HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 10/06/2021NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes for Wednesday 10/06/2021 at 6:00 pm Attending: Ashley Parker, Larry Kupferman (Vice Chr), Jean Sebastien-Chaulot (Chr), Katherine Boyk, Bill Wargo, Lisa Yankowski, Drew Shatzer , Jon Bossange(virtual) Missing: David Crawford 1) Ashley reviewed emergency protocol. This meeting is hybrid- in person & remote. 2) No changes to the agenda. 3) No public attendees. 4) Minutes from 09/01/21- Larry moved to accept, Katherine 2nd. Approved with a couple of minor corrections. 5) City Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan. Refer to the memo from Justin Rabidoux (Director of Public works) to Jessie Baker, City Manager. a. The Emerald Ash Borer which came from Asia. South Burlington created a plan to handle the invasive due to all the ash trees planted along streets in developments throughout the city, (reference the letter from the city). The plan is due for re-approval to keep removing the ash trees and replacing them with alternatives from a list of other varieties. b. Larry was wondering about some of the tree varieties on the list that flower. Messy when they are done flowering. Thought Linden might a nice alternative suburban tree, he will mention this to Craig Lambert, the city arborist. Drew asked about a Plan B that would try treating trees instead of removal. There is no Plan B. The city does not want to treat the trees and run the risk of the poisons running into the lake. This fear includes the injectable treatments too. Lisa proposed harvesting saplings/seedlings from the forests in the city’s parks- save ourselves some money. The committee wants to make some suggestions to Craig. 6) Review planning & zoning memo regarding the NRCC ‘s request for an update on the O’Brien Development Project. The Planning Dept. will soon be finalizing PUD regulations as Interim Zoning ends. Reference the letter from Marla Keene, Development Review Planner. a. This project is 2 parts: Hillside, which has been under construction in several phases over several years, and the proposed Eastview Project, still being reviewed by the city. The developer has already received our observations and suggestions. It is expected the final plat application will incorporate many of these suggestions. b. Our current concern is a road marked for future commercial development and land for the commercial use that abuts a wood lot. Larry, John and Katherine want to walk the site. Ashley will make arrangements for Sunday 10/17. We need to review, in detail, the latest plans and if our suggestions are incorporated. c. We also want to check on the Eastview Plans vs the changes to the PUDs. Larry saw some changes that might allow encroachment into conserved areas. We want to review sections of the new regulations – concentrating on 15.C.05 &, 12.0 Restoration. We need to see what information we have saved to the NRCC Google drive on the city site. 7) Review and Discuss the Environmental Protection Standard & Conservation PUD Draft. a. The final public hearing is 10/26. We need to go over these again to see if we have any questions about any of the changes. b. Larry made a motion, 2nd by Katherine authorizing Jean to draft a statement for Ashley to pass to Paul Connor, City Planner. We want a statement for the public hearing on the review and proposed adoption of the new Environmental Protection Standards. Larry also sees the need to add to the regulations where the NRCC can recommend a technical review of any deviations into a conserved area or habitat block. A neutral source not hired by the developer. Someone who can evaluate the effects of the deviation on the habitat block. 8) Review Draft Open Space Project Fund (CIP). Refer to the Open Space Overview Summary provided in our information packets. a. Larry motioned to approve , Lisa 2nd. Approved unanimously. 9) Committee Work Plan & Annual Report. a. The annual report is past due. The NRCC Work Plan has been crafted and sent to Ashley for the city council. b. We need to still develop an Open Space Plan. Ashley suggested looking at the one developed by Shelburne as a guide to start ours. 10) Chair & Staff Reports a. No report from the chair. b. See Ashley’s staff report that was provided. c. Lisa Has a Common Area for Dogs meeting 10/12. Justin Rabidoux will be going before the DRB for the proposed dog park at Wheeler for approval. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS - Review the Environmental Protection Standards regarding Eastview - We have a project Marla wants us to review once she has sent the info to Ashley - Jean will get the Annual Report done and sent to Ashley - We need to compile our suggestions for Craig regarding the Ash Borer Plan - Develop an Open Space Plan The next meeting is NOVEMBER 03, 2021 at 6pm Katherine motioned to adjourn, Larry 2nd- adjourned 8pm EVENTS 10/19 NIGHT HIKE at HUBBARD PARK 6-7pm 10/23 RED ROCKS WALK with Ethan Tapper 10-12 10/26 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION STANDARDS FINAL PUBLIC COMMENTS City Hall 10/30 WEED WARRIORS AT CITY CENTER PARK 1-3 pm Future agenda items: Marla wants us to review a project next month. Ashley will forward the information when it is ready. Work group will work on our work plan i. Rabideau (DPW) was to have his crew build the park but has now come up with his own plan which is missing important elements the group wanted included in the design. Justin was to go to the DRB the week of 09/06. The Dog Park Group cancelled it until new decisions can be made. Ashley may have an early draft of the CIP she will forward to us. NEXT MEETING Wednesday 10/06 at 6pm Larry moved to adjourn, Katherine 2nd adjourned at 8:04pm EVENTS 09/18 8am-12pm Migratory Birds & Their Habitat, Nordic Farm in Charlotte, see birds up close and tour a newly restored habitat. 09/18 Land owner Workshop, free event with the Land Trust & Audubon VT -to educate land owners interested in possible protection/conservation management and how to go about it. 09/23 A Look at the Conceptual Vision for Underwood- the possibilities. City Hall Auditorium and available to attend virtually. 09/25 9amClimate Change Impacts in Field & Forest Hubbard Recreation & Natural Area (Underwood) Lead by Dr Annise Dobson, postdoctoral researcher, Yale School of Environment