HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS-22-02 - Supplemental - 1068 Williston Road (8) \\vhb\gbl\proj\SBurlington\57913.01 Larkin Holiday Inn\docs\Permits\Local Materials\Misc Application for Wetlands\Multi Family\NDMF 2022\Zoning Wetlands Application Cover Letter NDMF.docx June 10, 2022 Marla Keene, P.E. Development Review Planner City of South Burlington 180 Market St. South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Holiday Inn Redevelopment, 1068 Williston Road, South Burlington Miscellaneous Application Submittal for Wetland Buffer Encroachment Dear Marla, On behalf of Champlain School Apartments Partnership (Applicant), please find enclosed Miscellaneous Application for 2,180 sf of Class II wetland buffer encroachment associated with the Holiday Inn Redevelopment Project (Project). This application is being submitted to request a review and determination by the South Burlington Development Review Board (DRB) as required under Article 12 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations (LDRs). This application seeks a modification of standards per Section 12.06F(1)(a) of the LDRs for projects in a Form Based Code Zoning District. A Vermont Wetland Permit application (VWP) for the encroachment was submitted to DEC on May 12, 2022. Based upon anticipated DEC permitting schedule, the Applicant hereby requests to be placed on the agenda for the July 19, 2022 meeting of the DRB. Because the Project lies with the T-4 Form Based Code District, Site Plan application review for the Project is currently underway under Article 8 of the LDRs. On October 20, 2021, the DRB approved 670 sf of buffer impacts associated with the proposed Multi-Family building at the east side of the site. Due to recent Project layout revisions made in response to geotechnical investigations, underground parking is now proposed for the Multi-Family building. Description of Buffer Impacts The proposed wetland buffer encroachment is required to allow earth disturbance for deeper excavation for underground parking, utility installation and minor regrading along the east property line. Under existing conditions, the buffer area is occupied by a patio and mowed lawn. Under the revised proposed conditions, the patio will be removed, and the buffer area will be redeveloped to include a Multi-Family residential building rooftop and adjacent grassed area. Holiday Inn Redevelopment Ref: 57913.01 June 10, 2022 Page 2 \\vhb\gbl\proj\SBurlington\57913.01 Larkin Holiday Inn\docs\Permits\Local Materials\Misc Application for Wetlands\Multi Family\NDMF 2022\Zoning Wetlands Application Cover Letter NDMF.docx In accordance LDRs Appendix and Article 13, Supplemental Regulations, please find attached plans depicting the grading, drainage, landscaping, and buffering associated with the Project. The accompanying landscape plans show the numerous proposed plantings and site furnishings which will dramatically improve the aesthetics of the site. Under existing conditions, the buffer area is occupied by a patio and mowed lawn, and is fronted by the existing Holiday Inn Building, Conference Center, and pool area. Runoff from the impervious patio area current flows overland directly into the adjacent wetland and buffer without treatment. Under the proposed conditions, the patio will be removed, and the buffer area will be redeveloped to include a new mixed-use residential building rooftop and mowed lawn. Conformance with Modification Standards The applicant offers the following summary of this application’s conformance with the Modification Standards prescribed in Section 12.06F(2) of the LDRs: (a) The modification shall be the minimum required to accommodate the proposed development; No impacts are proposed with the wetland itself, only within the 50’ buffer zone. Earth disturbance within the buffer is limited to only that required to allow construction of the building foundation, gas service line, and underground parking for the proposed building. The majority of the encroachment area will be maintained as mowed lawn. (b) The proposed development will not have an undue adverse effect on the planned character of the area, as defined by the purpose statement of the zoning district within which the project is located, or on public health and safety; LDRs Section 8.01(A) includes the following description of the purpose of the Form Based Code District: “[It] encourages sustainable retail, commercial and mixed use development of open land, redevelopment of existing mixed use land and preservation and improvement of residential areas through pedestrian and bicycle connectivity.” The proposed project achieves this purpose by providing 83 new units of much needed compact, dense housing in a new mixed-use infill building in South Burlington’s City Center. (c) The proposed development will not have an undue adverse effect on the ability of the property to adequately treat stormwater from the site; and, The proposed use of the buffer will not have an adverse effect upon the ability of the property to treat stormwater. Stormwater is managed onsite via two new underground stormwater infiltration systems. Roof runoff from the new building will be collected internally and routed to a new stormwater infiltration system on-site. Holiday Inn Redevelopment Ref: 57913.01 June 10, 2022 Page 3 \\vhb\gbl\proj\SBurlington\57913.01 Larkin Holiday Inn\docs\Permits\Local Materials\Misc Application for Wetlands\Multi Family\NDMF 2022\Zoning Wetlands Application Cover Letter NDMF.docx (d) The proposed development will not have an undue adverse effect upon specific wetland functions and values identified in the field delineation The proposed use of the buffer will occur within and adjacent to an existing managed patio and lawn area where function has already been compromised by current use. Therefore the Project would not have any adverse or undue impact to wetlands or wetland function. Please find enclosed with this submission, the following items: C3.01, L2.00, L4.00, L4.01 and L4.02. · Miscellaneous Application Form · W1.01 Wetland Impact Exhibit by VHB, dated 5-9-2022 · C3.01, L2.00, L4.00, L4.01, L402, C6.01, by VHB, all dated 5-18-2020 The fee check for Miscellaneous DRB review in the amount of $123 is being submitted separately. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or if any additional materials are required. Sincerely, Peter Smiar, PE Director of Land Development - Vermont psmiar@vhb.com Cc: Champlain School Apartments Partnership, LLC (via email)