HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/13/199813 APRIL 1998 CITY COUNCIL The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Monday, April 13, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the large conference room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington. Members present:William Cimonetti, Chair; James Condos, Joan Britt, Terrence Sheahan, David Austin. Also Present:Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Assistant City Manager; Bruce O'Neill, Director of Recreation; Peggy Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer. 1. Comments and questions from the public (not related to the Agenda): none. 2. Announcements and City Manager's report · Today the Governor signed South Burlington's charter amendment eliminating the water commissioners. Chuck reported that the Water Department's budget will be coming to the Council for review. Chairman Cimonetti suggested a resolution be penned thanking the commissioners for their service. · Due to lack of a quorum for the April 20 meeting, the next regular meeting is scheduled for April 27 at 7:30 p.m.--Joan, Dave and Jim will be able to attend; Bill and Terry will be absent. All are available for the May 4 meeting; May 18 Bill and Dave will be away; Joan, Jim and Terry will attend. Reorganization is scheduled for Tuesday, June 2 at 7:00 p.m. and will be followed by a regular meeting at 7:30. · The following meeting announcements were made. a. This Wednesday evening the MPO will meet in Richmond. b. April 29, in Bill's absence Chuck will attend the Commuter Rail Steering Committee meeting at Mona's at 9:30 a.m. c. Chuck will review the conceptual design plans for Lime Kiln Bridge May 7. · The following issues of concern were voiced by Council members and will be followed up by City Manager and/or staff. a. Councilman Sheahan reported on a parking problem at the west end of Hayes Avenue where it appears that employees of Timber Lane are parking on both sides of the road, making emergency access by the City Fire Department difficult or impossible. A "no-parking" posting on one side was suggested. b. Councilwoman Britt commented on three issues: tree branches which have fallen along the bike path, the need for a trash can replacement at Szymanski park, and college pro signs on telephone poles located in the City right-of-way. c. Councilman Condos reiterated that the water fountain at Overlook Park should be replaced, since repair seems to be impossible. d. Chairman Cimonetti initiated a discussion regarding theater parking on Fayette Drive, which creates congestion extending from Shelburne Road down to Hannaford's parking lot. Currently, there is no parking prohibition there. Allowing parking on one side only was suggested as a possible solution, though it was acknowledged that one section is a private drive over which the City has no jurisdiction. Chairman Cimonetti requested Planning/Zoning personnel to pull together a list of the property owners adjacent to the roadway, write a "good, polite, but firm letter" indicating there is a problem and that "action needs to be taken due to concerns about public safety," requesting that these property owners appoint a spokesman to "come in and talk to us." Chuck commented that placing "no-parking" signs on the street would have an impact, particularly if towing is used for enforcement. Chairman Cimonetti suggested we "try to find a solution before we jump in." 3. Public hearing on proposed City Charter change regarding tax due dates There were no public comments. The second hearing is scheduled for April 27, 1998. 4. Consideration of approval of warning for annual city meeting on May 19, 1998 Article II: Chairman Cimonetti questioned whether the warning makes it clear that Queen City has an obligation to perform before bonds are issued, also whether it should be mentioned that the bonds have no impact on taxes. Following a short discussion, it was decided there would be no language change. Article III: There is no special appropriation for the school, as was discussed at previous budget meetings. Chairman Cimonetti pointed out the usual warning language involving public use of the school is also missing. Chuck responded by saying the school has traditionally presented that language in their warning. Mr. Cimonetti suggested that Council might approve their warning conditioned on including the school language if the school does not. Following a brief discussion, it was decided that Chuck would check with Bruce to ensure they included it in their warning. Councilman Condos moved to approve the warning as presented; Councilman Sheahan seconded; there was no further discussion; it passed unanimously. 5. Review Zoning Notice for public hearing to be held April 27, 1998: no comments. 6. a. Entertainment permit renewals: Councilman Sheahan moved to approve the list as presented; Councilwoman Britt seconded; no further discussion; motion passed unanimously. b. Councilman Austin moved to adjourn as Council and convene as Liquor Control Board for the purpose of considering first and second class liquor license renewals; Councilman Condos seconded. Councilman Austin moved to approve all renewals as presented; Councilwoman Britt seconded; no further discussion; the motion passed unanimously. Councilman Condos moved to adjourn as Liquor Control Board and City Council; Councilman Austin seconded; passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Clerk Date Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.