HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 09/01/2021NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes for Wednesday 09/01/2021 at 6:00 pm Attending: Ashley Parker, Larry Kupferman (Vice Chr), Jean Sebastien-Chaulot (Chr), Katherine Boyk, Bill Wargo, Lisa Yankowski, Drew Shatzer (remoted in) Missing: John Bossange & David Crawford Public attendees: Paul Conner (City of SB), Michael Mittag, Sarah Dopp & Barb Sirvis 1) Ashley reviewed emergency protocol. This meeting is hybrid- in person & remote. 2) Moved the updates for the 4 For Four & CVCP until after the LDR discussion. 3) No comments from the public. 4) Minutes from 08/04/21- Larry moved to accept, Jean 2nd. Approved with a correction to Katherine’s last name. 5) Hybrid meeting options & processes in the new city hall for future NRCC Meetings- Jean wondered what happens if the weather is bad? What if the building is not accessible? a. a. Past meetings have been cancelled when the weather made travel dangerous. Sarah D questioned if meetings are required by state law to have a physical location. The pandemic created a state of emergency so committees were allowed to meet virtually instead of in person. These meetings need to be set up ahead to allow access to all. There needs to be a city rep on site at a meeting. What if that person is in quarantine? b. Ashley says these are questions that have been brought up already with city leadership and if meetings can be conducted as hybrid- live, onsite participation with others attending virtually. We are waiting to find out the answers 6) Paul Conner joined us and wanted to let us know the Planning Commission is busy revamping the Environmental Protections Standards & Conservation PUDs (Planned Unit Development). The sensitive areas were identified by the Interim Zoning Open Space Group. The proposed environmental protection standards are to help protect these areas. Public comments came during May with some being incorporated into the new proposals. The commission wants to have all the changes ready for consideration by the city council and in place before IZ is done in November 2021.) a. Larry asked how closely marked habitat blocks align with the ones identified by the group. The IZ group used various tools, maps & existing information to identify the areas. Arrowhead was hired to reevaluate the identified areas for contiguous forest blocks and what wildlife was using. The draft we are looking at for consideration reflects any incorporated public comments and the Arrowhead update. (Reference the document includes with the meeting information.) Just because a property is treed does not mean it is a habitat block. b. Larry & Jean each asked more specific questions about developing in identified habitat blocks. For properties that may have a large portion considered a habitat block- the new rules allow development on up to 30% of the parcel. The 30% cannot be transferred beyond the property. The exception is if in the SE Quadrant, if the parcel is mostly a habitat and an NRPD (Natural Resource Protection District) zone, no building, even with the 30% rule. The NRP protects the conserved area. There is considerable overlapping of habitat blocks and connectors to the blocks. These are evident when looking at specific city maps. PUDs are designed to help set rules for developing around the city and to help protect habitat blocks. PUDs are still being worked on. c. Katherine was curious what percentage of habitat blocks are publicly owned vs privately owned. And what is conserved already. Paul mentioned the interactive maps on the South Burlington City site people can look at the known/collected information. d. Michael Mittag wanted to add that the group looked at the 5oo yr flood zone to protect vs the general 100 yr flood zone. The area where a consensus could not be reached, resources in primary and secondary areas. These are not protected-agricultural soils, grasslands and farmland. Another area of contention was area outside the habitat boundary but still considered important to the habitat block. 7) 4 for Four update by Sarah D & Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership (CVCP) by Ashley P. a. The Land Trust was hoping to have a stand-alone vote before the end of IZ. Their goal was to highlight the need for protection of identified open space parcels and have the ability to ”front load” funds for saving these parcels from development. The City Council decides what goes before the voters. Consensus was- NO, to an October special vote. The Land Trust is looking at March 2022. The City council wants to look at other funding options and what the results would be. There may be better options for building the fund. b. Ashley would like to have the NRCC discuss how we can help to promote the CVCP and what they have been working on. How do they reach out to landowners in the 5 districts and promote the vision of the partnership to identify and conserve natural areas. 8) NRCC Annual Report & CIP request a. The annual reports and work plans for the city committees and departments will be due soon for presentation to the City Council. The NRCC needs to work on this. b. Capital Improvements Project (CIP) i. Ashley wants the NRCC to look at the possibility of allocating funds from the Open Space Fund to use towards funding other work that needs to be done around the city. (The Open Space Fund was designated for repair work in Red Rocks & Wheeler Parks and to develop and begin to implement that plan at Underwood.) 9) New city –wide Policy Priorities 7 strategies Process Planning i. Our new City Manager Jessie Baker, would like to see the city and committees work together to develop clear and intentional decisions about the policy priorities of the City and the implementation of the strategies to be used to achieve the vision. She sees a goal to build upon past models and plans to produce a city-wide work for the Council staff and commissions. (Refer to the letter and work sheet showing more details on how this plan can be developed.) ii. We, the NRCC, need to identify ideas we want to put forward for Jessie’s plan. This will become our work plan. Jean feels we need a work group to do this. The new group will be Jean, Katherine, Larry & Lisa. 10) Conservation Project Opportunities at the Goodrich Parcel a. Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership (CVCP) is looking at work being done at the Goodrich Parcel in South Burlington. Tom DiPietro, (SB Publicworks/Stormwater Superintendent) believes this parcel may be appropriate for wetland restoration. The Audubon Society would like to oversee habitat management for rare birds and removal of invasive species. The Winooski Park District would like to see a connection between paths on the parcel with the park district’s paths on the Muddy Brook Wetland Reserve. (Reference the information in our packet.) There are various grants and sources for funding for the projects and possibly for future maintenance. But the city needs to contribute as well. Per the CVCP: The SB NRCC Committee is being asked to consider providing a memo to the City Council that supports this restoration initiative at the Goodrich Parcel, including the use of City Open Space Project funds to make it happen. b. Larry moved to support, Katherine 2nd - unanimously approved. 11) Bill W will be the NRCC member on the City Council Task Force. a. Lisa nominated him, Larry 2nd- approved. 12) Members & Staff Reports a. No report from the chair. b. See the information included in our meeting information from Ashley. c. Lisa reported on activity with the Dog Park Group. i. The site was picked, design settled on, the land was okayed to be used on an environmental level. It just needed final approval with the DRB. Justin Rabideau (DPW) was to have his crew build the park but has now come up with his own plan which is missing important elements the group wanted included in the design. Justin was to go to the DRB the week of 09/06. The Dog Park Group cancelled it until new decisions can be made. Future agenda items: Marla wants us to review a project next month. Ashley will forward the information when it is ready. Work group will work on our work plan Ashley may have an early draft of the CIP she will forward to us. NEXT MEETING Wednesday 10/06 at 6pm Larry moved to adjourn, Katherine 2nd adjourned at 8:04pm EVENTS 09/18 8am-12pm Migratory Birds & Their Habitat, Nordic Farm in Charlotte, see birds up close and tour a newly restored habitat. 09/18 Land owner Workshop, free event with the Land Trust & Audubon VT -to educate land owners interested in possible protection/conservation management and how to go about it. 09/23 A Look at the Conceptual Vision for Underwood- the possibilities. City Hall Auditorium and available to attend virtually. 09/25 9amClimate Change Impacts in Field & Forest Hubbard Recreation & Natural Area (Underwood) Lead by Dr Annise Dobson, postdoctoral researcher, Yale School of Environment