21 June for final details on a plan to use the old Street Department facility. They hope to have it open by the end of September. 4. Consideration of reply to USPS regarding site selection process for new South Burlington Post Office: Mr. Condos said the City told the post office to work on a location in the City Center. The problem is they want a "two in one" facility for a post office and a distribution center. They are looking for a one-story facility on 3.5 acres. The city has been in contact with Senators Jeffords and Leahy and told them the city wants a downtown location for the post office. Mr. Condos felt a strong message should be sent to the post office. Mr. Sheahan said he didn't want to force a retail center onto Kimball Avenue because there is room at that location for the distribution center. He looked for a spirit of compromise. Mr. Bestenbostel said the city needs to be very clear with the post office as to what it wants. He noted the post office is under pressure to get things done. Mr. Hafter asked if it would be OK to have a distribution center built to City Center guidelines (2 stories, etc.). Members said it would. Mr. Sheahan stressed that such a facility could help jumpstart what the city wants to have happen in the City Center. Mr. O'Rourke asked if there is a site the Council prefers. Members said they preferred a Market Street location. 5. Update on bid proposal for construction of public works yard: Mr. Condos noted that all bids are very close. Mr. Hafter said the bond issue was for $2,000,000. The thought was there would be $1,750,000. for the actual construction. Based on the bids, the city is in the process of reducing costs so the project can proceed. Mr. Hafter believed this could be done, but it will require using a maximum of $200,000. from the city's fund balance. Members agreed to a very short special meeting on Monday to review the project. (Mr. Smith arrived at this point in the meeting.) 6. Request for approval of tax rates to support FY 2001 budget, special assessment districts, and user fees for sanitary sewer and water service; approval of fiscal year budget: Mr. Hafter reviewed the tax rates, fees and special assessments. Tax installment dates have already been set for 15 August, 15 November, and 15 March. There is one amendment to the budget that will not affect the tax rate. This will bring the Fire Department into compliance with new federal regulations regarding the number of firefighters who must be present on the scene prior to attempting a rescue or internal attack. The cost for this is $85,000. and the money will come from the fund balance. In the future, it will have to budgeted. Mr. Sheahan moved to set the general tax rate at 55.4 cents including the amendment as specified by the City Manager, the special assessment for Swift Estates at 7.4 cents, the special assessment for Country Club Estates at 26.5 cents, the sewer rate at 16.75 cents per cubic foot of water use, and the water fee at 14.50 cents per 1,000 cubic feet of use, with water and sewer rates to take effect on billings after 1 June of this year. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Consideration of approval of documents related to Vermont Bond Bank sale of $2,000,000. public works bond and $435,000. water system improvement bond: Mr. Hafter explained that the city gets a low issuance fee by having the state do this. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the resolution and certificate and to authorize appropriate signatures on the loan agreement, certificate of arbitrage, bonds and IRC Section 148 certification. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7a. Review Letter of Intent re: Vermont Community Block Grant: Mr. Hafter explained that this is a letter of intent to apply for a grant of $750,000. in conjunction with a portion of the project behind Mall 189. There will be 4 buildings of 40 apartments each, 128 of which will be "affordable." Construction is anticipated from October 2000 to December 2001. The grant itself will be brought to the Council for review. Mr. Bestenbostel noted that last year the total appropriation for affordable housing in the state was $630,000. Mr. Condos noted that the project also includes a hotel, senior housing, retail development and the completion of Odell Parkway. He felt it would be a good project for the city. Mr. Smith moved to authorize the City Manager to sign the letter of intent as presented. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Review Development Review Board agenda for 6 June: Mr. Sheahan noted item #7 is for a variance for a house already built. Mr. Hafter said the permit showed a legal setback, but the house was not built that way. Mr. O'Rourke noted that in Item #9, the golf course project is asking for additional housing units. He asked how many times they will come in for more and more units. He recalled that residents were told there would be limit, and at some time this will get beyond what the city anticipated. The project has already grown by 50%. Mr. Hafter said he would convey the concern to the DRB. 9. Review minutes of 23 May organizational meeting: Mr. Smith moved to approve the minutes of 23 May as written. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 11. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Sheahan moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented First Class, Cabaret and Outside Consumption license applications from Outback Steak House. He noted they are now a Vermont Corporation and all is in order. The outside consumption area will be right in front, about 3 tables. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the First Class, Cabaret and Outside Consumption license applications of Outback Steak House. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session: Mr. Sheahan moved the Board adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue to return to regular session for a possible action or to adjourn. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Council returned to open session. Regular Session: Terry Sheahan moved the following appointments. Dan O'Rourke seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Regional Planning Commission---Chris Smith, Alternate (2001) Metropolitan Planning Organization---Dan O'Rourke, Alternate (2001) Channel 17 Board---Chuck Hafter (2001) Passenger Rail Steering Committee---Steve Magowan, Alternate (no term) CCTA Board---Jim Condos (2003) MPO Technical Advisory Committee---Sonny Audette (2002) Terry Sheahan moved adjournment. Chris Smith seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.