HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/04/1996SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL Minutes November 4, 1996 7:30 PM The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, November 4, 1996, at 7:30 PM, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: William Cimonetti, Chair; James Condos, David Austin, Terry Sheahan, Robert Chittenden Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Asst. City Manager; Sonny Audette, Street Dept.; Joe Weith, City Planner; Stephen Stitzel, City Attorney; Gary Rounds, Fire Dept.; Channel 17 1.) Comments & Questions for the Audience (not related to Agenda Items): No issues were raised. 2.) Announcements & City Manager's Report: Mr. Hafter made the following announcements: a.) The Voice of America called today for an interview on the Living Technologies Plant. b.) A meeting was held today with CCTA, University Mall, Peter Judge, Sonny Audette and Police Chief Graham regarding traffic this year and next. Several things will be done this year including having the bus use the northern entrance of the Mall and go down the outer lane and let people off near Ames. Security Guards will try to give preference to the bus. CCTA will provide an estimate for a 15-minute headway for service 2 weeks before Christmas. They will also do a promotional campaign for this service. The route would be just from Cherry Street to the Mall. For pedestrians, Security Guards will help people cross Dorset Street, when necessary. For vehicles, the Mall will promote getting traffic to head south out of the Mall. They will also suggest that through traffic be restricted to the left lane down Dorset Street. For next year, remote parking and shuttle busing will be considered. Mr. Condos noted that people don't use the left turn lane on Dorset Street, and when the queue gets long in the middle lane, you can't even access the left lane. c.) The Fire Department Tower Truck is in for repair. The hydraulic cylinder has been fixed and the controllers have been sent out for repair work. Regarding the needed welding, one firm can do it in mid-December. Two other firms won't do it. When the work is done, the inspector will be called to examine the truck for recertification. The tower truck in Pennsylvania has been taken off the market, and Chief Possich has a broker looking for other possibilities. Fire fighters then reported on the fire this week at Tree Top Condominiums. Two units were damaged at an estimate of $150,000 - $200,000. The fire is believed to have originated in an exhaust fan. The Burlington Tower Truck responded and took 9 minutes to arrive at the scene. There were 25 South Burlington Firefighters and 25 from mutual aid communities. Firefighters particularly praised the Burlington Fire Department for responding without being called to a vehicle accident on Williston Road during the time of the fire. Burlington also sent an extra man with the Tower Truck. d.) A letter was received from the State advising that the City won a bronze award for the employee health program. e.) The Water Commission will meet Wednesday at 4:30 PM. f.) The second reappraisal meeting was held at Chamberlin School with 16 citizens attending. g.) An Interactive TV discussion on trucking in Vermont will be held on November 20, 1996. The AOT is trying to see whether they will support bigger trucks being allowed in Vermont. The discussion will be at the NYNEX facility at 7:00 PM. h.) The CCTV Board will meet on November 20, 1996. i.) Mr. Audette reported that they started putting up the holiday banners today. A local contractor donated a bucket truck for the work. j.) Half of Kimball Ave. has a second course. Old Farm Road will be done next, then Kennedy Drive. Patchen Road is being widened to the first pole to allow for a dedicated left turn lane. Mr. Sheahan asked if the neckdowns in the East Woods neighborhood will be marked in some way. Mr. Audette said the developer is to do that. 3.) Consideration of Approval of Agreement Between the City of South Burlington and Vermont Agency of Transportation Regarding Charlotte- Burlington Passenger Rail Service Project; Consideration of MOA Between AOT & 4 Communities. Mr. Cimonetti reported that the amendment to the TIP was approved 5-3 with South Burlington, Essex Village and Essex Town opposing and Colchester abstaining. The AOT is prepared to move forward. There is no authority for acquisition of rolling stock or for use of state funds. They will be looking for that in the next legislative session. Other communities that have signed the MOA are Charlotte, Burlington, Shelburne. The AOT has also signed. Shelburne voted to sign either or both the common and separate agreement. South Burlington could do the same or sign only one or neither. Mr. Cimonetti felt the City should have an agreement and added that he believed the separate agreement meets everything the Council felt was needed. Mr. Condos moved to instruct the City Manager to sign the agreement between the Agency of Transportation and the City of South Burlington regarding Charlotte-Burlington Passenger Rail Service and also to sign the Memorandum of Agreement between the Agency of Transportation and the four communities. Mr. Austin seconded. The motion passed unanimously. 4.) First Reading of Update of City Impact Fees; Schedule Public Hearing on Same: Mr. Weith explained that three issues have been addressed in this package. These are: a.) the anticipation of changes in start dates of projects and changes in funding sources of road projects b.) correction of errors in table used to calculate credit (currently this does not take into account that the City is not at 100% of fair market value) c.) the addition of several projects including the rec path Phase III and a "short path" from Williston Rd./Barber Terrace, and the Corporate Way/Hinesburg Rd. Interchange. Mr. Austin asked whether changing dates pushes back how long the City can keep impact fees. Mr. Hafter noted these projects are ready to do. Mr. Weith added that the intent is to use the funds for projects that are ready to go. Mr. Stitzel confirmed that this is in conformance with impact fee rules. Mr. Chittenden asked if it isn't the responsibility of the developer to do Hinesburg Rd./Corporate Way. Mr. Hafter said that normally it would be, but there was an agreement with the developer in order to get the access to Central School. The City will pay a share of the costs based on traffic generation. Mr. Austin moved to waive reading of the proposed amendments and to approve the first reading as presented and schedule a public hearing for December 2, 1996. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5.) Review Minutes of October 21, 1996 It was noted that on page 3 in the CCTA discussion, it is 32% of costs that have been recovered from the fare box. Mr. Condos moved to approve the minutes of October 21, 1996 amended. Mr. Austin seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6.) Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement orders were signed. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mr. Condos moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss Litigation and Personnel issues and to resume regular session only for adjournment. Mr. Weith, Dick Ward, Bill Burgess, Fred Blais and the City Attorney will attend the session for the discussion on litigation involving Planning issues. Mr. Chittenden seconded the motion which then passed unanimously. Regular Session: Bob Chittenden moved adjournment. Jim Condos seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.