HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 12/01/2021 NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes Wednesday December 01, 2021 6pm Attending: Ashley Parker, Jean Sebastien-Chaulot (Chr), Larry Kupferman (Vice Chr), John Bossange, Lisa Yankowski & Bill Wargo. Attending remotely: Drew Shatzer & Katherine Boyk Missing: David Crawford Public attendees: Betty Milizia & a reporter for The Other Paper 1) Emergency procedures reviewed by Ashley. 2) No changes to the agenda. 3) Betty Milizia from the Common Area for Dogs committee wanted to update the NRCC about her group’s exploration into possible temporary sites allowing dog’s to be off leash. The dog park at Jaycee Park was shut down in 2017. There has been nothing else to replace it yet and there is great frustration by dog owners and the public over incidences involving dogs. 4) Adoption of minutes from 11/03/21- John motioned to adopt, Larry 2nd but abstained from voting since was not in attendance. Approved. I error in the spelling of Katherine’s first name. 5) Open Space Plan work group preliminary outline. a. Work in progress that raised questions about locations and information finding, defining. Betty brought up that some of the developers may be aware of archeological sensitive sites on properties around the city. (Ex: The O’Brien Bros had to modify the potential area for a dog park at their future Hillside Development sit e when a part of the site was found to have archeological significance.) b. John thinks we need better definitions. Jean feels we need to clearly define what constitutes an open space. Lisa has been looking at other open space plans from Shelburne, VT, Burlington, VT and Ludlow, MA. We are looking at their definitions, visions and goals. We want to further investigate Burlington’s Nature Based Climate Solutions (NBCS). Ashley said the IZ report already has definitions we should consider. c. Larry mentioned we should vote on the outline. Jean decided we want to have this done by July 1. Katherine believes a couple of people should begin flushing out definitions. Others can work on an inventory of the open spaces in SB. As small groups we will work on the Introduction, Vision/Goals & Inventory. We hope to draw others outside the NRCC in to offer input. John is checking in with the Land Trust. Ashley said they already have definitions on what they consider and open space. Lisa, Larry, Katherine & John will start working on this. 6) Topsoil conservation a. This discussion arose with a previous discussion around soil disturbance during construction projects. The question was asked, “What happens to the dirt the developer move on a site?” In many places any good top soil is stripped off, sold and replaced with less desirable. Lisa wondered if any rules/regulations exist to prevent this action in SB. Developers are required to mitigate runoff damage to surrounding properties. We feel we need to find before we react. Jean will reach out to Paul Conner, SB Planning 7) Acknowledgement of Native Tribe Lands a. Larry liked the statement, “I hope this clarifys……..” (ref email from Jens Hilke citing notes from Chief Stevens about land acknowledgement). Where would this fit into a city document? Would approval from the city be required? Jean feels we should add such a statement to the Open Space Plan. Katherine agrees, Lisa not so sure on this type of action. Ashley will send an inquiry to Jessie (City Manager). 8) South Burlington Land Trust update: John Bossange a. The city council is due to have a public hearing Jan 3, on the proposed LDR changes. The Land Trust group has been busy writing letters of support and suggestions they feel need to be considered that have not been. Jean believes we should maintain our presence and have a signed document to present as a committee. He will modify the letter we have presented to the Planning Commission at the 1st public hearing for Ashley to send in a packet. The NRCC needs to provide any feedback by 12/14. b. Lisa will try to be at the meeting to discuss our letter, Katherine & Drew will try to attend remotely so they can also comment. 9) Common Area for Dogs: Lisa Yankowski a. Betty who chairs the committee already added what the group has been considering. The new dog park proposed for Wheeler Park has been approved by the DRB. Construction should begin spring 2022. 10) Members & Staff reports a. Chair- nothing i. Reminder LDR & Conservation PUD city council public meeting is January 3, 2022. ii. VT Climate Council due to adopt Climate Action Plan. The SB Climate Action Committee has met. Bill W is the NRCC member to this group. They are just getting started. There needs to be open communication so actions & initiatives will be clearly understood and accepted by the various committees. b. Staff report- reference Ashley’s report. She covered some of the work that has been done and will be done at the city’s parks. Work has been done to update the Red Rocks Management Plan. She would like Lisa to take a look at it and provide feedback. 11) Future agenda items: a. Review 3rd meeting b. Open Space work group update c. Emerald Ash Borer & other invasive insects d. Equity & Inclusion e. Topsoil f. Report back from Katherine with answers to questions she has for Tom ( Storm Water Supervisor) 12) Next meeting is January 6, 2022 Thursday. Larry will chair. a. We decided Monday, after 1st of the month would work if we need an alternate date to meet. THINGS TO GET DONE Because of the upcoming holidays- the agenda for the January meeting needs to be in sooner. Open Space Work Group - SB Public Library- Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm 12/07, 12/14, 12/21 FEEDBACK DUE 12/14- committee document for presentation at the Jan 3 City Council review of the proposed changes to the LDR & Conservation PUDs