HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/04/2000CITY COUNCIL 4 DECEMBER 2000 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 4 December 2000, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members present: J. Condos, Chair; T. Sheahan, C. Smith, D. O'Rourke, S. Magowan Also present: C. Hafter, City Manager; P. Bestenbostel, Asst. City Manager; R. Belair, Zoning Administrator; S. Stitzel, City Attorney; A. Johnston, The Other Paper; Channel 17; S. Audette, P. Morwood, R. Gillette 1. Comments & questions from the audience not related to agenda items: No issues were raised. 2. Announcements & City Manager's report: Mr. Smith: There will be a presentation of the school board's strategic plan on 13 December, 7:30 p.m. Mr. Sheahan: At the last Regional Planning Commission meeting, members were told that the updated Regional Plan will be released to communities this week. The comment period will extend until the end of January. There will then be a public hearing at the end of February/beginning of March. Mr. Magowan: Last Thursday, he and Mr. Hafter "rode the rails" looking at the South Burlington portion of the commuter line for possible station site. The Southland site would involve a massive expenditure. The state will get back to the city on costs for various sites. Mr. Condos: Tomorrow, 1:30 p.m., there will be a meeting with the city's police and UVM police regarding parking on East Terrace. He and Mr. Hafter will be in Boston Wednesday-Saturday to attend the National League of Cities and Towns conference. He and Mr. Hafter attended a forum on sprawl. Discussion focused mainly on emerging downtowns. Mr. Hafter: The Steering Committee meeting on 14 December will focus mainly on Act 60 and upcoming legislation. There will be a meeting of elected officials on 13 December. The Department of Housing & Community Affairs has awarded South Burlington a $9,800 grant for work on the Open Space Plan. Mr. Audette then updated work on 2 city projects: The bridge for the bike path won't be in until about Christmas. The Public Works facility is coming together. They are now closing the maintenance facility and putting in windows. Equipment has been in the storage building for 2-3 weeks. This week, work began on the bus structure. This should be completed on 23 January. Mr. Condos noted that Rep. Susan Wheeler had a stroke last week and is in the Medical Center. 3. Public hearing on amendment to Sign Ordinance to establish a seven day time limit for temporary signs and banners; second reading of same: Mr. Belair said minor changes were made as requested by the Council. The seven day period will be once every calendar month. The amendment reflects the way staff has been interpreting the ordinance. Mr. Smith moved to close the public hearing, waive the second reading and approve the amendment as presented at this meeting. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Public hearing on amendment to Zoning Regulations to remove Patchen Road from the 50 ft. front yard setback requirements; second reading of same: Mr. Hafter said the amendment is to Section 25.101 of the Zoning Regulations and will not change the status of Patchen Road as an arterial. He noted that 84% of the homes on Patchen Rd. currently do not comply with the former setback. The amendment was requested by Mr. Gillette, a homeowner. No issues were raised. Mr. Sheahan moved to close the public hearing, waive the second reading, and approve the amendment as presented. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. First reading of amendment to Ordinance on Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulations to establish a 3-way stop at the intersection of Airport Parkway and White Street; schedule public hearing: Mr. Condos read the amendment. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the first reading and to set a public hearing for 8 January 2001. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Review of VTrans amendment to phase 3 of bike path: Mr. Hafter said the amendment is to the cost of the project. The total cost will be $1,406,000. $1,139,000 will be paid by the federal government, $125,000 by the state, and $140,000 by the city. Mr. Magowan moved to approve and sign the amendment as presented. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Review Steering Committee agenda for 14 December meeting: Members briefly discussion the growth center concept. Mr. Condos noted there will be no "no growth" areas, only areas of lesser growth and density. Members agreed to invite legislators to the meeting. 8. Review Development Review Board agenda for 5 December 2000 meeting: Mr. Condos asked about the proposed gas station/convenience store on Shelburne Rd. Mr. Belair said the applicant hasn't revised the plans and there are numerous items that don't meet city standards, especially traffic. Members felt the Board should adhere to regulations. 9. Review minutes of 6 November and 20 November 2000: Mr. Smith moved to approve the minutes of 6 November as written. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the minutes of 20 November as written. Mr. O'Rourke seconded. Motion passed 4-0 with Mr. Magowan abstaining. 10. Sign disbursement orders: Disbursement orders were signed. Executive Session: Mr. Sheahan moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss contract negotiations and to resume regular session on to approve a contract and/or adjourn. Mr. Magowan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The City Council returned to regular session. Chris Smith moved the approval of the contract with the Highway Worker's Association for the period of July 2000 to June 2003. Terry Sheahan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Dan O'Rourke moved adjournment. Steve Magowan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.