HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/19/1997CITY COUNCIL 19 MAY 1997 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, 19 May 1997, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: James Condos, Acting Chair; Robert Chittenden, Terrence Sheahan Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Assistant City Manager; Albert Audette, Highway Dept; Anna Johnston, The Other Paper; George Holcomb, Channel 17 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to Agenda items): Mr. Holcomb said that all the Meadow Road neighbors favor putting the sidewalk on the west side of the street now that they have seen what would happen on the east side (all the telephone poles would have to be moved, and that might take years). Mr. Hafter said the city would stake the west side so residents can see where the sidewalk would go. Mr. Condos asked how much it would cost. Mr. Audette estimated about $15,000. Mr. Condos said that will require bumping another project in order to free funds for this one. Mr. Hafter also noted that Regional Planning is doing counts to see if the "neckdowns" have had any affect. 2. Announcements and City Manager's Report: a. The annual meeting of the Audubon Society will be held on 23 May at 7:30 p.m. The speaker will be George Plimpton. b. The City Web Site is up and running. It includes a general government page, (meeting agendas, etc.), a school system page, an economic development page, and a Recreation Dept. page. The site was put together by students at the High School. Mr. Hafter noted that there were over 85 visits to the Web Site over the weekend. (www.south-burlington.com) c. Last year, the Council approved a "no parking" ban on Dorset Street but not on Swift St. Extension. Mr. Hafter felt this needs to be revisited. The Fire Dept. has said they could have a problem getting emergency vehicles through when cars are parked on both sides of the road. Mr. Audette suggested there be no parking allowed on the north side. Mr. Condos suggested trying to direct traffic to the parking lots. Mr. Audette replied that you can't force people to park in lots if parking is allowed on the street. d. The old tower truck did not pass the certification inspection. Two items were cited; the "dead man switch" which worked only intermittantly, and a valve that controls the boom. These items are being repaired and the truck will then be certified and offered for sale. Mr. Hafter asked if the Council wants to authorize him to make the sale. He added that the city is getting an estimate of what the truck is worth and that it should fall in the $25-35,000 range. Mr. Chittenden felt the Council should be in on the discussion of the sale. e. Mr. Condos advised that the Solid Waste District Executive Board will meet on Wednesday, 21 May. f. Mr. Audette updated work finished by the Highway Dept. If all goes well, they will start on White St. in 2 weeks. Tomorrow, the Phone Co. will be making a major incision on Williston Rd. at East Avenue to put in a new box in conjunction with the Main Street project. 3. First Reading of Amendment to Zoning Ordinance to shift boundary lines between C-1 and R-4 Districts several feet to the east to align district boundaries with existing property lines and uses on the east side of Shelburne Road between Bacon Street and the City of Burlington line; schedule second reading of same: Mr. Hafter said the Planning Commission has approved this amendment and all involved property owners have been notified. The amendment was requested by the owner of Colonial Motor Inn who wants the commercial boundary lines to follow property lines. At present, the zone boundary splits a building in half. Other properties involved include the Sherwin Williams Plaza, the Larkin KFC building, the house at 25 Hadley St. and a residential zone lot with a business in it. No objections have been raised by any of the property owners. Mr. Chittenden moved to waive the reading of the proposed amendment, approve the first reading and schedule a second public hearing on 7 July 1997. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Consideration of approval of 3-year auditing contract for City, School, and Water Department with David H. Angolano d.b.a. Angolano & Company, Shelburne VT: Mr. Hafter said the city requested bids for the 3-year contract and received three bids. Angolano was the low bid for all three years, and he recommended awarding the contract to them. They presented good references from both large and small communities. Mr. Chittenden noted that Angolano is the accountant for his firm and has done very well. He also noted that the City Manager said there would be no conflict of interest for Mr. Chittenden in voting on this contract. Mr. Condos asked why the city's portion of the contract is so much higher than the schools. Mr. Hafter thought it might be because of the number of different accounts. Mr. Sheahan moved that the City Council approve the awarding of the three-year auditing contract to David H. Angolano d.b.a Angolano & Co. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Review of Planning Commission Agenda for 5/20/97: Mr. Sheahan noted that item #3 on the agenda would set up uses for bus terminals and transportation services. He said the next step will be to find locations for these and he felt that care had to be taken that they are placed in appropriate areas of the city. Mr. Condos expressed concern that this is just a temporary issue. Mr. Hafter noted that item #2 is the presentation of an outdoor lighting study. He said that a lot of Shelburne Rd. area people are saying they don't want street lights on Shelburne Rd. The plan now is to have lights every 600 ft., and Mr. Hafter did not feel that would provide enough safety. Mr. Hafter also noted there is pressure to switch to Halite lights which cost more to maintain. Regional Planning staff and the District Environmental Commission favor the Halite. 6. Review Minutes of 5 May 1997: Mr. Chittenden moved the Minutes of 5 May be approved as written. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.