HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/21/1999CITY COUNCIL 21 MAY 1999 The South Burlington City Council held a reorganization meeting on Friday, 21 May 1999, at 3:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members present: James Condos, David Austin, Joan Britt, Terrance Sheahan, Chris Smith Also present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peter Bestenbostel, Assistant City Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk; George Chamberland, The Other Paper; the Smith family Mr. Hafter presided over the meeting until a Chair was elected. 1. Administering of oath of office: Ms. Picard administered the oath of office to re-elected Councilor Sheahan and to newly elected Councilor Smith. 2. Election of officers: Mr. Hafter opened the floor for nominations for Chair: Mr. Sheahan nominated Mr. Condos. Ms. Britt seconded. Mr. Austin moved to close nominations. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. In the vote that followed, Mr. Condos was elected unanimously. Mr. Condos presided over the remainder of the meeting. Ms. Britt nominated Mr. Austin for Vice Chair. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Mr. Sheahan moved to close nominations. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. In the vote that followed, Mr. Austin was elected unanimously. Ms. Britt nominated Mr. Smith for Clerk. Mr. Austin seconded. Mr. Sheahan moved that nominations be closed. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. In the vote that followed, Mr. Smith was elected unanimously. 3. Set time and place for regular meetings: Members agreed by consent to meet on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. 4. Annual appointments to be made by majority vote of the City Council pursuant to City Charter Chapter 3, Section 301: The following slate of positions was presented: City Treasurer Margaret Picard Assistant City Treasurer Peter Bestenbostel Zoning Administrator Ray Belair Acting Zoning Administrator Joe Weith City Attorney Stitzel & Page Auditor Angolano & Co. First Constable Lt. Ernie Lemay Second Constable Officer Paul Edwards Grand Juror Charles Hafter City Agent Charles Hafter Mr. Austin moved to approve the slate of annual appointments as presented. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Information on appointments to be made by City Council in June/July, 1999: Mr. Hafter said appointments of City Council members to positions on area boards, commissions, etc. will be made at the meeting on 7 June. Mr. Hafter then asked whether to advertise positions for which incumbents want to serve again. After a brief discussion, members agreed not to advertise these positions with the exception of positions on the Planning Commission and Zoning Board. Mr. Hafter reminded members that they will be appointment members to the newly approved Development Review Board and Planning Commission. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.