HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/19/1999CITY COUNCIL 19 JULY 1999 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 19 July 1999, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members present: James Condos, Chair; David Austin, Joan Britt, Terrance Sheahan Chris Smith Also present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peter Bestenbostel, Assistant City Manager; Lee Graham, Police Chief; Tom Fraga, Police Dept; Anna Johnston, The Other Paper; Channel 17; Albert Audette, Amy Wright, Ken Sassarossi, Harold Snitzler, Bruce Bevins, Ann Morton 1. Comments & questions from the audience (not related to agenda items): No issues were raised. 2. Announcements and City Manager's report: The following upcoming meetings were announced by Council members: -- City/School Cooperative Committee, Thursday, 7 p.m. -- Regional Planning Commission, Monday, 26 July, 7 p.m. -- MPO, Wednesday, 6 p.m. Mr. Austin noted he had attended a meeting of the natural resources subcommittee of the Regional Planning Commission. They have received a $50,000 grant to be used for a continuing inventory of ice storm damage. A project coordinator will be hired. The subcommittee's next meeting will be 9 August, 5:30 p.m. Mr. Hafter noted that the city had also received two similar grants. Mr. Condos advised that he and Mr. Hafter will be attending a special meeting called by VLCT for communities hosting corrections facilities. Mr. Hafter reported the following: -- He will meet with Joe Weith to set up a review schedule for the draft of the Regional Plan update. -- The City Center local development committee will meet on Thursday at 4 p.m. -- The Rail Steering Committee will meet on 26 July, at 1:30 p.m. -- A training session with the city attorney will be held on 29 July, 7 p.m. for members of the Planning Commission and Development Review Board -- National Night Out will be held on 3 August at Dorset Park. -- The submittal of qualifications for the public works facility is due tomorrow. 3. Review and sign Proclamation by South Burlington City Council for South Burlington's "Night Out": Officer Fraga advised that this year a number of local sponsors have helped with the event. There will also be participation by groups such as the Astronomy Club, ice rink, etc. There will also be some surprises. Local "block parties" are also being encouraged as a way to get people to share the evening with the neighbors even if they are not coming to the Park. Mr. Condos then read the proclamation. Mr. Austin moved the Council sign the Proclamation for South Burlington's "Night Out" as presented. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Presentation by Lake Champlain Housing of Lime Rock Marketplace affordable housing projects: Mr. Sassarossi noted that a few months ago some legislators visited them regarding the issue of affordable housing. The legislators made a commitment to ask for more funds and were successful in getting $6,000,000 for housing for emergency needs. Lake Champlain Housing is trying to find a larger housing development where they can "piggy back" on a project that is already through the development process. There are two projects in South Burlington, Lime Rock (off Lime Kiln Rd.) and the newly announced Morrissey project off Farrell St. Lake Champlain Housing has asked the Council for a letter indicating their recognition of the need for affordable housing. Ms. Wright noted that the Lime Rock project will be coming back to the local planning process because of changes required by Act 250. Lake Champlain Housing is looking to purchase 40 units of this project. The Morrissey project behind Mall 189 is just beginning the permit process, and Lake Champlain Housing is looking to buy some or all of the housing portion of that development. Ms. Wright noted that their projects don't add many children to the schools. Queensbury Rd. has less than one child per unit. She said it is a myth that their projects overburden the school system. Ms. Britt asked where else Lake Champlain Housing has projects. Mr. Sassarossi said they have a small mobile home park in Williston, 200-250 units in Colchester including 40 units of senior housing, 70-80 units in Winooski, and a lot of units in Burlington. Mr. Condos said he understood there was a problem with people feeling too much money was going to Chittenden County. Ms. Wright said the housing situation is really compounded in Burlington. They decided to come forward with a solution rather than argue about definitions. She hoped they could keep people focused on the issues. Mr. Condos said South Burlington is proud of its record in building rental housing over the last five years. Other members agreed. Mr. Condos then read a letter drafted for his signature. Members felt this addressed the issues. 5. Public hearing on Amendment to Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulations to establish a no parking zone on cul-de-sac on Duval Street; second reading: Mr. Condos read the amendment. Mr. Hafter said it had been brought forward at the request of Duval St. residents because of their concern that with parking in the cul-de-sac emergency vehicles could not turn around. He read into the record a letter from Susan Bevins defining the problem. She also noted a concern with speeding. Mr. Snitzler cited one incident when an ambulance and fire truck could not make the turn. He also noted people are sleeping overnight there and having drinking parties. He has seen as many as 20 cars parked there. Mr. Bevins agreed with this and said the area is full of dangerous potholes as well. He felt the area should be widened and paved to make it easier for emergency vehicles. Drainage is also a problem. Ms. Morton agreed but was concerned that people would then park in front of her house and socialize all night. Mr. Snitzler felt there was drug use and underage drinking going on. Mr. Audette noted the area abuts city-owned property. The two last houses are beyond the curb line. If a curb were to be extended, the houses would be too close to it. There would also be a problem widening the cul-de-sac without going into the right-of-way. Mr. Austin moved to close the public hearing and adopt the ordinance as presented. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Review Planning Commission agenda for meeting of 20 July: Members briefly discussed what will happen when the makeup of the boards changes and who will hear what applications. Mr. Hafter felt the Planning Commission will have to be reconvened to hear applications they started. Mr. Austin wondered whether sketch plans should be postponed for that reason. 7. Sign disbursement orders: Disbursements orders were signed. 8. Executive session: Ms. Britt moved the Council meet in Executive Session to discuss appointments to Boards & Commissions and contract negotiations and to resume regular session only to make appointments and/or adjourn. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Regular session: The City Council returned to regular session. David Austin moved the following appointments to the Development Review Board: Dan O'Rourke 4 year term ending 2003 John Dinklage 4 year term ending 2003 Gayle Quimby 3 year term ending 2002 George Chamberland 3 year term ending 2002 Roger Farley 2 years of a 4 yr term ending 2001 Garrison Roth 2 years of a 3 yr term ending 2001 Eric Schmidt 1 year of a 3 yr term ending 2000 Chris Smith seconded. The motion passed unanimously. David Austin moved the following appointments to the Planning Commission effective August 1, 1999: Randall Kay 4 year term ending 2003 Tom Anderson 4 year term ending 2003 Marcel Beaudin 3 year term ending 2002 Lynn Fife 2 years of a 3 yr term ending 2001 Bill Burgess 1 year of a 3 yr term ending 2000 Joan Britt seconded. The motion passed unanimously. David Austin moved adjournment. Terry Sheahan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.