HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/06/1999CITY COUNCIL 6 DECEMBER 1999 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 6 December 1999, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members present: Jim Condos, Chair; Terry Sheahan, Chris Smith Also present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peter Bestenbostel, Assistant City Manager; Bruce O'Neill, Tom Hubbard, Recreation Dept; Bruce Hoar, Public Works Dept; David Boehm, Sonny Audette, Frank Mazur, Bill Wessel, Bill Cimonetti, George Holcomb, Robert Fisher, Sylvia Smith, Lance Llewellyn, Michael Dugan, Mark Lemnah, Chris Madden, Pat Reed, Don Weaver, Betsy Sachson, Sean Hall, Melinda Leddy, George Sporzynski, Lou Bresee 1. Comments & questions from the public (not related to Agenda items): Mr. Fisher presented a petition to the Council from people opposing the closing of Farrell Rd. Mr. Hafter reminded members and the community that the issue will be discussed at a special meeting on Thursday evening. 2. Announcements & City Manager's report: Mr. Smith advised that next Tuesday and Wednesday he will be meeting with the School District regarding their 5-year plan. Mr. Sheahan thanked Bruce Hoar for getting information on maintenance for the proposed awning panels on Market Street. Mr. Sheahan also noted that the Regional Planning Commission is holding a special open meeting on 14 December from noon to 6 p.m., on the update of the Regional Plan. All are invited to attend and provide input. Mr. Condos advised that the MPO is meeting on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Shelburne Town Hall. He also noted that there is a Legislative Breakfast on Friday, 10 December at 7:30 a.m. at MPO offices. Mr. Hafter reported on the following: The Rail Steering Committee meeting on 13 December, 1:30 p.m., at the Burlington Public Works Office. The final "Town Meeting" is on 16 December, 7:30 p.m., at the Middle School. Teams will present their findings and there will be an exchange between teams. Diane Caminetti of Burlington will discuss the Burlington Legacy Project. This will be followed by an open forum and then a "celebration." Chittenden County is holding pre-budget meetings on 21 December, 10 a.m. Mr. Hafter will attend. He noted that South Burlington contributes about $140,000 in tax dollars to the County. The Chamber of Commerce Legislative Breakfasts will be held on 10 January, 14 February and 13 March. Final reviews of the Y2K preparation have been completed, and everything known is in order. To be sure there are no crises, extra personnel will be on hand as the year ends. Employees and families have been invited to join a small party at City Hall at this time. The December 20th Council meeting will include discussion of tax issues, a report from the hockey group and the local development group, and an update on the Rec Path. 3. Meeting with Chris Madden, Real Estate Specialist, U.S. Post Office, to discuss Post Office project to determine future needs in South Burlington: Mr. Madden said the White Street project has been approved by the Post Office. They are looking for about 3.5 acres for a 20,000 sq. ft. building. The next step will be to advertise for locations and then do a site review. It is anticipated that the new facility will have the same services as the current facility with some additional routes that are now handled out of Pine St. in Burlington. The building would be designed for possible future expansion. Mr. Condos asked what the time line would be. Mr. Madden said they would like to build in the latter part of year 2000. He added that they are hoping to stay in the same general area as the present Post Office. Mr. Sheahan said the City would like the Post Office to look at the new "downtown" area between Williston Rd. and Kennedy Drive and Dorset St. and Hinesburg Rd, preferably in the Market St. area. Mr. Hafter said the city is also interested in the possibility of a joint venture with the Post Office for a facility that would also serve as a City Hall/municipal building. Mr. Madden said they would certainly consider that. Mr. Condos asked if there is any possibility of a retail outlet in the downtown and keeping the routes handled from White St. Mr. Madden said that is not in the plans but it could be discussed. Mr. Smith asked what would happen to the White St. facility. Mr. Madden said they only lease the building and would work out something with the owner. Mr. Madden was asked if the Post Office would own or lease the new facility. Mr. Madden said they would want to own it. Mr. Condos asked if they would look at a lease arrangement. Mr. Madden replied that it would have to be better than owning the building. Mr. Cimonetti asked if there would be any change in the Shelburne Rd. operation. Mr. Lemnah said there would not. Mr. Madden said they would come to the city with their final decision. 4. Meet with Recreation Center/Aquatic Facility Study Committee for progress report on activities: Mr. Reed said the study is in response to community needs and requests. He said the committee felt it should put forth a concept that incorporates the interests of all members. The proposed facility is now being called the South Burlington Community Center. Mr. Reed stressed that costs were not part of the committee's considerations. Their aim was to identify needs and desires and to design a facility to address those needs. The proposed design has three major themes: common community space, recreation facilities, and aquatic facilities. The committee reviewed plans from other communities and work from a consulting firm from Massachusetts. One committee member also had the opportunity to visit one facility in Golden, Colorado, a community similar to South Burlington. Mr. Hall said the committee tried to address the needs of community teenagers by providing a place for them to "hang out," dance/exercise class space, a lounge, service activities (life guard classes, working with kids and elders, etc.), and facilities for snacks and games. Ms. Leddy said there would also be meeting and recreation areas for seniors 5 days a week. There could be mentor relationships with teens and younger children. The facility would also provide space for families with children, to give them a connection to the community. Ms. Leddy noted the success of the McClure Center in Burlington which is a multi-generational facility. Mr. Hubbard noted that this week the Rec Dept. is in all 5 schools conducting programs, but the Department now has second priority in scheduling events. This facility would alleviate the increasing demands to maintain and expand programs and would allow programs during school hours that they now cannot have. The facility would also include two art rooms that would provide more storage space for supplies. Mr. Hubbard noted that the outdoor facility at the park has become a focal point for activities. This building would make space available on a year-round basis. Ms. Jackson reported on the Aquatic Center. It, too, would be a year-round facility. There would be multiple pools (a leisure pool, an indoor fitness pool, and possibly an outdoor pool). Mr. Weaver reported on his trip to the Golden, Colorado facility. He showed photos and floor plans of the building. It contains a licensed pre-school, two craft rooms, a child care area (while parents use the facility), meeting rooms, a senior area, dance floor with sound system, gym, climbing wall, fitness area, locker rooms with showers, and an aquatic facility with leisure pool, hot tub, unisex sauna. There are memberships to the facility and also day-use fees. Mr. Audette showed a possible plan for a South Burlington facility. It would be attached to the hockey rink with the front of the building dressed up. A 70,000 sq. ft. footprint is estimated. Bruce O'Neill said he just attended a meeting in Orlando specifically on design of athletic facilities. He felt the committee now needs consultants to work with them to develop plans and money packages. They want to send out requests to architectural firms to identify the scope of services, work they have previously done, etc. There would then be an RFP. The Council's consensus was to proceed with this. They thanked the Committee for the tremendous amount of work they have done. 5. Report from Public Works Facility Steering Committee and request to proceed with final design and bid: Mr. Llewellyn showed the plan of the existing facility and the plan that went to the voters. The original plan proposed to save as many buildings as possible, but after design began, they were asked to see what would happen if buildings weren't saved. Ultimately, the decision was made to keep the bus facility separate from the other facilities. Buses would also be located in a covered pole barn for protection from the elements. There would be a new maintenance facility with offices and a vehicle storage facility that could be expanded in the future. The recycling facility would not be changed. Mr. Dugan then showed the plans of the various buildings. The maintenance building would be 60'x120', L-shaped, 2-stories with 6 maintenance bays and some smaller shops, offices, locker rooms, lunch room, etc. The second level would be for future expansion. The budget includes radiant gas heat in the service bays. Offices would be heated and air-conditioned. The budget includes an elevator. The vehicle storage building would have a similar look. It would be 200' x 50' with 10 bays, each with an overhead door. The bus facilities would include a warming hut/dispatcher building. The area would not be paved. There is also a provision for a generator. Mr. Llewellyn noted they had gotten a reprieve on the landscaping budget. There will be some landscaping. Mr. Smith moved to accept the recommendation and to proceed with final design and go to bid. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Request from CCTA for resolution for a bond vote for purchase of 15 replacement buses and resolution authorizing charter change: Mr. Mazur said the local match for South Burlington would be $108,000 over a 10-year period. The vote would be included on the primary election ballot. The other resolution regarding fare box recovery which would be lowered from 50% to 29%. Mr. Mazur noted that CCTA gets 14% of its funding from the state. Other communities get from 15% to 34%. Mr. Condos noted an effort is underway to get the state to increase its subsidy. Mr. Sheahan noted that the taxation committee of the Regional Planning Commission spent a lot of time on this. He stressed the need to get this off the taxpayers' backs. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the Resolution for the bond vote and the Resolution authorizing the charter change and to authorize the Chair to sign the documents. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Update on Cross Vermont Trail: Mr. Sporzynski said all towns favor the trail. They would like to see a 2-phase approach keeping the trail off-road as much as possible. In South Burlington the route would go on Kimball Avenue to Kennedy Drive, then to Farrell Park and along the Lake. Members had no problem with this proposal. Mr. Sporzynski said he had met with John Ilick. The plans for Technology Park include a bike path on the north and east sides of the property, and easements will be granted for these. Things also look positive on the Williston side. The biggest issue now is the wetlands. Mr. Audette said the Shelburne Rd. crossing could be moved to Laurel Hill Drive or to the exit ramp near Sears. Those intersections can be controlled. 8. Consideration of approval of Maintenance Agreement between South Burlington and VAOT for IM Deck (36), Williston Rd. Bridge: Mr. Hafter noted the city held up the project to address pedestrian and rec path issues. These have now been resolved. There will be 3 11-foot lanes in each direction and a 4'9" bike lane and 6' sidewalk on each side. During construction, a minimum of 2 lanes will be open in each direction all the time. Mr. Smith moved to approve the Maintenance Agreement as presented. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Consideration of approval of special events permit for Lake Champlain Chamber of Commerce 8th Annual Silent Auction, Magic Hat Brewing Company, Bartlett Bay Road, 18 January 2000, 5-9 p.m: Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the special events permit as presented. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Review Development Review Board Agenda for 7 December 1999: No issues were raised. 11. Review minutes of 15 November 1999: Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the minutes of 15 November as presented. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 13. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Smith moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented a First Class License request from Vermont Soup Company. He said everything is in order. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the First Class License for Vermont Soup Company as presented. Mr. Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.