HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 03/02/2022 NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE March 02, 2022 6:08pm Attending: Ashley Parker, Jean Sebastien-Chaulot (Chr), Larry Kupferman (Vice Chr), Katherine Boyk, Bill Wargo, Drew Shatzer, John Bossange, Lisa Yankowski Missing: David Crawford Public attendees: Roseanne Greco joined later in the meeting 1) Ashely reviewed virtual meeting protocol. 2) Additions, Deletions: Katherine mentioned an event at the library around land acknowledgement: We Are Still Here, March 15, 6-7pm. Father and son storytellers and musicians Joseph and Jesse Bruchac of the Nulhegan Abenaki Nation use drum, flute, rattle, and vocals to address the continued presence and vibrant cultural heritage of the Wabanaki Nations of Ndakinna. 3) No public comments 4) Meeting minutes from February 02. Larry moved to approved, John 2nd- approved. 5) Pesticide use in the city. a. Lisa told some of the history of businesses and the city committing to not using harmful chemical pesticides. Program started by group, Voice for Potash Brook Watershed. The group formed and had Act 250 party status when Lowe’s was looking to build in the south end. The storm water runoff plan was going to exacerbate pollution in Shelburne Bay and affect the beach at Red Rocks. VPBW also became involved with a campaign to get businesses and the city committed to less chemical pesticide & lawn care usage which would end up in Lake Champlain. b. John will check out state standards, Lisa will try and locate information from the Voice and update John. Larry is checking on Green Mountain Power & Velco- what herbicides do they use for vegetation control along power lines? 6) Open Space Plan- strategy for public participation a. Larry mention how there has been past work on open space plans. He and the work group feel we should get input from the other committees and work they have done. Ashley suggestions a hybrid meeting for the get-together. Anyone with input from the public should be allowed to participate. John feels virtual is too hard for brainstorming and perhaps we wait until we can physically meet. Katherine suggested a hybrid meeting and breakout groups for further discussions. b. Initial discussion should be on our goals and it is felt a facilitator would be beneficial, but may have to be hired. We would need a tech person for virtual. Ashley will check on the possibility of applying for a grant to do this and any other protocols we need to follow. We will to get a list of facilitators. Bill thinks we should invite Gail Albert & husband since they were involved with Shelburne’s Open Space Plan. Once plans are made we will contact the Other Paper and slowly introduce our goals and start getting others involved. c. Work group- Katherine has started creating an inventory of open spaces. - Lisa will work on the IZ (Interim Zoning) list. - Drew will work on a forest inventory. - Larry will review land use to identify past/ current working land. - Katherine will email what she has and look at water, (surface & aquifers), wildlife. d. On a side note: SB Land Trust really does not want to see a paved path across Hubbard Park which is currently proposed to connect bike paths and neighborhoods. No path is preferred by many. Or water pervious material used. Roseanne commented that if you don’t pave the environment will benefit. Ashley said this would change the purpose for purchasing the property. The material used will need to survive VT weather. Ashley hopes to get input from the Stormwater Dept. Many types of materials are being considered. 7) Tree Ordinance & the Emerald Ash Borer a. The city has a plan that was included in our information packets. Jean is concerned about the trees being removed even though new trees are being planted. Others have pushed to have inter-planting done in their neighborhoods to lessen impact, like Betty Milizia. The NRCC would like the city arborist- Craig Lambert to join us for a discussion. Questions that have arose: How do you regulate tree removal on private property. Larry pondered how relevant this would be in VT. How would you enforce any regulations? Developers tend to remove trees in new developments with some replacement after. Per Roseanne, developers do tend to remove the most trees. Perhaps permitting trees of value, larger trees could be beneficial to saving them. Who enforces the permit? 8) Member & staff reports a. Drew has been doing some tracking at the Hill Farm. Wildlife cameras have caught some wildlife. CCRPC (Chittenden County Regional Planning Committee) is helping in reaching out to low income home owners and promoting winterization programs to help home owners not waste energy heating homes. They are tracking thermal pathways around buildings and areas around Chittenden County. b. See Ashley’s report that was included with updates on work in the city parks. Larry moved to adjourn, Lisa 2nd 08:14pm NEXT MEETING IS WEDNESDAY APRIL 06,2022 6pm Future Agenda Items: - Pesticide/ herbicide use in the city. - Ashley is checking on getting a grant. - Hoping to get Craig Lambert to join us. - Need to reach out to Greg Renaldo, recommended by Roseanne - Work group will meet Thursday at the library 03/16 5pm - .