HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/20/1999CITY COUNCIL 20 DECEMBER 1999 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 20 December 1999, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members present: James Condos, Chair; Terrance Sheahan, Chris Smith, Joan Britt, David Austin Also present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peter Bestenbostel, Asst. City Manager; Joe Weith, Director of Planning & Zoning; Bruce Hoar, Public Works Dept; George Sporzynski, Lou Bresee, David Jacobowitz, John Davis, Jill Kneeland, Sonny Audette, Carl Lisman, Kenn Sassorossi, Tony Cairns; Susan Greene, Free Press; Anna Johnston, The Other Paper 1. Comments & questions from the public (not related to Agenda items): No issues were raised. 2. Announcements/City Manager's report: The following announcements were made: Mr. Smith: Spent last Tuesday & Wednesday with the 5-year task force for schools. He felt good progress is being made. Mr. Sheahan: At the last Regional Planning Commission meeting, it was very definite that there will be changes made in the Regional Plan. Mr. Sheahan felt the changes would benefit South Burlington. Ms. Britt: The Channel 17 Board met regarding renewal of the Adelphia contract. She felt there should be a resolution by late spring. Mr. Austin: The Natural Resources Committee of the Regional Planning Commission meeting scheduled for today was postponed. Mr. Condos: The long-awaited permit for the widening of Shelburne Rd. arrived today. Mr. Condos felt the Friends of Route Seven will appeal it. Mr. Hafter: a. Received an e-mail from the Secretary of State's office regarding the Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage. The decision leaves it to Legislature as to whether this will fall under marriage rules or some other arrangement. Until then, the same laws are in effect. b. The School Board has asked for a Steering Committee Meeting in January and suggested 27 January. Members agreed. c. A pot luck lunch will be held at City Hall on Wednesday from 11:30-1:00. Council members are invited. d. The community planning project ended last Thursday. Mr. Hafter gave members the reports of the three action teams. Members expressed appreciation for the level of public participation. 3. Presentation of City Center Local Development Corporation Study Committee Final Report: Establishing a Local Development Corporation in South Burlington: Mr. Weith reviewed the history of the study. He noted the committee's charge was to see whether a local development corporation would be a good means to help overcome some of the challenges the city is facing in the City Center. Committee members were: Jim Condos, Bill Burgess, Chuck Deslauriers, John Davis, John Wilking, Paul Tomey, Chuck Hafter, Joe Weith, Amy Wright, Ken Sassarossi. Jill Michaels served as consultant. Mr. Davis began the report by outlining the main issues: cost of structured parking, cost of infrastructure improvement, reluctance of developers to build multi-story, mixed use projects, small lot size and multiplicity of ownership, tendency to convert "wrinkle tin" buildings rather than go for new construction, no organization/person focused on City Center issues, wetlands in the City Center area, and lack of traffic flow in the City Center because a portion of Market Street remains closed. The committee reviewed local development corporations in other communities, four in Vermont and one in New Hampshire. They focused mainly on the one in Colchester. It is run as a 501-C6 and was originally funded by a HUD grant. They have been involved in the Water Tower hill area and have also created a revolving loan fund. The Essex group is funded by a private non-profit corporation. It also has funding from a block grant. One project they are looking at is a convention center at the Fair Grounds. The Committee recommends the following: a. the need for multi-year financing from the city b. an initial infusion of funding from outside sources c. a committed Board and Executive Director The primary functions of a local development corporation should be to promote the area, to assemble parcels of land, to support development projects, to facilitate infrastructure managements, and to provide financial packaging. The group recommended a 9-member Board of Directors that would be distinct from municipal government. They also suggested $100,000 a year for at least 3 years to support the start up of the work. They recommended looking for a block grant to get going. Mr. Sheahan asked if the City Charter would have to be changed. Mr. Hafter said he did not think so. Mr. Davis then outlined a recommended budget as follows: Executive Director $50,000 Part time support staff 10,000 Fringe benefits 12,000 Marketing/Promotion 18,000 Office space could be in a donated area. Mr. Weith noted there was strong support for this at the recent public forums. 4. Update from Rec Path Committee and discussion of snow plowing on the Rec Path: Mr. Bresee reported that the Golf Course path is in. He felt it would be a great community attraction. Knowland Farm Rd. is through and is graded for the Rec Path. The pavement near the bridge near the Wheelock Farm has been fixed. There are several intersections where changes are recommended for safety purposes. These include Swift/Spear, Swift/Dorset, Shelburne Rd. Mr. Bresee felt these could be fixed without too much cost. The group still favors the concept of "short paths." It is hoped that Phase III will be built next year. Regarding snow removal, a lot of people walk on the path, more than x-country ski. The committee recommends plowing for this reason. A long discussion was held with the Williston people regarding the Cross-Vermont Trail. They are putting together a grant for a scoping study. The application is due on 6 January. The total cost is $5,500. The South Burlington share would be $440. A letter of support from the city is also needed. Mr. Austin moved to authorize the City Manager to execute the application for the grant and to sign on behalf of the City Council. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Audette noted that the Council had made the decision not to plow the rec path. If you plow it, you can't ski on it because skiing packs the snow down. Ski poles are not allowed on the path. Members decided to give priority to plowing some parts of the path. Mr. Hoar said they would get to them, but probably not right away. Mr. Condos said he would like to re-look at the Lindenwood area, particularly a section that is not paved. 5. Update from Dorset Park Skating Association on development of a second hockey rink: Mr. Cairns reported the rink is doing very well. The demand for ice time has increased and they have run out of available time between 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. They are now turning away kids from CSB. Women's hockey is also becoming popular, and there is no space available for them. A fund-raising committee has been formed, and they are waiting for the City Council's OK to begin soliciting donations. The proposed second facility would be north of the present rink and would have additional parking. Mr. Condos said the city has to consider compatibility with other park plans (community centers, playing fields, etc.). He said that of the two proposed layouts, he preferred the U-shaped design. Mr. Hafter said the city is not prepared to discuss the amending of the lease at this meeting. Mr. Lisman said they just want to begin the process. Mr. Hafter said the amount of public skating is an issue in the lease and will have to be addressed. Mr. Austin said he would like the opportunity to understand the mechanics of the lease. 6. Council discussion of budget issues raised in Steering Committee meeting of 11/3/99; cost saving partnership and local option taxes: Mr. Hafter said that $301,000 has been identified as costs that could be legitimately shifted from the School to the City budget. This would yield a savings of $83,000 to taxpayers. The city does not have room in its budget for $301,000 and would have to go to the voters. The average home would save $10.00 a year from this switching of funds, and Mr. Hafter questioned whether it would be worth it. Mr. Condos said he would want a commitment from the schools that they will reduce their budget if the city does this. Regarding a local option sales tax, Mr. Hafter asked if the Council would prefer to pursue this on a countywide basis. Mr. Smith noted that Williston is already discussing this, and they are concerned with becoming an "island." Mr. Bestenbostel raised the question of having a huge revenue stream that could sunset. Members suggested bringing this up at the Legislative breakfast. 7. Review Development Review Board Agenda for 21 December: With regard to item #13, Mr. Condos expressed concern with keeping light on site. 8. Review minutes of 6 December and 9 December: Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the minutes of 6 December as written. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed 3-0 with Mr. Austin and Ms. Britt abstaining. Mr. Austin moved to approve the Minutes of 9 December as written. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Sign disbursement orders: Disbursement orders were signed. 10. Executive Session: Mr. Sheahan moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss contract negotiations and to resume regular session only for the purpose of adjournment. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The Council returned to regular session. Mr. Austin moved adjournment. Mr. Smith seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.