HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/07/1998CITY COUNCIL 7 DECEMBER 1998 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 7 December 1998, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: William Cimonetti, Chair; James Condos, David Austin, Terrance Sheahan, Joan Britt Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peter Bestenbostel, Asst. City Manager; Joe Weith, City Planner; Albert Audette, Street Dept; David Boehm, Ronald Schmucker, Amy Wright, Marcel Beaudin 1. Comments and Questions from the Audience (not related to Agenda items): No issues were raised. 2. Announcements & City Manager's Report: a. Ms. Britt advised that on Tuesday, 8 December, the first South Burlington program on Channel 17 will take place. Mr. Condos and Mr. Hafter will moderate a live call-in show. Mr. Sheahan said that the first meeting of the Urban/Suburban Sprawl Committee will be held on Friday at 8 a.m. at the Colchester town offices. One of the first issues the committee will consider is a definition of sprawl. Mr. Sheahan also asked for a Council discussion of the Regional Plan update. The first draft is available, and he would like to give the Council a synopsis of the time-frame, etc. Mr. Sheahan said the language of the revised plan is significantly stronger as far as mandates are concerned (e.g., 75% of growth in Chittenden County must take place in growth centers). Mr. Condos announced a meeting of the Solid Waste Executive Board this Wednesday. The regular meeting of the District will be next Wednesday. Mr. Hafter noted that National Gardening will hold its second luncheon on 14 December, Noon-1:30 p.m. at the Calkins House. The Correctional Center Liaison Committee will meet on Wednesday at 4 p.m. at the Center. The Commuter Rail Steering Committee will meet Wednesday, 10 a.m., at CCTA headquarters. Mr. Hafter read from a report from Officer Lavallee on the Swift St. traffic situation. The "SMART" trailer has been in the area, and traffic counts will be activated tomorrow. Several stops for speeding have been made. Officer Lavallee noted that a.m. peak traffic is heavy in all directions but with no backups; there are, however, some backups in the p.m. peak hour. Mr. Hafter also updated members on the rec path situation at the golf course. A new proposal has been made which would maintain the path where proposed at the 15th hole, then follow Golf Course Rd. to the end of the property. This would cross some driveways. The developer will build the 2 best overlooks at the north and south ends of the property. 3. Request from Residents of Airport Drive to establish "no parking zone" on the east side of Airport Drive between the entrance to the Airport and the northern boundary of the city cemetery: Mr. Hafter said all but one neighbor was contacted and agrees with the request. Mr. Audette said this issue has been going on for 20 years. He felt the less parking on the street, the better the situation, but he felt there has to be parking allowed in front of the cemetery. Members agreed to have an Ordinance change proposed. Mr. Condos felt there should also be a "no parking zone" on East Terrace. Mr. Audette said the problem is that when they put in curbs and sidewalks, this left no place for visitors to park near the first residence. Mr. Hafter said the residents would like no parking during hockey games but had no problems at other times. 4. Consideration of appointment to Dorset Park Facilities Committee: Mr. Hafter noted that Mr. Audette would also like to serve on the Committee. Mr. O'Neill noted that appointment to the committee will mean a long-term commitment. Mr. Cimonetti suggested a discussion in Executive Session. 5. First reading of proposed amendments to Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance: 1) amendment to zoning map to redesignate 2.4 acres of land at 700 Airport Parkway from Airport District to Industrial Commercial District; 2) incorporate a new section 515 - Technical Review; schedule public hearing: Mr. Weith said that the first amendment was requested by the property owner who wants to add an auto service use. This is allowed in IC but not in the Airport District. The Planning Commission had no problems with this. Mr. Condos asked why the line was drawn as it was. He felt it better to bring it across Airport Parkway in order to eliminate pressure on the 5 residential lots to develop commercially. Members agreed. Mr. Condos asked if this use is already going on in that area. Mr. Schmucker said it is and they would like to legitimize it. Mr. Weith noted they would have to come to the Planning Commission for approval of the new use. Mr. Weith said the second amendment would allow the Planning Commission to request an applicant to pay reasonable costs for a technical review if the Commission felt it necessary. This could be a traffic study, drainage study, etc. Members thought this was an excellent idea. Mr. Condos moved to waive the reading of the proposed amendments, approve the first reading, and schedule a public hearing for 4 January 1999. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. First reading of City Center Design Review Overlay District; consideration of 24.20 - Activities Subject to Design Review, 24.202 - Change of Use; schedule public hearing: Mr. Weith gave members a copy of a letter from John Jaeger. Mr. Weith noted that the last time this was discussed, members had concern with change of use triggering a full design review. The Council had felt that maybe some lower level of design review could take place. The Planning Commission thus came up with new language which would allow the Commission to request design improvements not in excess of $7000 or 25% of improvement cost needed to accommodate the new use, whichever is more. Mr. Condos asked how this gets the city closer to what it wants in that area. He felt $7000 doesn't buy very much. Mr. Austin didn't feel they should have to do anything if they're not changing the property but are just changing tenants. Ms. Britt said the ultimate goal is to change the streetscape, and this would be a temporary fix. Mr. Cimonetti noted that John Jaeger felt they could live with the proposal but thought it might be better to tie the improvements to the value of the building, possible 5% of the assessed value or $1.00 per square foot. Mr. Austin felt that small capital improvements could add to the life of those buildings; he felt it might be better to say "the day you touch the outside of the building, you have to do it right." Mr. Cimonetti noted that the city has been pursuing a policy that has not caused the demise of those buildings, and they have limped along for 20 years. He felt that so far it has been "a great goal that's an abject failure." He felt a modest change would be better than what exists. Mr. Beaudin liked Mr. Jaeger's idea of using square footage as a measure. He felt that if the street becomes more attractive, it will attract upper scale development. Mr. Boehm said that if the city has plans and objectives, it has to do something about them. He favored the way the amendment is written even though he thought it is a weak compromise. Ms. Britt said she wanted to see some financial requirement and could be persuaded to base it on square footage. Mr. Cimonetti suggested keeping the $7000 cap and replacing the 25% with one of John Jaeger's recommendations, whichever is greater. Mr. Weith suggested 10% of fair market value of the building. Mr. Condos moved to waive the reading of the amendment and approve the first reading with the following amendments: changing 24.202 to read: the cost of which would not exceed $7,000 or 10% of the currently assessed value of the building, whichever is greater. He further moved to set the public hearing for 4 January 1999. Mr. Austin seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Schedule public hearing on amendment to Sign Ordinance, Section 4, Dorset Street/City Center Sign District: Mr. Austin moved to set the public hearing on the amendment to the Sign Ordinance for 4 January 1999. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Review actions required by Vermont Community Development Program Grant: Mr. Bestenbostel explained that this relates to the proposed project off Williston Rd. near Chappell's Florist. To get the plan process moving, the city needs to address several issues including designation of the City Manager as the person to sign off on the agreement and to draw off funds. Mr. Cimonetti asked if there is any difference between the way this project is being handled and the last project. Mr. Bestenbostel said there is not. Ms. Wright said she is encouraged with the progress to date. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve Resolutions PM-1 and PM-4 and to authorize the City Manager to sign agreements designated FM-1 and FM-2. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Consideration of approval of addition of Assistant City Manager's name as authorized representative for Bartlett Bay Funding: Ms. Britt moved to approve adding the Assistant City Manager's name as authorized representative for Bartlett Bay funding. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Review Zoning Board Notice for Meeting of 14 December 1998: Ms. Britt expressed concern with traffic, access, etc. on the item being heard. 11. Review Planning Commission Agenda for meeting of 8 December: No issues were raised. 12. Review Minutes of 9 and 16 November 1998: Mr. Condos moved to approve the Minutes of 9 November as written. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed 4-0 with Mr. Austin abstaining. Ms. Britt moved to approve the Minutes of 16 November as written. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed 3-0 with Messrs. Cimonetti and Austin abstaining. 13. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 14. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Austin moved that the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed. a. First Class Liquor License request of South Burlington Panda II: Mr. Hafter said all is in order. Mr. Condos moved to approve the First Class Liquor License for South Burlington Panda II as presented. Mr. Austin seconded. Motion passed unanimously. b. First Class Liquor License Request for Waterfront Yogurt & Sandwich Co., Inc.: Mr. Hafter noted that the applicant is catering meals in the Sunset Ballroom. They have leased the space and now want a liquor license. Mr. Austin moved to approve the First Class Liquor License for Waterfront Yogurt & Sandwich Co., Inc., as presented. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session: Ms. Britt moved the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss personnel, contract negotiations and appointments to committees, and to resume regular session only to make such appointment and/or adjourn. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The City Council returned to regular session. Jim Condos moved the following appointments to the Dorset Park Facilities Committee. Joan Britt seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Jane DiFernando Donald Weaver Clorinda Leddy Betsy Jackson Sylvia Smith Mike O'Day Cinder Thrane Albert Audette Patrick Reed Jim Condos moved adjournment. Terry Sheahan seconded. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.