HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/18/2000CITY COUNCIL 18 DECEMBER 2000 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 18 December 2000, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members present: J. Condos, Chair; T. Sheahan, C. Smith, S. Magowan, D. O'Rourke Also present: C. Hafter, City Manager; P. Bestenbostel, Assistant City Manager; G. Sporzynski, A. Johnston, K. Dunn, G. Mona, J. Ladd, S. Audette 1. Comments & questions from the audience not related to agenda items: Mr. Sporzynski said the scoping study on the rec path connection to Williston is being done. He gave members a map showing the existing paths in S. Burlington & Williston and also the proposed connection. There are 2 alternatives for crossing Muddy Brook, and there will be wetlands and easement issues involved in the choice. Mr. Sporzynski also indicated the frontage on Technology Park where the developer will build the path. He suggested the city go for funding for the portion of the path from Technology Park to Old Farm Rd. The city's cost for the connection to Williston is $30,700. From Technology Park to Old Farm Rd., it would cost the city $26,500. Mr. Sporzynsky suggested the city think about this in making budgeting plans. 2. Announcements & City Manager's report: Mr. Smith: Regional Planning Commission subcommittee on housing will meet Thursday, 1 p.m. Mr. Sheahan: Gave members the latest version of the Regional Plan update. Comments are being solicited from municipalities through 15 January. Mr. Hafter said the Plan will be on 8 January Council agenda. Mr. Condos: Reminded members of the Legislative breakfast, 2 January at 7:30 a.m. There is a task force meeting with Randy Munson on plans for development in the City Center. There will be an open public meeting on these plans, 8 February, 8 p.m. at the Middle School. Peter Cole will facilitate the meeting, and David Raphael will present the plans for public input. Mr. Hafter: The next city Council meeting will be 8 January 2001. Mr. Hafter:  Gave members the budget adoption calendar as follows: 22 February - budget work session 1 March - budget work session 6 or 8 March - possible budget work session (if needed) 15 March - Steering Committee budget presentations 5 April - Budget Public Hearing The Steering Committee has suggested a public mailing on important dates including the Planning Commission public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan (1/9/01), City Council first reading of the Comprehensive Plan and public hearings (2/5/01, 3/19/01 and 4/2/01). The Dorset Park Aquatic Center work is moving along. There will be a survey done of residents which is an important part of the project. The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies met at the Sheraton from 11/29-12/2. 700 participants from around the world attended. Mr. Hafter gave members "mementos" from that meeting. 3. Presentation on Project Home: Mr. Mona thanked the city for last year's support. He noted that Project Home provides a unique service in Vermont. Ms. Dunn, Executive Director, noted that Project Home serves on Chittenden County in an effort to bring seniors and disabled residents together with people looking for affordable housing. This is a home-sharing situation and can involve significant care as well. A video was then shown demonstrating some of the home-sharing arrangements. Ms. Dunn noted the program is open to anyone regardless of age, income, etc., Mr. Mona added that it is very cost effective as well. 4. Discussion with Lake Champlain Housing Development Corporation re: Lime Kiln Project: Mr. Ladd noted this is the third application they have asked the city to sponsor. He then showed the portion of the housing project that Lake Champlain Housing is looking at. It is on the west side of the road just after the large cedar forest. There will be two large buildings with underbuilding parking. Each building will have 24 units, either one or 2 bedroom apartments. The site is fully permitted with 80% of the engineering work done. They hope to go to bid in mid-January and to break ground in the spring. Mr. Hafter explained the overlook that is also part of the bridge project near the development. Mr. Condos noted the bridge project is in the 2002 TIP, but there is still no plan for it. The city is being asked to sponsor an application for $671,000. Mr. Ladd said there would be 10 market rate units and 38 affordable units. Students would not be eligible to live in this housing unless they are part of a family living there. The project is fully taxable. Mr. Sheahan moved to authorize the City Manager to set early notification for the project as described. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Consideration of Memorandum of Understanding between City and VTrans reference temporary rail station site on Bartlett Bay Road: Mr. Hafter said as part of the agreement the city made with the state, the state agreed to sign an MOU. He noted that VTrans has yet to come to the DRB with an application. Mr. Hafter then read the agreement provisions. Mr. Sheahan was still concerned that it will be very hard to get the state out of the temporary station if the don't site a permanent one. Mr. Magowan suggested adding an absolute ending date. Mr. Hafter noted that paragraph 6 allows the city to tear down the station and send the bill for demolition to the state. Mr. Condos noted the train is operating now and felt the city should do everything to make it a success. Mr. O'Rourke said he felt the agreement reflects what was discussed with the state at the 6 November meeting. Mr. Condos agreed. Mr. Hafter suggested adding: "...but in no case longer than 12/4/03" which is the ending date of the 3-year demonstration project. Mr. Sheahan said he was OK with that. Mr. Smith moved to authorize the City Manager to sign the MOU as amended adding the language "...but in no case longer than 12/4/03" and also correcting the spelling of Bartlett Bay. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consideration of approval of revised Belter agreement: Mr. Magowan stepped down during this discussion due to a conflict of interest. Mr. Hafter distributed a map of the area and reviewed the history. In 1988, Mr. Belter got approval for a development called White Rock Point. He got Act 250 permits in 1991. The project has not yet begun. In May 2000, the Act 250 permit was extended, but there is a question as to whether there was still a valid city permit. It has been decided that the best action is to extend the approval to 12/15/02. There are some issues involved. These include the collection of the sewer improvement assessment. The agreement proposed will collect the whole assessment upon the sale of the property. There is also a temporary easement for a collector line. This has become a semi-permanent line because of the lack of development. As part of the agreement, the easement will be officially granted to the city. Mr. Sheahan moved to authorize the City Manager to sign the extension on behalf of the City Council. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Magowan rejoined the Council. 7. Consideration of acceptance of Open Space Grant, State of Vermont Department of Housing and Community Affairs; authorization of City Manager to requisition funds: Mr. Bestenbostel said the grant has been awarded to the city. The Council now has to move to accept it and authorize the City Manager to sign to draw on the funds. Mr. Sheahan moved to accept the grant and to authorize the City Manager to sign as Grant Manager on behalf of the city. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Legislative Agenda: Mr. Condos said at the breakfast meeting he will sit as a Senator, not Councilman. Mr. Sheahan will take the lead for the Council. Mr. Condos also gave members a list of issues Burlington has worked up. He noted that many of these are similar to South Burlington concerns. He also gave members last year's list of issues and asked members to submit any other concerns by mid-week. Mr. Hafter said staff will do a preliminary draft and send it members for comments. 9. Review Development Review Board Agenda for 12/19/00: No issues were raised. 10. Review Minutes of 4 December 2000: Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the Minutes of 4 December as written. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.