HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 01/05/2022 NATURAL RESOURCE & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes January 05, 2022 6 pm Attending: Ashley Parker, Larry Kupferman (Acting Chr), Katherine Boyk (remote), John Bossange, Lisa Yankowski, Drew Shatzer (remote) Missing: Jean Sebastien- Chaulot (Chr), Bill Wargo & David Crawford 1) Ashley reviewed emergency procedures. 2) 1 addition to the agenda by Drew Shatzer. 3) No public comments, nor attendees. 4) Adoption of minutes from December 01, 2021- John moved to adopt, Lisa 2nd. a. Approved unanimously. Addition to agenda: Drew referenced an email he had sent to committee members. He was asking for clarification on his lack of 100% participation due to schedule constraints and if he should step down. He attends the monthly meetings and possesses experience and knowledge that is valued & compliments the work we are doing. Every committee member has some constraint that prevents 100% participation on all our activities. Committee members participate where we can. Our experiences and knowledge is what makes this a cohesive group. Lisa questioned if David was still on the committee since we have heard not from him. Per Ashely, Jean is planning to contact him. We do not know if this has happened yet. 5) Open Space Outline a. An outline has been partially created. Larry reached out to Jessie Baker for the city’s intent. She has not replied yet. Ashley doesn’t think we will get much additional direction. We do not have a budget. If we need funding for any special project we should try and have it built in during budget talks. b. Lisa feels we have a good start on the outline and that we should use it to update the Open Space Plan from 2014. It is comprehensive but needs updating, “Why invent the wheel?” Katherine believes the city also wants us to consider acquisition and prioritizing properties identified by the IZ Committee. c. We need to begin prioritizing the identified properties, and we need the rest of the work group to get back from the holidays. 6) Topsoil Conservation a. This on Jean’s list. Many developers like to remove the good topsoil from sites and sell it. Is this being abused? Moving to the next meeting since Jean is not here. 7) Land acknowledgement discussion. a. Larry asked if we make specific recommendations for the city to incorporate land acknowledgement. Katherine feels we need more discussion. Lisa is indecisive- she gives thanks to the Earth’s energies/spirits not people. Ashley feels we need to see how the city is “feeling” on this. Katherine thought educating on some of the historical ways of taking care of the land might be good, Lisa liked that. We need to be careful and not “inflame” emotions. b. Moved to the next meeting when Jean is back for continued discussion. 8) Ash borer mitigation a. Moved to next agenda. We aren’t sure where Jean wants to go with this topic. New info for some of the committee members- the NRCC is the city’s tree board/ stewards. 9) Common Area for Dogs a. Justin Rabidoux was our city liaison. He is stepping down from his position as the head of the DPW. Holly Rees (Park & Recreation Dept) will be taking over as staff liaison. We have been approved for our permit to start in the spring on the new dog park at Wheeler. Some group members are a little apprehensive about the permit stipulations from the DRB so we were reviewed those parts. 10) Member & staff reports a. Chair- Larry remoted in, John & Lisa attended the public hearing on the proposed LDR changes 01/03/22. Still lots of public comments. Developers & large property owners are very vocal & concerned their rights are being eroded. Katherine asked if changes are still possible- yes since the city has not decided yet. There is another hearing Feb 7. b. Lisa mentioned she received papers from Gravel & Shea, about the Hill Farm (835 Hinesburg Rd). The developers are fighting the PROPOSED- NOT APPROVED YET- changes to the LDRs with the Superior Court Environmental Division. c. Climate Action Committee 1. Bill is not here but he did send the minutes from the last meeting. d. Staff reports- reference notes from Ashley for SB Parks and the notes from the CVCP e. Permits are pending for trail work in Red Rocks. The revised management plan is under review. Audubon may be able to get some funds for Wheeler. Invasive work will hopefully begin Feb/Mar done in zones. Hubbard is paused while new thoughts and ideas are worked on. Work cannot begin there until warmer weather. They are still looking at other possible surfaces for the path across the property- something that can hold up to VT climate. Larry asked about invasives along the tree lines. Both Wheeler & Hubbard have major herbaceous invasive issues that the areas really need to brush- hogged. It is too pervasive for hand picking. f. CVCP created great map that shows where conserved areas are. Duncan Murdoch, Intervale Foundation is hoping to get volunteer trail stewards for continued trail maintenance. We may want to try this in our parks. 11) Future agenda items a. Topsoil conservation b. Land acknowledgement c. Ash borer mitigation d. Committee members- Larry moved to adjourn, John 2nd 8pm NEXT MEETING IS WEDNESDAY FEBRURY 2, 2022 6PM