HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/19/1996CITY COUNCIL 19 February 1996 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, 19 February 1996, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: William Cimonetti, Chair; Michael Flaherty, James Condos, Robert Chittenden Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Asst. City Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Sonny Audette, Street Dept; Gayle Barone, Randall Kay, Jim Fuller, Lee Wrigley, Steve & Carol Nedde, Denny Johnson, David Austin, Joseph Frank, Joe Zagursky, John Dinklage, Francis Caruccio 1. Comments & Questions from the Public (not related to agenda items): No issues were raised. 2. Announcements/City Manager's Report: Mr. Cimonetti announced an MPO meeting on Wednesday for a work session. Mr. Flaherty noted the House Transportation Committee had passed the commuter rail bill by a 6-5 vote. It should be on the House floor next week. Mr. Condos advised the Solid Waste budget is being reduced by $2,000,000. There is an Executive Board meeting on Wednesday evening. Mr. Hafter announced the following: a. The Fire Chief, Wally Possich, is in the hospital. The Shift Captain is covering the Department. b. The City Charter amendment regarding industrial development has got through House committee and on to the full House. c. The Family Center is doing its year plan and will be meeting on March 7th at 7:00 p.m. They would like a City Council member to attend. d. The next Council meeting is on Wednesday, 21 February at 7:00 p.m. and will be a budget review. Subsequent meetings will be on Monday, 26 February and Monday, 4 March, both at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Hafter gave members the proposed 1996-7 budget. He said he was pleased to present a budget in balance and in conformance with the City Charter. For the third year in a row, there is a slight tax decrease, from 83.1¢ to 82.8¢. He welcomed all citizens to participate in budget hearings. The Steering Committee will consider the City and School budgets on 21 March and the Public Hearing on the two budgets will be on 11 April. Copies of the proposed budget are available at City Hall. Mr. Cimonetti advised that the Senior Center at the Pines has reached a working agreement with the Downtown Senior Group to form a Board. They would like a representative from the City Council and also representatives from South Burlington citizens. 3. Interview Applicants for Vacant City Council Position: Mr. Cimonetti noted that 10 people have expressed interest, 9 of whom are present. All candidates received a memo with 6 questions that the Council will ask them to address. Mr. Cimonetti noted the Council is not required to make an appointment. He expected that after the interviews, the Council would decide whether to make an appointment and, if they do make such an appointment, would announce it following an Executive Session. Candidates then responded to the questions as follows: 1. Why do you want to be appointed to the City Council? L. Wrigley: Feel the City Council should have 5 members. G. Barone: Feel I can be an asset. J. Zagursky: Believe my skills can contribute to the City Council and to the City. Have a lot of financial experience and negotiating success. Would like to help the City. D. Johnson: To offer some help. Know how it is when a board is short. Feel there should be a full Council. J. Fuller: Will be a very challenging time for the City Council. Have budget experience. J. Frank: Have benefitted from living in S. Burlington and feel I should give back to the city. Was on City Council in Burlington for a term. Admire the City Manager and am impressed with City Council members. J. Dinklage: Would like to continue to serve the city. Feel it is important for the Council to have 5 members. R. Kay: Want to offer to help. Willing to serve just 3 months till the election. D. Austin: Think it's appropriate for each person to give something back to the community. Has served on Zoning Board and Planning Commission. 2. What would you consider the biggest problems facing South Burlington government and what would you do about them: G. Barone: Sees no major problems. J. Zagursky: Think there are considerations such as budget, city services, community standards, orderly growth. D. Johnson: reappraisal. Would like to see an up front approach. Also think infrastructure (roads and streets) and a balanced budget important. J. Fuller: Maintaining quality of services within a tax rate. J. Frank: Infrastructure: Williston Rd/Dorset Street, the need for access to I-89 further down Dorset St., and strengthening the ability to control growth. J. Dinklage: The challenge is to provide the level of services at a level that will be supported by citizens. D. Austin: To continue city services at least as good as now, may be broadening the scope of the Economic Development Committee, elimination of the personal property tax and its implications, continuing to manage growth so as not to overburden city services. L. Wrigley: dealing with growth, traffic, especially near the Mall, the I-89 connection. 3. What have been South Burlington city government's best accomplishments? J. Zagursky: keeping growth at a steady pace, controlling the tax rate, handling the Club Fantasy issue. D. Johnson: the budget process, planning for the Southeast Quadrant, Dorset St. Park, the bike path. J. Fuller: the parks, ice rink, the balanced budget, the hard work of the Street Department. J. Frank: the school system J. Dinklage: Long range planning, the balanced budget, the quality of elected and appointed officials, the ability to sustain community interest. R. Kay: the maintaining of open space, schools, good property values, good tax rate. D. Austin: the quality of life that has been maintained, both property values and day-to-day life, the rec path, Dorset Park, Southeast Quadrant zoning. L. Wrigley: the public indecency ordinance, new business, maintaining an atmosphere where people want to join in. G. Barone: maintaining services, Dorset Park, the Dorset St. project, rec path. 4. Knowing the make-up of the current City Council, what strengths would you bring to the Board that will help the City Council do its work? D. Johnson: willingness to challenge, belief in open forum, the belief that citizens should feel comfortable coming to the Council. J. Fuller: meticulous preparation. J. Frank: Experience in practice of law, approach to problems with humility and civility. J. Dinklage: reputation as a concensus builder, attention to details. R. Kay: analytical skills, ability to find areas of agreement. D. Austin: Experience on Planning Commission and Zoning Board, especially on growth issues; experience as attorney and small business owner. L. Wrigley: dealing with the public G. Barone: Planning Commission experience, problem solving committees on the job. J. Zagursky: 32 years at IBM with executive management experience, skills of entrepreneurship in marketing/sales, experience on Chamber of Commerce Taxation Committee and on the Board of United Way. 5. All City issued annual entertainment and annual liquor permits have to be renewed in the next months. Are you comfortable dealing with any controversy that might arise? J. Fuller: No problem dealing with controversy, deal with it all the time. J. Frank: Dealt with controversy for 36 years. No problem. J. Dinklage: No conflict of interest problems. R. Kay: No problems. D. Austin: Commended the Council for its handling of past issues and said he had no problems with possible controversy. L. Wrigley: No problem, felt it important to act on what the public wants. G. Barone: Have done it on the Planning Commission, no problem. J. Zagursky: Comfortable dealing with controversy. D. Johnson: No problem, the law is the law. 6. Is it currently your intention to run for a Council seat in the May annual meeting? J. Frank: Don't know. Would depend on who is running and experience as an interim appointee. J. Dinklage: No. R. Kay: No. D. Austin: Yes. L. Wrigley: Yes. G. Barone: Yes. J. Zagursky: Yes. D. Johnson: Yes. J. Fuller: Yes. Mr. Cimonetti noted the City Manager would not participate in the Council's deliberating process as the Council is the employer of the City Manager. Mr. Flaherty noted so many communities are looking for people to participate, and South Burlington has so many qualified people willing to serve. Mr. Condos asked members how they would feel about being used individually for actions taken as a member of the Council: G. Barone: No problem. D. Johnson: No problem. R. Key: No problem. J. Fuller: No problem. L. Wrigley: Not afraid of it. J. Dinklage: This is a risk a public servant takes. D. Austin: Agreed with Mr. Dinklage. D. Zagursky: Also agreed. J. Frank: Assumed the city carries insurance. Mr. Chittenden noted the city has put adequate money into rec paths and asked if members would support an ordinance requiring people to ride bikes on the bike path instead of in the roads. J. Frank: Yes. J. Zagursky: Yes. D. Austin: Would want to know the reasons and the issues involved before making a decision. J. Dinklage: Support the citizens' rights to use both the path and roads. L. Wrigley: Felt education is the key. J. Fuller: Agreed with Mr. Wrigley. R. Kay: Would encourage use of bike paths. D. Johnson: Wouldn't support such an ordinance. Understand the need to use both roads and bike paths. G. Barone: Not sure she could support an ordinance but wished people would use the bike path for safety. 4. Update on Draft Regional Plan: Mr. Chittenden reported that since August the 5-year Regional Plan has been discussed. South Burlington is firm on the need for I-89 interchanges and growth centers. He has been maintaining the city's posture of local growth and the maintenance of the city's own infrastructure and felt the city should be able to get what it wants. Mr. Hafter noted it takes 60% of the membership to adopt the Regional Plan. Mr. Condos expressed concern that some towns and boards may be voting without complete information and felt it would be a good idea to send a letter to other selectboards and councils stating South Burlington's position. Mr. Cimonetti felt the Council should see the proposed Regional Plan first and felt both the Council and Planning Commission should review it. Mr. Hafter noted that more than 60% of housing growth in the last 5 years would not be possible under the Regional Plan as now proposed. He said he would like the Regional Plan to be based on the same kind of analysis South Burlington has done as to where growth is. They should also have an economist look at the plan to see what it means in terms of economics. 5. Appointment of Deputy Health Officer: Mr. Chittenden moved to appoint City Manager Charles Hafter to the 3-year term as Deputy Health Officer. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consideration of Temporary Appointment to Channel 17 Board: Mr. Cimonetti noted the City Manager is willing to serve for the 3-month period. Mr. Condos moved to appoint City Manager Charles Hafter to the Channel 17 Board for a 3-month period. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Review Planning Commission Agenda for 20 February and Zoning Board Agenda for 26 February: No issues were raised. 8. Minutes of 29 January: Mr. Condos moved to approve the Minutes of 29 January as written. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. Executive Session: Mr. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss appointments to the City Council and to resume regular session only to make such appointments and/or adjourn. Mr. Chittenden seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The City Council returned to executive session. The Council had decided not to make an appointment to the vacant Council seat due to the number of qualified candidates. Jim Condos moved adjournment. Bob Chittenden seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.