HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/19/1996CITY COUNCIL 19 AUGUST 1996 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 19 August 1996, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present: William Cimonetti, Chair; James Condos, David Austin, Terrence Sheahan Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Assistant City Manager, Wallace Possich, Fire Chief; Robert Wheel, Gary Rounds, Jim Robert, Fire Department; Peter Jacob, William Burgess, Water Commission; Sonny Audette, Street Dept; Moe Cloutier, Frank Mazur, Tim Barritt, David Duell, Wayne Misselbeck, Laura Austin 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to items on the Agenda): Mr. Duell spoke regarding repaving work being done on Proctor Avenue. He noted that in May neighbors had come to the Council seeking an agreement regarding the width of the street and the sidewalk and green belt. An agreement had been reached whereby the street would be 27 ft. wide. Mr. Duell said he thought there had also been an agreement regarding the green belt and sidewalk. Now they find that the greenbelt will be 6 ft. and the sidewalk 5 ft. This will take lawn space from residents, and Mr. Duell felt the idea had been to preserve lawns. He noted that Hadley road has only a 3 ft. green belt. Mr. Cimonetti noted that Hadley Rd. is also 30 ft. curb to curb. The concessions was to reduce Proctor Ave. to 27 ft. Mr. Hafter added that this is a public right-of- way, not private land. If there is ever a reason to widen the road, the land will be there to do it. Mr. Cimonetti said that the city normally doesn't put snow from the street and sidewalk into a 3 ft. greenbelt. Mr. Condos did not recall any agreement regarding the width of the greenbelt. He said he would like to see 5 or 6 feet widths in a lot more places. Mr. Audette said if the sidewalk were put 2 ft. from the curb, there would be problems such as those that occurred on East Terrace. Now there will be a gentle taper. In addition, some big trees, specifically a big evergreen, can be saved and put in the green belt. The hedge will be moved back so it is not over the sidewalk. Mr. Duell asked if residents can plant in the greenbelt. Mr. Hafter said it would have to be a very hardy species. Mr. Audette said if there are funds left, they will add some trees. On another issue, Mr. Duell thanked the City Council for giving $4000 to the Fire Department for the defibrilators. Mr. Condos noted that the State finished the Williston Rd. project this year but did not do enough reseeding, and the area looks very shoddy. He asked that the State be notified of this. 2. Announcements and City Manager's Report: Mr. Hafter reported the following: a. An error in the Burlington Free Press showed South Burlington with the highest tax rate. There will be a correction tomorrow. The error occurred because the Free Press did not take into account the 65% equalization. Mr. Cimonetti noted that the rates for other communities were also wrong. b. There will be a meeting of the Steering Committee on 19 September, at 7:30 p.m. The main item of discussion will be potential school sites. c. The VLCT Town Fair will be held October 10th in Barre. Mr. Hafter invited Council members to attend. d. The MPO will meet Wednesday at 2 p.m. in Shelburne. The main item is approval of the TIP with the commuter rail project in it. Mr. Hafter advised that he sent a letter to the MPO as the Council had requested. e. There will be 2 road projects on the next agenda: the I-89/Hinesburg Rd. interchange; and scoping on Kennedy Drive. Mr. Condos noted the Executive Board of the Solid Waste District will meet on Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. 3. Interviews for Appointments to City Boards and Commissions: Mr. Cimonetti reminded members that a decision had been made not to require incumbents seeking reappointment to be re-interviewed. The Planning Commission and Zoning Board are exceptions to this. a. Recreation Committee: The Council interviewed incumbent Tom Dunkley for reappointment. Mr. Dunkley said he has always been interested in recreation and reviewed the history of the committee. b. Library: The Council interviewed Laura Austin. Ms. Austin has been involved with libraries for 15 years and is currently a volunteer at the Orchard School Library. She felt it would be a good next step and a learning experience to serve on the Board. c. Red Rocks Park: Two incumbents are interested in reappointment. d. Recreation Path: Two incumbents are interested in reappointment. f. Correction Center Liaison Committee: The Council interviewed incumbent Maurice Cloutier and applicant Tim Barritt. Mr. Cloutier said he has been a member of the Committee since its inception and feels it is important for the Committee to continue to exist. He noted that inmate population is up over 200 again though they had been told it would go down. Mr. Sheahan asked if the state responds when issues are raised by the Committee. Mr. Cloutier felt they did and there was now a good relationship established. Mr. Barritt said he is the second closest northern neighbor to the Correction Center and felt the committee was important in educating people about the facility. He raised the question of Sheriff's Dept. people using the neighborhood for a shortcut. Mr. Condos felt that should be addressed as the neighborhood does not need the extra traffic. Mr. Hafter said more members are being sought for this committee. g. City Charter Committee: Incumbent Bob Irish is willing to serve again. There is one other vacancy as Fred Maher will not seek reappointment. h. Winooski Valley Park District: Incumbent Chris Cavin is willing to serve again. Mr. Cimonetti noted that two City Council appointments are still unfilled: the UVM Liaison and Channel 17 Board of Trustees. Mr. Sheahan said he would be interested in serving as UVM Liaison. There has been interest expressed by a citizen willing to serve as Solid Waste District Alternate member. Mr. Hafter has been serving in that capacity. If the Council doesn't feel a city member should be in that capacity, Mr. Hafter is willing to give up the position. 4. Discussion with Water Department Commissioners on Shelburne Road Improvement and City Charter Amendment: Mr. Jacob told members that when the water main is put in as part of the Shelburne Rd. project, it will be under one of the travelled lanes. Too much jarring could shatter it. The Department has been looking at running the main from Imperial Drive to the Shelburne Border before the contractor does Shelburne Rd. so it would be out of the roadway. They feel this can be done with no increase in water rates. They would like to get a bond issue on the November ballot. Mr. Hafter noted that this is what was done on Dorset St. Mr. Austin moved to direct the City Manager and South Burlington Water Commission to prepare the appropriate ballot item for relocation of the water main on Shelburne Road and that the item be brought to the City Council for approval. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Jacob then reviewed the history of the Water Dept. in South Burlington. He noted that CWD now does all the work of the Department, so the Commission doesn't really have a function. He felt it is time to change the Charter to turn the entire Water Department function over to the City Council. Mr. Cimonetti suggested a City Council member could be appointed to oversee the Department. Mr. Hafter will look into Charter requirements prior to sending the matter to the City Charter Committee. Members agreed. 5. First Reading of Amendments to the Zoning Regulations (Dorset View Protection Zone, Definitions of Hotel and Extended Stay Hotel, Conditional Uses in CD 3 Zone, Provisions of I-O District, Bartlett Bay WWTP and Front Yard Coverage Limitations); Set Date for Public Hearing: Mr. Hafter briefly reviewed and explained the proposed amendments. a. View Protection Zone: This does not change the views intended to be preserved. It only moves the baseline. Mr. Sheahan noted it keeps the intent of the zone. b. Hotels/Extended Stay Hotels: Extended stay hotels would be added as a conditional used in the CD 3 Zone. Mr. Hafter said he had concerns expressed to him that the wording may not accomplish what the Planning Commission intends it to. Mr. Austin noted that Extended Stay Hotels would be allowed in all districts, but in the CD-3 District, regular hotels would not be allowed. Mr. Condos expressed concern that this could lead to more things like Larkin Terrace on Shelburne Rd. Other members shared this concern. c. The Bartlett Bay Sewage Treatment Plant would be made part of a Municipal Zone. d. Front Yard Coverage Limitations would clarify what property is affected by front yard coverage requirements. Sidewalks would be allowed in front yard setbacks. e. Provisions in I-O District: This would make it clear that industrial uses are allowed in this district. Mr. Condos moved to waive reading of the proposed amendments, to approve the first reading and to schedule a public hearing on 23 September at which time the amendments would be reviewed as separate amendments. Mr. Austin seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Discussion of Status of Fire Department Tower Truck and Options: Chief Possich reported that the truck was tested on 2 August and failed the test. It has been out of service ever since. It could cost as much as $130,000 to repair. There are 2 options: repair or replace. Mr. Cimonetti noted that what stopped the test was a severe crack in the mounting supports. He asked what these are and whether there is a possibility of temporary repairs so the truck can be used. Chief Possich explained the function of the supports and noted one crack is 12 inches long and as much as 1/4 inch wide. It can be welded, but to do so, the boom portion would have to be completely torn apart. There is no guarantee as to how long repairs would hold. The frame is also cracked in 2 or 3 places and one of the elevator cylinders has to be replaced. In the last instance, if one cylinder is replaced, the other should be as well. He noted that the truck manufacturer has gone bankrupt and parts are almost impossible to get. Mr. Cimonetti said he is looking for some limited service till the right solution can be reached. He asked for a cost to repair for limited service. Mr. Condos said his concern is that if welding is done, the frame could snap the next time out. He questioned whether this would be a worthwhile expense. Mr. Sheahan also questioned throwing good money after bad and not dealing soon enough with the big problem. Firefighter Rounds noted that although they are now using mutual aid, there are times when mutual aid can't get there in good time. Aerial capacity is a must in a city like South Burlington. Mr. Duell felt the present truck has served its purpose. He didn't want to put the lives of firefighter in danger by doing partial/temporary repairs. Firefighters noted there is a lot of housing for the elderly in the city and it is not good to have them removed from buildings on ladders. The bucket is much safer. Mr. Sheahan asked how many buildings in the city can't be protected by the current tower truck's height. Firefighter Rounds said it is not only height that is an issue but reach capability as well. There are 43 commercial buildings plus two planned 4-story hotels that cannot be fully protected now. There are also a number of condo developments where reach is an issue. Mr. Cimonetti said that when the Department comes in with a recommendation for a replacement, he would like to see what it is capable of doing. Chief Possich noted that all 43 commercial buildings could be reached with a 95-100 ft. truck. There are some condos that couldn't be reached with even a 200 ft. piece of equipment. Firefighter Rounds noted that when they went down to Ocala to inspect the 2 new pumpers, they saw an E-1 truck that is very simple to operate. It is a 95 ft. platform truck that is easy to set up. Chief Possich estimated the cost at $600,000. A used one would be 10-15 years old for $300-400,000. The 75 ft. unit like the one the Department presently has is no longer made. Mr. Sheahan asked the life span of a truck. Chief Possich said about 20 years. He said he would recommend one coming off the line as a stock unit. Mr. Cimonetti said he would like to see competitive bidding and would also like to discuss the possibility of merged departments, joint ownership, and other options. Mr. Hafter said he would bring the Council up to date on that soon. Mr. Austin asked what the time for response from mutual aid is now. Firefighters estimated 10 minutes, if a unit is available in Burlington. Response time with a South Burlington unit is 4-5 minutes. 7. Request for Approval of Refunding Note and Resolution for Fire Station Doors: Mr. Hafter presented the note at 4.4% for the next year. He advised that the Department is saving about $5,000 annually in heat loss that no longer occurs. Mr. Condos moved that the Council sign the refunding note and resolution for $6.500 at 4.4% from the Chittenden Bank for Fire Station Doors. Mr. Austin seconded. Motion passed. 8. Request for Approval of Current Expense Note and Resolution for Reappraisal Funding: Ms. Strait said the note is at 4.2% for this year's work. Mr. Austin asked why it is being done through borrowing. Mr. Hafter said it wasn't budgeted for this year. Mr. Cimonetti said he had not been aware this was happening. Mr. Hafter said the Council did it to avoid raising the tax rate for reappraisal. Ms. Strait said they are borrowing $190,000 to be paid back over 6 years. Mr. Cimonetti said these payments could be included in future budgets. Ms. Strait and Mr. Hafter said that is what is intended. Mr. Condos moved to approve up to $90,000 at 4.2% and to sign the notes, resolution and non-arbitrage certificate. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Set Date for September City Council Meetings: Members agreed to meet on 9 and 23 September. 10. Review Minutes of 15 July and 5 August: Mr. Condos moved to approve the Minutes of 15 July as written. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Condos moved to approve the Minutes of 5 August as written. Mr. Austin seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Review Planning Commission Agenda for 20 August and Zoning Board Agenda for 26 August: Mr. Condos expressed concern with the proposed 4-story hotel on White Street as it is a very small piece of land. Mr. Sheahan agreed. 12. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. 13. Executive Session: Mr. Austin moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss appointments to committees and to resume regular session only to make such appointment and/or adjourn. Mr. Sheahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: Jim Condos moved and David Austin seconded the following appointments: The motion passed unanimously. Jim Condos moved adjournment. Terry Sheahan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.