HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-22-002 - Supplemental - 1200 Airport Drive (4)331.5'331.5'331.0'331.0'330.5'330.0'330.0'330.0'334.0'332.5'332.5'332.5'332.5'332.5'332.5'332.5'332.0'332.0'332.0'331.5'331.5'331.5'331.5'331.5'331.5'331.0'331.0'331.0'331.0'331.0'330.5'330.5'330.5'330.5'330.5'330.0'330.0'330.0'330.0'330.0'330.0'330.0'329.5'329.0'SSSSSSSDSDSDWWWWWWWUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUKUKUKUKUKUKUEUEUEUEXXXSDSDSSSSSSSSSSSDSDSDSDSDSDSDUEUEUEUE SDGW WWWWWW TVTVUE UE UE UE UEUEUE UEUE UEUT UT UT BGVBBSEDBBSDDEWVWVBBBBBDSEBBBBBBTVTVTVTVTV TVUTUTUTUTUT UTUEUEUEFPFPFPOSWUEUEUE SDSDSDSDSDSDSDOSWTV TVOSW CUEUEUE SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSDSDSDSDSDAE&TGVAE&TAE&TAE&TAE&TAE&TSDXXXXXXXBBBBBSDSDSDSDSDSDGATENO PARKINGTVELGATENO PARKINGRAMP11"MAPLEELTELAIRPORT DIR11"MAPLE14"MAPLEGATESL15NO PARKING12"PINE10"PINE12"MAPLE16"LOCUST11"PINE10"MAPLE12"MAPLE10"PINEPED XINGEL14"PINE10"MAPLEGARAGE DOOR8"MAPLEEL12"BIRCH14"LOCUST12"LOCUST14"PINEN LIGHTVAULT6"ORNAMENTALEL12"LOCUST(2)14"PINEEL16"BEECH10"LOCUST(2)8"GINKO10"PINETELTVAMENTALGROUND LIGHT14"CATALPA12"PINEELAMENTALGROUND LIGHT12"PINE16"BEECHLIFT ARM20"MAPLE(4)14"PINE8"BEECHELCATVTEL14"PINE8"BEECH6"SPRUCE10"PINEWELCOME TO BIA8"BEECH6"SPRUCEGARDEN EDGE14"PINE6"SPRUCE12"LOCUST12"LOCUST16"PINENO PARKINGN LIGHTBIA SHORT TERM PARKNOT IN USEGARDEN EDGEBIA WELCOMEARR/DEP/PARK/RENTTICKETSPITTER14'-6"ELPED XINGELELELELEL14'-6"ELX3'WIDE332.37XX4'WIDE DOORW332.66X3'WIDE DOORWAY333.17X3'WIDE DOORWAY332.73METALLIDMETALLIDMETALLIDXROXROXROXROOF347.63XROOF358.88XROOF 358.72XBUILDING FOOTPRINTROOF LINE7"SPRUCE5"SPRUCEWALK SIGNAL7"SPRUCE5"SPRUCE5"SPRUCE754124/7-025"SPRUCE4CONDUIT DROPS6-0/12A/74718/100K 1DROP/LILD TO PED5"SPRUCE10"SPRUCE5"SPRUCE12"MAPLE7"SPRUCE11"SPRUCEEL CABINET5"SPRUCE12"MAPLEYIELD TO PED7"SPRUCERESERVED PARKING7"SPRUCE7"SPRUCESIGN POSTS7"SPRUCE5"MAPLE(3)CONC BLOCK WALLS14"MAPLE7"SPRUCE74716/114DROPS/2LIEL CABINETORTT4'WIDE DOORXSERVICEDELIVERYVEHICLESSDSDSDSDSDSDDEDX X XXUTILITYCABINETELECPULLBOXELANE 5 LANE 4 LANE 3LANE 2LANE 1 BENC H BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCHDN TSA PRECHECKGENERAL PAX.K9 SCREENINGXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDX XXTREE PROTECTIONFENCING, TYP.TREE PROTECTIONFENCING, TYP.+332.67+331.556.2%+332.67+330.894.0%+333.17EXISTING TREE TO BE PROTECTED6' LENGTH LUG-U-POST12 GAUGE STEEL W/GREEN BAKED ENAMELNOTE:NYLON ZIP TIES (3 PER POST)TO SECURE MESH TO TABSON POSTHIGH DENSITY POLYETHELENE3200 PSI, ORANGE MESH WITH NOMINAL OPENINGS,3 1/2" x 1 1/2"EXISTING GRADETREE PROTECTION SIGN, MIN.1' SQ. TO BE PLACED ON EACHSIDE OF FENCING OR EVERY 16'O.C. OF LINEAR FENCE. SECURETO MESH WITH (4) NYLONZIP TIES4'-0" MIN.3'-0" MIN.2'-0"4'-0" TYP.8'-0" MAX.TREE PROTECTION SPECIFICATIONS:1. Locate and clearly identify trees to remain. Flag each trunk at 54 inches above the ground.2. Protect tree root systems from damage caused by runoff or spillage of noxious materials while mixing, placing, or storing construction materials. Protect rootsystems from ponding, eroding, or excessive wetting caused by dewatering operations.TREE AND PLANT PROTECTION ZONES1. Protection-Zone Fencing: Install protection-zone fencing at the Critical Root Radius - a distance of 1' per every inch diameter of tree diameter measured at DBH(diameter @ breast height). Install protection-zone fencing along edges of protection zones before materials or equipment are brought on site and constructionoperations begin in a manner that will prevent people and animals from easily entering protected area except by entrance gates. Construct fencing so as not toobstruct safe passage or visibility at vehicle intersections where fencing is located adjacent to pedestrian walkways or in close proximity to street intersections,drives or other vehicular circulation.a. Plastic Protection-Zone Fencing: Install to comply with manufacturer's written instructions.b. Posts: Set or drive posts into ground one-third the total height of the fence without concrete footings. Where a post is located on existing paving orconcrete to remain, provide appropriate means of post support acceptable to Landscape Architect.2. Maintain protection zones free of weeds and trash.3. Repair or replace trees to remain or be relocated that are damaged by construction operations, in a manner approved by the Landscape Architect.a. Do not remove protection-zone fencing, even temporarily, to allow deliveries or equipment access through the protection zone.b. Temporary access is permitted subject to pre-approval in writing by arborist if a root buffer effective against soil compaction is constructed as directed byarborist. Maintain root buffer so long as access is permitted.ROOT PRUNING1. Prune roots that are affected by temporary and permanent construction. Prune roots as follows:a. Cut roots manually by digging a trench and cutting exposed roots with sharp pruning instruments: do not break, tear, chop or slant the cuts. Do not use abackhoe or other equipment that rips, tears or pulls roots.b. Cut Ends: Do not paint cut root endsc. Temporarily support and protect roots from damage until t hey are permanently redirected and covered with soil.d. Cover exposed roots with burlap and water regularly.e. Backfill as soon as possible.2. Root Pruning at Edge of Protection Zone: Prune roots flush with the edge of the protection zone, b y cleanly cutting all roots to the depth of the requiredexcavation.3. Root Pruning within Protection Zone: Clear and excavate by hand to the depth of the required excavation to minimize damage to root systems. use narrow-tinespading forks, comb soil to expose roots, and cleanly cut roots as close to excavation as possbile.CROWN PRUNING1. Prune branches that are affected by temporary and permanent construction. Prune branches as follows:a. Prune trees to remain to compensate for root loss caused by damaging or cutting root system. Provide subsequent maintenance during Contract period asrecommended by arborist.b. Pruning Standards: Prune trees according to ANSI A300 (Part1).c. Cut branches with sharp pruning instruments; do not break or chop.d, Do not apply pruning paint to wounds.2. Chip removed branches and dispose of off-site.REGRADING1. Lowering Grade: Where new finish grade is indicted below existing grade around trees, slope grade beyond the protection zone. Maintain existing grades withinthe protection zone.2. Lowering Grade within Protection Zone: Where new finish grade is indicated below existing grade around trees, slope grade away from trees as recommendedby arborist unless otherwise indicated.a. Root Pruning: Prune tree roots exposed by lowering the grade. Do not cut main lateral roots or taproots; cut only smaller roots. Cut roots as requiredfor root pruning.3. Raising Grade; Where new finish grade is indicated above existing grade around trees, slope grade beyond the protection zone. Maintain existing grades withinthe protection zone.NOTE: If Contractor fails to enforce tree protection measures, resulting in damage and loss of tree(s), Contractor shall replace tree(s) with a 4" caliper substituteat the Contractors Expense in addition to liquidated damages.10010 20SCALE OF FEETTREE PROTECTION FLAGGING - PROJECT DEMARCATIONNTS3/8/2021 1:57:00 PMBIM 360://20444 - BTV TRP - SSCP Consolidation/20-1411 BTV TIP South Addition.rvtBURLINGTON INTERNATIONAIRPORTTERMINAL INTEGRATIONPROJECT20-015HKWCOTREEPROTECTIONPLANL1021200 AIRPORT DRIVE, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT 0540304/02/21No Date Revisionsproject name:sheet title:sheet no.scale:project no.checked by:drawn by:proj. date:sheet date:project address:P 802.879.51537 CARMICHAEL ST. ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452SCOTTPARTNERS.COMF 802.872.2764WAGNERHODGSONPERMIT SETAPRIL 2, 2021