HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/03/1998CITY COUNCIL 3 AUGUST 1998 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 3 August 1998, at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: William Cimonetti, Chair; Joan Britt, James Condos, Terrence Sheahan. Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Assistant City Manager; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Bruce O'Neil, Recreation Dept; Jed Lowy, Mark Furnari, Betsy Jackson, George Sporzynski, Gerald Morong, Tom Fraga. 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to items on the Agenda): a. Mr. O'Neill and Tom Fraga presented information on a New Directions Grant which is being coordinated through the Vt. Department of Health and relates to drug and alcohol and mental health issues. South Burlington is looking for between $75,000 and $125,000 for a 3-year program. The application is due on 14 August. The emphasis of the program will be to hire a School/Community Coordinator to work with city and school to put together drug and alcohol abuse programs. Mr. O'Neill gave members a draft of a letter of support from the Council to accompany the grant proposal. 2. Announcements and City Manager's Report: a. Mr. Cimonetti noted the Fire Prevention Open House will be on 13 September and will include a chicken barbecue. b. Mr. Cimonetti also noted receipt of a letter from Amy Wright indicating a minor error on the hearing time for the grant on the proposed housing project. The correct time is 4 p.m. on 6 August. c. Mr. Hafter noted the Council needs to prioritize its list of action items. This will be put on the next agenda. d. National Night Out will be held tomorrow beginning with free skating at 5 p.m. Fireworks begin at 9:20. e. A letter was received from Senator Jeffords regarding a meeting on 20 August at the Burlington Boat House concerning federal policies and how they affect local land use decision making. f. On 20 August at 7 p.m. there will be an information meeting on the Exit 13 study. The public is invited to comment. g. Mr. Hafter noted that an idea has been developed for a "senior connector" as part of an effort to work with CCTA on a grant proposal. There will be a meeting on this at 2 p.m. on 12 August at The Pines to see what the needs are. h. An ordinance related to the removal of burned out structures will be on the agenda at the next Planning Commission meeting. i. The Bartlett Bay project is going very well. A barge will be laying pipe in the lake beginning on Wednesday. j. Mr. Hafter suggested a public forum regarding the effort to build a swimming pool for the city. k. Mr. Hafter gave members a copy of a letter from the City Engineer regarding the Bob Vogel situation at Queen City Park. 3. Interviews with Candidates for Appointment to Boards and Commissions: a. The Council interviewed Betsy Jackson and Ken Mahl for positions on the Recreation Committee: Ms. Jackson has a degree in Recreation Leadership and is involved with youth soccer. She is also involved with the swimming pool fund. Mr. Mahl has been involved in coaching for a number of years and feels that what the city does for kids is great. He has a background in construction. b The Council then interviewed Mark Furnari and Jed Lowy for the Red Rocks Park Committee: Mr. Furnari said he wants to be involved with what happens at the park, especially in the area of preservation. He felt the area was under tremendous pressure. Mr. Lowy lives in Queen City Park and feels Red Rocks is a treasure. He would like to make a contribution. He specifically noted that this year's rains have seriously affected the trails. Both candidates noted that dog walkers are letting dogs run free in the park. Mr. Sporzynski said he would like to see a leash law such as Burlington has. Mr. Audette noted that there is a similar problem with the two enclosed fields at Dorset Park. The Council interviewed George Sporzynski for a position on the Rec Path Committee: Mr. Sporzynski said he lives on Spear St. near Stonehedge. He is an avid bike rider and worked on the original bike path committee. The Council then interviewed Clarence Meunier for reappointment to the Chittenden Correctional Center Liaison Committee: Mr. Meunier said he felt the Committee was instrumental in bringing about some changes. Mr. Condos noted the Committee will be overseeing a grant. Mr. Cimonetti explained the selection process for committees and noted the city is still looking for volunteers to serve on these and other committees/commissions. 3a. Support for Grant Application: Mr. Condos suggested some specific language changes in the proposed draft. Members supported the city's participation in the grant. 4. Acceptance of Resignation of Lenore Budd from Rec Path Committee: Mr. Cimonetti read Ms. Budd's letter and suggested not accepting her resignation since her work has been of immense value. He suggested granting her a one year sabbatical. Other members agreed. 5. Acceptance of Mark Crow from the Planning Commission: Mr. Cimonetti noted Mr. Crow has been of great value and will be sorely missed. Mr. Crow has agreed to serve until a mutually convenient date. 6. Consideration of Entertainment Permit for Shrine Circus, 12-13 September: Mr. Morong said the circus would arrive on the afternoon of 11 September and set up that night. There would be 3 shows on Saturday (Noon, 4 and 7:30 p.m.) and 2 on Sunday (1 and 4 p.m.). After the last show, the circus would dismantle. Overflow parking would again be at the churches. Mr. Morong said the Shriners would cover any expenses incurred in restoring the grounds. Mr. Audette was concerned with a lack of cooperation by the circus people last year. They did no repairs afterward and didn't live up to their word. Mr. Cimonetti asked if it would be better for the city to do the work and charge the Shriners or have them do the work. Mr. Audette said he had no problem doing the work but would like the circus people to cooperate during set-up. He added that their attitude last year was "get out of our way." Mr. Morong said he wasn't aware of any problem and would certainly urge cooperation with the city. Mr. Cimonetti said he would like a signed understanding with the Shriners and City which would set forth expectations. Mr. Condos suggested that since the circus coincides with the Fire Dept. Open House, something might be worked out for an appearance by members of the circus at the Fire Station. Mr. Condos then moved to approve the Entertainment License for the Shrine Circus with the stipulation that there be a signed memorandum as outlined by the Chair. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Review and Sign Resolution for VCDP Grant Application Authority for Planning Phase of Affordable Housing Project in Partnership with Lake Champlain Housing Development Corp: Ms. Strait said this resolution is a requirement for the grant. It is for permitting and architectural work. Ms. Britt moved to approve the signing of the Resolution and the designation of Peg Strait as contact person. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Discussion of Procedural Matters Related to Establishment of Development Review Board: Mr. Cimonetti noted the reorganization would result in one commission involved with planning and one to review application for development. Mr. Hafter said several communities have already done this and are pleased with the results. The advantages are that there is one body to do planning and a separate board for all permitting (site plans, variances, etc.). The change has the support of the new Planning Director. In order to bring about this change, there must be a resolution and a City Charter Amendment. Mr. Hafter suggested aiming to have an amendment on the November ballot. This will also need Legislative approval and would probably take affect in February or March of next year, if passed by the voters. Mr. Cimonetti suggested the change might go into effect on 1 January pending legislative approval. Mr. Hafter will ask the City Attorney about this. Members expressed support for the changes. 9. Consideration of Request for Release of Lien: Mr. Hafter explained that the lien was placed in 1966 on the property of Douglas and Doris Hardy and was discovered by the daughter when she was attempting to sell the property. There is no record of any money paid against the lien. Mr. Hafter recommended granting the release. Mr. Condos moved to authorize the City Manager to serve as agent to sign the release of lien as presented. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Discussion of Landscape Sketch from T.J. Boyle & Associates reference Correctional Center Fence; letter from Richard Turner, Director of Correctional Services: Mr. Cimonetti explained the history and said the plan is to soften the impact of the fence. It was put up without city input. The Correction Center Liaison Committee will oversee funding for this. Mr. Sheahan said it seems there is no regulation regarding fences in the Zoning Regs. Members wanted to establish this kind of control. Ms. Britt asked how the city will monitor the agreement to keep the prison population down. Mr. Hafter said he has been getting population figures since 7 July. The prison took in 27 people this weekend and were up to 205. Mr. Condos said it needs to be understood that the facility impacts every community in the County and that now is the time to move the facility from this location. An appropriate site needs to be found. Mr. Cimonetti suggested holding a public hearing and inviting the Dept. of Buildings and the Corrections Dept. to attend. Members felt the Boyle landscape plan was too minimal and won't do the job. 1. Presentation of 1998 Capital Budget Program and Capital Inventory and Services Description; review schedule: Mr. Hafter said this item will be on the next agenda. Mr. Cimonetti noted the document links into impact fees. 12. Review and Sign Entertainment License Application for National Night Out: Mr. Condos moved to approve the Entertainment License for "National Night Out" as presented. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed. 13. Review Agenda for Zoning Board meeting of 10 August 1998: Mr. Condos raised the question in Item #1 of encroachment into the neighborhood. The applicant uses compressors that run all night. It was noted there was a complaint from a neighbor. The Council asked that the Zoning Board be very careful on this. It is an expansion of a nonconforming use. 14. Review City Council Minutes of 21 July 1998: Mr. Condos moved the Minutes of 21 July be approved as written. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed. 15. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 16. Executive Session: Ms. Britt moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss contract negotiations, land acquisition and appointments to boards and commissions and to resume regular session only to make appointments and/or adjourn. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The Council returned to regular session. Mr. Condos moved the following appointments to City Boards and Commissions. Mr. Sheahan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Ms. Britt moved adjournment. Mr. Condos seconded. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.