HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/21/1997CITY COUNCIL 21 JULY 1997 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 21 July 1997, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: William Cimonetti, Chair; James Condos, Terrence Sheahan, Joan Britt. Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Assistant City Manager; Albert Audette, Highway Dept; Lee Graham, Police Chief; William Burgess, Planning Commission; State Representatives Frank Mazur, Michael Flaherty; Dan Girard, George Chamberland, Karen Bresnahan, Ethel & Bill Schuele, Erik Wheeler, Bob MacKuen; Lenore Budd, Anna Johnston, The Other Paper 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to Agenda items): a. Rep. Mazur gave members a preliminary draft of the impact of the new property tax bill on homes in South Burlington. He stressed that this information is based on what is known today. Mr. Cimonetti cautioned against giving too much credibility to the draft because of the re-evaluation of property in the city and because the School Board is not yet prepared to make any statements about spending levels. Mr. Flaherty noted that even if spending is lowered, taxes would still go up to support what is given to poorer towns. Mr. Cimonetti advised that there will be a Steering Committee meeting devoted to this topic on August 7th. At that time, the School Board will report on how it plans to address the impacts of the new legislation. b. Mr. Condos thanked Mr. Audette and his people for the excellent work done on White Street. 2. Announcements and City Manager's Report: a. Mr. Cimonetti announced a meeting of the Commuter Rail Steering Committee on Wednesday, 23 July, at 9:30 a.m., at Mona's in Burlington. b. Mr. Hafter announced the following: 1. An Act 250 hearing on the Shelburne Rd. widening project on 5 August, at 9:00 a.m. 2. The City's "Night Out" celebration, on 5 August, from 5-9:30 p.m. at Dorset Park. 3. The year end budget report found every fund within budget limits. 4. Mr. Hafter will be on vacation from 28 July through 1 August. c. Members briefly discussed rescheduling the first meeting in September as the regular date falls on Labor Day. A new date will be decided at a later meeting. 3. Review and sign proclamation on South Burlington's "Night Out": Mr. Cimonetti read the Proclamation. Mr. Condos moved to accept and sign the Proclamation as read. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Consideration of interviews and appointments to Boards and Commissions: a. Zoning Board of Adjustment: The Council interviewed George Chamberland and Karen Bresnahan for the two openings on the Zoning Board. Mr. Chamberland said he was previously on the Zoning Board but had left due to time commitment problems. Now that he has only one job, he feels he has time to give to the city again. He did not feel his ownership of The Other Paper would be a conflict of interest. Mr. Chamberland has been a city resident for 13 years. Ms. Bresnahan is pursuing a career in urban planning and is currently on the City Center Committee. Her background is in business management. She has been a resident of the city for 6 years and is very interested in the community. Ms. Britt asked Mr. Chamberland if he felt zoning issues have changed since he was last on the Board. Mr. Chamberland said he didn't think they have because "the players" haven't changed. It is still a question of whether the 5 criteria are applied consistently. Ms. Britt asked Ms. Bresnahan what she felt were critical issues. Ms. Bresnahan said that South Burlington is one of the largest cities in the state and is subject to "urban sprawl." She felt the city needs to be more "people friendly" and needs a center that people can identify with. In response to the same question, Mr. Chamberland said there is an amazing amount of activity taking place in the city. He was concerned whether decisions are being made based on immediate concerns or on long range needs. He was concerned that long range needs are not being given enough consideration and that the city could wind up with another Route 5 (Schenectady). Mr. Sheahan asked if the candidates felt the Ordinance was adequate to prevent another Route 5, and, if so, what the role of the Zoning Board would be to insure that doesn't happen. Mr. Chamberland felt the Ordinance was adequate if the rules were followed strictly. Ms. Bresnahan said that for the most part she would follow the rules strictly but would want to address rules that need to be updated. Mr. Cimonetti noted that the Board is one of "adjustment" and its role is to make adjustments to the Plan. Mr. Chamberland acknowledged that is true but also noted that if you allow what seems OK in one instance, you can see that action spread to where it may not be OK. Mr. Cimonetti noted the city's intention to provide more technical training to city volunteers, and specifically to provide the opportunity for Zoning Board members to meet with the City Attorney to learn the laws and how they are interpreted. He then explained the selection process. b. Recreation Committee: No applicants were present. There is one incumbent who is willing to serve again which still leaves one vacant spot. c. Leisure Arts Committee: The Council interviewed incumbent Ethel Schuele who is willing to serve again. Ms. Schuele cited the variety of activities that the Committee has brought to the City. She noted that evening classes pay for themselves and even attract people from outside the community. d. Library Board of Trustees: Three incumbents - Harriet Long, Albert Trombley and Wesley Eldred - are willing to serve again. e. Red Rocks Committee: Incumbent Gail Wheeler is willing to serve again. f. Recreation Path Committee: The Council interviewed Lenore Budd who is willing to serve again. Ms. Budd has been on the Committee since its formation and feels it is a good working team that works well with various city departments. Work that the Committee is currently involved with includes: the connections with Williston & Shelburne, work on the golf course project, short paths, and regional path priorities. She expressed concern that Phase III has yet to be built. Mr. Hafter said he felt it would happen next summer. Mr. Sheahan noted that the Planning Commission gets input from the Rec Path Committee on every project, and this will pay off in the long run. g. Natural Resources Committee: The Council interviewed incumbent Bill Schuele and Erik Wheeler for two of 3 vacancies on the Committee. Mr. Schuele noted his many years of service to the Committee and his ability to bring continuity to its work. Mr. Wheeler has just moved to the City but has been in the area for 7 years. He appreciates the city's parks and especially the Centennial Woods area. He is anxious to be involved in the city and would also consider serving on the Rec Path Committee. h. City Charter Committee: Paul Farrar and Peter Taylor are willing to serve again and would fill 2 of the 3 vacancies. Mr. Hafter said he spoke with Fred Maher who, while he does not want to be a formal member of the Committee, would be willing to work in an ex officio capacity. Mr. Cimonetti said there may be things in the Charter that will have to be "reset" because of the new property tax/school funding law. This may require amendments to the Charter which would increase the work of the Committee. He appealed to other members of the community who may be willing to get involved. Mr. Flaherty offered his services in this regard. i. Staff Appointments: 1. Emergency Management Director: Mr. Audette would serve again with Chief Mike O'Neil as alternate. 2. Cemetery Sextons: Incumbents Bill Szymanski and Sonny Audette are willing to serve again. 3. Tree Warden: Mr. Audette is willing to serve again. 5. Update on Burlington International Airport Improvement Projects: Mr. MacKuen reviewed the background of the current work and noted they have begun work on the infrastructure for the parking facility. Tomorrow, a section of the new road will be opened. The parking structure will be 3 levels with a walkway from the second level into the terminal building. There will be 1134 parking spaces. There will also be long term and overflow parking near the area formerly occupied by Park and Travel. An interior shuttle will serve this area. A lot of new landscaping is planned to make the area aesthetically pleasing. Mr. MacKuen also showed renderings of the expansion to the terminal building. Mr. Cimonetti asked what the parking structure would look like. Mr. MacKuen said it would have brick columns with colored glass spandrels. There will not be a "solid wall" look. Berms will soften the impact of the large structure. Mr. MacKuen then showed the proposed traffic patterns in and out of the lot. Ms. Johnston asked about security in the parking facility. Mr. MacKuen said there will be security cameras. Ms. Johnston noted that in other cities such structures have become havens for the homeless. Mr. Cimonetti asked about any changes in bus service. Mr. MacKuen said there will still be a covered area for loading and unloading. There will be a new standing area for taxi cabs. Mr. Cimonetti asked if the Airport Commission has any comment on the request for a zone change to allow off-premisis valet Airport parking. Mr. Flaherty said that is the Council's decision. He said the Airport would prefer not to see it, but he expected it would happen. Mr. MacKuen then reviewed changes being made to runways. He noted that on July 7th they began creation of an extended runway safety area off the south end of the runway. This is being done at the request of the FAA with a federal grant. The FAA has agreed to put in a landing system from the south. Mr. MacKuen showed a proposed "Master Plan" and noted they would like to see Airport Drive widened to become a tree-lined boulevard and extended around the end of the runway to the new Lime Kiln Bridge. The Airport does not own the right-of-way to make this happen. Mr. Audette noted it would take about 6 ft. on one side of the road and 7 on the other to get an 80 foot r.o.w. 6. Public Hearing on Proposed Use of 1997 Law Enforcement Block Grant Funds: Mr. Hafter advised that the grant is $44,000 and requires a 10% match which will come from the Police Dept. budget. Chief Graham explained the nature of the grant which helps facilitate community policing. This year's funds will be used to provide laptops in cruisers (so that officers at the scene of an incident can tie into the state data system), crime prevention programs, and community policing training. He added that the Department also wants to look into a new phone system since the community policing plans call for officers to be responsible for various areas of the city and this would be aided by an E-mail system. Mr. Cimonetti asked if the Department has considered video cameras in cruisers. Chief Graham said they haven't at this time. Ms. Strait explained that the accounting for the grant funds is handled separately. 7. First Reading of an Amendment to the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance to allow "valet parking, Airport transient parking and long term parking" as conditional uses in the Mixed Industrial and Commercial Districe; schedule public hearing on same: Mr. Hafter noted that the Planning Commission got a request for this use and has held several hearings. They have considered traffic and felt the intersection could handle the traffic generated from this use in the Belter development. Since it would be a conditional use, the Zoning Board would be able to consider traffic impacts when hearing the application. Mr. Hafter also noted that the intersection is scheduled for upgrade in 1998-9. Mr. Burgess said the Planning Commission found the use to be consistent with other uses in the zone. The zone is adjacent to the Airport. The Commission also felt the Zoning Board review would address traffic concerns. Mr. Cimonetti noted it is not a question of the capacity of the intersection but of alignment. He asked if there has been any thought to establishing a limit on traffic within the definition of the use. Mr. Burgess said the Commission usually addresses traffic on an application by application basis. Dan Girard said he had brought the issue to the Commission. He estimated a 20-25 car turnover a day and did not feel they would have a large impact on the intersection. He noted there are only a few lots left in the development, none of which could hold many cars. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the first reading of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance as presented and to schedule a public hearing on 18 August. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed. 8. First Reading of Ordinance regarding street naming and street addressing; schedule public hearing: Mr. Cimonetti noted this item relates to the state-wide E-911 system. Mr. Condos suggested a waiver that would allow a home with a driveway on a different street from the house entrance to be designated by the street with the house entrance. Mr. Hafter said this is not recommended, but there is room for citizen input. Mr. Sheahan moved to approve the first reading of the Ordinance regarding street naming and to schedule a public hearing for 15 September. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Review Zoning Board Notice for 28 July: No issues were raised. 10. Review Minutes of 26 June, 30 June, and 7 July: Mr. Condos moved to approve the Minutes of 26 June, 30 June, and 7 July as presented. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 12. Liquor Control Board: Mr. Sheahan moved the council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hafter presented a request for a first class liquor license from The Olive Garden. The restaurant is under the same ownership as the previous one at this location but the name has changed. Mr. Condos noted there was one question not answered on the application. Mr. Hafter said he would check on this. Mr. Condos moved to approve the first class liquor license for the Olive Garden conditioned on completion of the application. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session: Mr. Sheahan moved the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss appointments to Boards and Committees and contract negotiations and to resume regular session to possibly make appointments to Boards and Commissions and approve a contract. Ms. Britt seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The Council returned to regular session. Mr. Condos moved approval of the two-year contract between the City and the Firefighters' Association. Mr. Sheahan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Terry Sheahan moved the appointment of the following applicants. Joan Britt seconded. Recreation Committee: John DeLucco -- 2000 (year appointment ends) Leisure Arts Committee: Ethel Schuele - 2000 Library Board of Trustees: Harriet Long, Albert Trembley, Wesley Eldred - all 2000 Red Rocks Committee: Gail Wheeler - 2000 Recreation Path Committee: Lenore Budd - 2000 Natural Resources Committee: William Schuele, Shelly Snyder, Erik Wheeler - all 2000 City Charter Committee: Paul Farrar, Peter Taylor - both 2000 Emergency Management Director: Sonny Audette, Director - 1999; Mike O'Neil, Assistant Director - 1999 Cemetery Sextons: Bill Szymanski, Sonny Audette-both 1999 Tree Warden; Sonny Audette - 1999 The motion passed unanimously. Terry Sheahan moved the appointment of George Chamberland to a four-year term (2001) on the Zoning Board. Joan Britt seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Terry Sheahan moved adjournment. Joan Britt seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjournment at 10:35 p.m. Council Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.