HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/18/1998CITY COUNCIL 18 MAY 1998 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 18 May 1998, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: James Condos, Acting Chair; Terrence Sheahan, Joan Britt Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Assistant City Manager; Albert Audette, Highway Dept; Brent Desranleau, CWD; Anna Johnston, The Other Paper; Channel 17; Frank Mazur 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to Agenda items): Mr. Mazur spoke about the "Report Card of Vermont" which contains a history of the state budget, 10-year trend, a comparison of Vermont with other states, changes in state spending, etc. He noted that in education, student population is up 3-4% while the teacher population is up 47%. In addition, total spending for entitlements is up 50% in the last 10 years. Mr. Mazur also provided a legislative summary. He said the Legislature passed a lot of good bills including the DNA, DUI, Bianchi, gifted children, downtown revitalization, fingerprinting, and a bill concerning plastic injection companies. There is a 21% increase including education funding much of which is to be funded by new taxes. Almost all the state's surplus (about $50-70,000,000) will be going to education. There is a concern on the part of many legislators about the erosion of local control. The "technical corrections" amendment to Act 60 was also passed. Among other provisions, it extended the benefit of homestead exemptions until December. It also identified dates when property taxes will be due to the state. There were no changes made to the formula. Mr. Mazur felt there will be some proposals to make it more equal. Mr. Mazur also said that one of his concerns is that the State now controls the kind of businesses they want in the state and will place many demands on businesses coming into Vermont (wages, training programs, environmental impact, use of Vermont products, etc). Ms. Britt asked if the downtown bill specified language only for upgrading existing downtowns. Mr. Mazur said they did, but next year they will try to get language added for developing new downtowns. Mr. Condos noted that the alternative is more sprawl. Ms. Britt also asked about an update on the Corrections situation. Mr. Mazur said not yet. There will be a facility opening in Waterbury for women, but Mr. Condos noted that there was language that this would "free up" 45 beds in South Burlington. Mr. Mazur felt South Burlington is in a serious situation, especially with about 1000 prisoners in the "furlough" program who should be in jail. Mr. Audette asked about the funding for Class 2 roads, noting that South Burlington is hurting in this area. Mr. Mazur felt the Legislature has been very neglectful of roads and bridges. 2. Announcements & City Manager's Report: Mr. Hafter noted that the young man who planted the garden between City Hall and the Police Department will be graduating from the Air Force Academy this year. Bids are in for the QCP Water project, and they have come in under budget. The next City Council meeting will be on 2 June at 7:00 p.m. There will be a meeting on the concept design for the Lime Kiln Bridge on 29 June at 6:00 p.m. The formal public hearing will be at 7:00 p.m. The VLCT is looking for volunteers to serve on its legislative policy committees. Reappraisal notices should have been received by property owners. So far the reaction has been pretty good. Most people are concerned with their tax rate. In South Burlington, the Council has always approved a tax rate which it couldn't do this year because of Act 60. This rate will be available on 2 June. Mr. Hafter stressed that people have to focus on the value of their property and whether that is consistent with 100% of fair market value. Mr. Hafter noted that a copy of Vermont Outlook has the best article on Act 60 he has yet read, and it was written by a South Burlington resident. The article notes that the Supreme Court was given a lot of wrong information on which to base its decision. Mr. Hafter noted receipt of a mailing from several city employees regarding interest in an early retirement plan. The following upcoming meetings were noted: Regional Planning Commission, Tuesday, 26 May Channel 17 Board, 21 May, 9:30 a.m. Solid Waste Executive Council, 20 May Mr. Audette advised that the annual VLCT Fair will be in Killington at the end of September and will be a 2-day event this year. 3. Discussion of CCTA documents: draft of MOA between CCTA and VAOT re: management of Charlotte-Burlington Commuter Rail Project and draft policy for providing transit services to non-members: Mr. Hafter noted this is the 3rd draft of the MOA and he felt it was a good basis for a working document. He was concerned that the state wants to pick the operator, not CCTA. Mr. Mazur said they don't want to go to competitive bidding; they will be making a recommendation. CCTA will be putting together the marketing plan and bus schedule and will be hiring the project manager. The state is responsible for choosing the equipment. Mr. Hafter noted they will not be getting the RDC cars, and he felt that because of this a new environmental study should be done since the plan was based on the RDC cars. Mr. Mazur said they want language regarding the time line. The state hasn't been willing to do this. Mr. Condos noted the Shelburne Rd. project has been pushed back two years. Mr. Hafter recommended the following changes: on p.3, #3c, adding the words "including but not limited to.." on #X, end of paragraph 2, adding the words "...and any affected member community." Ms. Britt suggested adding a statement that existing communities will have the same amount of bus service they currently have. Mr. Mazur said no equipment will be taken from regular service, but he said the language could be added. Ms. Britt also wanted to be sure that in paragraph 8, there is no implication that there would be a penalty if CCTA withdraws. Mr. Mazur said they are going to ask the state to indicate what the performance indicators are. Ms. Britt also wanted to be sure that indemnification extends beyond the period of the agreement. Mr. Hafter then asked about bus service to non-CCTA members. He noted that earlier in the year, the Dept. of Employment said they needed transportation to Bolton and got a CMAQ grant. No CCTA members could compete for these funds. He wanted clarifying language regarding funding additional S. Burlington miles if service goes into Williston, for example. Mr. Sheahan stressed that South Burlington wants to make that decision, not have the decision made for them. Mr. Mazur said they are working to try to get Williston and Colchester to join CCTA. 4. Review and approval of South Burlington Water Department 1998-9 Budget: Mr. Hafter reminded members that Water Department work is contracted to CWD, and this has worked out well. The city is charged only for the hours it uses CWD personnel. Mr. Desranleau said they will be coming back to the Council with a 2-year contract. They are proposing a balanced budget. No rate increase is proposed in this contract. They budgeted a conservative 1% increase in water sales. Mr. Condos asked when Shelburne Rd. work will be done. Mr. Desranleau said they are looking at next summer. All the engineering is done and they are ready to go. Mr. Hafter noted that no work would be done without the road widening. It was noted that water loss in South Burlington is a very low 6-1/2% which helps keep the price down. No issues were raised by the Council. Mr. Desranleau gave members disbursement orders to sign. 5. Review Minutes of 27 April and 4 May: Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the Minutes of 4 May as written. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Minutes of 27 April will be reviewed on 2 June as there was not a majority of attending members present. 6. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 7. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Sheahan moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. a) Consider First and Second Class Liquor Licenses from King's Buffet, Lilydale, Inc., Marco's Pizza, Quarry Hill Club, and U-Sav Beverage: Mr. Hafter said all the applications are in order. Ms. Britt moved to approve the First and Second Class Liquor Licenses for King's Buffet, Lilydale, Inc. Marco's Pizza, Quarry Hill Club, and U-Sav Beverage as presented. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.