HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-22-024 - Supplemental - 0430 da Vinci Drive (4)FAIRFIELD INN BY MARRIOTT AT BTV AIRPORT Wastewater Design Flow Report MAY 3, 2022 v:\1953\active\195311636\transportation\permits\wastewater\wastewater design flow report 05-03-2022.docx 1.1 1.0 Wastewater Project Description The proposed hotel project at the Burlington International Airport (BTV) includes the construction of a new, five story building. The proposed building will include 119 hotel rooms with each room having a private bath. One meal will be served only to guests and there will be a bar with 8 seats. It is estimated that 10 full time employees will be required per each of the three daily shifts. There will be one bathroom with shower and kitchenette for employee use only. Lastly, two clothes washing machines are proposed for on-site laundry services. The proposed building will be located along Airport Circle adjacent to Airport Drive at the exit to Burlington International Airport in South Burlington, Vermont. Discharge of wastewater from the proposed building will be to the South Burlington municipal sanitary sewer collection system. The proposed BTV hotel will have an estimated average daily wastewater flow of 14,890 gpd. Average daily wastewater flow for the proposed building was calculated based on the number of hotel rooms with one meal per guest, 8 seats at the bar, employees working in the building, and additional clothes washing machines for on-site laundry services. See below for calculations. Conveyance of wastewater flows from the west side of the proposed building are to be via a new 8” SDR 35 PVC gravity sanitary sewer pipe and a proposed sewer manhole. The new 8” SDR 35 PVC building sewer will be installed at a slope of 0.0208 ft/ft and a length of 81’. Connection into the existing 18” AC sewer main will be at an existing sewer manhole located in the middle of Airport Drive. 1.1 WASTEWATER DESIGN FLOW ASSUMPTIONS Design Assumptions: 1. Proposed Design includes: a. 119 Hotel Rooms with private baths b. One meal served only to guests per sleeping space including a breakfast bar. • 119 rooms with 2 people per room c. A bar serving alcoholic beverages with 8 seats. d. 10 full time employees/shift with access to a shower facility and 1 small kitchenette for employee use only e. 2 clothes washing machines for on-site laundry services FAIRFIELD INN BY MARRIOTT AT BTV AIRPORT Wastewater Design Flow Report MAY 3, 2022 v:\1953\active\195311636\transportation\permits\wastewater\wastewater design flow report 05-03-2022.docx 1.2 1.2 WASTEWATER DESIGN FLOW CALCULATIONS 1. Base Design Average Daily Flow (ADF) a. ADF = 119 hotel rooms x 2 guests x 50 gpd/room (assumes 2 persons/room) ADF = 11,900 gpd b. ADF = 119 hotel rooms x 2 guests x 5 gpd/sleeping space w/ meal x 1 meal ADF = 1,190 gpd c. ADF = 300 gpd (bar with 8 seats) Note: design flows for the bar with 8 seats is considered to be equivalent to a restaurant with 9 or fewer seats (ref. Restaurants in Table 8-3) d. ADF = 10 employees with shower/shift x 20 gpd/employee/shift x 3 shifts = 600 gpd Note: design flows for the employee kitchenette are considered by the water use of employees (ref. * at the end of Table 8-3) e. ADF = 2 clothes washing machines x 450 gpd/machine = 900 gpd Therefore, Base Average Daily Flow = 14,890 gpd  2. Total Wastewater Allocation Required = 14,890 gpd  1.3 PEAK DAILY AND HOURLY FLOW 1. For flows > 10,000 gpd and < 100,000 gpd, the Peaking Factor = 4.2 2. Peak Daily Flow = 14,890 gpd x (Peaking Factor = 4.2) = 62,538 gpd  3. Peak Hourly Flow = 62,538 gpd / 1,440 minutes/day = 43.4 gpm 4. Average Daily Flow = 14,890 gpd / 1,440 minutes/day = 10.3 gpm 5. Building Sewer Pipe: 8” SDR 35 PVC at Slope = 0.0208 ft/ft 6. Pipe Velocity Review • Velocity at Pipe Full = 6.49 ft/s > 2.0 ft/s, Q = 1,017 gpm, Therefore OK • Velocity at Peak Hourly Flow = 3.22 ft/s, Q = 43.1 gpm • Velocity at Average Daily Flow = 2.09 ft/s, Q = 10.3 gpm