HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/02/1998CITY COUNCIL 2 JUNE 1998 The South Burlington City Council held a reorganization meeting on Tuesday, June 2, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members present: David Austin, Joan Britt, William Cimonetti, James Condos, Terry Sheahan. Also present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Assistant City Manager; Albert Audette, Director of Public Works; Ann Slattery, Assistant City Clerk. Mr. Hafter called the reorganization meeting to order and requested that Ann Slattery, Assistant City Clerk, swear in the two re-elected candidates. Jim Condos was sworn in for a 3-year term, David Austin for a 2-year term. Mr. Condos nominated Mr. Cimonetti to serve as council chair for the coming term, Mr. Austin seconded. Mr. Austin moved to close nominations, Mr. Sheahan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Ms. Britt nominated Mr. Condos to serve as vice-chair for the coming term, Mr. Sheahan seconded. Mr. Austin moved to close nominations, Ms. Britt seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Austin nominated Mr. Sheahan to serve as clerk for the coming term; Mr. Condos seconded the motion and moved to close nominations; Ms. Britt seconded the motion to close nominations. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter turned the meeting over to Mr. Cimonetti. Mr. Cimonetti remarked that he foresees "lots of change" and possibly progress "in a different direction" for the City during the coming term. Mr. Austin moved to retain the current meeting schedule: the first and third Mondays of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. Ms. Britt seconded the motion, it passed unanimously. Mr. Condos moved to make the following appointments. · City Treasurer/Trustee of Public Funds Margaret Picard, CMC · Assistant City Treasurer/Trustee of Public Funds Margaret Strait, CPA · Zoning Administrator Richard Ward · Auditor Angolano & Company · First Constable Lt. Ernie Lemay · Second Constable Officer Paul Edwards · Grand Juror Charles Hafter · City Agent Charles Hafter Mr. Sheahan seconded the motion, it passed unanimously. The appointment of City Attorney, normally made as part of the reorganization meeting was postponed due to a discussion of that topic which was scheduled for the regular meeting immediately following. Mr. Hafter reported to the Council that responses to advertising for candidates to be appointed to the Planning and Zoning Boards have been disappointing. Mr. Cimonetti noted that the following appointments still need to be made by Council for the coming term. · Two appointments to the Planning Commission: one of 2 incumbents is not going to be a candidate at this time. · Two seats are available on the Zoning Board: one incumbent is willing to serve again, the other is not. · One representative to CCTA to appoint for a three-year term. · One appointment to the Airport Commission for a four-year term. · Several recreation committees have openings. All of these appointments will be warned for a subsequent council meeting. The reorganization meeting was adjourned at 7:20 to the regularly scheduled council meeting. Clerk CITY COUNCIL 2 JUNE 1998 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Tuesday, 2 June 1998, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: William Cimonetti, Chair; James Condos, Terrence Sheahan, Joan Britt, David Austin. Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Assistant City Manager; Albert Audette, Highway Dept; Ann Slattery, Assistant City Clerk; Rep. Susan Wheeler; Anna Johnston, The Other Paper; Channel 17; Amy Wright, Kenn Sassorossi, Sarah Carpenter. 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to Agenda items): No issues were raised. 2. Announcements & City Manager's Report: a. Mr. Condos noted that South Burlington has been included in the Free Press tree replacement project. b. It was noted that there will be a meeting at 8:30 tomorrow morning of Shelburne Rd. merchants looking for an alternative to the proposed widening project. Mr. Condos said they are proposing a 5th lane, which he felt would be disastrous. c. Mr. Hafter reported that the public has been very receptive to the reappraisal notices. Over 5,000 notices were sent out and there have been only 199 grievances, about 3.6%. The assessors said many of those involved errors which have been corrected. He feels that there will be 30 or fewer that are actually appealed to the Board of Civil Authority. Mr. Condos noted that Shelburne and Burlington had a tremendous number of appeals when they reappraised. He felt staff and the contractor did an excellent job. d. A meeting will be held on 29 June regarding conceptual plans for the Lime Kiln Bridge project. There will be an open forum at 6 p.m. and the formal meeting at 7 p.m. e. Mr. Hafter said it is hoped that Dick Turner of the Corrections Center will be at the 15 June meeting to discuss the jail and the furlough program. f. The Vermont Coalition of Municipalities is meeting tomorrow in Rutland. Mr. Hafter will attend. g. Mr. Hafter noted that there has been a problem in the city with burned out structures that are not removed. The city currently has no way to force removal. Mr. Hafter gave members a sample ordinance which would require burned buildings to be removed and not abandoned. Members felt this should be pursued. 3. Public Hearing on Amendment to Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulation Ordinance to establish No Parking Zones on Swift Street east of Dorset St. and Hayes Avenue east of Timber Lane: Mr. Hafter explained that it is now difficult to get emergency vehicles through on Swift St. There is a new parking lot which should be used to keep cars off the road. On Hayes Avenue, the No Parking zone was requested by residents and is adjacent to the Dental offices. Mr. Cimonetti noted receipt of a letter from a resident at Village at Dorset Park saying they had no objection to the No Parking zone. Mr. Sheahan moved to close the public hearing, waive the reading of the proposed amendment and approve the amendment as proposed. Mr. Austin seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Request for City to Apply for a Vermont Community Development Program Planning Grant for proposed affordable housing development: Ms. Wright reminded members of the very successful Queensbury Rd. development and said the new project would be at the back side of the New Covenant Baptist Church on Williston Rd. Also included would be land at the back side of Chappell's. They are looking to create a PRD which uses all the development potential left on those properties. It would be similar to Queensbury Rd. but would also include some housing for people with physical disabilities. Ms. Wright said they are first looking for a planning grant to develop designs, work with neighborhood concerns, etc. If that is successful, they would then ask for an implementation grant. The terms of the grants require the city to be the applicant. Ms. Wright gave members a proposed Letter of Intent. Mr. Cimonetti asked if there would have to be matching funds from the city. Ms. Wright said they are not asking for matching funds from the city. Those funds would come from Lake Champlain Housing and the Housing and Conservation Board. Mr. Cimonetti asked if there were any circumstances under which the city could become liable. Ms. Strait said there were not. Mr. Sassorossi said there would be an agreement with the city on this. Ms. Carpenter said the two projects are a good match, and they can plan the site together. The regular housing and housing for the handicapped will be owned separately but will have a joint development agreement. Mr. Sheahan noted that the city is very conscious of school crowding and asked about the number of children that might be generated by the projects. Ms. Carpenter said the handicapped housing would have no children. Ms. Wright said that typically their housing units have a maximum of one child in a unit and said only 10-13 children could be anticipated from the planned project. Mr. Condos asked about access. Ms. Wright said the development would be accessed from Hayden Parkway. Mr. Cimonetti asked how the planning grant would be administered. Ms. Wright said that most municipalities have allowed an administrative fee and have hired someone to do the work. She said they recommend the city hire them to be administrators of this grant. Mr. Cimonetti asked how long the planning process would take. Ms. Wright said the application goes in August with notification in October. She felt they would do some of the work during the waiting period. She anticipated a 4-6 month process. Mr. Cimonetti asked if the Cathedral Square building would be taxable. Ms. Carpenter said that ideally they would like it to be tax exempt, but the rest of the units would be on the tax rolls, the same as the Queensbury development. Mr. Hafter noted the escalating expense of special services transportation in the city and asked if there is any alternative to funding this from property taxes. Ms. Carpenter said there is a new program that could possibly provide assistance for that. There is also a possibility of a payment in lieu of taxes agreement. Mr. Condos noted that South Burlington has a fast-growing elder population which has resulted in the escalating public transportation costs. He asked if the applicants would be willing to help put pressure on the Legislature to take the burden for running CCTA off the property tax payers. Ms. Carpenter said they would be willing to help with that effort. Mr. Condos asked when they would propose to build. Ms. Wright said they are hoping for next summer. Mr. Condos moved to authorize the city to participate in the application for the planning grant and to authorize the signing of an appropriate letter of intent by the City Manager on behalf of the city. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Public Hearing on Ordinance Regarding Private Use of Streets, Sidewalks, and Public Spaces, second reading: Mr. Cimonetti noted this would allow commercial use of these spaces and that the city already has one application waiting. Mr. Austin noted one typographical error in Section 3. Public comment was solicited but none was forthcoming. Mr. Condos moved to close the public hearing, waive the reading of the proposed ordinance and approve it as presented. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consideration of approval for Street/Sidewalk Obstruction Permit, Healthy Living, Market Street: Mr. Cimonetti said the applicant wants to have some tables outside in good weather. They have provided proof of insurance. Ms. Britt noted the city will need renewal information on the insurance which expires in June. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the application of Healthy Living and authorize the Chair to sign it. Mr. Austin seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Request for approval of tax rates to support 1998-9 fiscal year budget and special assessment districts; user fees for sanitary sewer and water service: Mr. Hafter said this action will make the recent reappraisal revenue neutral. The city services tax rate will go from 82.7¢ to 52¢. The new grand list is $11,907,859. In special assessment districts, the rates would be as follows: Swift St/Ethan Allen Rd..064 Country Club Estates .268 The sewer user fee would be 16.75 per 1,000 cubic feet of water (an increase of 7.4%). The water fee will remain at 13.80 per 1,000 cubic feet of use. It is anticipated that tax bills will go out on 15 June. Mr. Austin moved to set the city tax rates and fees as described in the City Manager's letter of 2 June 1998. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter gave members a proposed memo to homeowners to explain the tax bill and the impact of reappraisal, tax increases, and Act 60 sharing with the state. There is a note that indicates that it is anticipated that 79% of South Burlington households will receive a "prebate." Mr. Cimonetti suggested a bit more explanation with the form to stress that people have to pay these taxes but that the "prebate" is given to help in paying the tax. Mr. Condos noted that the "prebate" is considered taxable income. 8. Consideration of award of legal services contract to Stitzel, Page & Fletcher, PC, for a 3-year period: Mr. Hafter said the hourly rate would be the same for the first year then go up $7 for the second and 3rd year. He felt this was a good proposal. Mr. Austin said he felt they had done an excellent job for the city and had the highest ethical standards. He also felt it was a very competitive proposal. Mr. Austin moved to renew the contract of Stitzel, Page & Fletcher for a 3 year period as presented and to authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Review Zoning Notice for 8 June 1998: Mr. Sheahan asked about Item #2. Mr. Hafter noted the applicants had begun to build but were stopped because a variance was required. The Council asked that the City Manager transmit its concerns to the Zoning Board. 10. Review Minutes of 27 April and 18 May: Mr. Condos moved to approve the Minutes of 27 April as written. Mr. Austin seconded. Motion passed 3-0 with Messrs. Sheahan and Cimonetti abstaining. Ms. Britt noted that the word "only" should be added after the word "specified" in the last full paragraph on p. 1. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the Minutes of 18 May as amended. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed 3-0 with Messrs. Austin and Cimonetti abstaining. 11. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed: 12. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Austin moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented a liquor license renewal for Orchid Restaurant, 5 Market Street. He said it was all in order. Ms. Britt moved to approve the liquor license renewal for the Orchid Restaurant as presented. Mr. Austin seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session: Mr. Austin moved the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss litigation and personnel matters and to return to regular session only for the purpose of adjournment. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The Council returned to regular session. Mr. Condos moved adjournment. Ms. Britt seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.