HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/06/1997CITY COUNCIL 6 OCTOBER 1997 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 6 October 1997, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: James Condos, Acting Chair; Terry Sheahan, Joan Britt, David Austin. Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Albert Audette, Highway Dept; Frank Mazur, CCTA; Joe Weith, City Planner; Anna Johnston, The Other Paper; Richard Watts, Karen Songhurst, Robin Lynch, Jereym Siegrist-Jones, Kathleen L'Keefe, Joe Zagursky, Rick Brown, Martin Bednar, Paul Bruhn, Jean Bisby, Kim Mihan. 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to Agenda items): Mr. Sheahan said that Mr. Holcomb had asked the status of the Meadow Rd. sidewalk. Mr. Audette said it's scheduled for the end of October. 2. Announcements & City Manager's Report: a. Ms. Britt advised that she is on the committee to look at the San Remo Drive situation. Recommendations will be brought to the City Council. b. Mr. Hafter reported the following: 1. The VLCT Town Fair will be held on Thursday in Barre. One of the topics that will draw a lot of attention is Act 60. 2. On the same day, there will be review of scoping for the Kennedy Dr. widening. The project is in the TIP for three years from now. Mr. Hafter will attend this meeting. 3. Groundbreaking for Phase IV of the Pines is tomorrow. 4. There will be a meeting on 14 October at 7:00 p.m. at the High School regarding the proposed crossings of the railroad tracks and the quiet zone. 5. The Economic Development Committee will meet on 16 October at 7:30 p.m. 6. The next meeting of the Steering Committee will be on 6 November at 7:30 p.m. 7. Historic Preservation people have asked for a land and sea study to see if there are any historic artifacts in the area proposed for the Bartlett Bay Waste Water project. Mr. Hafter expected the project to be out to bid the first week in November with a pre-bid meeting to be held on 2 December. Bids will be due on 18 December. Construction will begin in March, and it is anticipated to take a year and a half. 3. Continued discussion of potential passenger rail station sites in South Burlington; presentation from AOT: Ms. Songhurst said the State has talked with David White to determine where on the Southland property they would like to site a station. There are some issues in conjunction with this siting but Ms. Songhurst said the State will be happy to pursue the option. There are also a lot of site concerns, but it is not an impossibility. It is hoped that all construction would be done by August with an October start-up date for the commuter rail service. Mr. Austin asked when Shelburne Rd. construction would begin. Ms. Songhurst said that would be after October. Mr. Hafter suggested it would be in 1999. Mr. Condos spoke to the logic of not putting the station in the construction zone (Bartlett Bay) and to putting it in a destination zone (Southland). Ms. Songhurst said she doesn't disagree, but it does not appear possible to have a station at Southland when the project work begins, and there is no guarantee the developer will ever approve it. Mr. Hafter asked about the L&M site. Ms. Songhurst said there are a number of issues there including wetlands and topography. She added there is also a question of funding, and they want to be site specific before any money is spent. Mr. Condos read into the record a letter from Allan Newman of Magic Hat indicating their reasons behind the offer to site the station on their property. He felt the site had a limited "down side" and could be a convenience for residents of the area. Residents of Bartlett Bay expressed their opposition to such a siting. Mr. Bedner said he didn't think it appropriate for Magic Hat to host the station and implied a "sweetheart deal" with the city. Mr. Condos stressed that the city has always and continues to stand behind Southland as its first choice. Mr. Hafter added that the city knew nothing about Magic Hat approaching the State. Mr. Newman has told him that Magic Hat will not site the station there if the people don't want it. Mr. Hafter added that the city will continue to push for the Southland site, but noted it won't be up and running with the other stations. Mr. Siegrist-Jones said neighbors' concerns are based on traffic and security concerns. He stressed that theirs is a quiet neighborhood and they don't want "kids drinking beer" at the station at night. Ms. Songhurst said those concerns would be addressed at the Planning Commission stage. Mr. Austin asked about the budget for the project. Ms. Songhurst said the station budget is about $200,000. Mr. Bednar asked if S. Burlington has to have a station. Mr. Condos said it doesn't, but if it doesn't there would be no commuter rail presence in S. Burlington. Mr. Austin added that if there were no station at the beginning of the rail service, S. Burlington would have to pay for one itself if it later wanted one. Mr. Zagursky said that if S. Burlington is a destination point, then Southland makes sense and Bartlett Bay doesn't. Mr. Brown asked if the Southland developers are willing to continue to talk. Mr. Hafter said that issues have been identified (e.g., trip end limitations). They are still willing to talk. The developers realize there is a benefit to them with the station, but their concerns need to be addressed first. Mr. Mazur said the train station would be good for the developer and felt that if they keep working at it, that area could become a transportation hub. 4. Public Hearing on amendment to Zoning Regulations to permit bed and breakfast as a conditional use in the Southeast Quadrant district; second reading: Mr. Weith said the amendment would parallel two things: the addition of bed and breakfast use in the Southeast Quadrant and a revision of the definition of bed and breakfast use. He then showed the area where the use would be allowed. Some restrictions would be in place to keep the use to a lower impact: the building must be free standing, there must be 4 or fewer rooms for b&b use, a maximum of 10 guests would be allowed, only a morning meal could be served, the use would be only for short term lodging. Mr. Condos stressed that this is a change for the whole zone, not only for one specific location. The Chair asked for public input. No issues were raised. Mr. Austin moved to close the public hearing and approve the second reading of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Regulations as proposed. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Public Hearing on amendment to sign ordinance affecting size of signs permitted bed and breakfast establishments in residential districts; second reading: Mr. Weith said the amendment would add a definition of a "residential district." Currently, there can be a 4 sq. ft. sign on roads posted at 25 mph and 20 sq. ft. signs on roads posted above 25 mph. The amendment would allow only an 8 sq. ft. sign on roads in residential districts posted above 25 mph. The intent of this is to recognize residential neighborhood concerns. Mr. Austin suggested that in section 18(a), the words "or for which a valid non-residential use variance has been granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment" be deleted. Other members agreed. Public comment was solicited. None was forthcoming. Mr. Austin moved to close the public hearing, waive the reading of the amendment, and adopt it with the amendment to Section 18(a) as proposed. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Review and comments on Draft #6, bylaws for merged MPO/RPO: Mr. Hafter said there seems to be agreement that this is a good step. There is a question on voting. The plan is that most votes will be by majority, but for items in the TIP, the UPWP, the 20 year long range transportation plan, and the memo of understanding with VAOT there will be a weighted vote. 7. Development of pressing community and regional needs list for Regional Planning Commission: Members reviewed the list. Mr. Austin suggested adding "the protection of Lake Champlain." Other members agreed. Mr. Hafter suggested adding a northbound access to I-89 at Kennedy Drive and also Act 60 concerns. Mr. Audette suggested adding access to the Airport. In a separate consideration, Mr. Sheahan noted the need for more parking at Dorset Park. 8. Review Zoning Notice for Public Hearing to be held on 13 October 1997: No issues were raised. 9. Review Minutes of 14 September 1997: Ms. Britt moved to approve the Minutes of 14 September as written. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. Executive Session: Mr. Austin moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss contract negotiations and to resume regular session only to approve a contract and/or adjourn. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The Council returned to open session. Mr. Austin moved the approval of a two-year contract between the City and the Highway Workers' Association. Mr. Sheahan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Sheahan moved to adjourn. Ms. Britt seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.