HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/06/1994CITY COUNCIL 6 September 1994 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 6 September 1994, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present: William Cimonetti, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Robert Chittenden James Condos, David Maclaughlin Also Present: Charles Hafter, City Manager; Peg Strait, Asst. City Manager; Sonny Audette, Street Dept; Joe Weith, City Planner; Rick Poston, David Heleba, Shirley Adams, Dan Petherbridge, Paul Toomey, Tom Chittenden, Frank Mazur, Marcel Beaudin, Al Tremblay, Mark Crow, Kristina Bielenberg; Eve Thorsen, The Other Paper; Channel 17 1. Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to agenda items): No issues were raised. 2. Announcements & City Manager's Report: Mr. Cimonetti gave the City Manager the complete report of the 502 hearing on Shelburne Rd. Mr. Hafter announced the following meetings: a. Steering Committee, Thursday, 8 September, 7:30 p.m. b. Commuter Rail Committee, 13 September c. Golf Course Finance Committee, 13 September, 7 p.m. d. Exit 13 Study, public comment on plan, 3 October e. Lake Champlain Basin Program Committee, 5 October, all day Mr. Hafter reported on the following: a. The City has received the final ruling from the Supreme Court regarding the bike path condemnation process. The Court ruled in the city's favor. b. Mr. Hafter gave members the report of the Bike Path Patrol for the summer season. c. Mr. Hafter gave members the Police Annual Report. d. The following vacancies exist on city committees: Recreation Committee - 2 vacancies; Natural Resources Committee - 2 vacancies; Library Board of Trustees - 1 vacancy (in addition to the one being applied for tonight); Recreation Path Committee - 1 vacancy. e. The planning for the Community Halloween Party has begun by the Recreation Dept. f. The Fire Department open house will be held all day on 9 October. 3. Interview with Albert Tremblay for Reappointment to the Library Board of Trustees: Mr. Tremblay noted that the Board is now formulating its 5-year plan which includes automation as its number one component. Also included are adult reading space and an area for small children. He said he would like to see the good relationship between the city and the School Board continue and be strengthened. Members thanked Mr. Tremblay for his continued interest in serving. 4. Interview Paul Toomey for Appointment to South Burlington Economic Development Commission: Mr. Toomey said he has been a resident since 1986 and is concerned with developing a broad tax base. He would like to participate in bringing business into the city and felt the ideal was to bring in as many clean businesses as possible. Mr. Flaherty asked how Mr. Toomey felt this could happen. He felt the city should be "reasonable" to deal with for prospective businesses. Mr. Maclaughlin noted Mr. Toomey had been a member of the Downtown Burlington Development Board and asked what this had entailed. Mr. Toomey said he dealt with the 20% surtax and the affect it was having on business. He also compared downtown Burlington to other cities as far as the exodus from downtown is concerned and tried to come up with ways to stop it. He stressed the importance of the two cities getting along with and working with each other. 4. Second Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment to the 1991 Comprehensive Plan; Consideration of Adoption of Same: Mr. Weith said the change affects Map #8, land use, and the city's designation of the UVM-owned properties. The change is front Residential-Open Space to Public and Quasi-Public. The amendment is needed to make the document compatible with the Zoning Regulations adopted at the last meeting. Mr. Cimonetti suggested contacting UVM and proposing that their planning documents regarding South Burlington be incorporated into the city plan by reference. UVM has said they would be interested in that when they have a new plan completed. Mr. Cimonetti felt this would help answer a lot of questions regarding long- term intended use. Mr. Condos then moved to close the Public Hearing and adopt the proposed amendment as presented. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. First Reading of Amendment to the Sign Ordinance; Schedule Public Hearing: Mr. Weith said changes are based on recommendations of the Sign Ordinance Committee. He then outlined some of the major changes: a) Free Standing Signs: Properties with significant frontage could now have up to an 80 sq. ft. sign (based on a formula). For smaller lots, the maximum sign would be 32 sq. ft. Pre-existing, non-conforming signs cannot be altered without coming into compliance, except for routine maintenance. b) Directional Signs: These cannot exceed 3 sq. ft. c) Wall Signs: Wall signs will be allowed up to 5% of wall space. Service stations can divide space between building space and a structural canopy. d) Temporary Signs: These are now prohibited except inside windows where they cannot exceed 25% of a window. There is a 30 day time limit on them. Under the new regulations. There will be no time limit. Signs must be inside the window and can take up no more than 25% of the window. Rules will be the same for the whole city. Mr. Weith also noted the new definition of "lot" which will be the same as in the Zoning Regulations. Mr. Cimonetti noted all responsibility for the sign ordinance is with the City Council. Mr. Burgess noted the Planning Commission had reviewed the proposed changes and had no major items of contention. The question was raised as to how many places would be eligible for the 80 sq. ft. sign. This information will be available for the public hearing. Mr. Chittenden felt there should be no limit as to how much area is covered by a window sign. Mr. Weith said the 25% rule is to prevent visual clutter and for safety purposes. David White of the Sign Ordinance Committee felt the changes represented a fair compromise. Mr. Condos moved to schedule a public hearing for 7 November 1994. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Update on Solid Waste District Activities: Mr. Condos reported the following: a. The interim landfill has received in excess of 160,000 tons, and the District is applying for an increased area which would get them through till January or February. Design work on the transfer station is done, and there is a 3-year agreement with Randolph for use of that landfill. b. The Materials Recovery Station is up to 70 tons a day, exceeding expectations. The District is getting more from the tonnage than they are bringing in. From September, '93 to June 24, 1994, over 16,000 tons of recyclables have been handled. c. Household hazardous waste: The rover is the first of its kind east of the Mississippi. An outside firm said the District has the most cost efficient program in the country. There is no cost to the public. Over 500,000 pounds have been recycled since 1991. d. Drop Off Center: The building structure is up and the roof is on. The attendant's booth will be done this week as well as site work. Landscaping will be done in 2 weeks. e. Biosolids Plant: The solution to the odor problem has been found. Mr. Condos said that 32% of solid waste has been diverted from the landfill. Tipping fees have not been raised since the facility opened. 8. Consideration of Approval of Agreement with Massachusetts Foundation for Excellence in Marine & Polymer Sciences for Construction and Operation of Biological Ecosystem to Treat Wastewater at the Bartlett Bay Wastewater Facility: Mr. Flaherty noted there is interest in putting in an educational/conference center. Mr. Condos added there have been inquiries from a town in Quebec. Mr. Hafter said the City Attorney feels the agreement is in order. Mr. Flaherty moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. Mr. Maclaughlin seconded. Mr. Chittenden asked how many employees there will be. Mr. Hafter said 3-5, not at the city's expense. Mr. Condos noted the facility would add 10% to the capacity at Bartlett Bay's plant which would allow more development in the vicinity. Mr. Hafter said the city's only obligation is to get the sewage to the facility and to take the sludge away. There is no requirement for the city to do anything at the end of the contract. Mr. Flaherty felt this would be a good project for the city as it will bring people into the area to see the facility and would provide a chance to sell the area. Mr. Condos noted there is also a small savings to the city. Mr. Mazur felt it would be good to get this information to the public. There are lots of problems in the Bartlett Bay area that could be addressed by the project. Mr. Cimonetti said the company would be asked to have a public information meeting before construction. Mr. Maclaughlin noted two handwritten words on the contract and asked if they are part of the agreement. Mr. Hafter said they are and related to a situation with phosphorus. Mr. Maclaughlin noted the entrance road is in bad shape. Mr. Hafter said the company will build the road and parking. Mr. Chittenden objected to the things which he did not feel were spelled out adequately. In the vote that followed, the motion was passed 4-1. 9. Review Steering Committee Agenda and Minutes of 14 July: Mr. Chittenden was concerned that the Council didn't have a copy of the School Board's plan. Other members agreed. 10. Review City Council Minutes of 22 August: Mr. Condos moved to approve the Minutes of 22 August as written. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Sign Disbursement Orders: Disbursement Orders were signed. Executive Session: Mr. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss appointments to Boards and Commissions, litigation and real property acquisition and to resume regular session only to make appointments and/or adjourn. Mr. Condos seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session: The Council returned to regular session. David MacLaughlin moved the appointment of Paul Toomey to the Economic Development Committee. Bob Chittenden seconded. The motion passed unanimously. David MacLaughlin moved the appointment of Al Trembley to the Library Board of Trustees for a three-year term. Jim Condos seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mike Flaherty moved the appointment of Jessie Pecor to the Recreation Committee. Ms. Pecor had not accepted an invitation to interview with City Council. Jim Condos seconded. The motion failed 2-3. Mike Flaherty moved the appointment of Dick Leopold to the Recreation Committee. Mr. Leopold had not accepted an invitation to interview with City Council. Jim Condos seconded. The motion failed 2-3. Jim Condos moved adjournment. Bob Chittenden seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.