HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/19/1996STEERING COMMITTEE 19 SEPTEMBER 1996 The South Burlington Steering Committee held a meeting on Thursday 19 September 1996, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present City Council: James Condos, William Cimonetti, Terrence Sheahan; Charles Hafter, City Manager; School Board: Dennis Snyder, Kerri Incavo; Bruce Chattman, Superintendent Also Present Peg Strait, Asst. City Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Bruce O'Neill, Tom Hubbard, Recreation Dept; Marilyn Frederick, School District; Lee Graham, Police Chief; Ed Klodfelter, Agnes Clift 1. Election of Officers: Mr. Condos presided over the election of officers and opened the floor for nominations. Mr. Cimonetti nominated David Austin for Chair. Mr. Snyder seconded. There were no further nominations, and Mr. Austin was elected unanimously. Mr. Snyder nominated Rob LaClair for Vice Chair. Mr. Cimonetti seconded. There were no furtheer nominations, and Mr. LaClair was elected unanimously. Mr. Cimonetti nominated Mr. Hafter for Clerk. Mr. Chattman seconded. There were no further nominations, and Mr. Hafter was elected unanimously. 2. Reappraisal Update: Mr. Hafter introduced Mr. Klodfelter who is handling the reappraisal. He noted there has been one public meeting and a second is planned. Mr. Klodfelter said they have done about 900 properties. He noted that the data they are working with is quite good. Mr. Klodfelter said there will now be an electronic record of every property in the city along with photographs of every property. Mr. Hafter noted the 1998 Grand List will be based on this appraisal. Mr. Snyder asked what criteria are used to appraise commercial property. Mr. Klodfelter responded that they use comparative data and sales information. There are, he said, a large number of properties in South Burlington that are very similar. Mr. Cimonetti asked when homeowners will know what has happened with regard to their property. Mr. Klodfelter said the plan is to finish early enough to have some open hearings to let people come and look at their appraisal. Mr. Snyder asked the percentage of people who appeal. Mr. Klodfelter said it depends on the type of property. He added that their experience is 10% or fewer. Mr. Hafter said it is hoped that the openness of the process will result in fewer appeals. Mr. Cimonetti said he hoped the city and schools prepare the 1998 budget just the way it's always done, not anticipating the new numbers. Mr. Hafter noted that comments from citizens have been very positive about the reappraisal process. 3. City/School Partnership: Superintendent Chattman expressed his appreciation for the amount of cooperation between the city and the schools. He noted that a new crew of administrators has been hired and in order to keep that cooperative atmosphere, a half day was taken during the summer and devoted to a working relationship with the Recreation Department and the Police Department. Chief Graham then stressed the common theme of educating the public. He said the bottom line is that they are all community resources and are involved in developing a quality of life for the Community. Chief Graham said they have applied for a "problem solving grant" to deal with the issue of underage drinking. He said there are 14 partners in the grant application. Mr. O'Neill showed members a list of cooperative activities in the community. These include the DARE program, KIDS & COPS, CCASA, After Hours, Bike Safety, Quest, RAD Camp (for youth at risk), Neighborhood Watch, National Night Out, and others. A new program called "Twilight Zone" has just been initiated for older youngsters. 182 kids were at the High School last Friday night from 7:30-11 p.m. Mr. Snyder noted that the schools saved $15,000-20,000 on repaving at the High School parking lot because of the efforts of Sonny Audette's Street Department. Mr. Hafter stressed that this is a very special relationship and does not exist in all communities. Mr. Cimonetti asked to what extent there is joint purchasing of services. Ms. Frederick noted that auditing is done under a joint bid. Mr. Cimonetti suggested looking into joint ordering of supplies. Ms. Strait added that Internet services could also be obtained jointly. Mr. Hafter noted there is also an effort to look at joint purchasing of electricity services with other communities. 4. Discussion of School Site Study: Superintendent Chattman reviewed the history of this study. The former future school site was located on property that is owned by Dean Economou and is part of the golf course/residential development. It was suggested that a future school site could be moved elsewhere on that site, but the land would have a very high price. In order to get some momentum, the school dept. contracted for a preliminary study for possible alternate sites on city-owned property. The report that was received noted three options that were good choices except for wetlands issues. The best option was on the Rye property off Hinesburg Rd. He suggested the City Council discuss whether they want to set a side any of the 3 city-owned parcels for a school site, if the wetland issues can be cleared up. This would also allow the bus garage to be put near the school and to have the Recreation Dept. near the school site in the new park. Supt. Chattman noted there is also a question of possibly locating a school closer to the Shelburne line since development will be heading in that direction. The city does not, however, own any land down there, so land would have to be purchased. Mr. Condos didn't think the property in front of the Calkins property was a good site. He noted the property was purchased for open space. He also noted there is a piece between options "D" and "E" that is also city-owned. Mr. O'Neill said that is designated as prime ag reserve. Mr. Cimonetti felt that could be mitigated if it's built on. Mr. Condos said there would be no access problems with that piece. Mr. Hafter said that densities in the Southeast Quadrant will be such that kids would have to be bussed, so a school at the south end is not critical. Ms. Incavo said the issue is the need for redistricting. Mr. Cimonetti said he was pleased to see some progress being made and noted there had been a lot of frustration in past years. He added that the Official City Map is a very important planning document, rather like a "little ticking time bomb." It is not hard to designate future facilities, but the consequences must be understood. When a private property owner applies for use of the land, a clock starts running for the city to make a decision either to buy the land or to change its plan. He wanted both Boards to pick the best site and to deal with the ownership factors. Property already owned by the public is a great advantage. Mr. Hafter said the worst action would be not to pick a site. 5. School Construction Update: Supt. Chattman introduced a video prepared by a former student as a chronicle of "before and after" construction. Central School will be added to the video when work is completed. Supt. Chattman noted the commitment to technology in every school. He also praised the efforts of the city's legislators to get the state to pay out on the 30% state contribution which the city has not yet gotten. 6. Other Issues: Mr. Cimonetti reviewed the golf course project, noting the city has no involvement in it. Over 400 acres are under development and the city will be impacted substantially. There could have been 900 homes there, but with the golf course piece, there will now be only 230 homes. Landowners agreed early in the process to an "open concept" as you drive down Dorset St. Mr. Hafter felt it was a "win-win" project, especially in view of "avoided costs" associated with the possibility of 900 homes. Mr. Condos added it will also preserve a large amount of green space in the center of the city. 7. Review Minutes of 1 April 1996: Mr. Cimonetti noted that 83.1¢ was the tax rate, not a percent figure. Mr. Cimonetti moved to approve the Minutes as amended. Mr. Snyder seconded. Motion passed 4-0 with Ms. Incavo and Mr. Sheahan abstaining. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.