HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/25/1995SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1995 This special City Council meeting was called to order by Jim Condos, Acting Chair, at 7:40 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all in attendance. Members Present: James Condos, Acting Chair; Michael Flaherty and David MacLaughlin Also Present: Elizabeth Robitaille, Lou Bresee, Lee Wrigley, Mary Hulette, Peter Yankowski, Larry Kupferman, Lois Nial, Daryl Meunier, Dale Kleppinger, Hank Lambert, Cindy Provost The main purpose of this meeting was to conduct interviews for the various City Boards and Commissions. The following citizens were interviewed by Council: Natural Resource Committee: Cindy Provost - Cindy is reapplying for a position on the Natural Resources Committee and expressed her enjoyment with her involvement on the committee. The committee has become more involved with different City happenings. She sees the funding for the Natural Resource Committee as adequate and the relationship with the Planning Commission as good. Cindy feels that if the small forest around the golf course is handled correctly the forest and the wild life will not be threatened. She will always want to see the natural areas stay as untouched as possible. Recreation Committee: Elizabeth Robitaille - Liz and her family have lived in South Burlington for 18 years. She expressed her sincere interest in recreation. Liz stated that she and her husband have spent much of their time participating in the City Recreation Department activities. She is very interested in seeing certain areas of recreation in the City expanded. Liz is a Physical Therapist and her interests have been with the elderly and especially in young people. Liz sees some playground equipment still unaccessible to the handicapped, particularly at Central School. She would like to see some programs expanded a little more, especially in the summer. This would give more support to working parents in the community. Liz feels that Dorset Park is beautiful and she is very excited about the ice rink. She really enjoyed the community-wide activities and sees a great deal of enthusiasm in the community when these activities take place. Liz encourages more of this type of community-wide activity. Recreation Path Committee: Lou Bressee - Lou has been a member of the committee for three (3) years and has a personal interest in cycling. He sees some unfinished business and has personal desire to see this unfinished business to completion. Lou, in answer to Dave MacLaughlin, explained that the committee thinks of themselves as a group with ideas and anything that is done that entails funding for over $1,000 needs the approval of Council. Jim Condos asked both applicants how they felt about bicyclists riding in the road along side of an established bike path. Lou explained that he believes a very serious cyclist who is travelling at high speeds causes a safety hazard on a bike path and should be using the highways. Other than those who are travelling at high rates of speed he encourages the use of bike paths. Lou would encourage that this issue be dealt with educationally and not legalistically. Lee Wrigley - Lou has lived in South Burlington for eight (8) years and is very active with the schools. His interest is in the outdoor activities. He worked on committees in Burlington dealing with city parks and playgrounds. Lee has already started proposing a new bike path by working with the Community Lutheran Church. It involves the land on the east side of the church. A land swap has already taken place in preparation of a new section of the path. Lee felt that all cyclists, through the use of public awareness, should be encouraged to use the bike paths if they are provided. South Burlington Library Board of Trustees: Mary Hulette - Mary first began serving on the Library Board in 1992 and last fall became the chairperson. She is very interested in continuing on with the board to see several projects finished that are presently unfinished. She is excited about the library being able to tie in to the construction at the school. There is a great deal of automation about to take place which Mary finds exciting. South Burlington Community Library is known for its great collection of books on tape. Various libraries have taken on independent responsibility and specialization and the various libraries are willing to share their strengths and resources. The funding for the library is done primarily by the Friends of the Library and memorial gifts. The weakest area in the library are the magazine subscriptions. The subscriptions have become extremely expensive, therefore, the supply is weak. Red Rocks Committee: Peter Yankowski - Peter has been with Red Rocks from the beginning and he sees Red Rocks with extreme potential and feels that the resources have not even begun to be tapped. The park is a real gem. It is very minimally used right now. Peter is always concerned about Red Rocks being polluted and encourages constant surveillance to prevent as much contamination as possible. Larry Kupferman - Larry is very pleased with the Red Rocks Committee and sees Red Rocks Park as an excellent facility. He enjoys the tie with a generation of South Burlington people who so actively made Red Rocks happen. Larry enjoys being a sounding board for the Rec. Department and appreciates the fact that the committee is a low key group with citizen participation and excellent direction from the Recreation Department. Larry would like to see more proactivity around maintaining the boundaries around the park. Leisure Arts Committee: Lois Nial - Lois has two children and has served on the Golf Course Financial Committee. Lois is very interested in a committee that provides activities for both children and adults. Northwest Regional Correctional Center Liaison: Daryl Meunier - Daryl was born and raised in the south end of Burlington, went to Champlain College and studied Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice and continued on at Castletonn College. He has worked in adult and juvenile correction facilities, moved on to head of security for IBM and managed 31 people. He moved back to this area about one year ago. After reading the City ads asking for community interest and participation on City Boards and Commissions he thought that with his experience and interests he would best serve this committee. South Burlington City Charter Committee: Dale Kleppinger - Dale has been with the committee for nearly 20 years. He has enjoyed participating in the committee and likes seeing the integrity of the document maintained. He sees the charter as the leader of the community. He does not see immediate and/or necessary changes and feels the committee needs to maintain the position of being reactive to the City's needs and a support group to the City Council especially when interpreting the charter. South Burlington Social Responsibility Committee: Hank Lambert - This is Hank's third time before City Council regarding reappointment to the Social Responsibility Committee. He is concerned that this committee has a very limited focus, and he feels that the committee should be expanding its mission. He sees it strictly as an allocation committee of $40,000 yearly and would like to see it's missions more meaningful to the community. Hank sees a real need to assess the needs of our city and to follow with assessment of resources (human and financial). Hank stated that he will be going back to the committee and suggest preparing a proposal of expanded purpose and present it to Council for their evaluations and opinions regarding the committee. Mr. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. MacLaughlin seconded. Motion passed. Mr. Hafter presented two (2) applications, both existing businesses are under new ownership. The first application is What's Your Beef being purchased by Hamm Limited, also owners of Dog Team Tavern in Middlebury. Mr Flaherty made a motion to approve a First Class Liquor License for What's Your Beef. Mr. MacLaughlin seconded this motion. The motion passed unanimously (3-0). Mr. Hafter presented the Seconded Class Liquor License for K&K Beverage. The application is complete. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to accept this application, Mr. MacLaughlin seconded this motion. The motion was passed unanimously (3-0). Mr. Flaherty moved adjournment, Mr. MacLaughlin seconded the motion. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.